
Pull away from the system[haji's death]


07-08-2014, 03:15 PM

Hajime felt a little better, after deciding to bring Levi on a walk with him towards the cliff's to see the view. The air was wonderful with the coming spring, and with his son by his side he couldn't lie that it felt like he was in heaven just like it had been with Elsa. His black tail flicked behind him as he took in a deep breath. Looking over the cliff's watching the waves crash up onto the shore. "Sometimes, nothing is better than this Levi." he said to his son, turning to look at him. He went to turn to his son, but his paw slipped. The man gave a yelp as his paws caught the edge of the cliff holding onto the edge.
"Levi! Get help quick." he snapped suddenly, but he could feel himself involuntarily slipping. His claws not enough to hold him in the dirt as he slipped, falling down the cliff and hitting the bottom with a thud. His neck twisted, and blood poured out from his wound, but it was clear there was no recovering from this. Hajime felt himself slip away, and then there was nothing left but a small light at the end of the tunnel.
-hajime dead-




5 Years
07-08-2014, 03:23 PM

[Image: e7h5aw.jpg]
Levi couldn't lie, having a walk with his father was the best thing that had happened to him since they came to Abaven. Maybe it was a sign that things were becoming better. Ever since Raisa left, Levi hadn't really known what to do, it wasn't like he was dearly attached to her but his siblings had been. It made him feel bad that he couldn't do anything to make them feel better. The small pups tail wagging behind him as they stood on the cliff. He looked over, that was a rather far way down. It was sort of scary. Levi turned to his father smiling and nodding, only for it to be ripped away when his father slipped on the cliff holding on for his life. Panic filled him up as he listened to Hajime. Right help! Before he left, Hajime fell off the cliff and Levi could only watch in horror as his fathers life slipped away right before his eyes.
The pup took a few steps back, he didn't know his way home from here. What had just happened? His father had fell.....and he wasn't moving anymore. Like birds, when they hunted them. That couldn't be right, his father couldn't possibly be dead could he? After all they had been through, it wasn't fair. Levi turned around, running until he slipped down the slope yelping with the pain in his paw as he hit the bottom. Looking up with his crystal eyes he cried. "Someone Help." he whimpered.




7 Years

07-08-2014, 03:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 12:55 AM by Bass.)

Bass had been wandering through the lands around Abaven, looking to see what lands they would lay claim on next. They were steadily growing, and just two lands were not going to hold them for long. He was just about to head to the cliffs to enjoy the view before returning home, when a cry was heard. His ears perked, trying to pick out if he had heard things or not. But no, a soft whimper echoed through the cliffs. Bass kicked into gear, running his way up the cliffs and using his nose to pick out the wolf who had cried. And that's when it hit him, blood. Stiffening, Bass tossed his nose into the sky and called for Harmony. If there was bleeding, she would know how to fix it.

It was then that he spotted Levi, he had slipped down a cliff. He didn't see any blood though, until he gazed further over. The broken form of Hajime lay among the rocks, making him suck in a deep breath. Had the poor pup watched his father fall to his death? "Hang on Levi, I'm coming!" He called, very carefully picking his way down the hill. It was very dangerous, but he wasn't about to leave the little pup down there to die. He wasn't sure, but it looked like his paw was broken. Letting out a soft wine, the white male made his way to the small shelf that held the pup. "Its okay Levi, I will take you home." He grunted, gently grabbing the little being in his jaws. He looked up, wondering how he was going to do this. He hoped that Harmony came soon, he would need to lift the pup up to someone so that he could get up without any extra weight on him.



10 Years
07-08-2014, 05:54 PM

Something was quite wrong today. An air of uncertainty had radiated from her as she anxiously would sort her herbs, mechanically moving the leaves and bundles from one rock in her den to the next. Mismatched gems were full of uncertain hopes that no member of Abaven would be injured today, but her hopes would be shattered as a distress call would ring, washing directly at her mocha-hued auditories. Bass! Was he hurt? It was rather distant, but hopefully she could make it to her brother in time to help with whatever was a problem. Her heart raced as she would quickly gather a small bundle of basic herbs, some to dress wounds and other to ease pain. She hadn't bothered to wrap them neatly, placing them in a strip of bark and bolting from the den, pearly stilts beating the ground madly. She knew Bass had gone out past Abaven lands in search of another area to lay claim to for the rapidly-growing population of the pack. Where had he gone and gotten caught? Fear roiled off her in waves as she would pound the earth, right in the direction the call had come.

Without ⭐️'s, what would happen to us then?

