
Late Fall Cleaning



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-23-2018, 07:26 PM

Valdís was up at the crack of dawn. The late fall morning broke chilly and frost covered the ground. The shift to cooler weather was arriving later in the year than Valdís was used to from living farther up north with Niente. They'd already had snow by the time Chaos initiated his challenge. She stood outside her den, her breath turning to fog in the cool air as she thought back to how she'd ended up here. Three packs in one year. Spirits she hoped that this one would last! Her year had started with her journey from Auster to Boreas after Talis had been taken by Ashiel Abraxas. From the southern continent of Auster she'd traveled all the way to the top of northern Boreas where she'd joined Niente and lived in the S. S. Antiox. Now, here she was, settled somewhere between them, nearly in the center of Boreas. Chaos had claimed his pack and they were now called Legion. So much had happened and on top of all that craziness and her own worry she'd found herself falling away from Ásvor. If she had one resolution for the new year it was spend more time with her friend and rekindle that friendship, and perhaps, if she was being to presumptuous, something more.

Enough reminiscing, it was time to get to work. Valdís slipped back in her den and using her front paws she began to scrape out dirt and leaf debris that had collected in her den over the fall season. She had dug her new home to face southeast in an effort to get a bit more sun in the morning and also to keep it turned away from the north winds that might cause snow to drift into her den. It was hard work that required some patience. Carefully aiming, she'd fling dirt and leaves out of her den. She found a few twigs as well as a number of bones, left over from a few snacks she'd snuck into her den. Valdís wrinkled her nose. She really needed to stop doing that before she started attracting ants into her home.

Once she was pleased with the state of her den after removing the debris it was time to line it with furs and skins for added warmth. She didn't know for sure how cool the winter nights would be here but she'd rather have more furs than she needed with the ability to shuffle them out of the way if she got to hot then wake up half frozen in her den. Valdís emerged from her den and wandered toward her storage den where she'd stashed a few skins from earlier hunts. It had taken quite a bit of trial and error to get them cured in the way she wanted but once they were there she couldn't be more pleased. Valdís rooted around in her storage den. There wasn't too much in the den since she hadn't moved in that long ago. Valdís seized a mountain goat skin in her jaws and gently pulled it out.

When she was sure she had a good grip on it she trotted back over to her den and carefully slipped inside where she laid the skin upon the floor of her den. She moved back and forth until she had cleared out the storage den and had her living quarters snug and cozy. A mountain goat skin, a deer skin and two rabbit skins made for a nice, snug place for her to sleep. Satisfied she slipped outside of her den to take care of another item on her checklist. She had a log rolled up along one side of her den that still needed to be placed. Carefully she put her paws on top of it and began to push, rolling it so it aligned parallel with the opening of her den. It was more a precaution, for though the ground here was fairly level there she wanted to make sure that water was directed away from the opening of her den and down the shallow incline. She'd need another for the other side eventually but the one log had been a stroke of fortune. She didn't know quite yet how she'd acquire another one but she would eventually. Then she'd have a nice framed walkway to the den entrance.

Valdís stepped back from her den as the sun continued to rise higher in the sky and she nodded her head sharply. Yes, this was a good start for her winter preparations. Now she just needed to make sure she had some good food stores and make the storage den deep enough, and thus cool enough, to keep the meat good. Though this late in the year she probably didn't need to worry too much. She gazed up at the sky for a moment. Time for a lunch break.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-27-2018, 03:04 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2018, 03:04 PM by Ásvor.)
Asvor's mood hadn't brightened much from the journey south. Even with winter's arrival just around the corner, it was hard to feel overly cheery at all. The further south they went, the less and less things started to feel like home. Even in the midst of winter, in the worst of the winter storms, she was certain this place would never feel like the northern forests of her youth. That knowledge soured her mood, making the already quite difficult task of adjusting to live in Legion's new packlands that much more difficult. At least there was a slight chill in the air, and while that should've cheered her up it simply made her feel vaguely less annoyed. She stood at the edge of one of the strange structures that inhabited these lands, watchinf as her breath went up smoke in front of her nose. The grass was tipped with frost, which she knew would surely melt by the time the sun fully rose in the sky, so she intended to take full advantage of the cold late autumn morning.

Perhaps unlike Valdis, she hadn't spent much time preparing for winter. Perhaps she was being overly nonchalant about things, but she doubted winter would be something she couldn't handle without prior planning. Her cockiness would most likely be her downfall, but she was preoccupied with sulking over the pack's move to worry about the effects of being ill-prepared. The truth was, she hadn't even found a proper den site; the various crumbling structures here and there seemed to be as good a place as any to hunker down to sleep, though she supposed she really ought to find something more permanent. Maybe actually digging out a den to properly store her herbs might help her sour mood, but she was content to pretend that nothing in the world would help - at least for now.

