
What if i said i don't care?


01-06-2019, 06:37 AM
Another day had passed, and snow was starting to gather. Soon any chance to tracking his real quarry would be gone. As would her chances of survival. He didn't care though. HE only cared for his prize if he brought her back. He knew Rhyme would eventually cave and want to know who he was hunting, but he wasn't giving information without something in return. He was sitting in the bear den he had found as he watched the snow. He was quiet and he knew boring to watch. "Don't know if you care but your welcome to go home if you want, I'm not going anywhere." He lowered down to lay to prove a point.

He wasn't about to go anywhere in this weather. Though next he saw Rhyme he may tell the man exactly what he thought of these idiots. Fighting had not been necessary but it was whatever.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-08-2019, 05:03 PM
Vlad didn’t often leave his mind recently, especially with the recent news that he would be twice a father. He closed his eyes in turmoil as he thought of the accidental litters that were developing in their mother’s wombs. He hadn’t stopped scolding himself for either. He had given up drinking for the most part, though he’d enjoyed both times he’d gotten really drunk the consequences had been difficult to bear. Rhyme tried to banish these thoughts as he stalked towards where Acere was keeping guard over Vlad. With Shaye’s pregnancy it was hard to spare the set of eyes on the captive 24/7.

He nodded to the towering pale coated warrior, giving him permission to take a few moments to himself. Rhyme could handle the prisoner. He didn’t seem to eager to make his escape, but Rhyme knew better than to fully trust him. He sat a few paces away, allowing the falling snow to accumulate around him. "I’d tell you Welcome to Abaven, but you were never welcome here." He started, feeling the familiar resentment towards the sellsword. "What did you really think you were going to accomplish like that?" If he had really been so eager to barter a price he’d failed at boasting a silver tongue.


01-08-2019, 06:48 PM
Just as he got comfortable in his little home, along came Rhyme. He watched the man send away the white idiot only to sit outside in the snow. He move to create space beside him, wordlessly inviting him to take a seat out of the weather in the overhang of the rock that made the den. He was obviously not concerned with what they ranked him as or wanted him to be here. He didn't even care that any of them hated him. Their opinions were their own and none of his concerns.

Rhymes words didn't much matter to him either. He didn't care if he was welcomed or not. "Doesnt much matter what I wanted now does it?" he lifted a brow at the man. Alpha or not Vlad wasn't giving away things freely. "The fight was avoidable though, I dont care much about taking either of you back." had Rhyme and Epitaph come alone he might of bartered with them and even given them information about the takeover that he knew they may of appreciated. Though what was in the past was in the past. "So why are you here now Rhyme?" he looked at the man and waited.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-08-2019, 07:44 PM
Rhyme eyed Vladimir as he shifted enough for the alpha to shield himself from the elements. Rhyme really shouldn’t have accepted the offer, but Vlad’s meek demeanor lulled him into compliance. He stood and arranged himself under the overhang, enough distance from his captive that he could react to a sudden attack if need be. The dark head hunter had changed his tune, he was no longer spouting insults now that he had been subdued.

Vlad was right, Rhyme knew his ways. The highest bidder won. He absently wondered what kind of deal had been offered the hunter and if he would be able to best it. But really, it was Vlad who should have been doing the bargaining. He held all the power over the boy’s freedom or lack of it. He wasn’t particularly satisfied with the slaver’s answer, and less enthused about answering his question. However, Rhyme was feeling rather generous.

"I know how you work, Vlad. An answer for an answer." A good bargain with the position he was in. "This land has belonged to my family for a long time. I have investment in the future and goals to work towards." He answered the question, knowing Vlad already knew he ruled here. "What were you offered to bring Epitaph back?" He asked his question for a question back.


01-08-2019, 08:19 PM
He watched as Rhyme moved to be beside him. This winter looked to be a cold one, they should at least learn to tolerate him if they wanted to keep him confined here.

He listened to Rhyme's deal, not bad since he still had no other thing to offer but his own lies for the man to Toxic. "Like I told you at the border's Toxic offered a black bear pelt in exchange for his son. Not exactly like the bear pelt holds much value, since half the fun of having one would be killing it myself." he could ask any question now. But which to ask first? He obviously wasn't as vicious as these idiots made him out to be. "How much do you value the boys freedom here?" in other words what was he willing to offer the man for his lies. He could barter here but he was obviously going to be wanting more than just some little prey or pelts. There was alot the headhunter valued more.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-08-2019, 08:36 PM
Rhyme didn’t know how Shaye would react to having a captive within Abaven, he knew she wasn’t going to stand with keeping slaves and knew as well as he did they couldn’t spare the extra pair of eyes on him. Likely she would trade him for resources to a less moral pack. They couldn’t chance him returning to the slaver’s pack with information and they couldn’t chance him staying here in the heart of their pack able to wreak havoc on the pups they were expecting. They would have to have a long discussion about his freedom.

