


07-08-2014, 03:23 PM

Boredom wracked her mind endlessly. She was growing restless. But it was to early to put her plans into action. For now, she would be forced to settle and deal with some mundane pack until she was ready. She still needed to find her brother and her father. Though the dark temptress was not entirely alone. Her pale counterpart was never far behind, always within reach, which was just how she liked it. She had not voiced her plans entirely to the man, but she had hinted here and there. One day she would sit on a throne, no matter the cost. And Apollo would be her way in. A coy smirk curled her lips as an unfamiliar forest loomed before her. Her gaze would lift, speculating briefly before continuing her approach. This would be the first pack she met with, and already she had prepared herself for utter disappointment. What were the odds that she would find a pack worthwhile? Her cyan gaze would drift towards Apollo in question, would he join her or would he leave and return to Olympus? She knew that if he left, she would be mildly disappointed, but as always, she would get over it.

Ebony paws halted a couple of feet from the border, just close enough to taunt the leader without trespassing. Nostrils quivered, inhaling multiple scents, none being overly predominate. A brow would lift in question. New leadership perhaps? Nevertheless her crown tipped back, a call breaching the early dawn as she summoned the leader to her. Her position remained firm as nails stabbed the ground with impatience. Standing tall, elegance spilled from her pours, speckled tail curling at her hocks while her lifted skull surveyed the possible forest that she could call home. Mist crowded around her ankles, clawing at her legs as it all but spewed from within the forest. Trees eventually blended all into one, turning into nothing more than a dark mass, lightened only by the blanket of moisture. "What do you think?" Her purr was meant only for his ears as her gaze tipped towards him. Would he be content here?

She knew she wouldn't. The thought of having to live below someone that was already lesser than her was just miserable. But sacrifices had to be made if she was going to take down the entire Olympus line. A perpetual smirk curled her dark lips, she could already envision the bloodshed that was going to soak the land at her feet. She would bathe in their blood, curse those that had deemed her so unworthy of such power. She would prove them all wrong.



07-08-2014, 04:17 PM

Of course he had followed his lady, he was not keen on leaving the ebon temptress out of his pink gaze. He had claimed her with his body, and would like to do it more often. She had larger things in mind though, joining another pack while her plan sat in waiting. He not yet knew all what his lady had up her sleeve, but he would not force her to say so. The giant pale creature trailed behind her, his salmon eyes inspecting the area. It seemed rather... empty. So had this pack too changed leadership? Alpha's seemed to be switching faster than the seasons, and yet Olympus held strong. 'For now...' He thought, glancing at the golden clad girl.

She came to a halt, and he settled in beside her. Falling to his rump, he purred softly at her, nuzzling her shoulder as she peered up to speak to him. "Nothing is good enough for you, not until you hold your coups. My lady is not one to fall under another rule, she is one who should be teaching the school." He said, his effortless lyrics not holding too much emotion. There was something on his mind, about joining her or not. He himself thought that if he were to stay within Olympus and keep in the know, that it would be more beneficial to her. He would not like leaving her side, but it was a thought that he could not let go of.

As she howled, he did not. He was a silent man, a being of few, rhyming words. He chuckled, although it was without humor. "What do you hope to gain, surly you will leave the alpha slain." He teased her, gently bumping his shoulder into hers. His gaze was forward, awaiting the leader of this land to grace them with their form. Another humorless chuckle slipped from his maw, just waiting for his lady's words.


07-10-2014, 12:48 AM

It is the break of dawn which arouses the paladin from her light slumber, mismatched gaze of vibrant violet and silver narrowing to thinned slits as she blinks back the sunlight that manages to filter through the crevices of the leaves in her forest?s canopy. Alas, it is not the abrupt influx of daylight in her realm of perpetual gloom that provokes her alone, but the domineering { and equally feminine } demand for her presence piercing the silent atmosphere encumbering her dormant kingdom. A brief yawn parts { sinful } jaws as the wraith heaves herself upon all fours, robust appendages propelling her with the elegant carriage of an assertive queen as she maneuvers in the direction from whence the summons emanated from, encompassed in enigmatic silence as she intends to approach without immediate detection --- a furtive espionage in her own right.

