
They Killed The Poet


07-12-2014, 05:29 PM

The beast of white and salmon marched up the hills, easily reaching the crest of them with his slender, long legs. The lanky male stood atop one now, his ruby eyes scanning the land below. He was looking for one being and one alone, the only babe that ever had his full attention. He had eyes only for her ebony coat, draped in gold to make her look like the queen she was. It had been a few days since they last parted, and he craved her. He could almost taste her sweet scent upon his tongue, his ebony nose twitching to pick up her perfume. That was all he could think about these days, was her. She danced upon his mind with visions of bloodshed and battles, of a true queen sitting on the Olympus throne once more. Its not like he didn't care too much for Virgil - but she was not Chryseis. It was about time for the throne to fall on a member of Olympus with the so called 'curse', the lower bloodlines. He himself was considered to be cursed among his brethren, although his parents pleaded with him to forget about it. But he could not, the gods gave him this curse for a reason.

When he did not pick up her beautiful form among the hills, the brute tipped back his crown and let his song grace the air. He called out for Chryseis and her alone, his body trembled at the thought of her luscious form. As his deep baritone howl ended, he leveled his head and resumed looking for his ebon temptress. He had faith that she would come, because she always would. If not, Apollo would simply head off to find her. He had her scent wrapped around his brain, he could swear that he smelled it within his dreams. A light huff left his maw, his alabaster tail curling around his pink tinted paws. He would wait until the ends of the earth for her.

Was Apollo in love with the damsel? Perhaps... It was more of an obsession and a fascination with the lady, that and she had the most wonderful hips. That was defiantly a very big bonus point. But she excited him with more than ust her body, but with her ideas as well. No one had dared try for the throne of Olympus, not for a long time. But to be of the lesser bloodline and fight for it? Well, an uprising was certainly long over due. He also had an obsession of finding out what the gods intended him to do, why they gave him this Albino coat. Was it to be different, even in a higher blood line? Was he destined to help darling Chryseis rise above? Maybe, but only time could tell.


07-12-2014, 07:43 PM

She missed him. Even though only a few days had passed, it felt like eternity since she had been in his embrace. They had parted ways so that he could return to Olympus and she has remained behind, prowling the lands for information. The temptress ached for his touch, to be blanketed by his warmth again. Hips swayed as she walked, a small smirk playing on her lips as she recalled the first night they had met. His legs wrapped around her hips, his nips along her scruff, a ripple of pleasure rolled down her spine. Audits twitched as a howl captured her attention. It took no time for her to recognize the caller. She would pick up an easy trot, her perpetual smirk extending into a twisted grin. She could practically taste his cologne on her tongue before she even arrived.

The land would slowly shift into rolling hills. Her gaze would lift, finding his pale form perched at the top of one, sitting like a king. Delicate stilts carried her with easy elegance up to his side. She would rumble with appreciation as she aimed to drag herself along his side. "Miss me already?" The dark queen would purr, bat her lashes at him. She would reach upward, tongue lashing out against his throat. Her lithe body remained pressed against him, claiming him as her own.

The woman never experienced love outside of that for her family. All she knew was her infatuation with the pale man. "Sitting above everything suites you." Words fed his ego as the woman planned to keep him beside her till the end. There was no explanation for why she had taken such a liking to the man, or why he was so willing to follow her. Her plans entailed the deepest of betrayals against those who were considered to be family, and yet he had stood beside her, willing to do her bidding no matter the cost. Had things gotten so bad that he craved a revolution?



07-12-2014, 09:14 PM

The man did not had to wait long until he saw her alluring form come into view. A lopsided grin made its way onto his face, watching as her elegant legs picked their way up the hill he was on. She rumbled a greeting, and he replied in turn, the sound vibrating in his throat. She was quite the exquisite damsel, causing him to growl in pleasure as she rubbed her form against his. He already wanted to sink is fangs into her scruff and claim her all over again. Her scent tantalized him, its distinct aroma wafting around him and dancing through his nostrils. "Of course I missed you, you fascinate me through and through. Do you know how unbelievably bewitching you are? I can spot you from afar, like my own glittering star." He rumbled, his lyrical tone falling smoothly from his black lips.

