
Yesterday's feelings



9 Years
11-23-2018, 11:34 PM

Xephyris had been wandering the North for several weeks now, having returned to Boreas only so long ago. He'd gotten used to the feeling of being someplace so familiar, and yet feeling like it was all so foreign at the same time. Like he'd lived here in a completely different life, and he'd somehow carried over the memories from that past life. He knew this was not the case; he knew it was his own past trying to make its way into his mind, but he always smothered it. Thus, he was left with that sensation of knowing where he was but feeling lost. To say the least, it wasn't pleasant, but he had already decided that he would stay in the North. He couldn't see himself settling anywhere else.

As he padded along the edge of the lake, he hesitated to walk upon its icy surface. He'd been here before several times, and he knew what to expect. It was just that the last time he was here, he'd been with Jaelle, and though he tried, he couldn't help the pain that grasped his chest as he allowed himself to see her in his mind for just a moment before shutting it out again. Ears folded back as he wandered a little aimlessly, merely keeping an eye out for anyone who might be around.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-24-2018, 10:49 PM

The sparse pines had been taken over by a pack she knew little about. But it didn't matter to her anymore, they didn't plan on staying at the pines forever. As much as she loved her birth place, she wanted to forget the bad memories that had taken place there. The taking over of her birth pack. The place where the new albino king had called for a war meeting. Vereux's death. Creed's death...the pines would always be home in her heart, but she couldn't physically live there anymore. She took off with Dragon and whoever else decided to still follow, but at one point she had gone off to be alone. Tanaraq flew lazy circles above her as she made her way to the frozen lake. She was old now. Probably the oldest living wolf in the lands. Friends and family that were her age or close to it were probably dead, gone, or maybe still hanging on like she was. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, but she was glad to have met most of the wolves she did.

Her breath fogged up before, sending icy mists whenever she breathed out. It was cold, but her thick shaggy fur did well to keep her old bones from freezing over. She walked along the bank of the frozen water, amber gaze downcast as she moved slowly and carefully. It wasn't until Tan screeched at her that she lifted her head to see another wolf not too far away from her. She stopped and studied the male. He looked so similar to others she had seen before, but when the breeze carried his scent to her, she recognized it. Well...what were the odds of that? She continued forward, and when she got closer to him she would bark a greeting. "I thought you'd be dead by now." She said lightheartedly, "Good to see you again, Xephyris."

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
11-24-2018, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2018, 11:12 PM by Xephyris.)

With his senses tuned in to his surroundings, he saw Avalon approaching from quite a distance, her companion circling far overhead. However, he hadn't recognized her right away, and he stood quietly as she seemed to wander with her head low and eyes downcast. He watched her as she finally looked up, seeming to pause momentarily before carrying on in his direction. Seeing that the wolf was heading for him, he turned to face her, slightly on guard. But as she drew closer, and he could see her features more clearly, he realized he knew this woman. He hadn't expected to see anyone familiar, and he took a few steps to meet her. He heard her greeting, and snorted while shaking his head. "Greetings, Avalon," he replied in his gruff as always tone, a slight chuckle escaping him as he spoke his next words, "Heh, you thought you'd outlive me, huh?" It was amusing to speak of his age with someone who was also getting on in age. It made him feel less alone in this aging journey, a milestone he never thought he'd reach in this lifetime. He'd always been sure he would die in some sort of fight or hunting accident. Yet, here he was, still standing on his own four paws. And so was she.

"It's good to see a familiar face," he admitted, his silver eyes looking over her. She had aged well, her large frame still carrying her strongly despite her age, though perhaps some of the colours in her pelt were a little faded. His own muzzle was lighter than it had been, with flecks of white strewn throughout the gray on his face. Meeting her gaze, he wondered what had happened in the seasons he'd been gone from these lands. "How have you fared all these years?" he asked curiously, "Do you live in the North, now? Hadn't your pack moved to Auster long ago?" He didn't mind catching up with the woman, it had been so long since he'd seen her and he was still a little shocked to see her still alive. But it was a good kind of shock nonetheless.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]