The muffled praise of her unrecognizable visitor captivates the phantom deity?s attention accordingly as she lays waste to the distance that separates guest from host, elevated skull briefly tipping to the side in feigned curiosity as she reveals herself from the obscurity of the forest?s eternal mists. ?Truly?? her inquiry baits the air in response to the albino?s pretentious claim for the sake of his { presumed } consort?s ego, vocals entirely monotonous despite the decadent grin unfolding across the premises of her corrupted countenance. Abstract gaze momentarily devours their contrasting physiques --- the subservient, a titan of angelic grandeur; and his mistress, a woman cloaked in black and kissed by golden embellishments stitched variously throughout her coat. ?I must admit, I am not an easy woman to impress--? indifferent gaze lingers upon the goddess's? own cerulean, gluttonous incisors gradually protruding from beneath frayed lips in a wicked smirk, ?--without reason.? Palpable confidence fluctuates from pallid pores as she halts mere feet away from where they stand, their purpose u n c l e a r upon her borders. ?Artemis Elysius, Elysium Tyrant --- queen,? she declares, a singular brow quirking upon her forehead inquisitively. ?What is it that you seek??


07-10-2014, 04:18 PM

A smile curled her lips as her pallid companion leaned into her, whispering his rhymes into ebon audits. And yet he was entirely correct. It was not her destiny to val beneath another, but rather to rise above. As her howl concluded, a question would fall from his pink lips and she would scoff lightly. With timing all to perfect, a ghostly figure would speak, seeming to want to know the answer as well. Her cerulean gaze would drift towards the woman that held herself with a sense of power and confidence. "The Queen herself no doubt." Fresh scars littered the woman's otherwise pretty face, telling quiet stories of her victory over the previous ruler.

"As am I." Anyone could win a pack, it was all a matter of who could keep it. Her own dark visage would mimic that of the porcelain doll before her. Nostrils continued to quiver gently, she was new to the throne she so obviously thought she deserved, but could this girl, no older than herself, keep it? Was she capable of building something great. The ebon queen would be the judge of that. "Chryseis Olympus." Her name rolled off her tongue fluidly, she didn't mind that for the moment she had no title to follow, but it would change soon enough.

When asked what she sought, a coy smirk curled dark lips. "Many things dear. But for now I am merely in search of a place worthy enough to train in until my plans are set and adversaries ready to be executed." The temptress remained indifferent in appearance, keeping any true emotion off of her embellished face. Narrow stilts would bring her a few steps closer so that toes teased the border and attempted to nearly stood face to face with the pale Queen. "I must make it clear though, I have no intention of spending an infinite amount of time here, or anywhere." Her crown would tip slightly to the left, a twisted grin curling her features. She didn't care if this woman took offense to her closeness or anything for that matter. If the proclaimed Queen took offense, then she would simply move on to search for someone better.



07-11-2014, 02:00 PM

As the strange white female came forward, he held back a snort. She thought that she was royalty, he could tell. She was nothing however, she had not been blessed by the gods as the Olympus line was. Even her manner of speaking had him wanting to laugh, she truly thought that she was something else, didn't she? His Lady was ahead of him though, her words as sharp as knifes. A smirk blessed his lips as he gazed over at his temptress as he ran his alabaster tail down the length of her spine. He was pleased with her actions, telling this Artemis that she was not one to bow down.

Apollo's lips remained sealed, this was not a conversation for him. Although he wished to follow his sweet ebony seductress, he could not. He needed to stay within Olympus to keep an eye out for her, and to relay any important information to her. But he would not leave her without visits, he would be often visiting whatever borders Chryseis may put between them. The cursed member of Olympus was not too keen on letting his Lady leave his side, he knew that she needed to grow stronger to gain the control that she wanted. He could not help her much in that front. While he was an expert fighter, this was something that she wanted to do on her own.

As his dark babe spoke once more, making her intentions clear. Chrys was not going to take shit from anyone, and he knew that. Gazing over at her with his salmon hued eyes. He offered her that twisted smile of his, one half of his lips turning up higher than the other. Yes, his beautiful babe was a queen of her own rights, and he would see to it that she got her throne.


07-13-2014, 02:33 PM

She basks beneath the gaze of their intense scrutiny, seizing her own opportunity to examine the { haughty } lovebirds as her pupils openly trail each curvature of sinew lurking beneath their taut flesh --- thoroughly ravaging their physiques in her own silent assessment. She { the wraith kissed in GOLD } possesses an aura of unwavering c o n f i d e n c e, her speech bewitched with pride and lavished in silk as it drips so smoothly from velveteen lips --- and the phantom queen finds herself ultimately intrigued and borderline enraptured by the potential she evidently harbors. Though, the Elysius tyrant wallows in silence and stark indifference as this Chryseis introduces herself, attention briefly diverting to the albino who remains unspeaking --- a spectator to the conference between two ambitious deities as he provides moral support for his apparent consort, uninclined to involve himself in this encounter.

