
I'm screaming out but I can't make a sound



4 Years
Extra small
12-17-2018, 10:15 PM

There's a hole in my heart, can you fix it?

She had left this morning with the thought of going northward to find wintering berries. Rhyme had done left but she had come across his scent as she left the pack lands. He had left towards the north as well. She figured imperia would eventually see her and her companions as they followed the scent trail. Basil was out in front as he always was and alma guiding her from Tana's back. Today was nice if you asked Tana. The air was crisp and she was happy to be going to get juniper and holly berries. The cold bothered her but it wasn't as bad as the far north would of probably been.

She was in the midst of gathering a couple branches of juniper when a sound caught her attention. She had been doing her best to stay quiet and near to the place she had smelled Rhyme's scent so the noise was a surprise to her. A loud yowl that sent Alma clinging tighter to her and Basil to standing on his hind legs ready to threaten whatever came at them. But it was the sound after that had the tiny healer perking her ears and the primates to panicking. A loud crack which turned into a loud thundering roar. The silence of the woods here had been broken.

Without a second thought Tana sprang to life. She'd heard enough about avalanches to know a few things to keep them all alive. At least until someone came looking that was. She sprang toward Basil, snatching him up roughly before pivoting and springing down the mountain. She wasn't the fastest but she knew she needed to run. She needed to find a tree large enough to block as much of the snow as possible or a cave. Alma was on much the same wavelength as Tana. She rode Tana like a jockey would a horse, big eyes scanning for places to hide. It took only a few minutes and Alma was yelling over the thunder. "Hollowed out tree! Dead ahead!" the lemur had seen it on their way up and Tana was glad for it.

She skidded to a halt barely only to turn and run into the tree. Her shoulder collided with the trunk and she was effectively halted. Basil was dropped there, as carefully as Tana could. She had broken a rib or two she was sure on him when she had grabbed him up. She was panting and awaited the impact of the snow. One. Two. Three. Four. The thundering turned into a deafening sound as it rolled past the tree, effectively trapping its victims in the trunk and causing the tree to shudder from its impact. Tana cried out in fear for their lives, the loudest howl she could produce to help any near after the disaster to hopefully pinpoint her location.

It was several moments and the world grew quiet. They were stranded in the trunk and if they tried to dig their way out they'd just be making their sanctuary smaller. The snow was probably 5 to 6 feet in any way from the tree. Their only hope was rescue. Though tana was already shaking both from fear and cold. Hopefully someone had seen the disaster happen.

Walk, "Tana", Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



5 Years
12-17-2018, 10:42 PM

Lydia had journeyed to the island as a challenge to herself more than for any herb hunting. She'd moved delicately on her way to the island to try and minimize her packs contact with the water. She'd get a lay of the land, investigate the plant life and then return. That had been the plan anyway. The gorgeous view of mountains towering up to the sky had lured her on a path toward the top and every tike she thought of turning around the sky would beckon her. Just a little farther. Just a little farther.

As she turned past a patch of juniper trees she heard the shifting of snow and instantly her heart began to race. Last year she'd had the unfortunate luck to have been buried alive. If it weren't for the aid of total strangers she'd have suffocated. Cracking snapped her back to the present as she looked up in time to see a cascade of snow starting to fall down the slopes. Spirits, not again!

Lydia turned and ran, seeking to run perpendicular to the fall of the snow. She eyed the rocky terrain, trying to guess where the snow would naturally flow and she leapt up onto a rockier ledge outside the natural ebb and flow of the mountain side. Snow crashed around her but the worst of it missed her. Even so she was sprayed with snow and debris that stunned her for a moment. Shaking out her coat her fur suddenly stood on end as she heard a piercing howl. It echoed strangely, sounding muffled. Bright spirits… was someone trapped? Lydia fixated on the spot she thought she heard the sound coming from as the rumble died off down the mountain side.

Taking a few steady breaths she started journeying toward the sound. She moved painfully slowly, fearful that a misplaced step would mean sinking down into the loose snow. Her sight was fixated on a tree not far off that would prove a needed stopping point and at least one area she felt confident was stable. Lydia sank up to her shoulders after one ill timed step. She laid herself out flat and carefully extracted her limbs before scooting closer to to the tree on her belly. Deciding this was a good a place as any she called out gently. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She didn't want to yell too loudly, fearful that she might trigger another avalanche and then what would she do?

"Talk" "You" Think