
All I need is a little Thyme



4 Years
Extra small
12-02-2018, 06:54 PM

The day was fading, but tonight Tana found herself unable to sleep. Rhyme might of returned to his tree by now, though it was empty of her prescience. Her companions slept in its branches though. IT was becoming common for her to leave her companions to walk the territories alone. She'd had a lot happen in the past few weeks, and she wanted to try to do what she had promised Shaye she would try to do. To do what she wanted to. It had been so long since she had even thought of it she didn't know exactly where to start. She felt like she had missed so much but yet nothing at all. After all how could one miss something they never had.

Tonight she moved along the banks of the river. ITs sounds guided her. She could hear fish jumping in its rapids. Could smell the wind as it carressed her fur. The walk was relaxing, though her pace was slower than normal as she was deep in her thoughts. She knew the area somewhat and with vail as her teacher she was learning it better, though she sort of wanted to talk to the she-wolf about more than just the territory and the herbs. She wanted to know what things looked like, she missed the sights of the world. Alma had tried her best to describe it all to her but the lemur was a quiet sort so words weren't her strongsuit, not to mention Basil wanted to discourage it since it may make Tana depressed for being unable to see it herself. She also wanted someone to talk to, to tell about the horrors she had endured, but she didn't know if that would ever be okay. "I should bury it as I did them, I'm supposed to be free now.... But I don't even have the strength to let them go either, how can I ignore something that made me who I am?"

She was talking to herself more than anyone. She paused and took a seat. The sun would be dipping beyond sight now, The sky would probably be alight with color as the sun faded. And lightning bugs would be emerging to dance in the air once more. She could remember the scene of her childhood, but it lost its glamour with age. Memories were one thing but actually watching things was another.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-02-2018, 10:21 PM
Rhyme had wandered back by his maple tree as the sun wandered down to the horizon. He hadn't seen much of Tana the last few days, but she had been busy with Vail so he didn't feel to bad. While she hadnt been beside him his mind never seemed too far from her. She has made progress as the days drew on, he hadnt missed the smell of brewing alcohol around his tree. He was glad she had found a purpose and had the talent to offer such a gift for his cousin's wedding. 

He found the giant maple tree free of Tana but when he looked up in the branches he could see her two primates lounging with Imperia settling down for the night not too far away from them. He was glad she stopped giving them hungry glances. He didn't disturb them as he let himself continue walking towards the rapids. Rhyme hadn't decided if he was looking for Tana or if he just wasn't ready to settle down for sleep yet. 

With the sun shrinking behind the horizon the moon was coming into it's brighter stages. The ground was still easily visibly beneath his paws as he waded through the grasses. He would have continued on through the territory if he hadn't heard Tana's far off words. He lifted his head and perked his ears as he searched for her along the edge of the river. "Tana?" He asked for her softly, he thought he saw her but if she didn't want company she could easily ignore his presence.



4 Years
Extra small
12-03-2018, 12:56 PM

The crickets sccompanied the sound of the water speeding past now. But another sound caught her. She hadn't been paying complete attention, so the voice was blurred by the water's sound. It was deep enough though to belong distinctively to the only male that would be speaking so softly to her, Rhyme. She turned her head in the direction she tought it had come from and her haunches lowered slowly and carefully. Had he come looking for her? Or was he just happening upon her? Either case she was going to wait for him to catch up.

"C-can I-I d-do s-something for y-you Rhy-Rhyme?" She only spoke once he was close enough to hear her quiet stuttering. She wasn't sure what he could want from her but his company would be nice for the time being though. She imagined her children would of liked Rhyme if they had lived beyond mere hours old. Her ears pinned at remembering the sight once more. It was a part of life though, no amount of her love or longing would wipe it from the past and bring her children back to her. She also figure Elias would of done the same had she found someone to love her and give her a family in Ruina. He seemed to be cut from much the same cloth as Apostle and Sintaro.

