
This Is Not A Party


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
01-12-2019, 06:53 PM

note: set before finding Balsam

Sota still wasn't quite sure what on earth he was doing here. He knew exactly why Balsam had come here, but letting his friend come to this land rumored to be full of giants on his own didn't settle well with the miniature wolf. Perhaps too empathetic for his own good sometimes, he wasn't about to let someone he cared about rush blindly into the unknown, not without at least trailing after them. Even if Balsam didn't totally approve of his plan, that wasn't gonna stop him... and he was relatively confident he could track him without being noticed, at least for awhile. He'd already caught wind of his scent, but he hadn't quite caught up to him yet, though he hadn't necessarily been racing to find him either. Sota wanted to get his bearings in these new lands before getting ahead of himself, not wanting to let his guard down in this unfamiliar place.

The steep slope of the fjord seemed a decent enough place to explore for now. The side of the cliffside was covered in thick trees, ones with low-hanging branches that were easily enough scaled, and even under the cover of their heavy branches Sota felt comfortable traveling by ground. For now, at least, though he wasn't sure he'd let down his guard for long. Even as he veered down a new path through the trees he was slightly on-edge, his ears perked to listen for any sounds he might notice around him, not wanting to be caught unawares.



3 Years
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Treat 2019
01-12-2019, 07:17 PM
She vaguely knew what Balsalm had intended to do, but she also hadn’t given his plans much thought let alone let herself make the trip. Unfortunately Ra-Ra had been much too bewildered by the idea and she had thought to track him for a while, but it had been hard to cross the threshold of the bifrost. So for a long time Ve remained in the trees, her brilliant eyes just watching the empty beaches. Unlike her brother Velvette had the patience of a saint and remained until she caught a familiar form she hadn’t expected to see. Desota.

The tiny wolf seemed much too mild natured to watch to followed the likes of her brother or Balsalm, and his crossing had brought about her crossing. She made up her mind. Of course she hadn’t wanted Sota to catch sight of heer, she didn’t want any of the boys to see her. She took to the trees as soon as she crossed to the other side. Velvette wasn’t going to be traveling on the ground if she could help it, especially not here in unfamiliar lands.

She had caught up to Sota at this point, his slight frame made its way to the trees in which she sought shelter. She quieted herself, glad she hadn’t worn her antlered cape on this adventure as she hunkered down closer to the branch and the crook of the trunk it was attached to.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
01-16-2019, 07:36 PM

Patience was one of Desota's strong suits, but he admittedly felt a bit jumpy and far more anxious than usual in these new lands. He was unfamiliar with his surroundings, which was nerve-wracking in its own right, and by the time he realized he was being followed it was too late. If it was someone who meant harm to him, or even meant to spook him, he would've been a goner - and he was chiding himself the entire time as that familiar scent washed over him and he came to realize who it was.

Velvette! A gentle afternoon breeze brought a whiff of her his way, and immediately he slowed his pace, head tipping to the sky to get a better sense of where she might be. How was it that he'd found Velvette before even finding Balsam? These questions didn't matter much now, though, but what did matter was why she was here. Though he wouldn't dream of chatting up Velvette for any reasons of his own, he knew Balsam was enamored with her and ruining his own reputation with the beautiful female wouldn't hurt Balsam's any. Hey, maybe he'd even get some information out of her that he could relay to Balsam!

Determined, he backtracked slightly, sniffing hard as his head tilted to the sky. It took some time before he saw a flash of something in the treetops, and he squinted hard as he tried to get his bearings. Without hesitation the nimble male found a low-hanging branch and pounced to it, scaling the tree boughs with ease enough he finally was certain it was Velvette who'd been following him. Why was she following him, or was it merely coincidence? Either way, he let himself ride on the wave of confidence that suddenly struck him.

Despite his eagerness, trying to maintain his grip on the branch he'd climbed to, he dipped his head in a deep, almost overd-ramatic bow, his snout falling nearly to his chest before rising slowly again. "Velvette?" He asked finally, with more courage than he felt, once he finished his bow. "What on earth are you doing so far from home?" Had he ever spoken this many words to her? He wasn't sure, but he doubted he'd forget. She really was quite beautiful, as Balsam always said, and even he found himself breathless for a moment as he looked her over.



3 Years
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Treat 2019
01-19-2019, 10:21 AM
Velvette wasn’t following Desota for him, she hoped he might lead her to her brother. More likely she knew he would lead her to Balsalm, but she wasn’t as interested in finding him. He was an over eager yearling with no adornments, she didn’t look at him unless she had to. She also didn’t want him to know she’d followed after, though she didn’t quite have her eyes out for prizes on this trip she just wanted to return her brother to where he belonged.

She stifled a sigh as her gaze lingered on the striped boy, he seemed to catch the scent of something and she hoped it wasn’t her. He was quick to look in the branches though and as he leapt into the canopy she knew she’d been found out. She let the sigh fall from her lips as they locked eyes, finding frustration in her foiled plans. Velvette was appeased slightly with his show of humility, but she was still disappointed that he’d found her.