She raked her soft tongue against his throat, another needy growl slipping into the air around them. She was teasing him with her flesh, and he was finding it hard to resist her curvy bodice. "You taunt me my queen, the more you lean, the more I want to careen," he said, pausing as he placed his pink hued tail along her backside, "right in between." He flashed her a toothy grin, leaning forward as he not-so softly nibbled on her scruff. She was a temptress, a class-A seductress. And he was all his. No other male would be able to lay a paw on her without him ripping it from their bodies.

As she spoke about him looking good sitting above anything, he chuckled softly, lifting a paw and letting his nails run through her coal-coloured fur. He chuffed at her as he roughly poked his nose at his shoulder. Apollo cared for his dame very much, but he was a rough and passionate lover. He didn't really know how to be gentle, it simply wasn't in his nature. "It looks even better with you by my side, you are certainly my perfect bride. You were meant to be a queen my dear, and your time to rule is near." His words were spoken into her ear in a hash whisper, his lustful wants for her growing with each passing moment.


07-12-2014, 10:08 PM

His growl vibrated against her pleasantly, bringing a knowing smile to her face. She knew exactly what she did to him. His whimsical words amused her, a soft chuckle rolling off her tongue. His tail would rest lightly above her hips, his words taunting her with devilish promises. He leaned towards her, nipping roughly at her scruff. A pleasurable growl reverberated in her throat before she returned his rough kisses along his throat, teasing the tender flesh, threatening to break it and spill his precious blood. It was out of the corner of her eye that she watched his paw lift, claws tangling in her fur. He had not been quite so rough before, but he had not been entirely gentle. She would not deny that she enjoyed his rough affections and had no problem returning them.

"All in due time. I will watch them burn Lips curled only to reveal the tips of ivory daggers. Her gaze narrowed upon him, cyan orbs dancing with lust for power and him. His hard breath tickled her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. "Did you call me here to flatter me or...?" She allowed her voice to trail off suggestively, a brow lifting ever so slightly. Desire curled in her belly, clawing its way through her entire body. She would tuck her head under his chin, grinding her body against his chest as she moved away from him, looking mildly amused.



07-13-2014, 12:21 AM

Even her laugh seemed to drive his lust for her, every time she opened her mouth, he just wanted to devour her. Her deep lustful growl would only drive him further up the wall, his whole body shaking as he attempted to control craving towards her sweet bodice. He eyed her every curve, his salmon eyes consuming her very being as her hard nips fell on his neck. A louder growl sounded as he showed his teeth, his remaining paws digging into the earth as he tangled her fur. He wanted to cover her body with his massive one, to thrust himself against those luscious hips. With every move she made he was being more rough as his need for her spilled over, his albino body yearning for her ebon and gold one. He wanted to drape over her and taste her flesh, to tantalize and tease her.

She told him that she would watch them burn, making a wicked grin dance upon his lips. "I will set the world on fire for you, as their blood will spew. I will crush all who oppose my lady, every wolf who is shady. I will be your Hades, I will be you brigades. Will you be my sweet Persephone unshackled? Together we will leave the world embattled." Ending his rhythmic speech, he aimed to drag his teeth down the length of her leg, teasing her with the harsh, yet hair raising movement. He didn't want to speak of politics anymore, he just simply wanted her.

She spoke again, trailing off as she asked him why he had called her here. Why in fact? Because he felt her absence when she was gone, something that had not happened once in his life before. Yes, he had missed his family when he had left, but he did not feel that craving ache like he did when she was gone. Admitting this was not something that was easy for Apollo, he had never before relayed on another being. He was used to being alone, for being shunned because of his cursed albino coat. His was drawn away from his thoughts as she posed her head under his neck, another growl rumbling in his throat. Chryseies' body grinded against him, driving him over the edge when she walked away from him.

Apollo rose to his paws, stalking over to her and easily standing over her form, lowering his head to growl in her ear. "Do you truly want to know why I crave this seductive body of yours?" He asked simply. Pushing his body closer to hers, he let out yet another rumbling growl, his whole body shaking on top of hers.


