
The Monster We Bring Upon Ourselves


07-08-2014, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2014, 01:32 AM by Batari.)
Batari is a savage, she honors strength as the second most important thing in existence. The first being herself.

She is large, mean, nasty, brutal, arrogant, greedy, and strong.
She is also cunning.

Having defeated Jet, only to loose to Daegmar, and having seen so many other weak little wolves hiding within their great big clans, Batari has realized her strategy needs to change some. While she detests the weakness of diplomacy and relying on others, she sees using them as the perfect way to exploit and destroy them.

Having grown up alone among the lizards, I think she has a particular hatred towards these groups of wolves or even simple pairs that are devoted and close to each other. Even more does she hate these noble wolves who claim to look out for the weak and protect the helpless and weary, or preserve peace. (This probably stems from an internal pain that there was no one to save her from the lizards, or help her when she was small; but shes not evolved enough to think this way, shes a savage after all)

So, cutting to the point.

Injured from her fight with Daegmar, though mostly better by now, I had this devious thought of Batari infiltrating a group like a clan, or a pack, or a family, with a caring member or two, using her wounded paw to gain entry. From within, I see Batari learning a two faced gambit. Tearing the family apart either figuratively, as she spreads lies and rumors and mistrust into a once tight family, or more likely literally, as she uses her place from within the group to kill/maim/cripple various members and display her power and dominance as a solo wolf.

I see more potential with this story arc if there is a wolf who thinks shes a savage that just needs to learn the ways of the wolves and wants to change her, and Batari lets them think that this is something that can be done, by pretending to change and just "slip up" here and there while she works at her plans.

I think it could be a fun arc for a clan or pack to suffer through if anyone is looking to shake things up.

There could even be an arc where Cunning Batari who hates the idea of pups, lets a stronger larger wolf mate her, knowing that with a pup belonging to the group, they will hesitate to kill her when the truth comes out, for the sake of the young. This could be even more juicy and dramatic if some devoted family-male is the one to make the mistake. Or Batari has the male disgraced claiming she was raped, before the truth comes out later that shes an evil bitch.

I could also see Before this or during this, Batari manages to sort of form her own group of wolves who think shes strong, and misunderstood. They think she's either bound for greatness or at least think she cares about them not realizing she is just using all of them as pawns, because she sees them all as inferior and prey. This could be deliciously dramatic, especially if these are wolves that side with her after the clan realizes things that she's done, and don't realize until much later that they are meaningless to Batari.

If there is anyone who wants to volunteer for any of these roles or a group that thinks this would be fun to go through, I would love to play the villainous element that creates all the drama from within. Or if there are any similar ideas where you think she could fit in, let me know here or in a PM

The group that takes her in doesn't necessarily have to be good, it could be an evil or villainous group that's still loyal to one another or at least relies on their others and underestimates what one new rogue female wolf can do to their delicate group.

"One act of kindness, which brings ruin to all you hold dear... you let the monster in the front door, and turned out all the lights"