How much cold she one day even tell Rhyme without seeming like a horrible woman? He might even turn cruel if he knew the truth behind her life. If he knew that Tana had not fought her master's for her childrens lives so she could continue to live her sad existence would he hate her? Would he hate her for not wanting to abort her children when she understood that a cruel fate would await them? She had never forgiven herself for allowing Sintaro to fool her into thinking he loved her, that she had allowed him to impregnate her. She had not forgiven herself for allowing herself to love the two tiny babes too much to try to give them to some loner that would of given them a better life.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-03-2018, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2018, 05:56 PM by Shaye I.)

He edged closer to her and was finally greeted by a question, something she had barely done the first time they’d met. She would have rolled over and died if he’d asked her to that day, he doubted she realized it but she was progressing. She wanted to know if she could do anything, but it didn’t seem to him like it was asked in her normal slave to master persona. She was asking genuinely, not because she had to. He stifled a bit of a smile, even knowing she couldn’t see it either way. He made his way closer and lowered himself to his haunches close enough they could have a quiet conversation.

”Just relax and keep doing what you’re doing.” He told her calmly, ”Since I’ve found you though I thought I might ask how you’re settling in? Sorry I haven’t been around more to help you, but I hear Vail is taking up those duties well.” He glanced at her from his peripherals, the rest of his sight focused on the late lightning bugs. He thought he caught sight of some deer moving through the forest. ”Thanks for fermenting those fruits, I assumed they were for the wedding?” He added before she could answer him.



4 Years
Extra small
12-03-2018, 08:18 PM

He told her he needed nothing and she was found wondering why it was that he sought her out then. It wasn't like she was special or anything. She wasn't a pretty thing for him to pine after, instead she was this scrawny, tiny, scarred thing that held no real beauty. Maybe at one time she might of been but she really wasn't. Not to mention she had no confidence and was such a scared woman that she wasn't worth anything to anyone.

HE asked how she was settling in and she turned her face out towards the water. "I-I g-g-guess I-I'm d-doing o-okay. V-Vail i-is n-nice.... a-and y-your n-nice too...." She Was almost whispering when she admited her was nice. IT was the truth though. He hadn't kicked her away from his tree yet and he hadn't forced her into large crowded gatherings like she had been at ruina. She had smelled alot of wolves though when she was out for her walks. So she knew there were alot more than the few she had met already.

He mentioned her fruits and she pinned her ears. How could she admit to him that it was originally for herself so she might calm her own nerves. She hadn't known about the wedding until after she had started to ferment the fruit. "I-I d-didn't k-know a-about it u-until a-after I h-had s-started m-making t-the w-wine a-and c-c-cider." She pinned her ears and her head started to drop in the beginning of her submitting. Even though she had been told she didn't need to submit she wasn't sure how he might take that. Vail was his cousin and she had been thinking of herself before the pack. Though she had known something was up in the pack she just hadn't known what until the other day.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-03-2018, 08:32 PM

He wasn’t sure what kind of answer he was looking for when he asked her how Abaven was treating her. He really shouldn’t have hoped for much but he had felt a little let down when she just said she was doing okay. She was well fed and no longer coward in fear when he came near her. Surely her existence was changed completely. He worked to accept her answer, noting she did admit that Vail was nice, but he hadn’t caught the other words she trailed off with. ”Hmm?” He asked wordlessly before the question about the alcohol.

He shouldn’t have assumed, because even though Tana hadn’t come right out to say it, her little concoctions were not originally intended for other than personal use. He hid his embarrassment with himself expertly. ”Oh, sorry I just figured..” Though he really shouldn’t have. He felt a weird awkwardness fall over him, there were precious few times he’d ever felt this way before. ”Well, maybe I’ll commission you to make some for the wedding. What would you want in exchange for your time?” Rhyme wondered if anyone had ever exchanged goods with her before.



4 Years
Extra small
12-03-2018, 09:17 PM

He hadn't caught her admiting he was nice and she wasn't sure if that relieved her or disappointed her. She did hear him ask what she said with a sort of hum, but she didn't repeat herself. Would that make him mad? Should she apologize? She wasn't sure if what she said was overstepping boundaries or not. She was a muddle of worrying and insecurity over the little things like that. Did he want her to move away from his tree? Was what she was doing enough? Did anyone want her gone? Did he like her? Did she like him? She wasn't sure of much. But she knew it was kind of nice to have a place here that was something other than a punching bag for an alpha.