Asvor found herself huffing softly as she wandered, though finding a hint of Valdis's scent temporarily brightened her mood. She hadn't exactly been eager to join the rest of the pack here, though she hoped she'd hidden her wariness from Valdis. It was weird to feel as though settling here had partially been because she wanted to be near the other woman, but the feeling was hard to shake, even if she wasn't quite ready to admit it out loud. Hoping to distract herself, she trailed after the familiar scent, and a smile played on her features once Valdis came into view. Was that her den behind her? Asvor found herself eyeing it from a distance.  "How are these new lands treating you so far?" Hopefully her answer was better than Asvor's honest one might be.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-01-2019, 02:43 PM

Valdís mused over what she'd like to eat for lunch. She had some kill stored up but she didn't want to break into that too early. She was meant to be storing food for the winter, not devouring what she had worked so hard to store. Not that there was much. She debated about calling the pack together but in truth she didn't feel much like leading a large group hunt. Maybe she could snag a rabbit or migrating water fowl. She assumed that such creatures lived here in the south as well but she was sure she'd learn of different species and prey the area had to offer. Shame it didn't offer a cooler fall. She found herself uncomfortably warm after all the physical labor she was doing. Too complicate the issue the sun was rising higher in the sky and as it did the frost began to melt and the temperate was slowly climbing.

She caught the scent of her friend and turned to see Ásvor. She greeted the other woman with a smile, grateful that she had decided to stay with the pack.

"How are these new lands treating you so far?"

Valdís scowled and kicked at a muddy rock. "I can't say I find this new settlement all that appealing. I'm used to high altitudes and snow, not vast expanses of mud, but surely Chaos chose this area for a reason. I imagine the hunting and prey will be better but I worry it will make the make… soft." She kept her voice low. She respected Chaos and his vision but she hadn't really been expecting to spend the rest of her life in the southern lands. Hypocritical she knew. After all, she'd been a part of Talis not long ago but she was younger then and just eager for company, eager for battle.

"I don't know what I was expecting. I didn't expect it to be that different but I suppose that was foolish of me. Yet, I don't want to judge to soon. It could be that this area is just experiencing a mild fall so I reserve judgement until we see what comes with its winters."

She saw down and leaned up gently against one of the logs she'd laid at her den entrance, gesturing for Ásvor to sit with her. Her memory stirred with the thoughts of her close encounter with a mountain lion not long ago. She still bore the wounds which were mending but could use a little help. "How about you? How are you settling in? I was wondering if you might assist me with a bit of… uh… trouble I ran into." She twisted her neck to reveal four puncture woulds on the lower part of her neck just in front of her left shoulder blade. The wounds on the right were healing nicely but the other set was raw and sore. Just shifting her body reminded her of the pain and reminded her of what she still needed to tell her friend.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-07-2019, 04:24 PM
Something about the bitter cold of the north simply felt like home to her. Even on the warmest summer days, the northern parts of Boreas never felt like sweltering like these southern lands could, and nights always offered a reprieve from the warmth, a constant coolness in the air regardless of the time of year. While she was certain the same couldn't be said for these parts, at least she wouldn't have to worry about those hotter seasons quite yet. Perhaps winter would be pleasant enough to temporarily quell her worries - hopefully.

She was slightly surprised when Valdis answered her question with a scowl, though she was comforted by her immediate reaction.  "Glad I'm not the only one sulking over our new home," Asvor breathed a sigh of relief at her friend sharing these sentiments with her, but despite her sullen mood she offered a faint, slightly wistful smile to Valdis.  "I can't say this is where I expected to find myself, but.." The Finnvi woman found herself shrugging, her words trailing off. But what? This is where Valdis had agreed to go, and so she had gone too. She knew in her heart she wouldn't have gone for any other reason, but admitting that wasn't quite so easy. "I can't say I expected this, either. It seems like quite the change, but then again I don't know Chaos well enough to judge." He seemed a decent man, obviously one worthy of following as a leader, at least judging by the honorable way he'd taken voer Niente. Valdis seemed to think highly of him too, which didn't hurt his cause.

Without hesitation she moved to join Valdis and sit at her side, briefly letting her gaze sweep across the lands that lay in front of her friend's den. At least she'd picked a decent enough den site, and Asvor was reminded she ought to get working on her own. The thought was more appealing in theory than in practice, hence her delaying the task this long. "Saying I'm settling in might be a bit of a stretch. I'm fighting it tooth and nail every step of the way." Asvor offered another faint smile as she tilted her head back to watch Valdis over her shoulder, watching as she stretched her neck to reveal a new wound there.

