
Scorpion/Qanik Son



8 Years
07-09-2014, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2014, 08:34 PM by Qanik.)
So Qanik and Scorpion have done the deed, and now Tortuga's older secondary Praetor is pregnant! With her advancing age she will only be having two pups. One will be a girl, my Atka, and the other, a boy, will be up for adoption here! This will be her only litter.

Scorpion's profile is here and Qanik's is here for designs and such (I probably won't be providing designs this time unless requested). Qanik is 30" and Scorpion is 39" so the pups can be anywhere in between there, and will get a 25% discount on height if they go over 36". Qanik is Lawful Good, Scorpion is Lawful Evil, but the pups will be raised by Qanik (no idea if they'll ever even known who their father is, let alone ever meet him) so pups should be at least neutral.

So here is what I need from you!

Name: (must be Inuit in origin)
Appearance: (site minimum)
Personality: (site minimum)
Roleplay Sample: (200 word minimum)


07-09-2014, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 12:15 PM by Xae.)
Whoops. Ignore this post. I can't buy anything as of now, I'm saving up for a character I want to bring. Sorry, Tea. ):

Katja the First


8 Years
07-21-2014, 01:30 PM
There's only one free pup in this litter (which will be born the ninth!) so keep in mind that anyone applying may need to pay for the extra pup.



7 Years
07-23-2014, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2014, 05:47 PM by Tahlia.)

[Image: 28tuhao.jpg]

Name: Miksa

Appearance: As far as first appearances go, Miksa might not be easily overlooked. He is not overly tall, barely capable of labeling himself as "large" at 35 inches in height, though he does possess the bulk for it. His torso is thick and sturdy, long with a deep chest, and his legs, while they are long and somewhat lanky looking, are deceptively strong, toned, and well matched to support him in any activity, be it a test of endurance or strength. However he does not tend to carry himself in a manner to reflect what he is capable of, and likely he does not fully know it. His posture is more often low, respectful, and polite, solemnly ready to take direction as it is easier than choosing his own.

Colorwise, he strays only slightly from the arctic white expected for a northern wolf. His solid coat deviates in three different places, the first and most noticeable being the dark, black markings that encircle his bright yellow eyes and reach slightly upward toward his brow. The second is a soft, pale tan that covers over the backs of both ears, and the third is a mixture of this light brown and grey that sweeps across his back in subtle ticking that blends it and hides it almost entirely from notice.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: Quiet is a good way to describe the boy, whose patience as well makes him an attentive and kind listener. While he does well on the receiving end to the worries, stories, and instruction that are given to him, Miksa is less proficient in expressing himself. It is not to say he lacks the ability - when his mind is truly put to it he can be a strangely convincing character, his natural quietness lending weight to his words - but he struggles to find the same worth in his own opinions and ideas that others appear to carry so easily. He often second guesses himself, doubts and worries making him hesitate, and likely it will lead to missed opportunities.

But what he lacks in forward speech he makes up for in action. His quick mind, which fails him linguistically, is capable of seeing what needs to be done, and while it trips him up in conversation it tends to throw him into the midst of things if a physical response is open to him. Greetings can often be conveyed with a smile and a tail wag, affection shown with nuzzles and licks, and dangers are faced blindly as he defends or assists those in trouble. Miksa is in no way one to spoil for a fight, but if required he holds every intention of finishing one should he become involved.

Roleplay Sample: He was kicking himself again, mentally questioning why he even bothered liking someone if he was not going to do anything about it. His brown colored ears were folded and his dark marked brows were drawn down over yellow eyes while he trudged through the familiar snowy forest, occasional heavy sighs voicing to the world his frustration. He had had a perfect opportunity today to say something, the pretty girl even lingering with him longer than he had thought she would, but everything Miksa had said had been safe, hiding his growing affections and keeping her in the dark. No matter how many opportunities he seemed to be faced with - even the day before there had been time! - he worried himself into staying quiet, leaving him wondering both times if he had lost his opportunity entirely.

