
All i see is Grey



3 Years
11-23-2018, 03:56 PM
Trotting along the winding river bed had become her morning routine for several days now. She and Meeko had decided to carve out a rusty den out of the bottom of a fallen tree and fish along the large river. Never before had she been so fortunate as to have a seeming endless supply of fish to catch; her radiated homeland lacked prey to say the least, and when hunters actually found meat it too far and in between. But here? Gods just glancing at the river you could see an abundance of fish, even during the autumn season. Even the bar keepers daughter, who had fished maybe half a dozen times in her life, was able to catch some. It was great, and she was grateful for this new opportunity fate had bestowed on her, but it was almost insulting to the memory of her burning corpse of a homeland. Here she feasted like royalty where all the wolves that perished backed home lived a life of starvation, war, and uncertainty. While she trotted along the waters, searching for the safest spot to enter the current, she could only think about her family. How much her mother and father would have loved to see this new land, to know their family would be fed. How much her brothers would have loved to play in the raging river, how they would have loved the chance to hone their hunting skills in a land so plentiful.

"Oh! Oh! There! See the big fat one?" Meeko shouted to her right, pointing into the waters at a rather large fish wading in the shallows by some roots. "Are you talking about you or a fish?" She chuckled, shaking her previous thoughts from her mind before focusing on the task at hand. Carefully slipping into the water, she moved as the fish moved, making sure only to take a step closer when the bass was not looking. Or as best as she could tell. Meeko, being the lazy arse that he was, sat impatiently on the river bank, licking his chops as he rubbed his overly large stomach. Inch by inch the ember woman gained on the unsuspecting prey, adrenaline pumping through her tense muscles as she waited for the best chance to strike; if the fish saw her before she had the chance to pounce, there would be no way for her to catch it in this river. Finally she was within reach, and just as the fish turned about, she would pounce.

Lunging forward, lips curled over her maw to expose her canines, Aggie dove into the waters head first, eyes closing upon impact. When a more firm feeling body entered her open jaw, she would clamp it shut and jerk her head upward, climbing all the way on her hind legs and releasing her prey at the peak, sending it flying back towards shore. Meeko, expecting this, raised onto his hind legs with his forearms outstretched towards the sky, green orbs locked onto the flying fish. It was big, indeed, but her didn't notice just how big until the over-sized meal came crashing down on his masked face, sending him toppling over in the process. Agnimitra shook her soaked coat, already feeling autumn's crisp air clinging to her body. When she turned to see if her companion had caught the bass, she let out a small burst of laughter seeing a flopping fish attacking her raccoon friend who laid beneath it.

"Damn it Meeko if you lose that fish I'm gonna eat you instead." She warned, climbing up the bank and giving her ember flaked form a good shake before trotting back over to him.
