
a ha'penny will do



2 Years

Treat 2019
12-12-2018, 01:12 PM
Peggy trotted through the plains with a cottontail dangling from her jaws. She'd never been entirely comfortable with the snake-infested land, honestly, and wasn't entirely certain why her Uncle Bass had chosen it to begin with, let alone why every single alpha since then had kept it. They were lucky no one had died from a bite from one of the more venomous inhabitants, especially with the various batches of puppies that had been raised in Abaven.

Now, though, she could be perfectly comfortable here knowing that all of the reptilian residents were hibernating away from the chilly autumn air, and hunt the ubiquitous rabbits that drew the serpents there. She wasn't by any means an expert hunter, nor did she have any particular urge to become one, but her father had taught her and her siblings enough to keep themselves fed when they were younger. She wasn't sure she'd know what to do in a group hunt, but she could hunt most small prey animals by herself. As a healer she knew that rabbits had too little fat to healthily sustain someone on them alone, but as long as it was supplemented with other fattier foods the little creatures were a great quick meal for someone hunting alone. Besides, she had an eye towards skinning it out as well as she could manage without much experience, to trade the fur to a hunter in exchange for the fat from something like a bear or waterfowl. She'd heard that it could be rendered down into a greasy substance that could be used as a carrier substance for different herbs. She wasn't sure how to do that, but she was willing to experiment with the idea. She'd just need to find a way to make fire, or maybe use the heat from the nearby volcano or hot springs somehow...


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-17-2018, 05:20 AM

Geez, he had forgotten how exhausting it could be taking care of young kids. Ignis and Actaea were young, but they were almost yearlings and not nearly as much work as the two fox kits he had found. He left them sleeping in the den, knowing they'd be safe and if they decided to get up while he was away, Ignis would stop them from wreaking havoc everywhere. Ace decided to get out to the plains for a quick hunt and to stretch his legs, perhaps even get some alone time before he lost his sanity. the fox kits were wildly different than wolf cubs. Or at least...the two he had, anyway. They were extremely curious, rambunctious, and seemed to have a knack for getting into trouble. Already he had to pull the little boy out of a rabbit hole the other day, and he felt himself already turning gray from the stuff he knew they'd put him through in the future.

As the male stalked along in search of a trail to track down, he spotted someone unfamiliar to him. A young she-wolf with a rabbit in her jaws was nearby, and though Ace didn't want to bother her, he felt it was imperative that he learn who she was. He wanted to know who was who in Abaven so he would know who was welcome and who was not. Granted, it was common knowledge that those who hunted in pack lands unchallenged were often friendly, but sometimes there was the occasional stray that didn't belong. He didn't think she was one such creature, but he made his way towards her anyway. "Fine day for hunting?" He asked in a friendly tone, trying to make himself appear less intimidating. He knew his scars and his size often made him appear unapproachable, but he tried.




2 Years

Treat 2019
01-08-2019, 07:47 AM
Movement caught her attention just before a voice called out to her, and Peggy paused in her trot, her ears flicking to attention and she studied the approaching male with wide-eyed interest. He was all burly muscle and scars, with a desaturated brown, gray, and white coat and bloodred eyes. He was also easily the tallest wolf Peggy could remember meeting, and she had to tilt her head back to meet his gaze as he moved closer, with his bulky form making it seem like he was looming though she didn't think it was at all intentional. But she did meet his gaze, fearlessly fascinated, before she set the rabbit down, belatedly registering his question. "Good morning," she started politely. "Its a great day for hunting - its the only time I hunt here because of all the snakes when it's warmer." She sent a surreptitious side-eyed gaze tinted with a faint disgust out over the plains before continuing. "I don't think we've met before? I'm Arpeggio Destruction, but everyone calls me Peggy."


