
Fairy Dust



3 Years
Extra large
10-05-2018, 11:39 AM
Bright trees reflected the bright light of the full moon as the similarly colored she wolf slipped through the forest. The bark was in full shine as was Echevira, her cool blue colors blended with that of the moon. Her lavender eyes refracted the rays as she took in this special wood. Wondrous was her expression, though saddened that she might not have the opportunity to share it.

Gaios had left her after their journey into this strange land, she found herself alone for the first time since having been captured by the Abraxas. She couldn’t deny her affection for solitude these days, but she wished she might share the beautiful sights with him. He had turned into her hero, someone to look up to for taking her away from confinement. Of course, just looking at him always seemed to be a pleasure, he was quite easy on the eyes.

Her thoughts of him were disrupted and a soft gasp left her lips as the shrine appeared before her. Alabaster walls rose up to form the moon lit spectacle. She stopped, eyes wide as she took it all in. Fireflies danced around her and the magic seemed to take her. Vira became overwhelmed with the urge to dance. Her sleek body moved in time with her own beat as the midnight birds sang and her moondust coat reflected the light for which she was named.



3 Years
Dire wolf
10-07-2018, 02:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2018, 08:34 AM by Gaios.)

Gaios could not help but worry about Echevira in his absence. He had spent the last several days scouring the eastern and southern lands for any trace of her scent or talk of a pale, lilac-eyed wolf. At last he had picked up her trail, and was rather eager to be at her side once more. The young male had not thought twice about spiriting her away from captivity after finding her in the clutches of his grandfather's own empire. In the upheaval of Amon's violent take over it had been easy enough, but the Abraxas were not known to let any prize slip easily from their jaws. He would not be surprised if a small warband had been sent to tail them, although it was perhaps equally likely that she was simply assumed dead with many others who had attempted to fight in his grandfather's name.

He shook the unpleasant thoughts from his mind. Her scent was strong now, and he could smell no blood or sign that she had met company. Gaios knew that after being captured and supervised constantly, Vira enjoyed the time she had alone. He couldn't bring himself to infringe on that, even if he had hoped she might choose to continue traveling with him here as well... Well. For the time being, he just wanted to check in and make sure she was doing well.

When Gaios came upon her at last amidst a glowing moonlit forest, shifting and dancing alone save for the fireflies, he was momentarily transfixed. A smile grew slowly across his maw. Gaios cleared his throat gently, hoping he would not startle the beautiful shewolf, and that she would not be upset at his disturbing an obviously peaceful moment. "Could I join you?" he rumbled, voice deep and kind. He took a slow step forward, wondering if she might permit him. He was cautious always to avoid pressing her or taking choices from this woman who had been able to make so few for herself.

His breath caught. What sort of leader had his eldest brother grown into, he wondered? Gaios decided to squash that fear for the time being. Vira was safe as long as she was with him, and that would not change for as long as she chose to stay beside him. Whatever else happened, they would just have to take it in stride.

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!



3 Years
Extra large
10-12-2018, 08:18 AM
Her paws moved gracefully beneath her as the frogs and the crickets sung her a song. The beat was steady and her slip of a form wove perfectly through the thin trees near the shrine. Her fur was grabbed and flung by the breeze, and her features as care free as she felt. She wouldn’t think of her time spent as a captive in the Abraxas camp, and she could have heaved a sigh of relief that she did not have any pursuers. Her life had changed drastically with the appearance of Gaios, her savior. Had she been a lesser wolf, or bought into the belief that the Abraxas descendants really were gods, she might have considered his worship.

With her eyes half closed and her body swaying and moving unconsciously she’d find herself with an observer. The quick clearing of a throat, and the sudden appearance of lyrics in her song made her pace slow. Her brilliant lavender eyes found the pale from of her god, Gaios had found his way back to her side. Vira was able to hide the joy she felt at the sight of him. She knew she would never be able to repay him the kindness he had shown when he’d brought her from that place, and she tried not to embarrass herself into looking like a foolish puppy with a crush.