He apologized for assuming and she pinned her ears as far back as she could, not that there was much to pin. She'd done something bad again she was sure. He had wanted her to be doing something for Vail and here she was having had made it originally for herself. She wasn't sure how to fix it either. Then he did something unexpected, he asked her to make some and offered something in exchange for something he would give her. She didn't know what to even ask for. He was already doing so much just by letting her be part of his pack and letting her learn from Vail. What more could she ask for? No one had even asked her what she wanted. She knew on the surface of everything the thing she wanted most but he couldn't give her that. He coudn't give her her life back the way it should of been. HE couldn't go back in time and save her from Apostle and Sintaro's cruelty. He couldn't give her her mother back. No one could give her that stuff. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it just as quickly, she couldn't just tell him she wanted nothing because that wasn't true.

Finally after a few moments she decided and steeled herself to answer him. She took a deep breath before she began, this time with a little more confidence. "I-I D-don't know i-if i-its o-okay b-but I'd l-like a f-friend t-to t-tell e-everyth-thing t-to w-without b-being h-hurt o-or j-judged i-if I h-have to b-break m-my s-story i-into m-many. A-and i-if t-that's n-not o-okay, I'd l-like t-to h-have t-the s-sunsets a-and s-sunrises d-described t-to m-me so I-I c-can v-visualize i-it o-once m-more." She turned her face towards where he sat, hope painting her face for once in her life that someone might know her life and true pains, that or someone might tell her what a sunset and sunrise looked like once more. As innocent as they sounded to most they would mean the world to her. She missed alot of things but they were the most missed things since she lost her eyes. Her ears were pressed forward as she listened for what he might say. He could deny her both though and she would probably still do it because it was something he really wanted for Vail's Wedding.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-03-2018, 09:46 PM

She didn’t repeat herself so he didn’t push the issue, she seemed to be coming out of her shell bit by bit but he wasn’t going to coerce her. Rhyme was sure she had heavy thoughts running through her mind, she seemed so close to her companions. Leaving them behind must have meant she needed time to think. For a moment he scolded himself for disturbing her, he knew she would never tell him to leave her alone. Did she even want his company? He tried to stifle the thoughts as she offered her counter to his offer.

She seemed a bit more confident in her words, and he’d let his dual colored eyes rest on her form as she spoke her demands. Though he knew very well she wouldn’t ever demand anything. They did wind up breaking his heart though. He tried to play the aloof observer, but he could feel his heart softening. If his father caught wind of such a change… For as long as he could remember he’d just wanted to make Valentine proud. He’d been disappointed when he’d joined Abaven, and knowing it was doing much to soften him wouldn’t have given him any brownie points. But Tana was so sad. He wanted her to have a chance at feeling joy and freedom.

”I can listen whenever you need me to, Tana.” He offered back as she had asked for a friend. ”As would Shaye and Vail both.” He added in case he still came across as too much of an authoritative figure. He knew she considered him her master until Shaye had insisted otherwise. ”I’d describe every sun rise and set until you considered yourself fully repaid.” He told her, trying to keep his pity for her concealed in his voice.



4 Years
Extra small
12-03-2018, 10:24 PM

He said he would listen and offered both Shaye and Vail's time but she wasn't certain she wanted everyone to know just yet. But she did know she wanted to try to shared everything. The question was how was she supposed to start such a thing? How did she tell himhow much she had suffered? She guessed it best to start at the beginning.

She drew in a breath and turned her face back to the water. How could she sour his day though? She was slowly learning that hers wasn't how a life should have been lead. She supposed she would have to start with the story as best she remembered it. She was lost in the past as she began to tell it, her stutter leaving her slowly after she started. "I-I w-was b-born t-to a s-slave n-named Demetra. M-my mother w-was one of t-the most k-kind women I can remember. M-my time with h-her was short though. I was sold once i was weaned to Sintaro the beta of my home pack, for a caribou hide. Apostle was to be my master, for two whole years. He was harsh and strict, any little slip up and i usually recieved a beating. I remember having my ribs broken when i was but barely a season old, for accidentally running into Apostle's mate, Hera. I had been playing with another slave. He killed the other and threatened that if i ever played agan I would meet the same fate." She gave a pause. She held her ears back as she listened to more than just the water, she was listening to Rhyme's breathing. But if one knew her they'd see it, she wasn't truly in the present, she was trapped in the past where she recieved such threats and beatings regularly.

