
If Walls Could Talk



4 Years
12-25-2018, 06:26 PM
Even new eyes to this land were able to tell that it had been reborn, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. The faint aired taste still lingered in the air, a reminder of the fire from long ago. Still the earth soaked up the nutrients from the ash, making the earth almost soft and delicate to the touch. The new life that sprouted from the old were growing steadily, and yet they still hardly stretched above his shoulders. At this time of year there were no leaves on their branches, making them appear even smaller than they probably were. They stretched up towards the sky, waiting for the spring to show themselves in all their glory.

The silent intruder carefully walked closer to one of the young trees, rubbing his nose against its smooth surface. It had been a while since he had seen a sapling like this, the ones around the mountains were nearly as ancient as the rocks themselves. The bark hadn't even developed its rough, uneven texture that was indicative of this tree type. Sniffing in their woody scent, he took a moment to just enjoy the new area that he had found. It was a remarkable reminder that life moved on, even after a disaster. It was an ideal that very much matched his current state in life, a reminder that made his ears pin back and cling to his skull. Tearing his head away from the tree, he moved his mauve coloured body away, weaving between the young trunks. It wasn't a refresher that he wanted, nor needed. Not at this time. Huffing at his own mind, he rapidly swung his head from side to side to cast it all away. He wasn't here to dwell on what had happened, but to attempt to move on and start a new. There was nothing left for him there, so why sit on the events that had come and gone? Running his tongue across his teeth, picking up the pace as he trotted into a clearing.

The mossy ground squished between Lyulf's toes as he made his way to the center of the wide opening, not even a bush to dot the area. The ground here wasn't as lush as the ones around the saplings, it was like the fire that have ravaged this land didn't touch this one spot. Even the scent of embers had died down, leaving only the usual scents of a forest around him. Ly's nostrils flared as he drank it in, his green eyes fluttering closed. It was so much more alive here, more than he could have ever expected. In the few weeks since leaving the north, he hadn't run into too many other wolves either, which was another bonus. There had only been one bloke who he had fully met, and even that set him off guard. These wolves seemed to be more open and brash, or so he had gathered. Not too sure how to feel about it, Lyulf just tried to keep himself away from them all, not worrying about a high number of strange interactions. It was the lands that he had far more interest in seeing, they held a higher fascination above all else. There were so many things that he had never seen, even being already 2 years old. It was really the only thing that kept his paws moving under him, not bothering to settle and find a den, at least for anything longer than a one night visit. Lyulf wasn't used to the nomad life, but had been settling into it rather well. Every day was a new adventure, a brand new land to explore as he steadily made his way across the rest of the continent. No one to hold him back, no one to worry about other than himself. Letting out a lathe breath, he kept his eyes closed and just sat there, letting the wind ruffle his tri-coloured fur. This was a life he could get used to living.
[Image: yz1xNJa.png]



3 Years
Extra large
01-01-2019, 08:50 AM
The beautiful scenery, while not lost to Korinna, wasn't exactly something she was hyper-focused on. Perhaps quite unlike most visiting these lands, the rebirth of the trees once scorched to ashes wasn't something she found beautiful - their destruction had likely been quite beautiful, though, and once the scent touched her nose she couldn't help but remember the strange girl she'd found trying to set fires not long ago. Had this place's proximity to Mount Volkan been it's downfall, once, or had its destruction been caused by fellow wolf? She tipped her head to the air, sniffing gingerly at an oncoming breeze and scoping out the scent a bit more carefully. The faint stench that lingered here definitely reminded her of what she'd smelled near the peak of the familiar volcano.

Though she'd once considered that peak her home, at least for a brief time, she too knew that everything changed and though things came to an end, new things always followed. Already she found her annoyance caused by Ruina's disbandment had been quelled, replaced with a newfound vigor toward helping Tyranis in raising his pack and earning her rightful place within his ranks. At least he had chosen a place somewhat close to Mount Volkan to settle in; for that, she was grateful. Her thoughts were scattered as she reflected upon this as she wove between the young redbud trees, occasionally to stop and sniff at the oncoming breeze. Despite not laying claim to these parts, Kori felt a kind of belonging here and wanted to explore the terrain fully, for her own purposes.

There was no wariness in the dark female's step as she walked. She strode with a fearless sort of gait, and the heavy mess of scars that marked her face only exacerbated that aura. She wasn't the type to move slowly and carefully, ever - if the world decided today was her day to die, so be it! Sure, she'd fight tooth and nail to keep herself here, but in her chaotic mindset she didn't really think there was much she could do preemptively to change the outcome of any day. She could hold her own, and that was all that mattered. Briefly the female paused at the base of one of the wider trees, its base marked with soot, and she snorted as a stray bit of ash got caught in her nose. Briefly irritation was visible on her features, her tail beginning to twitch idly behind her as she shook her head out and continued on.

The further she got away from the volcano to the northeast, the more lush the forest became. The vegetation had clearly thrived out here, the scent of ash dying out as she traveled onward. With the smell of young trees, pungent even despite the imminent arrival of winter, came the scent of a male wolf. Her interest picqued immediately and she redirected her gait, finally spotting him after some time between the spindly tree trunks. Quirking a brow, she let out a loud bark, hoping to grab his attention before she got near to him. Perhaps on another day she might try to startle him, but without much cover here she doubted she'd have any luck. Instead, she approached without hesitation, her gaze sweeping over him. "Weird place to take a nap, you know," Kori noted brashly, referencing the fact that she'd seen his eyes closed just a bit ago.