
It's No Sweat



5 Years
12-16-2018, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2018, 12:14 PM by Lydia.)

Lydia rolled her shoulders forward and back, trying to loosen the tension that was building between her shoulder blades. Her pack rocked gently back and forth. She'd been searching for hours for Ginseng Root. The boost it provided to the immune system would be invaluable in the coming months but the exotic plant was nearly impossible to find. She hoped to be able to spy the bright red berries that would give the plant away but this late in fall she was skeptical she'd be given such a sign. Her one consolation was the day was beautiful. The noon sun beat down with a welcome heat to the chill breeze that gently flowed down from the north.

She had a home now in Kesali and it was a welcome relief to have a place to return to after her wanderings. Even if she returned empty-pawed just the act of returning home was a delight. Lydia shifted her gaze northward, pleased to see clear skies. Winter was right around the corner she knew but for now it looked like the fall would stretch on forever.  Turning her course toward the lake she kept her senses alert for her quarry.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-16-2018, 10:59 PM

It was a beautiful day… but Philly was still under the weather. She was trying to shake the cold that she had gotten when she visited the Stone Steppe… but alas it hung onto the female. She sniffled a little, her head feeling stuffy as she wandered off from the den. She felt bad being on the move a lot… but the children seemed content to explore the area and play for now. Not that Philomena didn’t spend time with them. The female wanted to be with her children as much as she could… and desperately wanted to make sure she remained in her little one’s lives as much as she could. Especially if she was going to one day stand against the Abraxas. Her little ones wouldn’t understand her reasons, not the same way she did, but it was alright… Philly knew what she had to do and she was going to do it.

The female flicked her ears back as she wandered near the water, blue gaze scanning for fish. They were tempting… but she was also hesitant to get in the water in her current condition, beautiful day or not. The female sighed softly, slowing down, at least until a foreign scent caught her attention.

It wasn’t her brother or Pegasus… and that made the mother wary. She moved away from her current position, approaching the stranger’s scent head on. Before long she saw her… and Philomena came to a stop. “Hail, stranger.” The female called. She didn’t doubt the other female had noticed her as well. She bore a darker base coat than she did… though her eyes were also a shade of blue. Philly waited, wondering who this woman was and what she wanted here. Being a loner… it made her worried for her little ones. At least she could count on the males in her life to help look out for the little ones.


  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!



5 Years
12-24-2018, 10:53 PM

Lydia paused to stare at the rushes and cattails that stood watch over the lake but she didn't bother to go any farther. She doubted Ginseng grew that close to the water. As she moved back to the more forested area she spied a small clump of red berries. Her heart began to race. Had she finally found some? Lydia trotted over to the plant and examined it. The stem was about a foot high, bearing a few leaves, each divided into finely-toothed leaflets. The cluster of bright berries shone beautifully as she bent her head to sniff lightly at the plant. It seemed familiar but she wouldn't really know for sure until she dug. It was the scent of the root that would tell her for sure if she'd found the right plant but overall she was feeling very positive.

Lydia was about to start digging when a voice called out to her. She turned her head to see a lovely young woman with an ombre mane standing not too far off. "Hello there! How are you this fine fall day? I hope you'll excuse me. I think I've found a useful herb here and I'd like to start digging at it." She didn't want to be rude or seem like she was ignoring the other woman.

"Talk" "You" Think