"It was always like that. He was always looking for reasons to discipline me. He took my ears when i was a year old and my dewclaws, as a offering to his gods. He and Hera had tried for many seasons to concieve but she never seemed able to carry a litter to term. Her healers were always using herbs on her to comfort her and to aid them, but it was never able to help. It was after almost two seasons that Sintaro had started to notice me. I had thought it was love, he didn't beat me as much and even took one of my beatings for me when i had loked at Hera with pity after she had another miscarriage, the fetus of which I was ordered to get rid of." She stopped for a minute now to try to find herself again. She knew this story ended in a horrible event, and wasn't sure where Rhyme stood at the moment. So he stopped for the time to listen to his breathing and see if he was going to say anything. She needed him to know the whole story though if she was going to tell him about her two young children that had been taken too young.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-04-2018, 07:21 PM

Rhyme hadn’t honestly expected her to begin tonight, but he couldn’t blame her. How many years had she kept all the abuse locked up inside? He found it a little hard to tell how old she was exactly, but he knew he was older than she was. How long had she dealt with the abuse of her masters? Rhyme perked his ears and looked towards her, listening intently and trying to contain his emotions. He had no doubt the history would make him hate her masters even more. He made note that they figured her life was worth no more than the hide of a caribou, not even a whole carcass just the hide. He felt his brows lower in anger, but he kept himself composed otherwise.

He already knew the wolves who had kept her were evil beings, but hearing her recite their atrocities only firmed the thought in his mind. He knew that Vail or even Shaye, wouldn’t have done well to listen. He felt his heart was being torn apart, but he kept himself calm and his breathing even as she went on. Her life was one beating after another and in between were glimmers of horror. Rhyme was even more convinced that she deserved to live the free life Abaven offered.

He dug his claws into the ground at her words, keeping his anger to his silent features and digging into the dirt. ”I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that,” He offered as she seemed to slow with her story. He had to fight the urge to rush to her side to comfort her. Rhyme doubted she would be very accepting of his affections at that moment, not that he was sure how to offer them anyway. He had experienced his fair share of atrocities, and though Rhythm had done her best to comfort him he’d found he suffered best in solitude.



4 Years
Extra small
12-04-2018, 08:00 PM

His breathing didn't change and she felt a spark of hope that he may not judge her for her own atrocity. It wasn't like she had had much of a choice though. She sighed bracing for whatever might come though. HE apologized but she shook her head, she wasn't done recounting the truth of her life. But could he handle where this tale ended? He had had a much nicer life here in Abaven she was sure. "It was only a short time later when Sintaro showed me what he claimed would afirm his love for me. I was a year and a half old when I fell pregnant with his children. I didn't know what to do, i could of aborted them after i woke up the next morning and found Sintaro cold hearted to me once more, but i couldn't bring myself to do it. I could of found another willing to raise them away from my masters but i always wanted a family of my own even if i had to take any punishments they got." She pinned her ears and bit back the whimper that threatened to emerge. Rhyme didn't need to hear the only form of crying she could do anymore. She couldn't stop the tremors and breaths that betrayed her emotional state though.

She took a reath and continued despite where this left her emotionally. "I couldn't have forseen their fate though and its all my fault for being so stupid and numb to what had drove Sintaro to become interested in me. Apostle took their lives only moments after i gave birth to them, i could do nothing but watch for fear of my own life. He then took my eyes and tail as another offering beside the lives of my children. It didn't bring them fertility and I was to blame. My paw was taken as a punishment and compensation for Hera's strife of yet another miscarriage. I turned two soon later and war came to their land, I escaped for fear of being a target by either side. I don't know what became of them after that, but i was soon found by another master. I was taken into Ruina, it was nicer but the alpha believed in demons and that he could satiate them by sacrificing slaves to them. He disappeared as well but i waited in fear of his anger for him on mount volcan. it was only a season later and yoou came." She finished and waited. HEr head turned to him now and she held it down, more than just fear of his judgement lingered. She wasn't sure if he would hate her for doing what she had. She didn't deny she could never forgive herself for not finding a solution other than keeping her children. A family had been a dream of a young girl who once believed in fairytales and didn't see reality. What questions would he have? Would he be angry with her?

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-04-2018, 09:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2018, 04:57 PM by Rhyme I.)

She wasn’t finished. Rhyme had to swallow a soft sigh as she let one out of her own. He could see the tension in her body, and he braced himself for the coming words. Slowly and softly he found himself inching closer to her side. He didn’t touch her but as she continued their fur brushed. She told him of the man she had thought loved her, and the pregnancy she should have terminated. Rhyme looked down, his bicolored gaze searching her features as she paused again. He could only imagine what came next and his heart broke for her. Tana’s breathing was labored and the whimpers that left her were hard to ignore.

Her offspring were killed right before her eyes, and then those same eyes were taken along with her paw. Rhyme felt a cold strike through him at her confession, and he felt his emotions gaining control of him instead of the other way around. He managed to keep his growls to himself as he raged internally for what she’d lost. He took in a deep breath, convincing himself to keep his cool while he lingered in her presence. He could lose it when he saw Shaye next. ”I don’t think sorry would ever be enough.” He whispered, afraid he’d betray the thirst for blood he felt. There were only a few others he loathed as much. The man who took his mother’s sight and the woman who had taken her pups. They hadn’t been murdered though, and the actions brought against two innocent lives made his blood boil. ”As long as I’m alive Tana I promise that will never happen to you again.” He leaned closer to her, wanting her to know he was there for her to lean on if she needed it, but feeling his skin burn beneath his fur at the hatred rolling off of him.



4 Years
Extra small
12-04-2018, 09:59 PM

She didn't know what to expect from him, she hadn't heard him coming closer while she recounted her story. She hadn't expected to find his larger body sitting beside her and their fur mingling. She wasn't sure how to feel about it completely. On one paw he could easily snap at her, and on the other he was being just as gentle as before. She wanted to trust him so much. She had already put so much faith in him and his promise to never harm her. Was it wrong to want to lean into him and finally let someone else be her shield? She'd spent so much time building up her walls and barriers, and here she was letting them crumble in hopes he was honest in wanting to protect her. Though it was necessary for him to know everything in order for him to protect her, since she didn't know if any of them had survived the war that had started for their land.

He may not of verbally growled but their close proximity allowed for her to smell the anger on him, and feel the tremors of the growls he kept inside. Her ears pressed back and she stayed as still as possible. She wouldn't run if it was anger for her, she wouldn't run if he tried to take his fury out on her. The next words from him though were not what she expected. She felt relief as he seemed to try his best to swallow his anger. Would hearing an apology from them be enough? She knew even if it wasn't though her next statement was the complete truth. She waited though and his promise held alot of meaning to her. It meant someone understood. "I-I'm t-terrified t-they'll c-c-come back, b-b-but I f-forgive t-them a-anyway." she carefully leaned into his side, tense and ready to withdraw again if he was repulsed. Her head laid against his ribs and she was fully aware how much larger he was then.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-06-2018, 05:15 PM

He tried to relax, and counted back from ten like he’d been forced to do so many times with held captive. Rhyme didn’t realize how much he surprised Tana, or continued to do so. He just wanted her to know the joys of freedom, and doing his best to keep his promises. Making her feel safe though? No, he wasn’t doing that. A quiet growl managed to escape through his lips as she mentioned how terrified she was. He knew she wouldn’t take well to the show of aggression that was targeted at anything but her. Rhume huffed to himself, trying to expel the pent up emotion he was threatened to be consumed by. He wanted to be here for her and all his body sought to do was run or kill something.

”I’m sorry,” he muttered. ”I hope you realize I’m not angry with you.” Though the words were said through his teeth. He dug his claws deeper , finding rock under a thin layer of topsoil. His tail twitched behind him as his energies found their way out in different ways. ”I.. hope one day you’ll feel safe here, though I know I’m not helping right now.” He managed, again obviously holding himself back. He thought after a moment he’d start to really calm down, but he felt hot and just wanted to jump into the fast water before them.