Hurry, Hurry, HURRY! The tempest pushed herself harder and harder to run faster than a cheetah. The wind whipped at her maw, as she barreled through forests and plains to reach the source of the call. Pearly stilts would skid to a stop, ears pinning in horror at the sight. Mismatched gems swept the entire scene. Blood... Death... It stung at her nose, but the sight was not finished. The source of the smell of blood... was a twisted body at a cluster of rocks, broken and clad in blood. Hajime... Bass was at the edge, clinging for dear life with a poor child whose fate had been of doom. No! Abaven needed it's leader, and the pup of Hajime needed their father. His body had been so still, devoid of life. No, no, no! She abandoned the loose bundle of herbs at the edge, then rushed toward Bass's side, her crown arcing low to grasp the pup, her mouth shutting tight on the scruff of the child, making sure to hold him gently, a whine coming from his tiny muzzle. Mismatched gems were full of sorrow, as she backed up, to the safer edge of the cliffside, gently dropping the pup at her bundle of herbs, in case he was wounded. There was no blood on him, but it seemed some pain had hit him. Mismatched gems darted about the scene, as she would rush over to Bass once more, lowering her head to grasp the side of his scruff, as she would begin to scuffle backwards, pearly stilts squared, with digits driving into the rock for any traction. She was a healer, indeed, but she still was quite strong. Hopefully Bass would have the strength to scramble up to safety with her help. She would release him if Bass could move up, pearly stilts gliding over to the young child, who appeared to have a cut paw. Gently, she would caress him, gently licking him upon his head to soothe him, then chiming in a sweet voice. "You'll be okay... You'll be okay, Levi..." She gave a warm smile, her pearly banner wrapping about the child, mismatched gems warm and shimmering. "Can I see your paw?"



5 Years
07-08-2014, 06:54 PM

[Image: e7h5aw.jpg]
Confusion swept him over, not knowing entirely what was going on. When Bass had come Levi had hoped that he'd be able to go fetch his father and they could go home but that did not seem to be the case. After being carried up, his little heart made fast rhythm's. Looking at Harmony he pressed his sprained right paw forward, trying not to freak out more than he already was. "Daddy, what about daddy!" exclaimed. Every bit of him hoped that his father would be okay. "He slipped off the cliff!" his tail wiggled anxiously.
"He's okay right?" Levi asked looking at Harmony in hope. Though he knew deep down no wolf would survive a fall like that. No one was as immortal as he'd like them to be in his life.




3 Years
07-08-2014, 07:56 PM

Today was only a few days after his meeting with his father...and the young boy had remembered the hopeful promise Hajime had made to him. For their life to hold royalty...respect. Honor for their family, as Quelt had been working with Bass. This practically took away all his frustration toward his father. The boy truly loved him- he was his best friend. The one person Ixionn could talk to. To lean against- to cry on. And he wanted to apologize for his unnecessary attitude toward his father. To give him a little hug with a smile, and play with him in the fields maybe. Maybe the two could even go swimming sometime! He just wanted to bond with his father...that lonely wolf who had lost his beloved- and had yet to deal with his fussy, confused children. Ixionn knew it would all work out good...
But while Ixionn was on his way toward the den that belonged to his small family- the aroma of fresh blood filled his nose. Along with the scent trail of his brother and father leading right to it. Maybe Levi had just gotten scratched! After all the aroma did seem a bit faint. The young masked man giggled and bounded to the side, racing his way toward the trail. But then the aroma of his brother faded. Gradually- as it seemed. Hm. The little prince continued on. Seconds turned to dreadful minutes...and suddenly, through the grassy undergrowth, Ixionn could spot a orangey figure sprawled out upon the ground. Blood pooled around it. And immediately the young boy knew who lie there limp before him. Hajime. His father- his best friend. The only parent he had left...
...It couldn't be true. Not his father! Not him! No...maybe he was just hurt!? Ixionn gasped and fought for breath, his heart sinking. The boy quickened his pace and made it to his father's side. He glanced over at his stomach- and then looked at his wound. Tears flooded his bright red eyes. The man's legs shuttered and trembled beneath him helplessly. His sides weren't heaving- and that life in his eyes he saw the other day was gone. Vanished. His father was dead. Dancing in the stars with his No. NO! The boy collapsed onto the soft belly of his father, paws embracing his cold, dead boy. Tears rushed down his cheeks endlessly, soaking the soft russet fur that matched his own. The little boy again fought for breath through the sobbing. It was all over...
Daddy...daddy! your not dead. Your not dead...! The boy's ears lie flat against his skull. He moved in closer to the dead body of his father, his eyes beginning to burn as the tears kept on rolling down. Now he was an orphan. A complete parentless child...this wasn't possible! "Wake up Ixionn! Wake up! Wake up! This is just a dumb dream!" Ixionn would think as he tried to isolate the whole thing from his mind. This was a dream...nothing but a dream. He'd wake up soon...



