
Curious, just Curious



1 Year
01-10-2019, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 08:48 PM by Thora.)

speech & thoughts

She was looking more and more similar to her mother, the silvering across her back getting stronger. With her winter coat it only added to the silver accents. If she had black where there was chocolate fur then she would be a young spitting image of her mother. She was still a lanky looking yearling, not fully filling in. Her winter coat made her looked more filled in, but in reality she wasn't.

She moved slowly into the territory, eyes and ears alert as she moved. This place was different, something about it was odd. There was something different about this place and the further she went the slower her pace grew and the more alert she became of the area. It put her a bit on edge, forcing her to pay more attention to her surroundings. The silver eyes of the women scanned the surrounding area as she grew closer to the center of the territory. She could see the glowing pool up ahead and she abruptly stopped her eyes focusing on that pool.

It was glowing which had been something she had never seen before. Cocking her head she stared at it taking in all that she could visually see. It wasn't clear water, so was this pool dangerous or even poisonous? Narrowing her eyes she took a sniff, but she couldn't really say it smelled poisonous, but again she had never come across something like this before. She looked upward and studied the stone pillars that surrounded the small spring. They couldn't have been made by an animal, had it been made by a god? She moved away from the pool and moved over to the white trees getting close to one an examining it.

Art by Bleuzye



8 Years
01-10-2019, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 10:48 PM by Hannibal.)

The beast lingered around the pack lands rather lazily. He was not on patrol duty nor did he need to do hunting. Hannibal had just woken up from a long rest and was ready to take on the night. But, his agenda was completely clear. What could the male find to do? The phantom slunk through the trees as the last light of day left the sky. It was a very gentle purply orange that was quickly fading into darkness. He was recovering well from his encounter with the Polar Bear and hoped his pack mates were soon. Especially Cloudburst since it seemed he in particular took the most damage.. mentally as well. Hannibal was blissfully unaware of any demons others may possess so he just assumed the Wreckage boy was just slightly bloodthirsty.

His extremely pale form glistened beneath the sky's eye. A rather bored expression was painted across his facial features as he moved from the Soulless Forest to the Shrine. The Shrine was a rather unique area in which Hannibal spent a moderate amount of time at. He nearly made it a routine to observe luminous pool a few times a week. With all of his new encounters and peculiar situations Hannibal had a lot to clear from his riddled mind. But, as he moved towards the ivory trees he picked up on a scent. Female. Pack member. Name...? He could not put the scent to the Wolf, thus he would just have to put together the puzzle himself.

Hannibal broke through the thicket and laid his eyes upon a pale femme with rusty features. The colors were delightfully soothing to the eyes but the blue glow gave her a much cooler toned hue. The male raised his head but his tail remained quite aligned with his spine. Normally the beast would show dominance to strangers but in this situation she female was an equal for all he knew. The arrogant male knew how to show some respect when needed, situational of course. He took a few more steps to move towards the brim of the pool, ripping his gaze from the fae to look down into the water. "Beautiful, is it not?" His tail flicked as he looked back to the Wolfess, "I have not met you before." Hannibal tilted his head, "I am Hannibal.. and you?"

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



1 Year
01-10-2019, 09:29 PM

speech & thoughts

She stood observing the tree for a few moments taking in the pale white figure. It looked nothing more like a skeleton, pale like the color of bones. It looked lifeless and she couldn't understand why it looked so... different. After examining it for a while she grew board and headed back over to the pool taking a seat on the cool stone and staring down into the glowing pool while her mind wondered. She wasn't quite sure where she fit yet within this pack, but her mother had trained her to heal so if she continued with that, maybe Ty would be okay with that. Maybe that would work and she could serve well doing that, but everything was still so new here. Maybe if she got to know other members they could give her other ideas on how to be a good member of the pack.

She hadn't heard the male approach until he spoke. It hadn't scared her, but it quickly drug her from her thoughts and turn her head to look at him. He was beside her looking into the pool of water. Her eyes looked over his pale features, remembering him from the recruitment meeting. They hadn't officially met, but visually she had seen him before. His pale features were hard to miss at that meeting especially with those patches of black he had on him here and there.

"It is," she agreed. "Thora Wreckage. I did see you at the meeting, but there wasn't much time for interaction."

He even had two different colored eyes which really stuck out against his pelt. He was different looking, but surely a face that would be hard to forget.