4 Years
Extra small
12-06-2018, 10:27 PM

There's a hole in my heart, can you fix it?

The growl that came from him had Tana sitting back up and leaning away from him, with her head dropping. Had she done something wrong by leaning against him? Was he repulsed by her touching him? Her ears pressed and she stuttered out her apology for doing whatever it was she had done wrong. "S-s-sorry, I-I d-d-didn't m-mean t-to." She really wanted to stop messing up and doing things wrong, but it seemed to be all she was good at.

It was then he was apologizing, but she could hear it was through clenched teeth. Was it her fault he was s mad? It had to be. But he said he wasn't angry with her. How could it be not her fault when she was the only one here? She had been wanting so bad to trust Rhyme and his promises, she still did. She stayed not touching him as he spoke again. He wanted her to feel safe here in Abaven, but she wasn't sure she would ever feel safe knowing that there were monsters out there that wanted to harm her. She did however think one day she might feel safe if he was serious with his promises, as long as she was at his side. "I-I t-trust y-you t-to k-keep your p-promises." She tried to keep her voice from trembling as it seemed to always do, but it didn't work. She wasn't lying though, she truly did trust that he intended to keep his promises.

Walk, "Tana", Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-07-2018, 05:19 PM
Tana was quick to take her space back when he made the mistake of growling. She apologized and he shook his head, not thinking about how she couldn't see the gesture. He blood was boiling and it wasn't helping his headspace. His tail continued to flick restlessly behind him as he attempted to offer comfort to the younger she wolf. Tana didn't return to his side but she did manage to speak again. Though her words were still stuttered she tried to sound confident in her convictions. Now Rhyme just had to uphold his word. 

He sighed heavily, releasing a bit more of his pent up emotion. Though he wouldn't be able to keep sitting there doing nothing, he had to get up. "Good." He muttered, somehow able to smile through his anger. Rhyme did finally stand, unable to take the feeling of bottling himself up any longer.  "I'll be back at the maple tree eventually," He told her as his tail lashed behind him. "I've got some... Things to do before I can sleep. Don't wait up." Not that he expected her to anyway, but he didn't want to cause her discomfort because of his own. Rhyme waited a moment longer to see if she answered, though all he wanted was to spring away and dispel the raw emotions pulsing through his veins.



4 Years
Extra small
12-08-2018, 01:11 PM

There's a hole in my heart, can you fix it?

He seemed truly upset and angry but how did she fix it? She could feel the anger rolling off him, even though she couldn't see how angry he was. How could she fix it? It was truly confusing to her, how she could of made him angry with just her story and leaning on him. Had he been angry before? Did he not actually want to hear it? She didn't know. She managed to keep the confusion from her face though, figuring it might make him more frustrated.

When he sighed she perked her ears in his direction. Maybe he might say what he wanted. Though when he went on to say it was good she'd trust his promises she hoped he was calming himself. She just needed to keep reminding herself he promised her that he would never hurt her or let harm come to her. He then said he would be back eventually at the tree they were denning at. He needed to do some things he said but she had a feeling he wanted to go expend his anger in other ways then beat on her. It would be a first. He told her not to wait up but she almost wanted to. She nodded anyway though and stood slowly. She'd wait for him, hopefully when he came back his anger would be gone but she had a remedy in mind if not. She began hobbling her way towards the maple but stopped to look back in his direction."T-thank y-you." she wanted to thank him for listening, but more than just that. He was giving her something she hadn't had before. She was then on her way back to the tree.

When she got there she grabbed one of the fruits and a skull she had hollowed out for this. She'd found a nice stone before. She grabbed it and after placing the fruits in the skull she dropped the rock on it. She repeated this two or three times before she was certain it was done. Now all she needed was.... as soon as she was thinking about it Alma had climbed down and was holding the herb in front of her nose. "Perfect, thank you Alma." she leaned the lavender against the skull in a way she thought was presentable. She then laid down with it in front of her and with Alma curling up in between her paws against her chest. She was set to wait on Rhyme.