Without ceasing the gently sway of her body the moonlight she wolf glided across the glade to meet the man at the edge of the wood. Her lips turned up in a welcoming smile and she nodded enthusiastically. She turned around twice in beat with the wind in the trees and the owls in their branches.

”Of course, m’lord.” Her voice was sweet in the darkness, as she invited him out onto the dancefloor. ”I’d never thought you a dancer though.” She would whisper if he drew more near to her.



3 Years
Dire wolf
10-12-2018, 08:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2018, 08:34 AM by Gaios.)

Vira's visible delight at his arrival made something inside Gaios turn warm. His gentle smile widened a bit. She agreed readily to allow him into her quiet revelry but, ever observant, questioned whether or not he was much of a dancer. He scoffed, but couldn't disagree. "Truth be told, I've never tried. Perhaps you'll have to teach me." He moved forward, brushing against her flank before attempting to move alongside her.

The rhythm of the forest was palpable, but subtle. The wind sang through the trees, rattling branches and rustling the undergrowth as well. The moonlight gleamed amongst the trunks and seemed to bring the shrine to life. It was an intensely magical place, as far as he was concerned, and the young male felt something powerful coursing through the night. "How have the last few days been treating you?" He quietly inquired. "I'm afraid I did not accomplish nearly as much as I would have liked."

He still had yet to announce himself to his older brother, but somehow the anxiety of that task seemed lessened on a night like this. He could save his worries for the next day, when the sun had burned off the dew of this encounter. For the moment, he was content to lay his worries aside. He looked upwards at the dazzling array of stars that oversaw their meeting. They twinkled merrily, yet still seemed cold in the face of the warm summer air. Looking back to Vira he could not help but smile again. Perhaps the reason he was so drawn to her was the sense of peace she offered him, despite not really knowing exactly why he felt that way. He sidestepped, hoping to bump her shoulder with his own. Whatever the reason, he was grateful for her company.

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!



3 Years
Extra large
10-12-2018, 09:01 AM
The presence of the white streaked man was quick to appear at her side. Their voices were solemn in this hallowed place as their bodies began to intertwine in the shining moonlight. The corners of her lips remained upturned as he admitted to never having danced before. She couldn’t say the phrase surprised her. ”Then, I will.” Her voice was delicate on the wind, and she pressed back against his touch. ”Follow my lead, and don’t step on my paws.” She managed a wink of her amethyst gaze.

He seemed to catch on quickly, and soon he led her into conversation about their time apart. She grinned, showing her pearly teeth. ”I’m free, because of you. I couldn’t complain about anything.” She whirled away from him for a moment, feeling the crescendo of the forest. Echevira returned to him with a twirl. ”You’ve found me again, what else could matter right now?” She knew that he had greatness within his blood, and simply dancing the night away could not keep him complacent for long. She enjoyed their closeness though, and the intimacy of the moment.

She pushed her shoulder against his as the two of them reunited, and slowly circled under the moon. The brightness of the stars, and the fireflies all around them lit up her eyes as she gazed into his. She felt her heartbeat increase, and her breath growing short though it was not because of their dance.



3 Years
Dire wolf
10-24-2018, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2018, 04:49 PM by Gaios.)

Vira offered to lead and Gaios fell in step. As always, Amon's voice lingered in the back of his mind. He knew precisely how his father would feel about such an arrangement, knew in his bones that such an open and honest interaction with a mortal was nigh taboo. Vira had been a slave, the lowest of the low. Breeding chattel. Property. Gaios had defied his kin and their laws to spirit her away and now he meant to prance about beside her in the moonlight. He fought to keep his hackles from rising, though his skin crawled and foretold an imminent attack. His logical mind knew that they were safe in that moment, but his two years of conditioning made a powerful argument to the contrary.