Art by Bleuzye



8 Years
01-16-2019, 10:39 AM

The glow of the pool flickered against his pale form. His eyes were neutral and lacking any of his normal deviants. Hannibal had not interest in flirting or putting on a show. The babe was younger and a pack member. There was no reason for him to create tension within Erovrare, therefore he would leave his bad behavior outside it's borders. He had a servant to consume his left over frustrations now. Thus, this young girl was free of his torment for now. The hellhound sat rather still as he stared into the waters. His lips flicked into a little grin as she moved to sit a few tail lengths away. The shrine was a serene place that soothed even himself. It was where Tyranis and Hannibal had first met and the beast joined the rising pack now known as Erovrare. A chance encounter that changed the phantoms life.

Thora Wreckage. A brow raised as he eyed over her russet and alabaster features. Her coloration was rather beautiful and her grey eyes nearly haunting his every thought. When she aged fulled he could see her becoming a man killer. "Ah, you are of Tyranis' bloodline." He ripped his eyes from her and down to the pool once agin. "What is your rank?" A simple question formed from pure curiosity. Had she been handed a rank due to her blood or was it time for this yearling to learn the ropes? Hannibal could offer some teachings. Fighting, hunting, and simple navigation. But, perhaps her kin had that covered already.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



1 Year
01-16-2019, 08:41 PM

speech & thoughts

She wasn't at all surprised that the male associated her with Ty. He was the leader of this pack and the main face. She was surprised that he hadn't mentioned Cloud. He was the second in command, but maybe this male just had more interaction with Ty. He then asked her what her rank was, perking her curiosity. She knew her rank wasn't important because she was still young, but to have someone interested in your rank made her curious. This was the first pack she was ever a part of and she had yet to really find out what it all was about.

"Grunt," she replied simply. "My mother taught me healing and Cloud is teaching me hunting so I'm hoping for a more permanent rank in one of those areas.

Truth was she still was unsure if she would actually fit in the pack, this was her first pack she had joined. She still didn't know how everything officially worked, but she was sure when Cloud was free next she could get some explanations from him.

Art by Bleuzye
As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
01-17-2019, 01:07 PM

Hannibal had yet to really get to know the leaders of Erovrare. He and Tyranis were able to chat here and there but other then that the others seemed reclusive or busy. The male had seen Cloud when they fought off the Polar Bear but otherwise he did not know the Viceroy. Also the heir was seemingly nowhere to be found. Back home within the Klein Empire your rank was everything. If you were a heir you had to act like one. Proving and showing your worth to the lesser people was of high importance. The members of your pack had to believe in the power you hold otherwise you are just another nameless Wolf. This is why Hannibal had asked for the woman's rank. It meant everything when it came to a pack.

Grunt, essentially an apprentice of sorts. The hellhound offered a simple nod as he took in her sweet tones. What perked his interest was her mentions of healing. Hannibal raised a brow and offered a little grin. "Healing, that is what will get you a permanent rank within this pack, love." He paused. "You are in a strong pack filled with fighters. We can all hunt, but the majority of us do not know any sort of healing." He leaned forward with his gaze pouring into her own. "If I were you I would study up on herbs and focus on that. That is how you will grow and blossom into a viable medic for Erovrare." Hannibal straightened up as he looked her over once, "I do apologize if I overstepped any boundaries with my advice. Assuming Cloud is your trainer I would hate to upset anyone."

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



1 Year
02-01-2019, 02:17 PM

speech & thoughts

Hannibal began to open her eyes. It seemed he took a particular interest in the fact she liked healing. Bringing up a very important point. Yes this was a pack of strong worriers and hunters, but very little of them knew about healing. Her eyes would widen slightly at the realization. Healing would get her a permanent rank and would be a big aid to the rest of the pack. It wasn't something she figured would be popular around here and gave her a whole new outlook. She smiled at his words, her tail wagging lightly as he encouraged her to continue studying herbs. He then apologized, not wanting to overstep boundaries and she shook her head.

"No Need, Cloud already knows it's what I'm most interested in, He just wants me to be happy either way, she replied.

She wondered, was Hannibal one of these fighters? Did he have any healing knowledge at all? She didn't know either way.

"Are there any other medics in the pack?" she asked wondering if there was anyone she could train with

Art by Bleuzye
As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag