
A Hunting We Will Go

Osiris I


4 Years
01-30-2019, 03:22 PM
Snow had fallen over night for the young wolf who had taken shelter in a tree den. No words have come from his brother whom he had not seen for nearly a week. He surely hoped that he was doing well for himself and wasn't getting into too much mischief. However, he continued to bear the bitter cold as best he could alone. Despite the den being big enough to accommodate him, once his brother was in tow that would be a whole new story. Alas, he had to continue alone. He had to find some form of nourishment despite the temperatures and weather being as horrendous as it was when he first arrived to these lands.

His eyes shifted to the left, and then to the right, seeing if there was any form of prey within his line of sight that he could easily take care of. With a deep huff, he continued onward from the den and made his way into the open prairie. Surely it seemed like a beautiful place once the snow hasn't left its alabaster mark upon the landscape. Snow crunched underneath his paw pads as his ears swiveled, listening to any sounds that could be either a prey animal or something that he should take caution from.

Hearing nothing that he should be concerned about, his eyes landed on a creek not far from where he was. Perhaps there were a few minnows he could gobble up as a small snack? He approached the small body of water, tilting his crown in interest. The water was moving, but it seemed that Siri (the goddess his family worship), had other plans. He dipped his cranium down and lapped at the freezing liquid, quenching his thirst at least before eyeing the terrain some more, sitting his haunches down as he listened and looked around for anything he could hunt or entertain himself with, but, at least the world was peaceful and quiet for the most part.



4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
02-05-2019, 02:59 AM


He hadn't been down this way since his uncle had taken him North to meet his father for the first time. But now that he was of age to travel on his own, he decided to come back...sort of. The place he used to live with his family had been taken over by a pack, but he didn't mind it. It's not like there weren't really any good memories there, anyway. His mother didn't care about them and had even planned on killing him and his siblings. Luckily his uncle had enough heart to steal them away from her and brought them somewhere safe. For the first time in his life since then, Drake knew what a parents love was. Dragon was a wonderful father, but even with his father trying his hardest, Drake still found himself feeling stand-offish at times. And to his dismay, even with his sister...then again, he hardly saw her around as it was so he didn't feel too bad about that.

Most of his family was hanging around the Eastern parts, so he let his grandmother know where he was going before he ventured off to check out some things on his own. His companion walked alongside him, the pair now both mostly grown up but not quite. Before long, he heard the bubbling water nearby so he and his companion decided to stop for a drink. They moved quietly as they approached the water, the yearlings moving in unison as they dipped their heads to drink. At first, Drake thought they were alone. But a low growl from his feline counterpart soon alerted him that they were not. He lifted his head, apprehension clear in his stance as his hackles briefly lifted as the pair eyed the stranger. The other male was several yards downstream and across the river, so Drake watched him warily and didn't say a word.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Osiris I


4 Years
02-20-2019, 10:41 PM
After taking some time to relax however, his eyes would lift to catch another wolf and a feline watching him. They seemed to be on edge when it came to his presence, and considering they seemed to be a bit younger than he, the male understood as to why they would be weary. Osiris didn't really seem to mind their hostility, when he was the other male's age he would have acted the same way himself. He gave a reassuring glance their way before a fish happened to catch his attention. Even though he now had an audience and might be judged for this hunting tactic, at least he would have a little bit of a meal. His eyes watched the fishes movements before quickly dipping his head in and snapping his jaws across the fish as it wobbled in his mouth, his canines puncturing it's spine as it soon lay dead in his jaws.

He would have thought that perhaps he could have a snack for himself, but considering the male before him was younger perhaps he could take it as a sort of peace offering to show he wasn't going to hurt him? He cautiously made his way across the small body of water and dropped the fish near both of them. "I was not expecting anyone else to be here, but you're welcome to have this if you would like," he smiled, trying to show sincerity and kindness to the duo before giving them some space. "I was going to go hunting, perhaps you would like to join me?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head.



4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
05-08-2019, 01:11 PM


The pair continued to watch warily even when the stranger caught sight of them. Oceanic blue gaze watched as something seemed to catch the strangers attention, and then suddenly he struck the water with a fish in his mouth. Drake had never fished before, and he was beginning to get curious about it. He generally stuck to hunting land animals, but he did wonder what fish tasted like. Before long, the stranger male got up and approached them close enough to drop the fish in front of them. Cautiously, Drake reached forward to sniff at it, his stomach suddenly rumbling at the thought of tasting it. "I was not expecting anyone else to be here, but you're welcome to have this if you would like," Drake spared a glance at his companion, and then the stranger before returning his attention to the fish. Any apprehension he might have had started to melt away as he tentatively reached for the fish to take a bite.

The flesh of the freshly caught meal tasted...different then what he was used to. But it wasn't bad. He actually liked it, and his companion thought the same when he took a bite. The pair scarfed it down faster than they intended to, so it was safe to say that he was disappointed when it was gone. The fish had lots of small bones, but it didn't bother him too much. He would be sure to pick them out next time, though. "I was going to go hunting, perhaps you would like to join me?" Blue gaze rose to meet the strangers, forgetting for a moment that he was there while he indulged in the fishy meal. "Hunting?" He thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, if you don't mind!" His tail gave a slight wag as he grinned, "Oh uh, thank you for the fish. I've never had one before,"

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!