
Ignition - Fýri recruiting



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-09-2018, 11:21 PM

Occasionally Ignatius would feel a stab of guilt as he went about his business, exploring as much of Boreas as quickly as he could. There were times where he'd feel overwhelmed by his memories, crushed by the responsibility he'd decided to put himself ever since he first began his journey here. He wanted- no, he needed to avenge his sister. Princely position be damned, Ignatius never wanted the title to begin with. All he wanted was to ensure his baby sister could sleep peacefully in death, and to create a safer future for himself and Sephira. He owed Avis that much. It was his fault she'd died in the first place.

No matter what anyone said, Ignatius knew there were some painful truths that couldn't just be glossed over with a paltry 'Don't beat yourself up' or the even more pathetic 'There's no way you could have known'. Fact was, he'd known. Deep down from the very beginning it had been obvious that his older brother from whom Ignatius had taken the title of Prince and Heir to the throne was capable of terrible things. Scoffing under his breath, Ig shook his head. If his childhood couldn't have clued him into the danger that lay ill-concealed right beside him, perhaps the rising suspicions Sephira had voiced about Kirsi ought to have done it. The frosty ground crunched beneath his weight as his scarred paws hit it rhythmically. His breath was just visible as he crossed the barren landscape, a singular glowing figure in a vast open space.

He'd heard the call of another not long ago and it had set the gears in Ignatius' mind that he had been keeping in place for weeks spinning before he could stop them. Since coming to Boreas, through his talks with Sephira and his quiet musings alone, it had become apparent that they had some very specific needs that could only be met if he went through with this. It hadn't taken long to craft a few ideas and give himself a rough idea of what he'd do. The real struggle was convincing himself to actually suck it up and do it. In fact, it took him an hour of sitting in the dark before he at last hauled himself up and began the journey here as the first rays of sunlight crested the horizon.

Upon arrival, Ignatius took the time to find a good spot on the only small mound of dirt in the area that didn't immediately make him think it might be a grave. Once he had his spot, he took some steadying breaths and loosed a howl before he could second guess himself. It called for those who wanted a home. Those who were ready to build something great; a place they belonged.

Letting just anyone in wasn't really an option, even in the beginning, but he also couldn't be horribly picky yet. After much consideration and many attempts to think of a way that wouldn't involve him in a position of leadership - the Sephi option had been considered for only a few seconds and he was still haunted by the memory - Ignatius had come to accept that this was the only way. He couldn't guarantee their safety if they lived alone, and living in a pack ruled by others? Well, it took a special sort of self-centered wolf to endanger innocents. Running his own pack, that would afford him what he and his sister needed. Those who joined would know what they were getting into. Maybe not in detail to begin with, but in time he hoped to build something great with pack members who knew him for what he was and chose him. That seemed possible here. Here he could lead as Ignatius Agnivo, and it would mean nothing at first. He could escape the shadow of Mars and live in his own way. It was exciting and terrifying all at once.




3 Years
Extra large
11-12-2018, 03:31 PM

Sephira came running at the first notes of her brother's howl. Hearing it had sent a jolt through her body, both exciting and surprising the fiery femme. Her large paws thudded in quick succession and she made her way over the plains of the battlefield until she caught sight of Ig's telltale pelt, an ember glowing in the distance. She came upon him with a wide grin. "Well, well! Look at this." She had urged him to push into the future instead of wading forever through the past, but this was still unexpected. "Do my ears deceive me? Or am I really here to report for duty?" Her grin spread impossibly wider.

If Ig really did want a pack of his own, Seph was proud to stand beside him. Despite his occasional propensity for doom and gloom, between the two of them there was no question about who was better predisposed for leadership. Her tail wagged proudly over her back as she pranced up, aiming to give Ignatius a hearty headbutt before settling down next to him. "Don't fret, Iggy. This'll be a good thing. What could possibly go wrong?" Excitement thrummed through her. Who would appear, she wondered? What would they be like?

She hoped they could tolerate a healthy level of bullshit, at the very least. She bit her tongue to keep these ramblings inside, for once cautious of the first impression she would make on anyone who heeded Ig's call. So she sat and shuffled her paws instead, eager in a way that usually implied disaster. She would be able to rein it in, for at least a day or two... Probably.



