
Teach me a Thing or Two



2 Years
07-08-2014, 08:18 PM
The young male would be a large one - that much was now guaranteed. His long limbs and large paws were starting to suit his body type, and now that he was branching out physically he wanted to mentally. Whether he knew it or not. His family was important, a necessity really, they were his and he theirs and that was that. Yet he craved something different, attention from a different source than the ones that he had grown up with. Covari was growing, and as it did, he grew more curious of the wolves that were allowed to stay. Perhaps if he got to know them, his mother would entrust him with this pack should she have to leave again. Vivek was not the most ambitious as of yet - but regality had been given to him for so long that it would definitely grow. For now, he had everything that a boy could want - but he was nearly old enough to be considered an adult. That wasn't going to cut it forever, having everything handed to him would get old as he grew larger, more devious.

Today though, despite how horribly droll it sounded - he was going to try and make a friend. Hopefully he would find someone as lovely as at least the more dingy members of his family, but that wasn't entirely necessary. Not for members of his mother's pack. They were here for a reason, they were hers, so they were his. And he never mistreated something that he could even partially call his own.

Stretching, the brute would wander to a newer part of Covari. These caves were dull from the outside, but perhaps there was something inside that made them worth claiming for the pack. The red boy would stare a moment, before disappearing inside - swallowed by the darkness.


07-08-2014, 09:00 PM

Her delicate frame, voluptuous in all the right places, had been out and about that morning. After meeting with Fakira for a morning bite, she was eager to see more of her new home. One of her primary desires was to get to know Covari inside and out, to learn its habits and how everyone's minds worked. In the future, she would be able to lead them with a golden paw and bright set of blue eyes without much of an effort. The power and the glory were what she craved and she knew there would be those who would help her with such desires.
With these thoughts in mind, Pandora's body was prickling with electricity. Her skin made her fur stand on end, but she thought of a specific male running his nose down her neck and she felt her pelt fall back in place. A smirk was on her face as she entered the Caves alone, knowing that the darkness would probably hold what she was needing for her future. Pretty soon, she was wrapped in the dark's grasp and was not afraid.
Upon entering, she didn't smell any fresh scents. The air was stale and she didn't particularly care for it, either. If she had chosen to live within these caves, she would have had someone clean them out until there was nothing but fresh air in the deepest caverns...She pushed the thought from her mind as she continued to search for any signs of life aside from herself. Disappointment would arise in small increments, but still she continued.
Pandora went past various cave entrances, but she ignored most of them at first. After she had passed ten or so, she heard dripping water in one on the right. Slowly, she caressed the ground beneath her as she chose that entrance, and was not disappointed when she came out the other end. An underground waterfall was slowly moving in the far left corner, barely seen by the light that had found its way in from the ceiling. She couldn't help but smile at her discovery, especially when she knew it could draw someone in like her. Silently, she claimed this part of the caves "hers", and she moved around the outskirts of the medium-sized cave with her scent. Tail flicked behind her and she chose a sunny spot to sit in, where her designs would immediately show off to the next person who arrived. Turquoise eyes twinkled as she sat with her back to the entrance, not allowing anyone entering to see her face.




2 Years
07-09-2014, 06:13 PM

The darkness of the cave was alluring - the brute would sigh, closing his eyes and blending in with the shadows. And yet he was still confused - what did this place have to offer Covari? Red eyes would slowly adjust to the lack of light, catching the glimmers and glints that broke through cracks in the walls and ceiling. With the sun slowly fading, Vivek expected that he would be swallowed in darkness for quite some time. His shoulders would occasionally brush against the rocks, and he zig zagged through rock formations that both stuck out of the ground and hung from the ceiling.

His footsteps and breathing could be heard, along with the scuffling of any and all creatures that lived in the caverns. As he wandered in, he would slowly catch the scent of another - faint at first, but as he drew nearer he could tell a little bit more about the stranger. A lady, first of all - and one from the same pack as he. Of course, who would be foolish enough to trespass upon the pack of true royals? The young brute dragged his tongue over his lips before sauntering forward, straight up until his eyes had to refocus because - wow, was he really seeing this?

Sitting elegantly by a neat little waterfall, was another wolf. A lady decorated with bright flecks of gold - and he swore that he had seen her before but he couldn't place her face or her name. Iridescent gaze would narrow, and Vivek stepped forward until he was standing in front of her, looking down at her in an effort to meet her gaze. "Why on earth is a lovely lady like you hanging out in the dark?" He would grin, holding back a snicker. Although he was not completely serious, he would admit that there was something unique about the girl's appearance.

Despite her ebony plumage, she was intricate, and a good way to catch the young male's attention was being easy on the eyes.


07-09-2014, 06:35 PM

Her smirk had already appeared before the boy appeared in the cavern. She felt like a goddess, perfectly poised on her invisible pedestal as the time slowly ticked by. Steps could be heard before he showed his ruby red self and she silently giggled at her ploy. She enjoyed a good fa?ade every now and then, especially when the recipient was worth the time. Let the games begin!
When Viviek finally arrived, she felt his scent fill the room like a massive spray of cologne. Her nose worked to take it in and it gave her enough information to make her hunger satiated for the time being. Male...with the bloodline of Viridiana...royalty of Covari, without no doubt... Ahhh, so the Artenie babe had caught the attention of a prince! She was more than ecstatic as he became drawn to her like a magnet to a fridge door. Oh, if he was interested now, wait until he saw her face!
His eyes roved over her and his words slipped from a sneaky tongue, one that Pandora imagined nibbling on for the hell of it. Golden-backed ears perked as he spoke and he stopped in front of her, watching her every move. Slowly, she raised her head and her turquoise gaze met his vibrant rubies. She would not admit that she was taken hold of by his beauty. Instead, she let her smile appear across her face as she decided to give a smooth retort. "Most things that are sinfully desirable can be found in the darkest of places..."
Her eyes flashed with a dangerous glint, indicating that he better be aware of what she was referring to. Then she looked him over, admiring the red fur his mother had bestowed upon his tall and massive frame. "Then again...the darkness can conceal things that others may not want to know about...words, thoughts..." She rose from where she sat, showing off her glittering zebra stripes and shoulder designs as she turned to take a step or two away before looking over her shoulder at him. "Actions..." Slowly, she blinked as her tail loosely swept behind her and lightly touched his chest.
Still looking over her glittering shoulder, she eyed him and said, "Tell me, my handsome prince, what would ever draw one such as yourself into the unknown of this cave?" A smirk appeared on her face as she continued to watch him, eager to hear -- or witness -- his reaction.

Talk like this



2 Years
07-09-2014, 07:06 PM

She would wait a moment before she lifted her head, and once she did - the boy was momentarily stunned. Her eyes were so bright - maybe they were catching the little glimmers of light that shone in, or maybe it was natural - but it was in that moment that he was, at least for a few seconds, floored. Of course, he couldn't let her know that, and so he would play it off as if she was average. Nothing special, just another Covari woman - so what if she had swirls in all of the right places?

His curiosity was spiked, even past his shallow reasons for approaching - when she had a tongue as fast as his own family on her. Desireable - was she really something that he wanted to call his own? As she narrowed her eyes and stood, swaying her perfectly decorated hips - he was pretty sure that the answer to that was yes. "You're not someone that belongs in the dark - you seriously want me to believe you prefer this to showing off?" He would show her off if she belonged to him, that was for sure.

"Curiosity." He would answer her coy question simply, watching her smirk, letting her wonder what he was thinking. Hoping that she was thinking about him. "Who doesn't like a bit of mystery?" Although Vivek wasn't the biggest fan of surprises, he enjoyed those that weren't easy to read. A bit of a challenge would keep him hooked far longer than something simple. "I certainly didn't expect to find anything beautiful down here, but what do you know. I was wrong." The boy would grin, a sharp expression despite words that were relatively lighthearted.

Following after her her, his eyes would stay on hers, but his shoulder would brush against her side, and it was definitely different from the bumps and greetings that he occasionally gave and got his siblings. He could definitely get used to this.


