
Don't poke the... Crocodile

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-01-2018, 02:31 PM

It had been a few months now since flooding had taken out a pack in Auster, but she had yet to go and explore the area. She had intended to, wanting to take away information from the situation, to see if this act of force was something that could have been avoided, or if the pack had set up to fail settling in where they had. Essentially, she wanted to learn from the lesson of others and take away from it what she could. She dragged Rhyme away from the pack to go with her - since he had become an Alpha partner beside her, it was rare for both of them to leave the pack at the same time.

She had told Vail she was in charge, and had set up for Ace to keep an eye on her should anything go wrong. She knew the new fighter was capable, and the pack would be okay in their absence. Even so, she did not tarry and kept them to a fast pace as they made the long trek to Auster.

The pair found easy places to camp out on their journey, and she enjoyed the time they were spending together. Lying across from each other in a small den, they traded stories of their parents that likely put an ache in both their chests. She needed to learn to see Rhyme as his own person, to look at him and not see Rhythm in his expressions. She loved him like a brother, instead of the cousins they where. To her amusement, she recalled that she had always wanted to call her Aunt's children her siblings. Now he was here, beside her, supporting her as an Alpha and family. She knew that promoting him to her rank was one of the best decisions she had ever made. She couldn’t help but glance over at him, a proud grin on her face. He excelled in all the things she had a weakness for. He was strong, with all the knowledge of fighting she wished for under his paws. Yes, he was good for Abaven - but he was also good for her, too.

They finally arrived in Auster, and made their way to the canyon. They could see the remains of the flood in the small river and pools that appeared at the bottom. At first glance, she could see what a death trap this had been. With the water rising, it had nowhere to go but between these walls. The flood has washed everything away, and she knew she would catch no scent of a pack. And yet - “I’m going to head down” she warned Rhyme as she found the best place to descend. The path was a little slippery. It felt like clay beneath her paws and her claws were constantly digging in for purchase, but she managed it just fine, expecting Rhyme was likely to follow her. As she reached the bottom, she saw movement to her right. She squinted, tilting her head to see what had caught her eye. Was there something moving in that pool of water, there? “Rhyme…” she said, her voice dipping to a whisper, her senses telling her to be aware. “Its a crocodile” she decided, though she only vaguely remembered the creatures from her childhood. They weren’t common in Boreas, but she had seen one once before in Auster. “About seven meters from my right shoulder, see what looks a piece of driftwood, sticking out of the water?” she warned her cousin of the danger, watching it without turning her head fully towards it.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-01-2018, 03:28 PM
Somehow Shaye had convinced him to leave the pack with her, though he hadn't particularly been pleased with the idea of both of them being gone they were leaving it in good paws. He'd let himself relax, if anything happened Imperia would fly to find them. While Shaye had left Vail in charge he had left the raven with Vail. A decision that had let him find enjoyment in their travels. Of course they did not dally, and the pair of them covered leagues of land quickly with their similarly long strides. He actually found himself feeling a little exposed, feather was not like his bird companion at all. He missed her amusing jokes and the familiar cracks in the morning. However, Shaye was pleasant company. They talked much through our their journey and he felt like he already knew her better. They were just as close as any brother and sister pair now.

They appeared before the ravine Shaye had been searching for, though Rhyme couldn't have said where it was. He had never traveled to Auster before but he couldn't say it wasn't a sight to behold. He enjoyed the warmer weather and the different flora and fauna. He might have to pick up a few herbs for himself on the way back. Maybe even grab a couple with roots for Vail's garden. If he thought they might survive the winter.

Shaye was quick to make her decent, Rhyme shook his head at her eagerness. There were so many ways for them to get themselves killed or hurt here. He watched her for a moment and sighed, deciding to follow her down the slippery path. He had barely started when his blood ran cold at her whisper. There was a crocodile right ahead of them. He looked back the few paces he had come and decided to climb back out, but as soon as he did the ground became unsteady and toppled down. The path back up was ruined. They'd have to fight if they wanted to get back home. "Well, hope you took my fighting lesson to heart. We're going to have to get through it to get out of the gorge." He frowned as he slowly came up to stand by her shoulder. His sapphire and amethyst gaze trained on the giant crocodilian.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-01-2018, 05:26 PM

It was almost strange to see Rhyme without his bird companion. Imperia hadn’t been with her cousin for long, but already the bird was a part of the family. They only had little Feather now, who liked to flutter ahead of them, occasionally scouting, but mostly just along for the ride. It was Rhyme’s first trip to Auster - a fact she would discovered on the way. It almost surprised her, after all her childhood had been here. She thought perhaps she could take him to the beach her father had, and show him some of wonders she and Shai had once discovered together.

She heard Rhyme’s sigh, but hid a grin, because she also knew that it meant he would follow. She could hear him huffing down the track behind her, but hadn’t found his way to the ground when she had alerted him to what she had seen. She could almost feel him freeze behind her. At her large cousins movements - she wasn’t sure what happened, if he had stood wrong, or the way was already damaged by previously flooding, a small landslide seemed to sweep away a portion of the path behind them. The sliding earth didn’t post a danger to them, they were far enough away, thank goodness. Of course, Rhyme’s words where very true - the only way out now was past the threat she had already identified. She huffed in frustration “Feather, meet us at top.” she warned her small bird. The creature was hesitant, but listened, flying away. She didn’t have any ability to fight, and Shaye would not have her near the crocodile.

