
what a year & what a night


07-12-2014, 07:36 PM

Cador Adravendi was growing stronger - and he was beginning to live up to the name that he carried. He was larger now, having clearly undergone a growth spurt recently, and his legs were bulkier, with unfamiliar muscles developed during their desperate flight from Valhalla and the following days. He had been reluctant to leave his family at first, but now that he had left Valhalla for the first time, Cador was beginning to understand just how much more there was to Alacritia than he'd realized before. And so he'd wandered from his family's 'home' in the west and headed south. It was a new direction - a new adventure, per say. Exploration was something that Cador was coming to enjoy.

When the youngster found himself standing at the edge of a pack's territory, he came to a sudden stop, purple eyes widening a little. He had known, of course, that Valhalla was not the only pack to exist, but to stumble across another one was a new and exciting experience. To be fearful was not something that occurred to him - no, he was an Adravendi after all, and he carried the confidence that all Adravendis seemed to posses in Cador's experience. It was as of yet untested, and perhaps unearned, but he stood tall anyways. He would fill his fathers pawprints one day, of that Cador was certain. Like Leon, Cador would protect his sisters and mother, shielding them from the world if he had to.

Despite his big thoughts, he didn't let out more than a soft yip to announce his presence at the borders. Cador didn't want to catch the attention of an Alpha or anything - but any wolves in his immediate vicinity might here the soft noise that the almost yearling had made.


Mercy I


5 Years

07-12-2014, 08:02 PM

She was quite the explorer, her paws seemed to be taking her farther and farther away from the den. She left the Range completely this time, her already lanky body heading straight for the Fern Gulley. She knew all about the lands around Covari, her mommy and daddy had told her all about it, most likely in hopes that she wouldn't wander into unclaimed lands. So she skipped about, her wide purple eyes devouring the new lands. When she heard a little yip, Mercy's heart jumped in her chest. She sniffed the air like she was taught, but it didn't smell like home to her. The strange smelled different... and she wanted to touch it.

Dropping down into a very sloppy crouch, she stalked forward, imagining that she was a great hunter. Closer and closer she came to the brown pup, her eyes glittering as she hid herself in the tall grasses. The stalks bent around her, and her rump wiggled as she paused, super close to the stranger now. And then, pounce! Mercy pushed on her back legs and launched herself into the air, hoping to land on the intruder. "Roar!" She called, letting out a great big call like a wild cat. She had over shot her jump though, still not used to those already long legs of hers. Purple eyes grew wide as she flew over the stranger, her head tucking under her legs to gaze back at him in astonishment. Woah! That was sooo far!

Mercy tried to land on her paws, but she stumbled and rolled off into the bushes. Wild giggled could be heard as her pale head stuck right back out of her leafy prison, her jaws playfully snapping at the pup. "I almost ha' you!" She giggled, pulling herself to her paws and shaking all the leaves and dirt from her pristine white coat. Turning around she picked off the strays of her elegant long tail, swinging it happily behind her once it was all clean. Turning back to the pup, she noticed that he too, had purple eyes. "Woah!" She exclaimed, running forward and smooshing her face right up to the strangers so that they were almost forehead to forehead, unless he shied away. "You 'ave purple eyes just liek me!" Mercy called in glee, laughing once more as she pulled back and flopped onto her haunches. "I never meet someone wiff purple eyes liek, dats pretty cool."

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


07-24-2014, 07:35 AM

Cador hadn't missed the approach of the other pup - to be fair, her stalking had been very clumsy and she hadn't exactly been subtle about it. Still, Cador feigned ignorance, letting his amethyst gaze wander past the bent grass stalks to settle on an undetermined point on the horizon. There he remained for a few heartbeats, until the other pup pounced, letting out a little roar! like she was some great wild cat and leaping . . . straight over him?

Cador had to fight to keep his face straight and not let any laughter touch his features. "You almost got me," Cador agreed solemnly, only to jump a little as she raced right up to him, pressing her face against his to gaze into his eyes. She did have pretty eyes - purple, like his, like his mother's (he hadn't quite processed the gold ringing his mother's eyes just yet). "My ma has eyes like me," Cador nodded slightly, "Your eyes are nice." He tacked the last part on with a shy grin, not quite sure how to react to this rambunctious slightly younger pup. This was his first time really meeting someone outside of his family, and he had to admit that he kinda liked it.

The brown male slid onto his haunches as well, dropping onto his stomach mere moments later, looking thoughtfully up at the other pup. "My name's Cador Adravendi. What's yours?" Though he stumbled a bit over his last name, Cador still spoke it with pride. He didn't quite know what it meant to be an Adravendi yet, but he did know that it meant that he would be great one day - just like his father was.