07-13-2014, 06:07 PM

His body vibrated beside her, as though he was unable to control himself around her. A growl would reverberate in his chest, pale lips lifting to reveal ivory daggers. He would speak, rhymes falling off his tongue causing a wicked smile to curl her features. "I can be anything you want baby." His fangs would scrape down her leg, so her muzzle would lower beside his ear as she spoke. He was right, together they would bring Olympus to their knees and was them burn until there was nothing left of them.

As she moved away from him, he would growl but follow nonetheless. When she came to a stop, he would tower over her, his body heat blanketing her. His muzzle would find its way to her ear, breathing tickle the sensitive skin. He would press against her, lips curling to reveal the tips of fangs. "Yes." The single word rolled off her tongue breathlessly as she arched against him, pressing herself closer, if it was even possible.

Teasing him, she would slip away, leaving his grasp, forcing him to either stay or follow. A dark smile lifted her lips, tail flicked back and forth behind her, hips swaying at she moved. No. This time she would not be so easy. The temptress began to turn their meeting into a game, taunting the man to the point of breaking. She would peer briefly over at him before turning away. Paws pressed against the earth, a gentle breeze playing with her dark pelt. Amusement colored her features, unable to help herself. She would draw out her game for as long as possible, intending to watch his control crumble and resolve break.



07-13-2014, 11:55 PM

This woman was infuriating. She kept moving away from him, making him lose a bit more control each time. He could feel the beast wiggle in his belly, craving for her fresh against his. Plus she kept rubbing up, and then moving away. His lady was a damn cat, and he was driving her mental. Again he followed her, a more guttural growl rumbling in his chest. He felt the need for her twist and curl around him, tightening like a constricting snake. He wanted to clamp his jaws down on her gold kissed scruff, making her stay in that position as he ravaged her body. But no, she moved about. She breathlessly told him that she wanted to know why he craved her so. Apollo wasn't sure that he could even speak straight, he was going crazy for her form.

"I can't get you off my mind, without you by my side I feel blind. Your hips scream at me when you sway, I can hardly hold myself at bay." He barked harshly, sweet words spoken with rough tones. He tried to close the distance between them, growling again as he nipped along her rump. "If you don't let me have you soon, I will not be a croon. I need to have you now, or must we do this dancing bow?" He asked, nibbling his way up her delicate spine. Oh how badly he needed her, but his little damsel wished to play games. Fine, she could play all she would like. But when he did finally snap, he would not be a gentle
lover like he had been before. No, he was growing more and more animistic now, and the more she danced away from his long, lanky legs, the rougher he would get.

Apollo rumbled and growled more, teasing her flesh with his teeth and tongue. If she was going to play with him, than he was going to play with her too. His teeth picked their way through her fur, his bites getting harsher as he went along. Not enough yet to draw blood, but it was getting there. He needed her, craved her. Her very scent drove him crazy, it coiled ever tighter around him.


07-27-2014, 09:19 PM

A guttural growl would reach her ears and she couldn't help but smirk. She was driving him mad and she knew it. Hips swayed with vicious intent, her tail curling delicately around her hips. His words were harsh, as though he could barely put his thoughts together, his words were sweet, but tones were rough with desire. She would allow him to close the gap between them, nips falling across her rump with tantalizing force. His question would pull a soft chuckle from her lips, not only was he requesting permission but threatening her, all in the same sentence. His nips would travel up her spine, sending a shiver through her. Each nip landed harder and harder, threatening to break her skin. But she was a vain woman, no scar would mar her flesh. So without warning, she would pivot, attempting to send her front end in a quarter circle or until she collided with him. Jaws would part, aiming to snap at his throat. Not with any dangerous force, but hopefully with enough to startle him. A growl would reverberate in her throat, hackles bristling lightly along her spine. Lips curled into a devious smile, fangs standing out against her dark pelt. "Are you going to keep a lady waiting?" A brow would lift, her expression dark and sultry. She quivered with desire, her control beginning to fray and disappear. She would press against him, leaning her weight against him heavily.