11-16-2018, 06:00 PM
She wasnt [i] following [\i] him persay, she just happened to be going in that direction, and would occasionally catch a scent or two of him. They had had a wonderful time, and it had been very nice to spend time with another wolf again. Not to mention the hunt they had taken on together had been a success. After that, her belly had been full for days. His kindest was hard to forget, when the innocent girl was finding the world to be harsher then she had ever expected.

She had list faith in her sister, and that was one of the harshest truths of all. Now, she didn't know where to call home. She didnt know where to go or what she was suppose to do with her life.

When she heard the call of that familiar wolf, the sweet Ignatius, her ears perked right up. Was he... calling for wolves looking for a home? Could it really be that simple? More then a little surprised, but suddenly a it elated the girl would pick up her pace. She would arrive at the place he had chosen for his recruitment with a wag of her tail. She paused for half a second when she saw his beautiful sister who had struck her as a strange wolf. But that hesitation was so slight as to almost not exist at all. She bounded forward with a delighted grin. "Iggy!" She said in greeting, nodding to his sister as well. "Oh, do you have need of an astronomer? Or, er.." he ready knew her hunting skills where lacking. What kind of ranks did he plan to have?



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-16-2018, 07:36 PM

Loyal, that was a good word to describe this sister of his who promptly appeared not long after he'd called out.
To call her reliable was a bit of a stretch. She could be relied upon to be chaotic and predictable, but not much else. That is, not much else with the exception of being dependable at least for Ignatius.

Casting a weary gaze Seph's way as she came to stand near him, he shook his head and laughed. "I'm not sure if that was meant to instill any confidence, but, it didn't." he moved to bump her shoulder gently, silently appreciating her presence. Crazy as she was, Seph was still the best sister he could've ever asked for and it meant a lot to have her here with him through everything and to know that she'd never once wavered in her decision to stick by him through thick and thin. "I think you're right though. This could be really good. I just hope I'm not going to put others in harms way if worst comes to worse..." True to form, Ig was still agonizing over the worrisome "what ifs".

When a familiar voice shouted to him, his reaction was a mix of happiness and a look that almost mirrored physical pain at the nickname. So, others were gonna pick that one too... Fantastic. He recovered swiftly, however, and beamed at the star-clad woman who came racing over. "Lyrae!" there was warmth in his eyes as as she spoke excitedly. Canting his head for a moment, Ignatius considered the question. One ear to the side, another falling back in his typical thoughtful expression. "Well," he began, slowly, "I don't know that I'd thought of astronomer specifically, though it is an interesting idea that might fit in with what I have in mind... Perhaps it would fall in well with the scouts?"

Shaking his head, he collected his thoughts and continued, "I believe it'd be best to begin with that the pack I'm making will be like, though, and I can describe to you the ranks I've thought up, how the advancements work, all that delightfully interesting stuff. To start, I'm calling it Fýri. It means fire, which I thought was rather appropriate. And it comes from the language my mother spoke. Like the name, the pack will have customs and inspirations from the two very different cultures of our parents," he glanced at Sephira, knowing this was the first time she'd be hearing of it and honestly hoping that she'd like it. Ignatius had bitter feelings about his father and the southern lands in particular, but he still wouldn't erase it and there were some things he did like and wished to take and make his own. "I'll try to keep things brief. Essentially, we will have the usual ranks to start with; hunter, healer, fighter, scout, and even crafters. Once someone has worked hard, established a good reputation within the pack and proven themselves skilled, they will be able to pick a specialty rank. A scout may choose to become someone who specifically focuses on border security, a fighter might choose to become an assassin or a gladiator skilled in combat, or a healer may decide that they prefer to heal those injured in battle."

"My rules are simple: as the alpha - formally known as the Konungr - I expect those in the pack to listen to me. I will always strive to make the best choices for the pack, and in turn ask for cooperation. I also expect promptness to meetings, self sufficiency, and for all those who chose to join to strive to create bonds and a community within Fýri. All those who do their part, respect the morals of myself and the pack, and give their best to each other will be welcomed into the ranks like family. Does that sound like a pack you would like to be a part of?"



11-16-2018, 09:18 PM
He called out her name to return the greeting, and she could see the smile in his eyes. Her tail gave another happy wag behind her, and she settled in before him. She treated the call almost like a pack meeting, which she supposed it was in a way. She had only a vague idea on how one was suppose to act in a pack, and did her best to be polite.

