
i got friends in high places



3 Years
11-20-2018, 06:21 PM
This new land just kept on surprising her. Back home, there was barely enough scraps to feed two kingdoms, barely enough vegetation for the prey to feed on. But here? Gods it was a land of fat and plentiful. The most blatant evident of that, was the raccoon companion walking before her. Though she had to give him some respect, at least he had decided to walk on his own today, which is a step above the usual ride he always begged for. But the thing was, when Meeko walked, his plump little stomach actually swayed, and not in the way one thought. Naturally, every creature had a sway to them, even Aggie swayed softly around her hips and shoulders. But Meeko had a different kind of sway to him.... his stomach moved at the opposite time the rest of his body swayed. Like a swinging vine his stomach moved from side to side, completely entrancing the female as she walked behind him.

She hadn't even noticed where he had lead her until he stopped and turned around to face her, once cocky eyebrow raised as a sly smirk made it's way onto his devilish face. "What are you thinking about Sparkles?" Ah, yet another pitiful nickname. Annoying little prick. "Who said I was thinking about anything?" She spat, narrowing her golden gaze at him, wondering what the hell he was trying to get at. The male shrugged as he sat back on his haunches, casually gesturing to the world around them. "Well I just figured you must've been thinking about something pretty hard not to noticed you followed me all the way up here." As if on cue, the spell was broken and Agnimitra came to the crashing realization she was yards above solid soil, suspended in the most gargantuan trees she had ever seen.

She immediately flattened against the tree trunk, digging her claws into the bark as her body began to shake slightly. "Meeko! You little sh-!" "Excuse me! I didn't make you follow me up here Agnimitra, you did that yourself." He hissed, hackles raising for a moment before he drank in her sudden appearance. Then, the most Cheshire of grins spread big and wide across his masked face as he folded his little black hands together. "Oh Aggie... you wouldn't happen to be afraid of... heights.. would you?" So much rage filled her body, but she could only imagine the various ways she would strangle Meeko to near death when she got back on solid ground. For now, all she could do was spit her venom.
"I'm not afraid of heights you pest, I'm afraid of falling."





6 Years
12-12-2018, 05:14 PM

Aggie was fairly familiar with these woods by now. She had half a mind to settle here for the winter, except there wouldn't be much in the way of herbs here within the next few moons or so. Instead she would just have to enjoy the awe this forest inspired in her while she could, for however long it lasted. True to form, she was not one to spend much time at all dwelling on the past or worrying for the future. Whatever happened, she would take it in stride. That day in particular, she strode across the forest floor, enjoying the springing texture of the forest's undergrowth, and almost didn't notice her company.

In fact it was Ylva, perched upon her shoulders as she usually was, who tugged at one of the beads braided into the side of her mane to catch her attention. Aggie followed her gaze and froze in surprise. Not just one, but two creatures up above. One, a raccoon, made perfect sense, but the other? Aggie grinned and laughed, then called out, "Hello up there. How's the view?" She twisted so she could see the red panda now perched upon her haunches, and sent her a sly glare. The only reason Aggie was even land-bound in the first place was because Ylva had made her promise no death defying stunts for one measly day. Figures this would happen.

She turned back to the earthen wolf and her apparent friend, eyes quickly tracing back the path through the branches and fallen trunks they had probably used. This really was a fantastic place. "See look, I am not the only wolf who decided to-" Ylva cut her off with a loud sigh, and to Aggie it felt like a victory. The red panda's paws tugged tighter at the fur of her ruff as Aggie leapt upwards onto a nearby trunk that she figured might have a better view. "I'm Aggie, by the way," she said, almost offhanded, absorbed in watching this other wolf and wondering where on earth they had come from.


OOC: Sorry this took so long, I'm the worst D: