
Some Kind of Trouble



1 Year
12-03-2018, 08:01 PM
ooc: Making this as it takes place directly after Cloud x Ty thread

She was now a yearling and still stuck close to Cloud. She was thankful that one of her older siblings took her in, to teach her and help her to grow more and more each day. Often her thoughts would drift to her mother, how she had missed her. Thora had hoped Cloud would take her to Lirim to visit, but so far they hadn't yet. Thora was still not told the entire truth about why Storm had left her in the hands of Cloud, but she knew well enough that it had been a good reason.

Cloud had left her in a safe place, to rest while he had went off for a bit. Thora wasn't able to sleep so she went out looking for him. Trailing the fresh scent of her older brother, like a hound would to a coon. Moving quietly as she went and as gracefully as her build would let her. She was in her lanky yearling stage, her coat beginning to show the true colors that adulthood would hold. The silvering along the top parts of her body becoming brighter while the chocolate covering her undersides became darker and richer. Her coat was also growing thicker, her body preparing for the upcoming winter, but some of the thicker coat would be permanent, showing the northern side of her bloodline. She was growing up day by day and settling into who she would be the rest of her life.

She trailed her older brother into the territory of the shrine and it didn't take her long before she stopped to look around. Where was Cloud? She backtracked and tried to go on his trail again, but lost it. She sighed in a big of frustration before she simply began to wander further. She would simply have to see if she could run into his trail again.

"Thora Talk", & 'Thora Think'