07-09-2014, 07:37 PM

For the first time since meeting the young prince, Pandora became aggravated. Her brows furrowed and she gave a scoff to his words of her desire to remain hidden. "Hidden?...Hidden?! Oh, puhleeeease," she flared, tones hitting the right notes with her Romanian accent. As he approached her and gently bumped his shoulder into her hip, she felt a charge of static electricity form between them. That energy only amped up her self-contained fire.
Quickly, she turned to face him, eyes glaring in the darkness. "I was not made to be hidden, nor would I ever consider doing such a thing." Ears remained perked and she looked him up and down slowly with an extra oomph of force. "If you had taken notice of me when I first appeared at the meeting, then you would have realized just how much I have to offer, both day in...and day out." Her fur had fluffed up from her aggravation mounting, but she let it fall back into place and she softly cleared her throat. " would you be able to handle such a specimen as front of others, hmm?" Oh, she was a proud one.
He answered her question and voiced his own inquiry about mystery. Pandora light snorted and she watched him with an intense gaze. "Some mysteries are best left in the dark, but even they can be brought to the light." She took a bold step towards him and was merely three inches from colliding chests with him. "You bet your red ass you were wrong." A sneaky giggle slipped through her smile as she kept her gaze on his. "But I won't tell anyone that my dear prince was...wouldn't want to ruin the perfect image that can be so daringly displayed without flaws." A light lick was given to his chin with her salmon pink tongue before she pulled back to greet his body with her bright eyes. "Especially when he has sooo much to offer to those most deserving." She could feel the heat radiate from his crimson form as she stood, tail lazily wagging behind her.




2 Years
07-10-2014, 02:36 AM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2014, 02:37 AM by Vivek.)

Ah, so what do you know, her irritation was cute too. He would watch her scoff, intrigued by the way that she talked. It was different, and suited her extremely well. Thankfully he wouldn't have to taunt or tease to get her to speak more - she had plenty to say on her own. Normally, Vivek wouldn't really give a damn what another lupine had to say - but he liked listening to this female. She would bitch at him, but not in an entirely unpleasant way - besides, it wasn't as if this was an argument. He agreed with her. It would be a complete and total waste for this pretty thing to not be teasing the masses whenever possible.

"It's a shame I didn't." He wouldn't apologize - that wasn't in his nature. He had been captivated by the green woman during his mother's calling, but he really did wish this girl had caught his eye first. Thankfully, it didn't matter too much because now, here, he had her all to himself. "I'd like to see how the specimen handles herself in front of others." Surely she wasn't always so open? So alluring and mischievous - he was curious about her day in self... although he didn't really change in comparison - or so he thought. Perhaps this girl was the same.

Vivek would nearly draw back as she stepped forward, but despite his usual enjoyment of a good amount of personal space, he didn't want that with her. He wanted to be close to her - he wanted to know her, solve her really. "Perfection?" This word would stop him, and his face that had slid back into a neutral visage, would pull into a smirk. Pride would bloom within him, and he leaned into the small kiss to his chin. Nostrils flared as he breathed in the dark girl's scent, and he held back a sigh until she pulled away. It was looking into her lively gaze that he would speak once more. "Oh, and what do you want that I have to give you?" He was the son of the Queen, but he wasn't old enough to be ranked yet.

Besides, he wasn't necessarily the generous type either.


07-11-2014, 09:56 AM

The temperature in the cavern was beginning to change. When Pandora had first entered, the coolness had swept around her slender legs like a fog. Now that Viviek had been there for longer than ten minutes, the place could have been mistaken for a future sweat lodge. Yet, the beautiful cobalt doll wasn't sweating in the least from the interaction she was having with the Covari prince. Such a thing didn't usually happen with her...unless it was part of the game.
Viviek called her a specimen, something she enjoyed hearing. A light chuckle escaped through lightly clenched teeth as she admirably looked him up and down. "The only way for you to be sure of that is to watch...I am sure you won't be disappointed." An eyebrow rose as she spoke, making her features darken slightly in the already dimly lit room.
His sigh didn't go unnoticed and Pandora couldn't help but grin. She loved having that kind of effect on people, especially the ones that held such promise. His question of what she wanted rose to her gold ears and she had an immediate response. "That all depends on you, fireball," she said, his nickname sticking to his bright red fur. "What would you be able to provide for one such as amazing as I? I would rather know what I would be getting into before I become consumed with the idea of your tantalizing form." Pandora knew that she wouldn't regret Viviek...if he provided her with what she needed.