His answer at the price of Epitaph was simple, just a bear’s pelt. He couldn’t deny Vlad’s commentary either. He gave the man a hard gaze, curious why he would risk so much for only a single pelt. Then he asked his own question. What was his price for Epitaph’s freedom? Of course Vlad didn’t know about their plans to raid the slave pack, but if they decided to raid Abaven at least he wouldn’t have to travel far. "More than a black bear’s pelt." He answered meaning he valued Taph’s freedom more than Vlad valued his own. "How long did you have to return to Toxic?" Or more accurately how long did they have before more were sent this way?


01-08-2019, 09:05 PM
Rhyme answered half way and vlad turned an ear and eye to him, halfway annoyed at the answer. It would do neither any good. "The first thaw, when my mother will come into heat next.... if I do not return he will force himself upon her and force her to bear his children while I and Father can do nothing." he was giving away a little of how bad it had become since Radek's fall. He gave a sigh. Rhyme wasn't asking the important questions yet. One he knew the other man might value more.

"What is your plan then for my future, seeing as I could return a turncoat or stay in these lands?" he was honest at least. He did have to wonder why Rhyme was keeping him when they could of bargained and sent him on his way.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-11-2019, 09:05 PM
His captive was obviously uncomfortable with answering the most recent question of Rhyme's but it seemed like he told the truth. The threat was very much something Toxic might say. Radek had been an awful master, but Toxic was far worse. Even Rhythm held a deep seeded hatred for him in her heart, and for good reason. He couldn't help the pitying look he gave Vlad, though he'd never been given the option to prevent such cruelties on his mother.

Vlad returned with another question, what would his future be like? Rhyme honestly didn't know the answer to that question yet. He had yet to discuss what Shaye wished to happen in this scenario, though he had his own hunches. "I don't know yet. Though you won't be kept as a slave here." That much was true. "We could strike some kind of deal, but you have to convince my partner, Shaye." He added, wondering if she would even consider bartering with the head hunter.

"The rest of my siblings." He started, glancing at the large male. "Were any punished unjustly after our escape?" That's what he questioned many a time in his head. Had he and Rhythm cause pain on those forced to stay behind?


01-11-2019, 09:10 PM
Rhyme pitied him and he gave another sigh. He wasn't here for pity. He was here to get the few he had been sent for. Though Rhyme's answer sounded about right for what his own pack had made the slaves see him as. No one would ever know how many times he had intentionally let slaves have a rest when they were sent to him for punishment. He definitely thought it was a word amongst the slaves that he was who they would rather be punished by. 

It was what he deserved though for doing as he had and letting Radek rule, though he could of overthrown him long ago likely. Then Rhyme found what he was sure would interest him most. "As far as I know, Aria escaped soon after you, Radek was fine to let you and her go, he only wanted Rhythm back. Toxic took over soon after. Thing went bad after that. Now you either work for him or he sets his loyal on you, you either die or become a slave." he paused to look Rhyme in the eye. "Toxic blamed Radek and took his aggression out on Eulogy, she is tho only one he really wants back. She escaped from him when he was fighting father. From my understanding he believes she could be pregnant, though I doubt it, she hasn't been treated well by him. I doubt she made it too far since she has no skills other than what the others taught her." He looked at rhyme with pity. Though there was something that he had caught.

"What did you mean by other siblings? It like you meant other than the ones I'm aware of...." he had caught it. He was well aware some were taken from their mothers before a bond could form but something about the way the man said it sounded strange.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-11-2019, 09:11 PM
Rhyme never took his gaze off the captive, though he might have been the most likely to be bought out by a second customer. It seemed Rhyme had caught his attention, holding all the leverage Vlad would seemingly spill the truth. It could have been an intricate lie but he wasn't about to gain much from this one. He couldn't help but say a silent prayer of thanks that he'd gotten himself and his mother far away from that madness. Aria sought freedom as well as little Eulogy. He didn't know if either of them had the skills to survive on their own. Rhyme tried to protect them best he could but his time with them was limited at best. Now he had a chance. If he could find them.

Too much time might have already passed, another wolf could have picked them up. If they were anything like Tana they would likely attach themselves to the first wolves to walk by. His ears fell to his skull, he didn't like showing Vlad the emotion. However, a potential deal was forming. Not that he even had time for said plan.

He focused back on Vlad as he asked his question. Other siblings? "I didn't know him before, but Epitaph could very likely be my half brother. I know mother had more than one pup taken from her at birth." He answered, not having meant anything elusive in his words that prompted the question. "Could you find Eulogy?" He didn't add the if. If he weren't held captive. Rhyme wasn't about to offer freedom, especially with out talking to Shaye. However, he needed to know what he was working with. What Vlad could be useful for. Rhyme was caught up in thoughts of rescuing his young sister.


