
yellow flicker beat


10-08-2018, 09:50 PM

fireflies were something fascinating. he could appreciate the little balls of light. for a while, he thought to adopt one. make it his own. sorta like a pet. but he knew they didn't really listen; they were bugs. totally different than other things that followed a wolf around. he wasn't saying fireflies weren't intelligent but insects seemed to be a bit... primitive? less thinky, more doing. you couldn't really have a conversation with one, that's all he was getting at. and it wasn't from lack of trying either. maybe he wasn't doing it right.

as Puck stared at the darkened sky full of them by this lake, he smiled quietly. a pretty sight to be sure. sure wish he had someone to spend it with. as far as he knew, the young man was alone. the scents of many wolves that passed through here? totally stale. with a sigh, he lowered himself to the ground. a wistful sigh, not a boring ass one full of self-misery. that he could do without. nah, he was just tired. walking around for a few days with no end in sight. he knew others lived here now; he wasn't egotistical and thought he was the only one.

but what would he even do here? there were packs, chalked to the brim with wolves. he didn't exactly want to join any of them. he didn't know enough to commit himself. maybe he'd get bored of this land, this Ardent, and leave eventually. nothing was tying him to this place. but then again, he didn't exactly give it a chance. his options all open to him... such freedom it held. though for now, he was going to keep to himself and avoid trouble if possible. no need to start shit over nothing. especially when he had nothing. a wide yawn escaped his jaws and he lowered his head to the floor. options, options. choices, choices. it was making him weary.

usually, he had a plan by now. some goal in mind. something to do. but it was also late at night; plans could come during dreams. for now, he was content to simply wander and sleep under the open sky. let fate come from him soon enough. he could wait. he was a patient guy.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'



7 Years
10-08-2018, 10:44 PM


Birds seemed to be his life's bane. From the overweight flufferbutt that Vail carted around, to the tiny little speck of dust that Shaye called friend. It seemed that all the ladies in his life had a pet featherduster of some kind. He couldn’t escape them. In fact, the sister of the woman he was courting had leant him her little shrieker for the day. The owner of that bird also happened to be his Alpha. So who was he to say no?

The creature, a little blue treeswallow she called Feather, was suppose to be showing him the location of the herds outside of Abaven. Shaye had, as she put it ‘done all the hard work’ Solor just needed to catch up and pull his weight. The hunter moved with a sigh through the lands in the East. They were only going to firefly lake today, which stood just on the other side of Abaven’s border.

Things were going great, until the little creature flew too high into the trees, and with a cry of surprise, his wings had gotten caught in the web of a spider. Try as he might, he couldn’t quite get an angle to see up there properly, and he definitely wasn’t certain how to climb the tree and cut it down. He was pacing back and forth in worry and agitation, just on the outskirt of the lake, and only a few steps from the tree. He couldn’t show his face in Abaven again if he got the Alpha’s pet eaten! it was getting late, the sky darkening, and still he couldn't figure out what to do. The bird was quite in its trap, and he worried for it.


10-08-2018, 10:55 PM

angry - or perhaps agitated - squawking caused his eyes to snap open. he bit back a sigh, a more irritated more than needed, and rose to his paws. he knew, just knew, he couldn't begin to sleep with all that chirping. and here he had gone and gotten the perfect spot to settle in for the night. it was downright pretty, y'know. fireflies all fluttering about above him with their little light show... oh well. it sounded like someone needed some help. he was never one to turn from that. not even if they weren't a wolf. he had that "all creatures were equal" crap going for him.

"aw, shit" Puck stifled his yawn as he saw the pacing form of another man. was it too much to ask for a pretty lady in this gorgeous scenery? nah, it had to be a guy. he wasn't even attractive to the young man. boo. still, though he was within sight of the other. the guy could very well turn around and spot him, then what? he could turn right around and leave? hah, that was a bullshit move. "so, a bird gets caught in a spider web. that's a new one" he added, coming closer. his multi-colored gaze lifted itself to the tree. "whelpity whelp... can't exactly ignore the yappy thing." he told himself mostly as his gaze drifted down to the older man.

"need an assist?" he asked, knowing full well the other couldn't exactly refuse his help. looked to be in a pretty good bind himself. the bird must be very important, or just an important dinner. Puck could appreciate both of those things.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'



7 Years
10-08-2018, 11:01 PM


Just when he had decided his best move was to suck in his pride and get help from the pack, a stranger would make an appearance. He glanced over at the white male, who stood in stark contrast to the darker-coated Solor. His eyes where a duo of colors, to Solors single, delicate blues.

Solor placed his weight heavily on his arrow-marked leg as he turned swiftly, eyes looking upwards to the tree. “Well, you see, that bird there happens to be a companion to the sister of my lady-love. Complicated sounding, I know, but I can’t leave it there.” he explained in an exasperated sigh. “I haven’t the faintest idea how to get it down, please tell me you have a suggestion?” he raised a white brow at the stranger. He hadn’t even introduced himself. His manners, normally flawless, where lacking today it seemed. The gentleman was lost in his stress of the situation.

He craned his neck, walking under the tree, to get a glimpse of the delicate little bird, with his bright blue feathers, and frantic cries. He was surprised they hadn’t attracked a bird of prey by now. No point thinking about trouble, least it arrive. He shook out the thought with a grimace.


10-09-2018, 01:40 AM

Puck knew from experience that things weren't always what they seemed. this totally normal looking man before him could be someone important. or maybe they were just a run of the mill type. either way, he, again, couldn't turn a blind eye to assist another. maybe he could be rewarded for his good deed. maybe not. there was always the chance someone could owe him a favor down the line, and this guy was as good a candidate as anyone. he felt himself tilt his head at the other's explanation, adding to the fact the guy confirmed it was complicated, and let out a 'humm' of expression. "so the gal you're wooing... this is her sister's pet" it was simple enough, frankly. he could have just said 'acquaintance' too but yeah.

the young man looked back up to the tree and where the web was. and the frantic bird, of course, that had disturbed him. another tilt of the head and another hum were echoed. he appeared to be in thought. but suddenly he stretched downward, planting his front paws in an elegant reach before he stood. then he did the same to his back legs, standing on his tippity tiptoes. after that was all gone, he paced forward to the base of the tree. "weeeeell. the fastest thing to do would climb up there, eh? and seeing as I'm lighter than ya, I guess I have a better chance" he chuckled at his little joke. the guy wasn't fat but boy, the height difference would add a few extra pounds. Puck wasn't going to thump against the tree in hopes of something dislodging. like the bird.

it could also alert predators with the tremors. bringing unwanted attention to themselves, and he didn't know if he could count on the other for help in that area, in the process. yep, a climb was better than nothing. they could use a stick if that didn't help, but he'd rather not hope they didn't hit the bird. if it was important to some lady, then he'd do his best not to hurt it. "oh right" he added, shooting his gaze back to the stranger "I can't fly, y'know, so if I fall... I'm landing on you. no pressure to catch me or nothin'!" he barked laughter before sizing up his jump.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'