“I’m sure you taught me a lasting thing or two.” Shaye admitted as she assessed the situation with a weary eye. The creature lay mostly concealed in the pool of water. “It has the advantage where it is, we need to draw it out, and your likely right that the only way through is to fight.” she huffed softly, still working her way through a plan. “I’m going to make my way over there, you keep to the side out of its line of sight, but close. When it goes for me, attack it from behind. I’ll keep its mouth occupied. Oh - and a thing to remember, i’ve heard it has unparalleled jaw strength in closing, but a pup could hold its mouth closed.” she advised him. She looked to the Alpha, meeting his eyes, and giving him a firm nod, a promise that they would get out of this together. She then began to move, making her way towards the crocodile. “Hey, ugly!” she called out, and toed closer. One eye opened, looking at her, through it didn’t move. She felt her heartbeat picking up in her chest, knowing she was looking into the gaze of a predator that could kill her. She got control of her limbs, moving again, slinking close to the ground, legs coiled in preparation for springing away. She had seen one move once, its stillness erupting in sudden movement, like a cheetah, launching itself forward… she got a moment of inspiration, and grabbed a rock in her maw, and threw it at the creature. It hit its nose, and it roared, lunging forward and Shaye leaped with all of her might, losing a few tail furs as she got clear of the closing jaws.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-01-2018, 06:08 PM
Shaye was quick to think of a plan, and Rhyme couldn't argue with it. They had to fight or be trapped until the creature decided it didn't want anything to do with them. He took a good look at his opponent as Shaye threw a rock at it, getting its attention like she wanted. Rhyme threw up his defenses, moving much slower than Shaye had. He had fought a caiman before, and he remembered how thick it's hide was. He also remembered how quickly the creature had tired. Rhyme hadn't killed it, the long reptile had made its retreat before then. This one though, it was like them and had nowhere else to go. The water was shallow, and it was far from in it's element.

Rhyme let it focus on Shaye, it's anger evident as it charged her. Taking to land the creature burst forth toward his cousin and Rhyme would take his strike. Knowing how thick it's hide would be Rhyme had to make every hit count. With a quick hit and retreat Rhyme punctured its left eye and took some of the raised skin with him. Of course this brought the gators attention to him, but it couldn't see him with its blinded eye.

Shaye took the opportunity to distract it again and Rhyme did his best to land a finishing blow. He grabbed hold of the creature at the base of its skull and shook it with all his might. The animal was huge though, and Rhyme only succeeded in taking out another chunk of flesh before he had to spring away. Shaye may have tried to distract it again but it's one good eye was trained on Rhyme. He felt his heart beat faster in his chest and the adrenaline rush as the creature hissed in displeasure. He'd already weakened the kill spot, all Shaye has to do was take the last shot.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-01-2018, 06:19 PM

She dove out of the way of its snapping jaws and turned as it waddled towards her, more slowly this time. She pranced backwards, and Rhyme crossed her vision, slashing for its left eye. When it turned his large mouth in his direction as through to go after him, she picked up a thin branch she had identified earlier, and lashed it across its jaw. It seemed confused, uncertain which target to go after, and she pranced closer to it, making herself a tempting one.

It looked as though it was about to launch itself at her again, when Rhyme went in for the killing blow. She cheered, the sound approval, and also part of her distraction. Perhaps it worked, because Rhyme was able to land his blow, and she could see him tearing at its flesh. Its hide was too thick and the croc reacted violently, forcing Rhyme to spring away.

Shaye stayed quiet as it eyed up her cousin, realising that she was the closer wolf now. She leaped over its back, sliding into its front leg to slow herself as her jaws found the spot Rhyme had weakened. It’s attention had been on Rhyme, but it knew she was there now. It shook its head, trying to shake her and she dug in with all her might, paws scrambling at its hide to give her the purchase to dig in her jaw as far as she could, shaking her head to maximise the tearing damage.

The skin was softer now beneath the harder top layer, and she felt her jaws slip in the blood. It was grusame work, and she had never tasted crocodile before this day. She dug in her paws, and gave it one last shot before she would have to spring away - and the crocodile fell still. She panted as she released her hold, collapsing a little as she released her taut muscles, no longer having to hold firm and force herself forward. Her legs felt like jelly, the adrenaline surge already seemed to be leaving her. She nudged the creature with a paw, and used a claw to open its on undamage eyelid. Its gaze was milky white, it was definitely dead. “Holy wow, that actually worked.” she snorted in surprise and laughter.

“Ok, ok, I need a tooth as a momentum, they will never believe this otherwise. You want one?”

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-02-2018, 03:28 PM

His heartbeat pulsed in his ears and the adrenaline coursed through his veins as he let his breath come out in gasps. Both from the intense encounter and physical exertion. He gave a few exasperated chuckles as he let himself revel in being alive. He looked from the crocodile to Shaye and back again, fully aware that both of them could have just lost their lives. "I can’t believe we did it.” He hadn’t given himself any time to think about how wrong their plan could have gone. He added his chuckles to Shaye’s laugh as she offered him a memento. "Yes, I think I would like one.” It was just too bad they would never be able to take the body back with them. >"Impressive job back there, I’m glad we’re both still alive.” He’d only had a couple near death experiences, but this was the most intense.