01-11-2019, 09:12 PM
Vlad wasn't sure if Rhyme was trying to hide his emotions but if he was it really wasn't working. Vlad could see them. Rhyme was worried as vlad told him the truths. He eyed Rhyme with speculation as he spoke. Shouldn't he know his own siblings? Even if he didn't watch them grow if his mother had them and got to name them then shouldn't he remember at least their names? 

He raised a brow at the man though as he asked his counter question. Could he find her? He was doubting Vlad's skills as a hunter then. But the fact that freedom was not offered with the question was not missed. "If your guard wasn't on me and you paid well, yes I could find her and bring her here. But I'm not sure you can top my mother's freedom in return for Eulogy." the real question was did Rhyme know exactly how his sister was?

"You know what she was taught to be, but do you understand that she may never be capable of living a normal life? She views everything a Male does as them wanting her to bear them child. She would easily let someone rape her if it's what they wanted.... rhyme needed to at least be aware. Eulogy was not like her sister. Aria wasn't as well trained.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-11-2019, 09:16 PM
Rhyme was only able to store a couple of names in his memory. Epitaph being one, and a vague remembrance of Tragedy. He knew there were likely more, his mother had always been quiet about them. Not even mentioning some of their names. Of course they had usually been kept separate, and he hadn't been able to comfort her through all of the births of his half siblings. He still blamed himself for the loss of her eyesight and their capture on himself.

Vlad continued, answering his question without hesitation. Of course Rhyme's unspoken if. The headhunter could find her and return her, but Rhyme couldn't offer his mother's freedom. His mother. Rhyme took a harder look at his captive, and for the first time saw the familiar bridge of his nose and the shape of his eyes. They looked like Epitaph's, they looked like Rhythm's, they looked like his. What if Rhythm was his mother. Rhyme wasn't even sure if he should mention the hunch. Or the fact that they might just be able to save the woman he spoke of. Rhyme wasn't about to spill their plans to his captive though, and kept any hint of his bargain to himself.

He wondered if Vlad was being cruel or really trying to warn Rhyme of how serious Eulogy's training under Toxic had become. Rhyme felt his heart beat faster as he worried for her. She really would easily be picked up by the first wolf to find her. He was torn between mourning her and leaving right now to track her. Vlad hadn't offered another real question. "You've given me much to consider." He decided to say, unable to make any decision in the moment. He had to think of his pack first, and hope Shaye might think similarly to himself. Rhyme stood, ready to summon Acere or Odysseus back to guard the headhunter. He'd give Vlad one more chance to ask another question before he left him.


01-11-2019, 09:18 PM
If he had known what the other was thinking he would of scoffed. He was a prince, princes were not born of sin or slaves. Even with toxic having taken his home from him, vlad was still it's true heir. Toxic had no other Male children to take the mantle except a slaved child and he wouldn't be able to be taught what was needed to rule. Granted the pack would not have remained the same when vlad took it, there was still little room for a slave on the throne. 

Rhyme lifted himself then. Seemed he wasnt going to be trying to top what toxic offered. That was fine. Toxic had a claim on his service until vlad figured everything out and got his mom to safety. That or he took the pack back. He did have two more things to say though. "we could of been friends if the circumstances were different. You know?" it was an observation more than a question. Vlad wasnt a completely cruel man, but here he was judged and to probably end up killed for his father's way of life. "Just do me a favor when you decide where your going to take me as a slave?" he gave a pause. He knew Rhyme didn't owe him a thing. He was easily accepting the punishments for his father though. "Just remind yourself that not every man is his father... and ask them to make my death swift if that is what they want to do with me." he didn't want to suffer for crimes he had never committed. He hadn't laid with a woman who didn't want it first, he didn't choose to beat a slave. He had only done so publicly when taking a slave to private chambers was directly out of the question and forbid by Radek. He didn't forgive himself for it though. He'd take it to his grave though that the treatment of some of the slaves he saw as inhumane and disgusting.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-11-2019, 09:18 PM
Rhyme looked back to his captive through the gentle fall of snow, finding his comment strange. He was right though, had their circumstances been different Rhyme might have befriended the man. In reality the possibility still lingered, but trust had to be formed first. The Imperialis couldn't trust Vlad because of the profession he took and the wolf that had raised him. The gears were turning though, he might have been able to pull it off where everyone got what they wanted. He'd free Vlad's mother when they stormed the slaver's pack. Though likely Radek's head would be lost. Toxic would be killed, Vlad would find Eulogy for him and they could send their captive on his way. "Somehow, I feel like there is still a chance." he mumbled before calling out to the guard.

Vlad seemed convinced that he was either going to be a slave or killed. Rhyme wasn't sure either would happen with the answers he got from their conversation. He smiled darkly at the younger man. "We aren't going to execute you," he told him hoping to relieve some anxiety of his future. "You could still be of use." Vlad hadn't made the best decisions in life, but considering who his father was he had turned out better than most. He had a kind heart deep down, not that he was likely to ever admit it out loud. "I'll be back soon when we've made our decision."