Almost instantly a look of measured concern crossed her features once she got a better look at the wound, the corners of her mouth pulling down in a slight scowl. "What sort of trouble, exactly?" Though her words were mostly curious, her tone had an undeniable seriousness to it - she felt a swell of protectiveness in her chest, deciding she'd have no hesitation kicking someone's ass if they tried hurting Valdis. It was hard to tell what the wounds were from, so for now she'd wait and see what Valdis said about them. Before she got an answer she was already trying to recall what herbs she had stored in these new lands, which weren't very plentiful yet, and figure out what she could do to help Valdis.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2019, 02:08 PM

Valdís nodded absently in confirmation. She hadn't expected to find herself down here int he south either but she had no interest in being a loner. A pack in a desert was preferable to struggling as a lone wolf. Wolves were pack animals for a reason and she had no desire to pretend otherwise. She wanted to be well fed and protected. She chuckled. "I don't know if anyone knows Chaos well enough to judge. He is true to his name. Wild and unpredictable and I think anyone who thinks they have him figured out is a fool." Yet, that unpredictable streak could be a concern in a leader. She'd just have to see how much he learned since Crew and whether or not he could tame some of that wildness to be a stable rock for his pack to count on. Though perhaps that was more what she wanted now that she hoped to set down roots with someone. She supposed there were advantages to keeping everyone on their toes.

"Saying I'm settling in might be a bit of a stretch. I'm fighting it tooth and nail every step of the way."

Valdís winced inwardly. She hated to hear that her friend was struggling and part of it was making her reconsider and that was frightening. She'd agreed to go with Chaos, to join his pack. To leave now instead of in the allotted time could prove dangerous and she had no idea how he would take it. Would he just let them go or would he seek to make an example of them? And even if they decided to leave, where would they go?

Valdís grinned as she shifted her body to make the wounds more accessible for examination. "Sick mountain lion. Found it in when I ran across Chaos and another man." They seemed to know each other but in the chaos she'd forgotten the other man's name and his relation to Chaos. She'd have to ask another time. Right now there were more pressing matters on her mind. Namely, when had her heart started trying to beat its way out of her chest? She took a deep breath. "Say, Ásvor, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about…" Her jaws snapped shut as she realized sound was no longer coming out of her mouth. She stared dumbly at her friend then swiftly at her paws. Ok, this wasn't going quite like she thought it would. She had no idea how to state what she wanted to say. Was there a social protocol for this? Fuck it, she was just going to come out and say it.

Valdís took another deep breath and looked right into Ásvor's eyes. "I think I'm in love with you." She felt the blood drain from her face in shock. Oh gods, she actually said that out loud. Shit. Fuck. "I just… I mean if you don't feel the same that's cool. I will deal with it but either way I'll still care about you as a friend. And you know if living here in Legion is something you're fighting tooth and nail then let's figure something out. I don't want to stay here if it's not what you want. Maybe we can find your family and I don't know, I mean, you know what I'm rambling, I'm gonna shut up now."

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-26-2019, 11:36 AM

Though she'd wanted to wait to find the perfect pack, whether it be a revival of Yfir or something else that called to her, she'd decided that following Valdis hadn't been such a bad idea after all. At first she'd settled on the idea because she'd been fond of the lands that Enrico had claimed in the north, but now? She'd come farther south to stay with her, much father than she'd ever been comfortable staying for an extended period of time, and now.. here she was. Perhaps she shouldn't complain so much, lest Valdis feel guilty for asking her to come in the first place. That wasn't her intention at all. A slight smile tugged at her lips at her friend's assessment of Chaos, nodding. While she hadn't gotten the unpredictable vibe from him during their brief conversation, Valdis knew him much better than her.

She explained it'd been a mountain lion, and that sudden surge of overprotectiveness quelled slightly. She'd have to find some herbs for her today after their talk, perhaps something to apply to the wound itself and maybe some for her to take internally to ensure no infection set in. The wound was not an awful one but she still would rather it get looked it. But Valdis admitted she had something else she wanted to talk to her about, and curiosity wove itself onto her features as she pulled back slightly to eye her. She was at a loss for what it could be. Perhaps she wanted to forge a different route for herelf? Had Asvor joined her down here only to be forced to take another path again? The worries suddenly swarmed her brain, but what she hadn't prepared herself for was for what she actually had to say.

'I think I'm in love with.' Asvor was stunned. Not the most eloquent woman, she wasn't sure exactly quite how to respond, but luckily Valdis filled the silence by talking. She hadn't taken the time to figure out (at least in proper words) what she thought of Valdis, but the answer seemed suddenly obvious. She'd met her when she was little more than two years old, still largely naive in the ways of the world but she remembered being instantly drawn to the kindred woman - and somehow they'd continued to find one another even when they lived on opposite sides of the continent. Not one built for trusting others, somehow Valdis had found a way of sneaking behind the walls she'd built up around her with much effort. She was, without a doubt, the only person she trusted fully outside of her family. If that wasn't love, she wasn't sure what was. Valdis's slight panic was obvious, and palpable, and for once Asvor's reserved demeanor also seemed fairly shaken up suddenly.