Still, he danced beside this ethereal fae in the moonlight. This place was otherworldly in its own right. He felt in some ways that he had stepped out of this reality and into a different life entirely. One where the Abraxas did not exist, where he and Echevira were merely two young wolves enjoying one another's company. Perhaps it was not so evil of him to indulge in that, if only for a night. "Freedom is only an illusion," he said, voice solemn. Gaios realized that he ought to try for a more jovial tone, but he refused to be dishonest. Not with her. "Besides, you are more free than I am, in this moment." And it was true. Gaios had obligations. A family, one with expectations. Vira could disappear into the ether and never be heard from again. Gaios' legacy and the deeds of his kin would follow him for a lifetime.

”You’ve found me again, what else could matter right now?” Vira argued, and he would admit that she had a point. Perhaps it was true. In this moment alone, they were not beleaguered by their pasts. He could force himself to live in the moment, for now. Gaios laughed. It was a warm and gentle sound. He refused to think of how his father would disapprove. "You're right, as always. I will always try to find you again, as long as you want me around." And it was true. He had seen a plethora of slaves when returning to the Abraxas homeland at Amon's side. Plenty, but only one had caught his eye. One which had possessed a spirit that demanded freedom, and he had been helpless but to comply. "I think I will have to venture south, soon. You're welcome to come along, if you'd like. Or I will find you again once I return." Gaios was hesitant to enforce his will on her, as always. Vira had had too many choices taken from her so far, he was loath to add to the list. He hoped she would want to stay by his side, largely because he knew he would be able to protect her in that case, but he refused to force her. These were not his amends to make, but it would not keep him from trying.

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!



3 Years
Extra large
10-24-2018, 05:04 PM
Vira could feel it in his stiff movements and the way he spoke that Gaios was weighted down by the world. She did her best to relieve such a burden, to have him focus on her and the beauty of the night. His ghosts always seemed to follow him. ”I’ll always find you.” Her teeth glinted in the moonlight as she flashed him a smile at the words. She’d take him at his promise, but she had little intention of letting him lose her again.

She continued to dance to the beat of the forest, coercing his movements to the tune of her own song. She didn’t want to think of what was or what was to be, she wanted his whole attention here and now. He wasn’t about to relax though, not that she could blame him. Echevira found herself looking over her shoulder too many times since she’d escaped her captors. Relaxing was night impossible now that she knew first hand what slavery was.

”Of course I’ll come with you. Nothing holds me here, I’d prefer to be in your presence than wander these strange lands on my own.” She had to admit as she performed another whirling twirl away from him. She stopped, her breath coming in gasps from the effort now. She loved that he valued her making her own choices, but she really didn’t wish him to leave her again.



3 Years
Dire wolf
11-01-2018, 07:25 AM

It was not the first time Gaios had marveled at moonlight-and-shadow fae, though usually she was going about her everyday business. He would find himself staring and have to shake himself back to focus, berating himself for zoning out for no good reason. This, however. This felt like a good reason. Watching the ethereal shewolf twist through the night in this strange, beautiful place seemed like a fine reason to him.

She was quick to assert that she would come along with him. The thought filled him with a warm flush of pleasure, tinged with the usual dose of worry. Gaios knew he couldn't protect her from everything, but it hadn't stopped him from trying yet. "I would prefer that too," he murmured through a smile. "I'm excited to show you my homeland. There are so many beautiful places I think you'll enjoy." They could explore the wildberry grove, or fish at the falls. Or perhaps they could venture into the far south, to the bay and it's tropical waters, and laze about in the warm sea.

But for now they were dancing, and Gaios decided that he didn't much want to distract himself with possibilities for even a moment longer, at least for this evening. He was enjoying himself, and Vira was worth his undivided attention. Nothing else really mattered until the sun rose again to shepherd them into another day. So he fought to stay in step with her, perhaps even a bit surprised by the exertion it required. He did what he could to hide his labored breathing, but eventually he was overcome with breathless laughter. Gaios decided he needed to dance with her far more often.

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!