He did not immediately dismiss her suggestion, but he did point out there was no specific role for her suggestion. She opened her mouth to speak, then realised he had a lot yet to say, and let it slip closed again. She curled her tail around her paws and leaned back slightly, getting comfortable as she listened to him. As one who always loved the telling and speaking of stories, she was more then happy to sit quietly and listen. Her habit of collecting tales also ensured her memory keeping skills where never rusty, and she mentally took down all the information he gave her. Especially In regards to the ranks available and how to rise in them.

In truth, the pack would have had to be especially terrible for Lyrae to have turned away from it. With the kindness of the newly made Alpha and the chance for a family, she was already putting all her eggs in one basket, so to speak. “It’s a beautiful named pack, and I would love to be a part of it.” she admitted “i’ll happily take the rank of scout well I figure things out and learn how I want to branch out from there.” she agreed. She wasn’t afraid of hard work and proving herself. She just needed an opportunity to learn.



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-16-2018, 10:06 PM

Having met Lyrae previously and knowing she'd also met Sephira and still managed to not be dissuaded from joining went a long way in his mind as he assessed her. Perhaps under different circumstances he'd be more choosy and require more of her, but, she'd been very pleasant when he'd met her and seemed grateful for his company and help in the way only someone who clearly needed and wanted somewhere to belong - as evidenced by her appearance here - could manage. She was younger too, so while she still likely had a lot left to learn, he was sure she'd pick things up quickly.

At her words a broad smile - not the typical thin, uncertain one that normally graced his lips - found it's way onto his features and he nodded firmly. "Then welcome to Fyri, Lyrae. I'm glad to have you as my second member," he said warmly, casting a glance at Seph before continuing, "The closest of the two lands that will make up our territory is due north of here, the forest of redwood trees. Our other land is the Gorge, just west of it." He still wasn't super certain about the Gorge, he'd only briefly spotted it from the treeline of the forest and hadn't yet done a proper claiming of it, but he soon would. It'd be easier to establish the new border with more than one helper, so he was glad that they at least managed to get one member aboard to help with laying things out and doing the preparations that a newly founded pack needed to do.

"Perhaps we'll head that way soon, I'm not certain how many more will arrive..." If more did show up, perhaps he could use that as a chance to test Lyrae's navigation skills and send her off ahead. If not, he was happy to potentially have an opportunity to discuss his thoughts and more fully explain his pack-related ideas and what needed doing with Sephira and Lyrae when they made there way to the packlands. Their new home. Wasn't that a strange concept?



11-17-2018, 07:42 PM
She knew she had a lot to learn, and a lot to prove when she agreed to join this pack, but she would figure it out. She had to carve a life for herself somehow, and she knew she was making the right decision. second member she had realised she had been the first one to arrive. But of course, the only other person here was his sister, and he had called for all recruitment for his pack.

“I can’t wait to have a look at them both.” she said politely when he explained the lands. She hadn’t been to either yet, so she had a bit of learning ahead of her. She wondered if she would be able to apprentice to another wolf in this pack, someone who could teach her all she needed to know as a scout. Well, after he had a few more members, that was.

“Sounds good” she concluded, stepping a little to the side and taking a seat, happily to wait out the arrival of new members. She had a great deal to think about now, a whole future ahead of her that she could learn and grow into.



3 Years
Extra large
11-18-2018, 08:35 AM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2018, 09:28 AM by Sephira.)

Sephira was a bit shocked to see a familiar face heed her brother's call right off the bat. She was shocked further to realize that Ig recognized her too, but on top of it all she was delighted to hear the younger girl refer to him with his dreaded nickname. In fact, she was so surprised that all she could do was watch Ignatius with a shit-eating grin as he began to figure out what rank this girl wanted. A long moment passed before Seph cleared her throat and interjected, "I'm Sephira, we've met before too... Sorry about that, by the way." Lyrae was among the first wolves she had encountered here in Boreas, and frankly she'd been astonished to find another wolf who's pelt mixed blue and red. First impressions were lame anyways, right? So what if she might have been just a tad strange.

