
one shot



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-03-2018, 10:39 PM
Chaos paced around the deck of the ship that night restlessly, trying to stretch out bruised and stiffened muscles so he could sleep. He'd never admit it to anyone, but he was actually rather nervous about having a pack once again. He knew better than anyone that he'd been a failure as an alpha last time. Young, stupid, and thinking he knew better than everyone that had come before him. He should have taken a page from Valentine's book instead of rejecting the order of the pack he'd grown up in. Imperium had been insanely successful, unlike Crew, and wolves had flocked to its borders and vied for the attention of its alpha. This time, maybe he'd find that secret something that his father had that made him, and his pack, so attractive to everyone. He couldn't fail again. He'd sink everything - his pride, his name, his future - into this new pack. He'd make it as great as Imperium. See the pride in his father's eyes, give his son and daughter a future where their name was known to everyone. He wouldn't get another chance.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-04-2018, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2018, 08:41 PM by Ásvor.)
Ásvor was quite ambivalent about the changes facing Niente currently. While she had no deep loyalty to Enrico, if she was being honest with herself, she had even less to this Chaos fellow. Valdis seemed to think fondly of the man - she'd been a member of his pack and had good memories of her time there. That reason alone was enough for Ásvor to give this place a try. It wasn't as though Niente had been terribly exciting to begin with for her in particular, so why not see what shaking things up a bit might do to this place? She couldn't help but wonder what the near future might have in store for herself and the rest of the pack as she wandered tonight, grateful for the cloudless sky. The moon's bright light, as well as the stars that speckled the sky, illuminated the packlands quite well and she had no difficulty at all finding her way to the SS Antiox.

The structure was still a curious one to her, and she couldn't help but wonder if the wolf who'd been imprisoned there (perhaps unintentionally? She hadn't had a chance to find Enrico and bring it up) still remained or not. Perhaps Chaos would know something about this; or better yet, have a solution. She didn't expect to find her new alpha there though, but his oversized frame was hard to miss, a stark silhouette against the deep blue night sky. The female wore a slight smile as she approached, making no move to hide her arrival. "How are you feeling, Chaos?" She asked, mustering up as much politeness as she could, but given his standing in Valdis's mind it didn't take much to already view him in a favorable light. "Your friend Valdis did offer you to me as a practice dummy, but I'd rather wait until you're fully healed before I take advantage of that." That was the extent of her friendliness, a slightly sly smile sneaking across her dark lips as she moved to climb onto the ship's deck with him.



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-08-2018, 08:36 AM
An unfamiliar voice drew him from his thoughts, and Chaos stopped pacing to eye the woman approaching him. She was all but a stranger, except for the introduction Valdis had given her, but Chaos gave her a grin and a playfully elaborate bow. "I am at your service, Asvor, whenever you have need of... practice." This was said with a faintly suggestive tone, but given the rather precarious nature of their current relationship, which was to say practically nothing, Chaos kept his usual flirting firmly reined in. "Sore, and restless," he said after a beat in answer to her original question. "But not too badly. Delaney saw to my wounds after she'd treated your former alpha and his cat so at least I won't die of infection this time." He tilted his head at her curiously, studying her more closely. "So you and Valdis are pretty close, then?" He was proud to see how grown up little Valdis had gotten, how much she'd learned to excel. He liked to think maybe training with her might have helped, but if he was truthful with himself he hadn't done right by her at all. She'd been a yearling and had come to him to learn, and he'd walked away from her and his promises to her when he'd dissolved Crew.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-09-2018, 06:02 PM

If she was either flattered or disturbed by his slightly suggestive tone, she made no sign of it. The implication wasn't lost on her by any means, but she had a penchant toward women - one in particular had held her interest for awhile now. Likewise, she wasn't exactly looking to offend the alpha, so instead of responding she simply offered him a polite smile in return and a deep bow of her head in greeting. "I just might take you up on that offer soon, then," Ásvor replied simply, her voice betraying hardly anything beyond mild interest. She couldn't help but regret that she had learned so little of fighting in the years she'd spent walking this continent, but hopefully it wasn't too late to change that.

Her smile returned at his admission that he was sore, but otherwise alright.  "I'm glad," Ásvor responded easily, nodding as she took a few more careful steps onto the deck of the ship. Despite living her for long enough now, she was still wary about this structure and hadn't grown to care for it as much as she hoped she might. Its artificial walls seemed sturdy enough in case of some disastrous weather event, but the thought of being holed up in there with no real escape in the case of any other threat didn't settle well with her. At his question, she nodded simply, wondering how to answer it.  "We're.. very close," she settled on a simple answer. It'd been awhile since she'd been dwelling on her feelings about Valdis, and she hadn't quite made up her mind. She cared for her more than she did most, but just how much? All Ásvor knew was that the thought of losing her now, after settling down with her, was far more bothersome than she dared admit.  "We've been friends for a few years. I've spent most of my life in the North, so our meetings have been.. sporadic. Until we decided to settle down together here."



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
01-13-2019, 11:30 AM
Chaos sighed regretfully at her clear dismissal of his flirting, but he didn't press it further for the moment. It was a little deflating to his ego to be so thoroughly ignored in that manner, but Chaos had plenty of ego to spare and wasn't going to sulk about it. Instead he just nodded to her explanation of her relationship with Valdis. "The north's not bad," he said conversationally. "I like that it encourages hard wolves, tough wolves. But it's just too far from all the other packs to make it worthwhile to stay here. You'd have to travel all the way to the south anyway to raid, and by that time your whole party is tired and at a disadvantage. Better to find other ways to keep a pack tough and still be close to most of the action." A very piratical, mercenary way of choosing pack lands, but he'd learned his lesson from segregating his pack in the mountains last time in the hopes of breeding a tough gang - they'd been tough all right, most of them, but they'd also just been too out of the way and out of sight for him to make a mark on the world. They'd spent too much time just surviving and not enough time actively training. "So did you grow up in a pack up here or as a loner?" he added out of curiosity.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-20-2019, 12:41 PM

It was becoming increasingly obvious why Valdis had found this male a suitable leader. Despite his rather unique appearance, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders and Asvor could appreciate that completely. He mentioned that the north encouraged strong wolves, and she nodded in agreement. Where was he going with this, she wondered? He went on to say that it was too far from the other packs to make staying here worth it, and though she gave him another slow nod she held her tongue. Bickering about the benefits from being removed from the vicinity of other packs wouldn't do any good, not when the decision ultimately rested with Chaos - and not when she'd already decided to go, if not mostly for Valdis's sake.  "Indeed," Asvor said finally, sounding a bit resigned in her answer. She wasn't one for being passive-aggressive and she had no interest in making her dislike of their move any more known than it already surely was.

"I grew up in the North," Asvor answered after a moment of thought. "In a pack run by my mother, Katja Finnvi, called Yfir." There was obvious pride in the way she spoke of her mother and her birth pack, even if that part of her life hadn't lasted very long. "But I've been a loner most of my life. It took quite a bit of convincing to tell myself to finally settle down in Niente," she admitted conversationally. It wasn't that she wasn't the pack type, not really - but she mostly hadn't wanted to settle on anything unless she was completely certain of it. Even now she wasn't completely convinced, but having Valdis here with her helped cement her choice. "But I've decided to stay where Valdis does." For now, she reminded herself, despite having no interest in deciding otherwise currently. She was still just wrapping her head around making a decision almost completely based on another wolf, not something the selfish Finnvi had ever really done before now.