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-09-2019, 12:46 AM

The younger girl greeted him, explaining she preferred to hunt at a certain time thanks to the snakes here. Honestly, he wasn't sure why they decided to claim a land that could be so potentially dangers to those who weren't careful. Pups especially. He had yet to see a snake he recognized as poisonous, but he was told they were out there. He just hoped he wasn't lucky enough to find one. Or for one to find him. She introduced herself as Arpeggio Destruction, and it didn't surprise him that she was one of them. From what he gathered from Shaye, Abaven was and had always been the Destruction home base.

"No, we haven't yet met. It's nice to meet you, Peggy. My name is Acere Praetor, but you can call me Ace." He cast a friendly wink her way, a small grin tugging at his lips. She seemed polite. Curious. He wondered what her role in the pack was. He didn't see too many trainings around since he arrived, though Shaye and Rhyme were training Ignis and Actaea...that's about all he really saw. Which made him wonder..."I joined Abaven not too long ago with my Niece and Nephew, Actaea and Ignis. They're younger than yourself, and not hard to miss. Ignis especially, since his fur is blood red." He chuckled a bit, wondering if she had seen him around yet. Knowing that Ignis was more outgoing than his sister, he wouldn't doubt that the boy had waltzed around trying to meet and talk to everyone he saw.

speech action



2 Years

Treat 2019
01-31-2019, 07:50 PM
The male introduced himself with a wink that tugged an answering grin from the young woman and a blushing sort of warmth in her chest at the attention. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Acere. Ace," she corrected herself, flushing red beneath her fur. His comment about his niece and nephew piqued her interest, but she had to shake her head. "I don't think I've met them yet," she admitted. "But I'm sure my cousins will be glad for someone their own age to be friends with." She was surprised at the faint stir of jealousy and sadness at the thought of Corvus making friends his own age, and being left out because she was 'an adult' now. Not that she didn't want him to make friends, that wasn't it at all. It would be healthy for him. It just made her realize that, really, he was her only friend. She smiled at Ace despite the troubled thoughts, though, and pushed through to make conversation. "Am I correct in assuming that you're going to be one of Abaven's warriors, then?" It was hard to imagine this tall, scarred man being anything but a fighter, a thought that rekindled her interest and dragged her attention back away from her cousin.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-15-2019, 03:08 AM

The friendly smile he had tugged a little more when she corrected herself on his name. She seemed to be a fine young woman, and most likely one that was as smart and as sharp as she looked. She went on to say she hadn't met them yet, and even commented that perhaps her cousins would be glad to. Of course, he thought the same of his niece and nephew. They didn't have that back in Ruina, but now? They had every opportunity in the world to meet others their age, and even learn things that they could benefit from. Things that they wouldn't have learned in their previous pack, he was sure. Elias cared for few things. But his main priority were those damned demons. "Well, if you do see them, be sure to say hi. I'm sure they'd appreciate a friendly face," Especially considering they probably felt a little shy or hesitant. He knew Ignis did since he looked so different. And even though they were yearlings, he felt their mentality had matured faster than most. Especially with what they had been through. They didn't quite get the chance to just be kids, but there was always the chance they would finally slow down and just enjoy being yearlings.

Peggy's question tore him from his thoughts, a thoughtful look upon his face. Well, he had been tested by Rhyme and put into the highest warrior position. He had proven himself a formidable opponent, and his goal now was to pass on his knowledge to the younger generations. "I am, yes. The alphas have decided to place me as Abaven's Firethorn." He was proud of his position, but he didn't really try to boast about it or make himself seem like he was a big shot with the title. He was more humble than that. All he wanted to really do was his duty, and to ensure that the pack had trained fighters...especially since Shaye wanted warriors to protect the pack in the event something like the Abraxas occupation ever happened again. Or so he assumed. "Honestly, I've spent a great deal of my life fighting others for many reasons. My goal in Abaven is to ensure that the fighters are well trained..." He almost tacked on 'especially considering I haven't heard or seen any training of the sort since I've been here' but decided against it. "And you? What path have you decided?" Of course, he didn't know if she had a chosen path, or if she was still figuring it out.

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