Thankfully he was easy on the eyes, not that they had spent any time together. She was usually busy with training or spending her time with Ramesh to pay much attention to the young men of the Songa. ”I could ask the same of you, Desota.” She used his full name, deciding she didn’t know him well enough to use his common nickname. ”Ramesh ran off after Balsalm, and I want him back.” She told him truthfully, not knowing what he might have suspected from her.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
01-20-2019, 01:12 PM

Surely she wasn't intentionally following him. That thought fell away as quickly as it had arrived in his mind, replaced by a curiosity that he needed to satiate. He knew better than to interrogate anyone about their whereabouts, but.. especially Velvette. But he was curious and hoped his polite nature could get some information out of her, for Balsam's sake if nothing else. Hopefully his enunciated bow would earn a moment of her time, and he was grateful when he raised his head that she was still standing there. She might've looked a little perturbed to see him, but she was still here and that was enough for him right now.

"I, well..." He started, stammering slightly as she used his full name. His closest friends rarely bothered with verbal formalities like that, even if physical displays of humility were much more important to them, and he tried to remember the last time he'd heard someone call him Desota. Wait, had Velvette even bowed to him? He was all sorts of taken aback (though not necessarily offended) as he tried to collect his thoughts. He was nobody special, he knew that, but the lack of response caught him temporarily off guard. "I didn't realize Ramesh went after Balsam too." He was less familiar with Ramesh than he was even with Velvette, but he certainly knew of the young male. "I went looking for Balsam myself. It seems he has a few... followers," Sota admitted, trying to lighten the tension in the air (or what he perceived as tension) with a soft, barely audible laugh.

The real reason he'd ran off was something Sota knew well, but he wasn't about to admit it to Velvette. Not in a million years. He sighed, shaking his head slightly. "He's a bit..." He struggled to find the word, wanting to explain without making Velvette think less of him. "Eager. And I didn't want him to rush into something without someone ready to help him." Not that he needed Sota's help, but hopefully he could keep his headstrong friend slightly contained in the case of... emergencies? His face contorted slightly, hoping he wasn't making a complete fool out of himself as he stood there swaying on his branch.



3 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
01-26-2019, 09:38 AM

After processing his low bow the she wolf realized she hadn’t returned the gesture, trying to save face she lowered head head a little as he struggled with a response. He didn’t give her a good reason for him being there, but he did mention that he hadn’t realized Ramesh had gone after Balsalm as well. She looked away from him, her gaze finding the horizon. At least she hoped Ramesh had followed Balsalm. Velvette didn’t want to admit how worried she was about him. He hadn’t told her where he was going, but she had assumed.

He admitted that he was on his way towards Balsalm himself, and couldn’t offer any information about her missing brother. She didn’t share in his little chuckle, but she wasn’t as impressed with the young male. "He does." Unfortunately, she wanted her brother at home beside her adventuring. Not here galavanting in Boreas. It seemed Sota felt the same about Balsalm as she felt about Ramesh. She didn’t want him to get into trouble and not return to her. He was so reckless with the crocodile, it was hard telling what he’d do with out her to watch him.

"It’s all foolish." She admitted, silently hoping none of them would come back with impressive prizes. She wanted to be right, that it was all a huge waste of time. However, she was a little jealous deep down. "I suppose they need something to keep them occupied." This time she managed a little chuckle as she sought out Sota’s pale gaze. "Balsalm is lucky to have a friend like you to look out for him." She chuckled a little more, always willing to have a laugh at Balsalm's expense.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
02-05-2019, 07:48 AM

Sota gulped hard as he realized just who he was talking to. Velvette, one of the most beautiful females he'd ever seen, in a land wildly familiar to them both. He felt himself grow a bit light-heated when she gave him a short nod of her own, less concerned with the delay in her proper greeting then in trying to keep his own paws from swaying unsteady and sending him toppling down onto the ground. Sota noted something similar to worry in her gaze, as she took in his words and glanced away from him for a moment. He could relate to her worry, only in a different way; though Ramesh and Velvette were siblings, he and Balsam were not, though he viewed him as a brother of sorts anyway regardless of blood.

He nearly choked on his own chuckle when Velvette seemed entirely unamused with his comment, and the sound gurgled awkwardly into silence. He didn't dare comment upon that point again, even though he too wished for Balsam to return him, so he could return too. Until he ensured that his friend was safe here he couldn't imagine returning, and even then he wasn't so sure he'd want to go once he'd gotten familiarized with these lands - he supposed only time would tell.

At least she agreed with him on something. He nearly sighed a breath of relief at her words, nodding slowly. "I have to say, it seems quite foolish to me, too," he breathed a sentiment of quiet agreement. Sota had always been faintly envious of his much bolder friend, truth be told, even if he'd never admit that out loud to anyone. How could he face life with such.. courageousness? The very thought made him feel faint as he stood here, trying to avoid direct eye contact with her. "And Ramesh is lucky to have a sister like you," Sota returned the compliment quite easily, shaking his head. Was Balsam lucky to have a friend like him? He wasn't sure, but he joined in her laughter instinctively, offering a nervous chuckle of his own. "Have you found anything interesting in these parts yet, Velvette?"



