
Here Kitty, Kitty


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-09-2019, 04:49 AM

He swam out for the first time to one of the islands off the coast. And the first thing he did when he touched land was hunt down some food. The swim over had left him ravenously hungry, so he made quick work of tracking down a meal and bringing it down. Although his injuries from fighting off the tiger weren't completely and fully healed yet, he was still capable of bringing down a buck he had found wandering near an old run down cabin. He had never seen a structure like that before, but when the buck came strolling out, the cabin no longer held his attention. He gripped the buck firmly in his jaws, waiting for the animal's last throes to die down before he released it. The alabaster male licked his lips, stomach growling fiercely as it waited to be fed. The sound of falling pinecones and the occasional bird had his attention as he scanned the fields around him, making sure that he was alone before he decided to dig in. Once he felt satisfied that he was alone, he lowered himself beside the buck and started to eat. Fangs tearing into its flesh, ripping it apart.

He sat in silence for a while. The only sounds around were birds, the breeze, and the dull crunching of bone as he cracked the bucks ribs and tore at its innards. He didn't particularly feel the need to gorge himself as quickly as others might have, especially since he felt he was alone. But when he realized the birds had stopped singing and the world around him went deathly quiet, his attention slowly started to tune into the world around him. He swallowed the piece of meat that he was holding, ears alert as he tried to pick up the sounds around him. He could feel the fur prickle on the back of his neck, almost as if he was being watched. Only this time, he knew it wasn't a pup hiding in the bushes...

The crackling of leaves behind him alerted him to an approach just in the nick of time. Because as soon as he turned his head to look, a large figure burst out of the bushes behind him. Crimson gaze widened for a moment as he clumsily rolled to the side. Not a second later, the form of a skinny mountain lion landed with outstretched claws where he had been just a heartbeat before. Ace scrambled to his feet, lips peeled back and stained fangs glistening. Blood stained his muzzle and chest as his gaze burned daggers at the large cat. The mountain lion, however, seemed to ignore him for a moment as it took a bite out of his kill. A snarl bubbled up in Ace's throat, and that was when the cougar's attention was drawn towards him.

It hissed, showing dagger-like fangs as its amber eyes burned with wild ferocity. It turned to face the dire wolf, its ears pinned to its head as it squared off. Ace knew the hungry creature was going to fight to keep this food, and although Ace was almost inclined to just let it keep it, his instincts told him no. This was his kill. His meal. He had done the work to bring it down and he was not about to roll over for some damn cat to take it away from him. If either of them wanted the food, they were just going to have to fight for it.

He growled. The cougar growled. Ace bared his fangs. And the cougar did the same. Ace's hackles were standing, tail lashing as he lowered his head over his throat. Crimson gaze analyzed the animal's condition, noting how skinny it was. Had it been having trouble catching its own food? Was it old? The latter seemed more probable. There was no way it could be that hard to hunt. He did just bring down a buck, and if he could do it, a healthy mountain lion could do it. As his attention was drawn to the cougar's body, it decided to make the first move. It roared at him just before leaping towards him. Ace scrambled back, but not quick enough. The cougar managed to gain a grip with its claws on either side of his shoulders, and the pair went tumbling to the ground. Ace twisted beneath it, jaws snapping towards the creature's throat. He pulled his hind legs over his belly and kicked, forcing the cougar to release its grip on him. He jumped to his feet and went in for a tackle, knocking the cougar with his shoulder while sinking his fangs into its scruff. Both went down again, except this time, Ace had the upper hand. He shook his head, tearing the skin and causing it to bleed. The cougar twisted around, claws swiping at Ace's face. Crimson eyes squeezed shut in reaction, and he felt the sting as a claw raked down the left side of his muzzle. He released his grip, and the cougar rolled to its feet and fled.

He was breathing hard after that fight. Fur matted and sticking out with blood, mud, and saliva both from him and the cougar. His legs were a little shaky, so he sat down to catch his breath. Both of his shoulders stung with pain from the puncture wounds the cat had made with its claws, and the side of his muzzle hurt too. Well, he supposed now he'd have another scar or three to add to his collection...


Word count:937