As the Olympus woman relays upon eager ears of her ultimately malevolent plans, the tyrant cannot help but allow for a singular brow to quirk inquisitively upon her forehead --- so this Chryseis aspires to annihilate her adversaries? Still, the queen is silent, mismatched amethyst and silver gaze stagnant upon her prospective { and undeniably arrogant } advocate as she encroaches further upon the distance that separates them until not but mere feet remain, obviously testing her boundaries in a bold { or was it stupid? } fashion. The phantom is unflinching as the other approaches, undaunted by their proximities and by the goddess who then informs her of her intentions to pledge only temporary allegiance, and the Elysius smirks. ?Those who do not pull their weight within my pack or learn their place--? she begins, haunches folding beneath her in a defiant manner, ?--will be forcibly held --- forever.? The wry grin tweaking her countenance elongates as her tail curls about her thighs, flicking idly. ?So if you plan to stay, know it will be forever --- if you show incompetence.? Her words are firm, undisputable; the queen will not tolerate slacking within her ranks.


07-13-2014, 06:21 PM

Apollo remained silent, and the pale queen continued to look indifferent. The only sign that the woman was even still listening was the quirk of a singular brow at the mentioning of her plans. So bloodshed intrigued the Queen? Lips curled into a faint smirk, as the two goddesses silently scrutinized the each other. Without much surprise, the phantom deity didn't flinch upon her approach, remaining utterly still, the only movement was a smirk upon her marred features. Haunches reclined almost defiantly, as though she planned to test the temptress resolve. A soft bark of sarcastic laugh rolled off her silver tongue. Did this woman think her a fool? There was no denying that this porcelain doll ruled with an iron hand. Her crown would shake slowly, eyes fluttering close for the briefest of moments before returning to the mismatched gaze of her opponent. "I wouldn't make a very good Queen if I were incompetent now would I?" Her own haunches would recline lazily, they still sat fairly close, but sitting had put some distance between them. She would be leaving here one way or another when the time came, and she would do her damned best to make sure that it was peacefully. "So tell me, how shall I prove my worth and competence today?" Her crown would tip to the side, brows lifting curiously. She intended to learn as much as she could from this woman, and perhaps one day, they could be powerful allies, an unstoppable force.



07-17-2014, 06:05 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Her prospective acolyte finds hilarity in her hostile promise, and the Elysius grows skeptical of her presence, brows furrowing neatly upon her forehead in a tacit claim of her confusion. However, as the golden clad beauty enlightens her with a pretentious sentiment { obvious aspirations of superiority }, the phantom deity succumbs to a bedeviled grin as she silently admires such inflated ambition --- and yet, still she cannot fathom if the goddess is competent enough to uphold a title of such grandeur. Although the intrigue is evidently engraved into the folds of her porcelain countenance as to which crown the Olympus sought to seize, she knew better than to question the schemes of strangers; she is no fool that expects to extract such paramount information from the malevolent --- though perhaps she might earn the answer to her unvoiced question in time. For now, however, she merely surpasses the urge to learn as the woman requests the queen?s judgment, gluttonous incisors flashing in an amused smirk.

Avid pupils scan the beauty?s physique once more, taking notice of the slender build she harbors --- obviously more suited for agility than brute force, though the tyrant does not doubt that the woman possesses her own battle prowess within the compacted sinew lathering her nimble bones. ?Does the path of manipulation and pretenses appeal to you, Miss Olympus?? she inquires, a singular brow quirking yet again, curiously. Elysium accommodates a surplus of diligent warriors, but the amount of spies { of which serve a paramount purpose within her pestilent hierarchy } is clearly lacking.


07-25-2014, 01:41 PM
please excuse any types, I had lasik yesterday and my vision isn't 100% yet :)

Various emotions pass over the pale deities visage, from confusion to what could be assumed to be pleasure in some twisted form. A question would fall from jaws that held a small promise to the dark queen. Lips would curl with pleasure, manipulation was her speciality. The dark woman with a silver tongue loved nothing more than to the spin stores until her opponent bent to her will. And is seemed that this young queen was in need of such wolves, otherwise she may not have offered such a thing. "They more than interest me, my dear." For a brief moment, her amusement would slip away, leaving behind only a faint smirk. "I have no doubt that you will want proof of my abilities" Her crown would tip slightly, brows lifting in question. She had no qualms proving herself to this stranger. all she asked is that this stranger returned the favor and proved herself a worthy Queen to follow, and not a waste of her time. Gold and ebon tail would flick back and forth with anticipation, a sense of eagerness forming in her chest.