3 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
02-09-2019, 01:01 PM

The girl was blissfully unaware of her effect on the young male, his swaying paws and choked chuckle meant nothing to her as her dual colored gaze swept over the horizon as if she were too distracted with searched for her brother. Ramesh meant the world to her, and knowing he was out here somewhere with out her hurt. Both because she hadn’t been included and because she worried for him. He was all she had left of their father, a man she regarded highly and still looked up to despite his recent death.

Sota agreed with her opinion on the journey. His words seemed to be filled with relief, which was odd considering the adventure that lay before them. She wanted to be correct in her prediction of failure, but she also couldn’t help but feel hope that they might be successful. Of course she’d always be envious of any prize the returned with, if she was impressed enough she would have to mimic the fool’s journey. A soft smile crept over her lips as he returned the compliment of being such a great sister. Ramesh was lucky to have her wasn’t he?

His last question made her shake her head, she’d only just stepped foot into the lands of Boreas. "Just the cold, and you." She answered, feeling slightly ashamed that she couldn’t boast anything more exciting. She noticed the chill in the air though, her coat was short and perfect for the heat of the southern continent. Not this colder climate. She felt a bit nervous about venturing further north, and wished now that she’d brought her warm deer cape. "How long do you think they’ll linger here?" She asked, hoping the answer might not just be ‘until they claim their prize.’


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
03-04-2019, 05:06 PM

It was hard to snap out of the dreamlike stupor that Velvette had put him in, despite the fact that he was very much not interested in her in the same way Balsam was. It was hard to deny her beauty, regardless of how he felt about her, which left him feeling like a fumbling mess. Somehow as they talked he managed to grow more relaxed, less concerned with what she thought of him, since she was clearly not paying much direct attention to him at all. He couldn't help but fantasize about what prize he might find (no impress Velvette, no less) and while he was uneasy about the journey and his goal he also wouldn't miss the adventure for the world. Part of him admired Balsam's eagerness, while the other wanted to keep an eye on him and keep him self - both those parts of him had led Sota here and would keep him here until, and if, Balsam decided to return home.

He was distracted by her again, allowing a moment to look her over as she glanced away, studying the horizon. "Ah, yes. The cold..." His voice drawled off as he tried to imagine how much colder it might get. Hopefully not much, he thought silently to himself. Surely further north the temperatures would grow more inhospitable but he had little interest in traveling that far. At least his wariness about the climate was mirrored by Velvette, and he felt less poorly now about complaining inwardly about it himself. He wondered how Balsam was faring in these colder lands. "I'm not sure," he admitted finally in response to Velvette's question. "Probably until Balsam finds something worthy of.. obtaining." Something worth of you, was what he really wanted to say, but he knew better than to ruin Balsam's chances by so much as implying his interest in Velvette now. "Are you after anything yourself?"



3 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
03-06-2019, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2019, 06:09 PM by Velvette.)
In a few days she would come around to the idea of attaining her own prize here in the northern lands, but right now she was much too concerned about her brother. Her gaze kept darting out into the distance, hoping she might catch sight of him.

She forced her attention back to Sota as he mentioned the weather as well. He didn't seem any more amused than she did, but didn't bother her with his own complaints. He wasn't very helpful with a timeline either, giving her a vague answer that she had been expecting. She would give it to him though, he was good at circling the conversation back to her.

Now her pink and blue gaze didn't leave him as a soft smile touched her delicate lips. "I'll know it when I see it." she offered cryptically. "But mostly Ramesh." She added, having much preferred to linger on her island with her manatees. "What about you?" Ve added.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
03-31-2019, 01:51 PM

Sota let his slightly nervous sight follow her own, looking into the distance as though she expected to find someone out there. It wasn't at all like his own flitting gaze, which had been scouring the ground for hours now, searching for anyone at all - mostly Balsam, but also the giants that inhabited these lands, so he could observe them as much as avoid directly contacting them. Eventually he'd like to get to know them, but for now he was content observing from a very safe distance. His mind wasn't entirely on bringing a prize home, only on seeing that Balsam accomplished whatever tasks he set out to do safely and without losing any limbs in the process.

Velvette replied cryptically that she'd know her prize when she saw it, but mostly she was interested in Ramesh. He nodded, a bit too enthusiastically, in understanding. A slight, wary smile of his own twitched at his lips. "Understandable." He, too, was far more concerned with finding Balsam than any prize of his own.. wait, would he be expected to return home with a prize? Surely, but the finer specifics of that hadn't really crossed his mind. Admitting that, though, would surely make him sound like an imbecile. "I'm not sure yet either. I haven't really..." His voice trailed off as he shifted his weight from one end of the branch to the other. "I'll see too, I guess." He offered a gentle shrug as he considered for a moment longer. "I won't keep you, though. I promise to find you if I come across Ramesh." He doubted he'd come across him unless he happened to be going the same way Balsalm was, but he didn't need to tell Velvette that. His grin quirked up slightly as he dipped his head to her, before turning to bound away, truly not wanting to take up much more of her valuable time.

-exit Sota-