17 Hilarious Reasons to Pester Your Family [Agnivo]
The previous night had brought Fyri their first deep snowfall of winter. It had been common in the northern parts of their homeland for such things to happen, but only rarely had Sephira experienced them herself. As such, she had spent the better part of the morning playing in the snow like a pup. She had pounced into drifts and dug out snow dens, made wolf shaped imprints on the ground and knocked her weight into young trees to see if she could get clumps to fall. It was exhausting, useless work, but at least she was having a good time. |
Stopping and ducking behind one fallen redwood, he grinned, creeping around the side low before peering out again to watch his sister pad along. He'd wait til he thought she was pretty close before leaping over the log and flying at her, arms outstretched, hoping to knock Sephira over.