
Sadness of the heart


10-08-2018, 10:54 PM


The young girl had found her way back to firefly lake, but her sister wasn’t there. No doubt Vela had gone off in search of Lyrae when she had accidentally wandered away. Now she was in a little bit of a mess. She wasn’t a great hunter, and had never been alone before in all her life. Her bright personality had dimmed with worry, and she sighed into her brightly coloured pelt like a brilliant-toned bird trying to hide in the simple colors of the earth. Dull and dreary didn’t suit her, but it was hard to find happiness without Vela.

Her sister was her whole world, all the family she knew, all the love and company she needed. She tilted her head over the water, the trickles of morning light behind her alumintated her reflection, and the lilac feather twined into her coat that symbolised her sister seemed to sway gently in the breeze. The darked feather was for her mother, a woman who passed not long after she was born.

Her heart ached and her stomach growled. The fireflies of the lake where absent and quite, chased away by the beginnings of the day. She let her head roll gently upwards, her maw tipping open, and a soft, sad howl would escape her lips. It didn’t escape her notice, the irony of it. Her sister had come here in their first day on these lands, Lyrae at her side. She had stood near the water, and howled to the stars.

Art by Sigath


10-09-2018, 01:51 AM

it wasn't every day he seemed to go back to the same place. after his stunt at the lake where he helped some dude detangle a bird, he had wandered a bit away. his paws, however, itched to return. but to be frank, it was a very peaceful little slice of heaven. quiet and rather lonesome. not really for him. it was far from pack land to his knowledge, and that suited him just fine, however. no need to rush into getting into trouble. he could take his damn time with that. Puck wasn't even sure if he was going to remain in this land. it held nothing for him aside from a quick stop on a larger journey.

a journey, by the way, that he had no idea if there was even an end. chased away by his half-brother, his mother murdered and his father who knows where... he was pretty much on his own since the age of a year old. taking from the packs in other realms was a means to survive. he wouldn't say he didn't trust them but he didn't trust politics. it wasn't people. it was the power that turned them bad. so far he hadn't met many wolves here. a few here and there that didn't quite try to recruit him. a few others he could guess to avoid. that was the thing; he hated not knowing how he stood. he knew many were loners but just as many were pack members.

so far no one had really crossed him. that was perfectly fine with the young man. he preferred not to start trouble if he could avoid it entirely. but he wasn't exactly against a little fun. he just knew to be cautious sometimes. but with women? that wasn't the case. ahead he spotted a sight that wasn't peculiar. a person alone. a woman alone. but not exactly a woman, though. she had the look of a youth and that made him hesitate. again, that caution. again, holding himself back. it wasn't until she lifted her head and let out a mournful howl that he walked forward. already in the area, so why not enjoy his company? "a pretty lil thing like ya... such a shame to be so sad. a right crime, actually" he went on dramatically with a little sigh "do I need to beat the hell outta someone to get you to smile, or would you prefer something else, m'lady?"

he went into a deep flourishing bow, hoping his flamboyance would at least bring some sort of cheerfulness.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'