"I feel the same way,"  she started, voice quiet at first as she tried to find the words she wanted to say. "I don't think I've ever done something like for anyone else, but this move... the thought of being without you again was painful. I didn't want to come, but I wanted to be with you far more." The weird, misplaced feelings that had been rattling around her brain suddenly seemed to make much more sense. The way their brief moments of affection had made her feel made even more sense now. "I love you too. I want to be with you. If it's here, we'll make it work." Saying this suddenly felt right, even if she wasn't quite sure what loving Valdis entailed. Protecting her? Working beside her? Caring for her? She could do all those things, and even when they were apart she felt compelled to find her eventually. Things had felt right since she'd been together again, even if their relationship hadn't (until this point) changed much at all. Encouraged by her words, gently she pressed her nose to Valdis's cheek in a brief moment of affection. "I think I've felt this way for awhile, but I wasn't quite sure how to tell you."



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-10-2019, 04:57 PM

Valdís had never felt her heart hammer in her chest so painfully. She'd never felt fear quite like this, not even during the siege. Then she had a strong surge of excitement and dreams of glory to dull her fears and reservations. Right now all she had was hope. Hope that she hadn't just forced a wedge of unease into one of her only friendships. Ásvor looked stunned. Valdís looked swiftly at her paws, quickly losing her nerves. What the frick had she just done? She was anxious to fill the silence with more words but her throat was burning, a knot of nerves silencing her as she battled internally.

"I feel the same way."

A whoosh of breath expelled from her lungs as her emerald eyes shot up to meet Ásvor's face. Was this happening? Spirits above this was happening! She stared dumbly at Ásvor as the woman continued to speak, almost not daring to believe what she heard. Her heart was still beating away rapidly but now each beat had a new feeling to it. Fear melted into joy and she grinned, feeling so happy she felt she might cry. She swallowed hard, trying to reign in her emotions. Ásvor stepped close and she felt her heart flutter, her gut stir. Ásvor pressed her nose to Valdís cheeek.

I think I've felt this way for awhile, but I wasn't quite sure how to tell you.

She took another deep breath. "I… I am so glad to hear you say that. Thank you. Thank you." She felt her words failing again and so she reached forward to like at Ásvor's cheek, wishing to make her feelings clearer even if her words were still fumbling about in her head.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
02-17-2019, 11:08 AM

Despite Valdis coming out with her feelings first, Asvor couldn't help but feel faintly anxious as she spoke and waited for the other woman's reply. There was something terrifying about being so honest, especially when it came to the one wolf she trusted and cared for more than nearly anything, and all at once she felt her feelings become more clear. Asvor felt weirdly vulnerable, but the feeling wasn't necessarily a bad one, just.. different, and rather unfamiliar. Her gaze was fixed on Valdis as she spoke, and as she saw something like relief wash over her features she felt a similar wave of relief and joy, and eventually she was smiling dumbly at her.

"No, thank you," Asvor breathed, shaking her head slowly. "I can't lie, I was scared when I realized I was only coming here to be with you. I've never done anything like that for someone else," she admitted tentatively, leaning to bask in the brief moment of affection. Touching Valdis had always seemed second nature to her after their time apart but she'd always withheld most of her affections, unsure how the other woman would take it. But now? She was eager to explore that part of their relationship, leaning into her touch with a slow grin. "Would you mind if I stayed in your den with you? I'll admit I've been slacking on finding a suitable one for myself." Maybe partially because she'd been subconsciously hoped for an invitation into Valdis's. She wasn't sure. "I'll help you dig it out more and make room for my herbs, too." It sounded like a good idea and she wasn't as nervous about asking as she expected she might be now that Valdis had opened up to her.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-03-2019, 01:46 PM

Valdís felt a gentle warmth in her stomach and a nervous excitement throughout her body. In truth she wasn't quite sure how she felt, all she knew was that the feeling wasn't bad. There was perhaps some uncertainty. Where did they go from here? What was the next step? She was touched that Ásvor had moved south just for her. She'd never felt so valued by another wolf, not since her mother any ways and it was a strange and wonderful feeling.

"Would you mind if I stayed in your den with you? I'll admit I've been slacking on finding a suitable one for myself."

Valdís grinned. "I would love for you to stay with me. We'll definitely need to widen it up and furnish it more but the area here is solid enough I don't think that will be a problem." She'd certainly want to furnish her den a bit better. Valdís would have left it rougher but with Ásvor staying with her she felt her original plan needed some sprucing up. There were things she could do to make the den even more comfortable and appealing to the eye and already her mind was running through ideas.

"Well, let's get started then." She slipped into the den to begin digging.


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