Finding the tree that he often retreated to - a large, wide one with a surprisingly comfy base - the boy stopped beneath it and flopped upon his stomach, still brooding quietly to himself. Maybe he should just give up. Talking was obviously getting him nowhere, and even when he stopped he could not gather up the nerve to do anything else that would suggest any of his feelings. Maybe it was already a lost cause and she was tired of him, ready to make friends elsewhere, possibly with someone who did not stall as much as he did.

Miksa blinked his bright eyes sadly, sighing for what felt like the hundredth time, and as he stared ahead he spotted something amid the hard vegetation of the north. Browns, deep greens, and the white of snow were all very common here, so the rosy bloom seemed to stand out from the background around it, catching his eye. He lifted his head, stared, got to his paws, and stared some more before venturing over to it and the other flowers who shared the little sunny space with it. It was pretty, even compared to the others, and on impulse he reached down with careful jaws and plucked it from the ground. Resolutely he turned, heading back for the dens, in particular the one the pretty girl occupied. She would not be there now, but that was all for the better. How surprised would she be to see the flower left just for her, he wondered, heart already beginning to race at his own brave scheme. And maybe that would be hint enough to her of how he felt.

(Kinda lame and cutesy, but it was all that was coming to me, meh.)



4 Years
07-24-2014, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2014, 09:08 PM by Warja.)
Name: Shtiya meaning "my strength"
Appearance: To say he is an oddity would be an understatement. Shtiya is a tetragametic chimera, meaning he's the result of two nonidentical twins fusing in the early stages of forming. His right side is entirely white and his left side is a tad more interesting (pictures below). He's also polydactyl, having six toes on both his left forepaw and his left hindpaw. On top of this, his left side is also slightly larger than his right, appearing a touch more meatier, although the difference is so slight that he himself isn't entirely aware of the differences. The only obvious difference is in the size of his paws where, you guessed it, the left ones are bigger than the right. And it's not just because of the extra toes. Shtiya's right eye is silvery blue and his left is sapphire. Left Side - Front

*Adult Build* Standing at 34" and weighing in at 110lb gives him a lean but well rounded appearance. His build is like that of a great dane, with long limbs, a sturdy back and a wide chest that glides up to broad hips. He's big but not bulky, giving the appearance of strength without looking like a hulking monster. As a child he'll be exceptionally fluffy, like a big squishy teddy bear. It's hard to say if the fluffiness will follow him into adulthood, but his coat will always be on the heavier side.

Alignment: Neutral
Personality: First and foremost, Shtiya is a scientist bent on unraveling the world around him. The things that make him different will sculpt him into a seeker of oddities and he'll treasure the very things that are shunned for their deviations. He delights in solving puzzles, peeling back the layers of mystery to expose the gears that make it all run. Anything and everything is worth investigating. Everything is worth questioning. Puzzles are his passion and he enjoys gazing into the future, finding no difficulty in imagining things that haven't take place yet. Life, to Shtiya, is the greatest puzzle. He finds beauty everywhere, not just in the physical sense, but in the quiet harmony that makes it all possible. He'll go through life with his eyes wide open, testing and marveling at the impossible rhythm that surrounds him. Understanding that there is an order to everything, he'll sift through the chaos and confusion, searching fearlessly for the clockwork that makes all things tick.

Shtiya is a tender soul. Unable to understand where they're coming from, he's easily wounded by the harshness of others. He longs to be understood, to be accepted, and any attack directed towards him will be received with extreme shock. Immediately, Shtiya will shut down, drawing into himself in an attempt to staunch the emotional blood pouring from his very soul. He's loyal, though, and forgives far too easily, allowing himself to be hurt, used and bullied countless times in the belief that there is a bit of good in everyone.

Shtiya is, to put it kindly, is a gullible, easily awed idol-worshiper. The world and its intricacies may be his to unravel, but put a wolf before him who exudes a trait he finds admirable and the boy will fall head over heels into unbridled adoration. Once he latches onto someone it won't be uncommon to find him trailing behind them with an awed, almost starstruck, look on his face. Blinded by their superior whatever, their flaws will go unnoticed or minimized and ignored. Any malice or rejection from his beloved idols will cause him pain and for these few will his tears readily flow. Rejection is one of his greatest fears.