Now that she seemed to eager to join them, Sephira was quietly questioning the hand of fate, but the philosophizing could wait for later. She wiggled her brows conspiratorially at Ignatius, even though her words were directed at the younger shewolf. "I'm glad you and Iggy seem to be on good terms already, though." She turned back to Lyrae fully and smiled in a way that was kind, but still perhaps spelled trouble. One might even call it Sephira's resting expression. "I'm acting as second-in-command until Ig finds someone better suited." She winked. "You come find me if you get yourself into any unofficial trouble." She was mostly joking, but it would be a lie to say she wasn't eager to be on the receiving end of pack gossip for once, instead of being the loathed main source.

They spoke of journeying to see their lands and Sephira grinned. She loved the choices her brother had made, and was eager to explore them more thoroughly now. Especially knowing that she would be close to the Mile-High woods, which meant she could sneak away often and continue to practice her climbing. Sephira looked back towards the battlefield's horizon, hoping several others would continue to arrive.
"Talk" "You" Think


11-21-2018, 11:00 AM

The red woman approached the gathered three with her head low and her brown eyes wide with interest. On her back her two headed companion skittered and twitched their noses as the giant of a woman crept closer, a wide grin on her features.

“What do we have here?” She purred, her tail flicking idly as she looked over the collection of vibrant wolves. That morning she would have gladly considered herself an oddity with her russet coat and dark markings but now, presented with not one, not two, but three vividly marked and hued wolves she realized her coat was only marginally interesting.

She raised her head, addressing the leader, her excited grin still spread across her features. “I am Persephone Graeme” She introduced without being prompted and tipped her head courteously. “Think you'll have a place for a fighter in your ranks?” On her back the rat tittered excitedly, its two sets of eyes roving over the wolves excitedly. She was still young and unmarred, but her size alone spoke of intimidation and strength.

Speak Think Listen



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-23-2018, 03:07 AM
Having accepted Lyrae into the ranks of the fledgling pack, Ig was feeling hopeful at the very least. Two members now, and hopefully many more to come. There was still a small twinge of anxiety in his gut, but Ignatius was quick to snuff it out and put his worries to the back of his mind when another woman entered the scene. His head turned slightly to watch the tall, fox colored wolf as she approached. Considering the company he was keeping until her arrival it was amusing to see someone with slightly less ostentatious markings arrive.

Flashing a welcoming smile to the woman while meeting her brown gaze, he replied, "Ignatius Agnivo, pleasure to meet you Persephone. And yes, we will likely need more than a few. Would you like to hear a bit about my pack?" This woman struck him as straightforward, and he was happy to reply in a similar manner. Of course, he'd want to ensure she was at least a reasonably good fit for what Fyri would be.


11-26-2018, 12:37 PM

“Of course.” She purred, tipping her grinning head slightly in a small sign of respect to the magically enhanced wolves before her. Persy was still new to these lands, but if all the wolves were as vibrant as these she supposed even her fox coloration would in some sense be unique. If that didn’t work out her family had taught her how to make paints for the fur and mix in the mother of pearl from shells to give a glittering effect. She wondered if such knowledge would interest them, although truthfully she doubted they would need it.

The fact that the wolves might have been wary of her was lost on her, she had never been particularly perceptive of emotions or of how others viewed her, she had always assumed others either envied her or loved her and never cared to think otherwise. Persephone, a beast of baser instincts like bloodshed and mating had never before considered that there might have been more to life than her immediate needs. Her two headed companion on the other hand, despite their gleeful tittering, silently wondered if she would find herself with the magnificent wolves before her.

Speak Think Listen



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
12-12-2018, 07:12 PM
He was pleased to have a second prospective member seated before him, though he'd have been much happier if there were a few more gathered. Oh well, in time he'd gather more the pack would grow.

"Much like I explained to Lyrae, Fyri is intended to become a family, where the members are close. Respect my leadership, care for your fellow pack-mates, and learn to handle yourself by becoming familiar with the basics of all taught skills. Simple requirements that will only be expanded on as necessary. "

"Our ranks are the usual, the only odd rank names are for the highest ranks, such as mine; Konungr. Once one becomes skilled and established a good reputation in the pack as a hard worker they may eventually rank up and choose specialty ranks. For a fighter such as yourself, you might chose something like a gladiator or assassin. Eventually, it is possible to achieve a master rank in one's chosen career."

Pausing to debate whether or not he'd done a decent job of giving the tl;dr version of the pack. "Does this sound of interest to you? Any questions?"