Walk, "Tana", Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2018, 02:06 PM

Rhyme knew he was making Tana anxious, which made him even more eager to run. He didn’t want to make her feel unwanted, he still wished he could offer her comfort, but he also knew sitting quietly with her was not an option right now. She didn’t argue, not that he expected her too, though he was sure she felt confused at his poorly hidden emotions. Rhyme felt remorse, but was too agitated to do much. She turned to head back and his did the same, though spared her another glance as she thanked him. Was it just for listening to her, or for encouraging her to take the freedom he’d given her? He wasn’t sure and in that moment didn’t give it much thought. He had already started loping in the opposite direction and did not reply.

He started off slow, but soon his pace increased so he was running all out. He followed the edge of the river in the moon light. He had been tempted to call out to Shaye or Imperia but being alone was his best bet. His paws ate up the ground beneath him, each paw step soothing the destructive emotions within him. Rhyme ran and ran, feeling the night grow older as he finally reached the edge of Abaven’s lands. He slowed, feeling his breath come in gasps as he was able to focus on something other than anger.

He caught his breath quickly, taking in deep gulps of oxygen as his paws followed the familiar path of the border. He sighed heavily, trying not to think about what Tana had told him. He would fully unpack that tale in the morning when he spoke to Shaye. As he found himself heading back to the maple tree he felt a bit better, at least now he was too tired to be to furious. Rhyme took his time in returning, unsure how to feel.

When he returned to the tree he was quick to notice Tana had not fallen to sleep like he’d recommended. Not that he would chastise her for it, she was a free wolf now she could do as she wished. He’d long caught his breath by now, and he knew sleep would be quick to follow. Silently he dropped himself near to where Tana lay, unsure about his words. "I’m sorry if I upset you earlier." He finally decided to offer as he lay his head on his outstretched paws.



4 Years
Extra small
12-08-2018, 07:05 PM

There's a hole in my heart, can you fix it?

It took a while before Rhyme returned to the maple. She could hear their companions sleeping and she herself was growing tired as she waited for him. Finally after what felt like forever he came close again. She heard his feet before she ever heard him speak. Her ears pressed forward as she waited patiently to see if he was still upset or not. Though when he plopped down she was a bit surprised. She was well aware he had been sleeping next to her and him not coming to be directly beside her was a surprise. Maybe her sleeping had been too fitful for him. Nonetheless she waited for him to speak.

She gave a tiny shrug to his apology. She was used to being frightened most of the time, and truth be told it was water under the bridge. She carefully rose so as not to wake Alma and stepped over her to pick up the lavender and skull. She then moved with a careful step, her right paw coming forward each step until she touched his paw. She stopped then and set the skull bowl in front of Rhyme. The alchohol inside smelled strong. She then placed the lavender under where she figured his nose was. "T-the lavender n-needs to b-be i-inhaled, a-and the w-wine i-i-ingested. I-it will h-help y-you s-sleep and d-destress." she felt like it was her fault that he was angry in the first place.

She then moved to lay beside him. She didn't touch him though.she didn't want to upset him again. Whether he took the treatment though was up to him. She laid her head down on her paws and listened to his breathing. She wasn't certain but she felt like being near him was calming for her. Not only that but she liked him. She just didn't know to what degree she liked him yet. She let herself drift off to sleep as she thought about that.

-exit via sleep-

Walk, "Tana", Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2018, 08:17 PM

Rhyme let his half lidded gaze watch Tana as she moved groggily from her position. She moved closer, navigating the passed out primate at her feet expertly. She touched his paws softly, ‘seeing’ exactly where he was. He remained motionless, his body worn out after the run and a full day of alpha responsibilities. His eyes never left her though.

Tana placed a stem of dried flowers at his nose, he took in a breath and couldn’t mistake the scent of lavender. Rhyme decided to breathe deeply as instructed, he’d always found the scent of lavender pleasant. She explained the wine in the skull she had brought over, though Rhyme wasn’t as sure about the brewed liquid. He had seen it enhance many a slaver’s temper. He could hear the guilt in Tana’s voice though and as she curled up close by he decided to consume the liquid.

As the warmth of the alcohol seeped from his belly Rhyme lay his head back down, closer to where Tana had put hers. He watched her for a few more minutes, going over what she had told him in his head again. He sighed heavily. "Thank you, Tana." He mumbled when he was sure she was asleep, then had no trouble joining her.