Enjoying quirky things, Shtiya will surround himself with as many as he can find. He's quickly work up quite a collection and by the time he's old enough to live on his own he'll have amassed enough treasure to make a dragon jealous. His hoard will spill from his den, forcing him to sleep outside (which is a sacrifice he'll gladly make). As a pup his trinkets will accumulate quickly and if his mom isn't careful, they'll begin to take over the den. As much as he'd like to sleep curled atop them, Qanik would be wise to make him keep his toys outside.

-----------Sensitive, intuitive, adaptable, creative, affectionate-----------

Roleplay Sample: Stretched before him was a sea of vibrantly colored clover. Everywhere the boy looked three-lobed greenery smiled up at him; the happy white blossoms standing guard over their cheery buddies. As cute and happy as the little plants were, Shtiya wasn't there for them. Among them lurked oddballs, little freaks of nature. Those, those tiny little plants with too many leaves, those were what the child was after. He lay on his belly with his back legs stretched out behind him and his nose pointed down at the ground between his front paws. His mismatched eyes were fixed intently upon the flora; nothing existed but the clover before him. Shtiya's brow was pulled low in concentration, his forehead creased with wrinkles he was far too young for. He'd been in the field forever, sifting carefully through the plants in the hopes of finding at least one little misnumbered clover. Just one, that's all he wanted.

The boy sighed. Was he asking too much? He'd found only a couple before and they never lasted very long. As soon as he picked one it started to wilt. The last one had barely made it out of the field before one of it's leaves fell off; which did him no good whatsoever because then it just looked like a plain ole clover.

There! His breath caught, making a soft, disbelieving noise as he sucked it in. Could it be? Shtiya reached out a paw and gently nudged the other plants away from it. Released from the grip of its companions, the plant in question sprung up to reveal...a normal amount of leaves.

Thoroughly disappointed, the child sighed and re-situated himself; gathering his front paws under him so he that was leaning down on his elbows. The movement revealed a patch of clover that had been hidden by his six-toed paw. The squished plants were slow in springing back, but when they did, standing bigger and taller than the rest, was a four leaf clover.

When his eyes landed on it and it's undeniable oddness sunk in, Shtiya squealed, giddily squirming around for a couple of seconds. He was so excited that he was afraid to touch the plant in case his exuberance would cause it harm. When he finally settled, the boy reached out tentatively grasp the plant...and then he had a better idea.

Jumping to his paws, the child quickly dug his nails into the earth to one side of the plant. He dug until the hole was big enough and then he tackled another side, repeating the process until a circle was carved out around the plant. Shtiya then used a paw to gently pry a good-size ball of dirt--plant on top--from the ground. From there he picked it up, nose wrinkling as the dirt settled upon it. It would be worth it though. He was sure of it.

----A hop, skip and a small time jump later----

""Mmummuh, mmummuh!" He stopped to retch as mud gagged him, then was off running again. His eyes darted from side to side, excitedly searching for his mother. He was unbelievably proud of his find; this would be the first one he was able to share with others and he was keen on showing her first. The others he'd show later, but his mom? His mom would appreciate his funny clover the most. He was sure of it.

"Muh?" Where was she? She had to be- RIGHT THERE! He zeroed in on her form, taking huge bounding leaps in her direction until she was right in front of him. The boy proudly deposited his catch on the ground before her. Thankfully the clover, though its ride had been violent, arrived relatively unscathed. The root ball was a little less fortunate, having lost a large amount of its dirt to the moist mouth of its child, so it lay before Qanik a squishy, oozy blob. The child, though he was both leaking and smeared with mud, grinned up at her with a huge, brown tinged smile. "Momma, look what I found! It has too many leaves, like me!"



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
08-08-2014, 03:36 PM
If you're both still interested and can pay for your pups (because we only got the one free) you can both get your boys. I liked them both too much to pick just one.