3 Years
Extra large
11-03-2018, 09:07 AM
The moon dusted woman couldn't detect the worry that lingered in Gaios' mind. He sounded genuine in his acceptance of her company and she felt herself smile and flush. The dim moonlight kept the redness of her cheeks from showing through. He might have been worried about keeping her safe but she felt like she could take care of herself. She may have been a captive most of her life but that didn't mean she hadn't picked up on a few things. Tongues were looser when the ones around you weren't worth much more than the dirt they rested on. Though she'd only mock sparred with her fellow walking-wombs she had a confidence in her that surpassed much experience. 

She took up her complicated step once again, vaguely remembering her mother teaching her as a small pup. Much of the memories of the she wolf were gone from her now, but those steps were of muscle memory. Vira felt like she might never forget that lesson. Her eyes lit up as Gaios continued to follow her lead, she smile playfully as her breath continued to come with more difficulty. Her partner would feel the same strain but she couldn't bring herself to stop. 

"I'd like to see them all," She answered his offer to show her the land he had been born to. "You know I haven't been able to travel near as much as you have in my life, I'm looking forward to the adventure." She'd continue breathlessly as she danced on.



3 Years
Dire wolf
11-26-2018, 09:35 AM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2018, 09:36 AM by Gaios.)

As a pup, Gaios never imagined he would be in a place like this, dancing under the moonlight with a beautiful fae. He was undeniably glad to have her with him, despite the risks it posed. But no one knew, and no one had to know. Either way, he knew he would protect her if the need ever arose. She was keen for the adventure, she said, and Gaios was unsurprised. Despite her early life Vira had a headstrong and vivacious nature. He thirst to make the best of whatever life remained to her was inspiring in its own way. "Adventure is never in short supply here," he replied with a laugh. "You may come to regret that wish. Did I ever tell you the story of my older brother and cousins exploring a beach and getting attacked by mutant crabs?" He laughed, despite his breathlessness. There always seemed to be some sort of trouble to find in Auster, and of course Boreas too. Part of what kept life interesting, he supposed.

Eventually his steps slowed. Vira had out danced him thoroughly, but for his first try hopefully he wasn't half bad. He had half a mind to suggest dance lessons to Malleus as a form of training to keep warriors nimble and light on their paws. Something worth consideration, perhaps. "You've gone and tired me out, I think. What do you say we bed down for the night? We still have a long way to go tomorrow, barring shit weather." He turned his head upwards towards the cloudless sky. He knew that often perfectly clear skies meant large weather systems were pushing in behind them, but not always. They would have to wait and see. He would be lying if he said the thought of a long day curled under the roots of a tree with Echevira by his side wasn't appealing in it's own way, but they did have to keep moving.

He looked back to smile softly at her. The moon light made her look more blue and silver than white and slate, like some sort of fairy creature or spirit. Coupled with the glowing trees and stones around them, it was an otherworldly sight. He felt fairly certain he would dream of running beside silver, shimmering wolves that night. His body ached, and his mind felt fuzzy with want for sleep.

OOC: I'm the worst. Do we want to end it here? Maybe start up a new thread of a rainy day at a makeshift den or maybe some puddlejumping? My heart wants it.

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!



3 Years
Extra large
11-27-2018, 08:12 PM
Vira had been young when she’d been taken in to the Abraxas pack with the intention of her becoming an incubator. One that produced perfect little demigods to offer to the fallen god. She had grown up with that destiny drilled into her head. Now that she had freedom to choose for herself she couldn’t ever go back. She wasn’t sure if she could believe Gaios about the mutant crabs but she believed him on everything else. He had said he was going to spirit her away and he had. Soon enough though he’d mention how tired he was.

She couldn’t deny she felt the same. Maybe dancing her heart out under the moonlight had only been half a good idea. They had a long way to go. She nodded, feeling the night’s exertions pounding on her chest. She breathed hard as her feet came to stop. She saw him looking at her and couldn’t admit to not enjoying the way his eyes rolled over her body. She’d always enjoyed the way he looked at her, from the moment they had ‘met.’ She managed a breathy chuckle. ”Yeah, time for a rest.” A day of travel and night of dancing had readied her for a nice sleep.