
Death is a quiet wave..

Reaper I


3 Years
10-04-2018, 05:25 PM
For the Navigation...and maybe fighting, but mostly navigation lol.

It was unusual to catch the brute moving his way through anything during the day, let alone a series of caves he hadn't quite explored yet. Things had been quiet, which was how he liked them, but there was a weird want to meet more wolves. So far the ones he had met had been pretty, but the desert woman shrugged him off too easily and Chroma had disappeared. What was a male to do? Still, the teen found he didn't truly mind being alone, he would much rather explore the caverns he had come to. While it was completely shrouded in darkness, Reaper would know to look for the light once he got into the thick of the darkness. He knew better than to lose sight of the entrance, the last time that had happened he ended up lost in a disorienting darkness.

Drops of water could be heard dripping into shallow pools on the ground, but there was enough of an echo in the caves to distribute the sound so that one couldn't tell where the water was. The tri-colored brute knew that he would find a puddle to step in or a rock to smash into eventually, and prepared for the events accordingly in his mind. This place was not for weak wolves, and only the strong would be able to meet him here if any came at all.

"Few words.", "Internal thoughts."
Reaper is only nice to the ones he claims as his own or allies, otherwise he is cruel and savage. Beware. This character comes with all the mature themes.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Reaper's profile!