
Unpredictability {Joining}


07-12-2014, 12:38 AM

Dark blood stained paws would step towards lands that smelled of a reign supreme. Aqua gaze cold and sharp, senses alert for the approach of anyone nearby. Fur was risen along his back, tail curled dominantly against his haunches as he stood tall. A sneer constantly plastered on the brutes face. Who would he meet today? Would it be one of superior intellect? A bloodthirsty heathen such as he? Or a band of misfit softies whom he could easily tear apart like those he had during the war? He would only find out in time, though he hoped it wasn't such a waste like Glaciem had once been. The place he had once sworn fealty, only to watch if fall. One reason he had left without a word after his murderous deed. The beast would stop a few feet from the border, calling sharply into the sky, stance relaxed yet prepared in the event of a random onslaught. The man was always so well prepared, for anything. It was fun, to do unto others the nasty things he had already done. To spill blood upon his tongue and pool it onto the ground...he so dearly hoped this pack wasn't spineless. And so he would wait, the heathen preparing for a life of ecstasy in hell.



07-13-2014, 11:23 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? she is devoured by incandescent moonlight as she weaves between looming vegetation, its pallor casting the faintest { and most enigmatic } gleam upon her pallid coat --- a ghoulish specter in her own right, haunting her forest of eerie grandeur in sheer silence. the domineering summons for her own presence provokes the dutiful inclination she has developed during her short reign as tyrant, and the elysius deity regards his call with the brief swivel of her pierced ear and the immediate propulsion towards the call?s epicenter, robust appendages upholding her with the elegant { and swift } gait of a queen whilst she maneuvers. the silver and violet prisms of glowering eyes reflects his behemoth form as the paladin materializes from her crypt, pupils meticulously scrutinizing every inch of his impressive musculature ----- methodically. he is lavished in RED and the queen immediately finds herself enraptured; surely he b e l o n g s beneath her reign in hades? underworld. ?greater men have fallen at your paws, have they not?? her smooth vocals are drenched in silk, carefully chosen with the incent to C H A R M; and yet, the phantom does not doubt her assumption is correct. ?artemis elysius, elysium tyrant,? she introduces, corrupted visage retaining its typical apathetic guise as she halts before her borders, mismatched gaze fixated upon his own cerulean. ?-- and to what do i owe this pleasure??
[ hover for text. ]


07-19-2014, 05:03 PM

The beast would not have to wait long, for it was soon his nose scented the approach of one familiar to him. His scarred muzzle lifted, aqua gaze staring at her bi-colored optics as she halted and spoke. A smirk would lift his scarred lips as he bared his fangs in a dark grin. "So you remember? I have defeated a few of our enemies during the war. And quite savagely I might add." His sneer would grow ever wider, teeth flashing in the gloom as his pelt rippled with the strength he exuded. Her words are silken, and he himself would use the same amount of charm. His words dripping with Sin. "Yes, I remember you. I am Jet, and simply that. I've cast off my surname...for it once linked me to the weaklings whom I murdered years ago." A cold chuckle emanated between parted jaws, muscles and body rippling with his cold desires. "It is nice to know someone such as yourself has managed to attain a throne...I too seek to do the same, and rent asunder all of my enemies." He stared at her from beneath the shadows that cast about him, making him appear as an ominous entity. The final question of the babe bringing his smile ever wider. "Why, I seek to join your ranks."