7 Years

07-11-2014, 01:16 PM

His paw had twisted when he slid down the hill, risking his own life to save the life of the pups. He was not going to let him die like this, not after having to watch his father fall to his death. He picked him up, worried that he too would fall if help did not come. But when he heard the pounding of paws, he let out a soft breath as he extended the child up, not letting go until he was sure that she had a firm grip on Levi. He tried to leap up the hill himself, his nails digging into the ground as he tried to claw up. When Harmony pulled on his scruff, he was glad. He may not have made it up if she had not helped him.

Another pup ran in, Ixionn if he remembered. He saw him at the bottom of the cliff, running towards his father. Right away the pain of his twisted paw was forgotten, and he left Levi in Harmony's care. Bass ran down the cliff, making his way down to the bottom and to Ixionn's side. His ears lay flat against his head as he walked up to the small brute, whining softly at him. "Ixionn, please. Let us go away from here." He said softly, trying not to let the tears fall that threatened to. He needed to be strong for the poor boy, and he would make sure that Hajime would have a proper burial. Tonight, Bass would sit a vigil for the fallen father, and mourn with his children. Although he hadn't known the male well, he has still been part of his pack. All he wanted to do was to get the child away from the broken body of his father, it wouldn't help anything.



10 Years
07-11-2014, 08:27 PM

? Say something, I'm giving up on you ?

At her mismatched gems beat tears. Hajime had not been part of the pack for long, but the male was honorable, and the last parent his poor children had. Every day, she had watched the male play with his children, slowly healing his wounded heart. Such innocent children... shouldn't have to face such losses... They now were orphans, lone pups with no one to protect them?more importantly to love and care for them. Each thought brought a new wave of tears to mismatched gems, stinging at her lids, fighting the tears. Almost, she had ignored the poor child in her embrace. He had feebly stuck is sprained paw forth, and she would lick it gently, her tongue rasping over the scraped pad. Words of hope from the child came to veldt ears, but she had no idea how to put it, without causing the poor child's hopes to be shattered in a blunt way. Mismatched gems softened as she ceased her licking, a smooth and warm voice coming from inky lips. "He is dancing in the stars now..." Mismatched gems dulled as she would crane her head, reaching for a herb in her bundle to place on the child's sprained pad. Her mouth found it's way to a clump of plantain and lamb's ear. Gently, her paw would shift over the young boy, then falling down, her pressure being held just enough to try and hold the pup down should he try to flee to the still casket of his father.

The weed of plantain would crunch in her mouth as she chewed it, making sure not to let it touch her tongue, if she could help it, creating a poultice, which she would spit out onto a leaf, using her free paw to dip in it, as she generously spread it upon the child's sprained paw. Once the poultice had been applied, the mocha cloaked temptress would find a leaf of lamb's ear, gently wrapping it about his paw, her voice speaking of only calm and care. "Just massage it often, and don't take off the bandage until it dries up. Don't put too much weight on your paw, and it will be better in no time." Her pearly banner would sweep over the young child calmingly, as she gave him a gentle lick upon his crown, mismatched gems warm before she would stand up, allowing the young boy to do what he wished, but she would watch him carefully, but hopefully he wouldn't scamper off.



5 Years
07-12-2014, 01:24 AM

[Image: e7h5aw.jpg]
Levi knew exactly what was going to happen after this, he had probably seen it coming after all Hajime was the only one he had cared about. Raisa meant nothing to him, and he hadn't known his real mother at all. Hajime was actually the one parent he relied on, who he observed and payed attention to. Right when his father was happy, enjoying himself, someone had to come along and take that happiness away. Was that what his family was destined to have, just a life of their happiness being torn away. The young boy would inch away from Harmony rather coldly, moving himself carefully over to the body, and the alive brother who had come as soon as the commotion had gone down. Levi's eyed looked at the mangled body of the man who was just standing, going to tell him of what was going to happen next. His eyes glazed over for a moment, holding back painful tears as he forcefully pressed himself against his brother Ixionn.
"You can take my father, you can take my friends, but please, please whatever you are whoever you are. Don't you care take my brothers and sisters away from me." He said in a frustrated tone. He pressed his snout against his brother, trying to comfort him the best he knew how. Even if he had trouble understanding what compassion was in the first place. "It's okay Ix, Quelt will take care of us, even great uncle Allen will. It's okay I promise, just please don't be mad at me, not ever." he begged, nearly pleaded as he smiled yet cried at the same time. It was moving onto the next parent, but one thing he knew was that he wanted to stay here, stay with Quelt, stay with his siblings no matter what happened. Otherwise, he'd just go numb.
