
falling victim to your fantasy


07-12-2014, 08:00 PM

The song had been amazing the other night. It was truly the greatest thing she's ever heard...and she felt so blushy as to hearing his voice. It was smooth, beautiful, professional. That man truly wasn't anything ordinary. But that being in a good saying the king was unique. Special. She couldn't help but wonder if he ever felt the same way toward her...or maybe it was just Wren and her habit to growing easily hot in the face by the slightest charm. Eh. He probably knew that by now. But they were friends as of now. Good friends. And she hoped these meetings would even continue after this unplanned one. Heh...Bass probably saw it coming.
Wren had taken a little nap in her tree den planted within the Lover's Mangrove. It was a pretty day- but she just felt a bit tired. Her neck wound from the latest spar with the purple queen also burned and stung-...but it was gradually healing. Really the babe should have visited Symphony or Novel to help it heal quicker. But more things were on her mind. Not as important as her wound...but Bass. Abaven.
Today the woman had planned to travel to the border again to see Bass. Well- the Hot Springs border. She didn't know what they would do, may it be singing, swimming, or just sitting and talking. Either way she wanted to see his face again. Those liquid gold eyes and that pretty little brown diamond painted neatly upon the top of his muzzle. After all, what would be friendship without tons of visits? The only thing she hoped wouldn't happen would be him getting a bit annoyed of her, or straight out saying no more visits because he is busy. The thought made the girl wince as she calmly squeezed from the warmth of her den, turning in the direction of the Hot Springs. Her inky black lips played a weak smile before she lowered down to stretch and shake her fur out. Then, she began to run, avoiding large roots and rocks that could possibly trip her. But after a few minutes she arrived at nearly the same place as last meeting. Tail waving in the air like an excited puppy, Wren would tip her head back and summon her friend from Abaven.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"



7 Years

07-12-2014, 09:42 PM

The call reached his ears, loud and clear for him to see. He knew that voice well, he had sung with her just the other night. She had invited him to stay within Ludicael, but he had turned it down. He had his pack to go back too, and he didn't want them to find his scent leading into his grandparents pack, not at least with a howl to announce it. He wasn't too far off from their joint border, the Monument Rapids ran right along the side of the Hot Springs that his grandparents owned. He had not gone far to rest, but just a few lopes within his own territory. So it only took him a few moments to reach Wren once more.

He grinned at his friend when he came into view, leaning forward and touching his nose to her creamy shoulder in greeting. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, stepping back onto his side of the invisible border line and falling onto his rump. They had been up for quite awhile, singing into the wee hours of the night. He chuckled softly, remembering how he had messed up the ending by breaking out in a yawn. It was rather hard though, being the Azat took a lot out of the young boy. Tilting his head he awaited Wren's answer, his pale appendage beating on the ground.

OOC : Gah, terrible post sorry. No muse left :c


07-26-2014, 03:51 PM

The creamy man arrived almost immediately after her smooth howl, summoning him to her. But before he halted to sit, he trotted up to her and leaned down to touch his nose to her shoulder. Inky black lips would squeeze together into a weak smile, her long, feathery tail offering the earth multiple pats of joy. Stirred dust rose up behind her like fog- but it was transparent to the young woman. After all, Bass was before her. A king, a friend. One who could definitely be at his pack instead of visiting her. "Did you sleep well?" His honey-like vocals cut off her thoughts and she quickly readjusted her focus. She lowered her appendage and curled it around her paws, before raising her chin and replying calmly.

"Yeah, but that song was stuck in my head." The babe joked, an inaudible chuckle following her sweet words. "But- not in a bad way. It was nice to hear a repeat of our voices..." Her weak smile would soften, before a loud song of birds from deeper into the springs exploded out from the trees. It wasn't anything to compliment, nor anything she'd like to hear. But she became curious. The woman twisted her head around and glanced toward the noise. Four or five birds flew out of the brushes and trees looking like they just experienced an earthquake. A fight, perhaps? Wren chuckled again, but a bit louder this time, before turning back to Bass and speaking, "Uh, anyways, did you sleep well?"

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"