
sustainably sourced



4 Years
12-27-2018, 03:53 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2018, 03:54 PM by Clementine.)

intellect season skill prompt - group - 368 words

Winter was approaching and it was time to prepare. Wether or not she was allowed to join the ranks of her family's pack it was a time of survival for both herself and others. Autumn was soon ending and winter would take it's place. Clementine was not familiar with how the South in these lands was effected by the winter but she had a pretty good understand of what would happen. Plants freezing, leafless trees, and very very cold nights. Sick pups and elders, as well as a horrible time for mother's to give birth. In order to survive this winter they would need to stock up on herbs, meat, and fortify dens. Though, before she could really be of any aid she needed a good idea of what the south had to offer material and reagent wise.

It seemed the south was densely populated by Wolves due to the very thick scents she picked up on as the traveled. That meant there may be a chance she would run into someone, therefore her ears were erect and her eyes wide. Clementine remained alert as she walked through the forest in order to spot or smell anyone before they got the drop on her. She silently wandered between thickets and trees. Decaying remnants of fruit littered the earth, left overs from what other animals didn't scavenge. Autumnal colors flooded her vision due to the fallen leaves polluting the earth. It was difficult to get a silent step due to the true amount of leaves there actually were. This just meant the girl had to really be on her game defensively.

Soon Clementine found a clearing that seemed to still have a few plants and herbs peeking between the dead leaves. A tiny smile flicked across her obsidian lips as she began to idly paw at a few of them. She was not use to the flora of these lands so it was hard to pinpoint exactly what she was looking at. But, she carried on studying each of the plants to perhaps store in her memory. When she would eventually meet up with her family again she would locate their healer in order to get some much needed lessons.

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12-28-2018, 09:58 PM

speech & thoughts

It seemed as though his younger brother had did a fine job preparing before he had decided to call together a pack. With winter right around the corner they needed to remain prepared and ensure they had enough herbs and food the last them the winter. He had no idea what the winters around here were normally like and you never know when you will have an abnormal season. There had been a store of furs that was beginning to dwindle as members used those furs to help line their dens for added warmth and comfort, it had been the only thing he really noticed was getting low. So the male decided that it would be time to go out and do some hunting, gather some furs and some bones for Ivy to craft with.

He had headed out in the morning to track down some prey, but he had to remain weary with the two new packs that suddenly appeared a few weeks ago. He didn't want to make any problems and ruin any potential alliances Branch was trying to create. It was hard to continue trailing larger game when they went in and out of the other pack lands making his task more difficult then it had to be. He wondered if this meant the south was to good of a place to have a pack, or if it was simply a coincidence. He had the passing thought of going to the alpha's of those packs and simply asking what drew them specifically to the south, but he knew it would be a strange and foolish thing to do.

He wandered into the orchard in hopes to actually find some prey before they traveled into a pack territory, but instead he came across a familiar scent trail. He was one of the older pups that were in the large group and for the most part helped to raised and teach his younger siblings. It was hard to not recognize the familiar faint clan scent that still lingered with her. He grinned as he fallowed the trail in hopes of catching up with his younger sibling and before he knew it her dark form came into view.

"Hey Clem," he lightly called out so he wouldn't scare her.

Art by Bleuzye



4 Years
12-30-2018, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2018, 10:29 PM by Clementine.)

intellect season skill prompt - group - 1061 words in total

Clementine idly pawed at the earth wit her pale eyes pointed downward. At times she would pause in order to get a good sniff of the herbs, making a mental note of each one. After some time she stumbled upon some Meadowsweet which is a white flower with yellow bits in the center. They were low to the ground and in patches with the majority covered by dead leaves. Clem pushed the leaves to the side before taking her jaws to the stems. Carefully she plucked them from the earth and roots hung from her mouth. Speckles of dirt fell as she raised her head again. Clem was no herb expert but she knew Meadowsweet was good for flu symptoms and with the winter coming it could be of aid to them all.

Before Clementine could do anything else a voice rang through the clearing. It seemed in the time of her discovery her guard was down and someone had approached without her knowing. Suddenly the lady perked up and spun around to look at the Wolf. Almost immediately her ebony lips turned upward into a delighted smile as her pale eyes locked onto her sibling. Huckleberry. Quickly she set down the herbs and trotted in his direction, her tail flicking around in pure joy. "Hello there! What a lovely surprise!" She stopped about five tail lengths away in order to maintain a polite amount of space between the two. "I was just gathering some herbs in preparation for the winter. I noticed we may need to stock up just a tad bit more on some things." Her pink and black nose flicked to the side, gesturing towards the white herbs. "I am unaware of how harsh the seasons are here in the south but i'd rather not take any risks." Clementine then looked towards the male with a raised brow, "What are you up to?"

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