



5 Years
Extra small
01-30-2019, 11:18 PM
The gulley, Leera's learned, is abundant with herbs even during the wintertime. If one looks diligently enough, between the snow-crusted boughs and ferns, there will be rewards like ginger, which is the pain-killing herb she needs before Nephthys gives birth.

The femme slinks from Erövrare territory silently, naviagting the trees until she comes upon this realm of the south. It shimmers with promise, and even though winter grips the land she's uncharacteristically positive that she'll find at least something useful here. "Hm," she murmurs to herself before slipping further into the land. But as she approaches a thick area of bushes, a scent alerts her that there's a predator near. The thick, raw odor sends her ears against her head and her tail between her legs: it's bear.

As if on queue, there's a huge bellow that punctuates the still air and a towering brown figure rises from behind the tangle of thick thistles. Leera presses herself into the ground, only a few feet away from the creature with only mere bushes between them. The grizzly bear, female, knows she's there. It's small, fire-filled eyes watch her with an anger that makes Leera freeze.
Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



4 Years
02-05-2019, 12:47 PM

Tyranis’s howl rang through the gulley calling anyone to aid him as he galloped closer to the bear and the woman carrying his children. With a snarl he stood protectively between her and the roaring beast, his fur on end and his fangs bared for the brown sow to see and fear.

He gave two bluff charges to the bear in an attempt to frighten her off now that she was dealing with two wolves instead of one but the hairy behemoth only seemed to become galvanized by the slate wolf’s attempts. With a swing of one giant paw the bear struck the lightning king’s side raking her claws across his ribs and leaving a long track of scratches over his side.

Enraged, Tyranis sprang toward the bear’s back, his fangs closing around the scruff of her neck and his paws sinking deep into her thick fur as he thrashed his head trying to pull fat and flesh away from the bear’s form.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


02-05-2019, 02:21 PM

speech & thoughts

He had already been on the bear’s trail. It had came awfully close to pack borders and Huck wasn't about to let the bear go any closer to the pack. It was an odd time for a bear to be put an about, considering they should still be in hibernation, so that in itself had him worked up. He fallowed the bear’s trail, taking caution as he did so, curious to see where it was headed and what it was doing out of hibernation so early. Tall form carried him with ease and he moved across territories fallowing it. He crossed over into the gully and stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the creatures roar in the distance. Something had angered it and when a wolf’s howl fallowed long after the lean male wasted no time in running towards the direction, tracing the bear’s path. From a distance he could see a tall male in battle with the bear, behind him a small female. No doubt the male was protecting her from the beast and Huck wasted no time in jumping in to aid them.

As the dark colored male locked into the scruff of the bear, Huck charged. His teeth were bared and his face wrinkled up to protect his face. He was charging right towards the bear’s rump and while she was busy with the male in the front she would have no idea he was coming. Huck’s attack, with where he was placed was not so bold, but tactical. Lashing out when he got close enough he aimed to chomp down right above the back of the bear’s left hind paw. Aiming to sever the tendon in that limb to render it fairly useless. The Achilles’ tendon was fairly small, but he knew where it was. When his teeth landed he bit as hard as he could and began to shake his head, to rip and to tear until the tendon was severed. The bear roared and tried to move its leg away, but he stood his ground and held on, continuously shaking until he was down to the tendon. Once he was there he viciously ripped his head back, successfully tearing the tendon and the bear’s leg buckled. He jumped back as it swung around to wards him, taking weight off of the bad leg and forcing its weight onto the other three legs.

Ooc: for reality and to picture where he is aiming I am using this anatomy diagram click

Art by Bleuzye



5 Years
Extra small
02-06-2019, 10:25 PM
Lips curl away from Leera's teeth in a snarl as she's locked there underneath the bear's hateful stare, but before she even has to think about what move she's going to make there's someone there, someone at her rescue as sleight-colored fur throws itself between her and the beast.

In an instance, she recognizes him as Tyranis, his scent and his rage familiar as the she-bear strikes out against him, making contact with her claws. He retaliates with his own force, sinking his teeth into her thick hide and before long there's another wolf, this time entirely unfamiliar, who initiates a rather successful attack on the bear's tendon.

Seeing an oppurtunity with the bear weakened, Leera flattens her ears against her head and charges around to the back of the bear, where she parts her jaws and snaps her needlepoint teeth along the tender flesh of its left hind paw. Thanks to the stranger's attack, the bear is unbalanced and Leera intends to further this. She uses her teeth and her grip to shred at the flesh of the bear's hind paw and only letting go when the beast stumbles away and attempts to swing at her, missing just by an inch.
Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



4 Years
02-07-2019, 10:55 AM

The bear fell onto her side with a crash, her giant paws kicking wildly as she attempted to dislodge the wolves. Tyranis fell onto his uninjured side but rose quickly, far too taken by adrenaline to fell the forming bruises or the long lacerations on his ribs. He ran to the bear’s muzzle and latched onto her sensitive nose, issuing a mighty roar of agony from his target while her paws attempted to rise and bat him away.

Before her giant claws could reach him Tyranis danced back from the felled bear taking the leathery skin of her snout with him. He kept his head low, blood pooling from his side onto the ground beneath him while gore dripped from his bloodstained muzzle. She was his third bear and he intended to do the Praetor line justice as one of the bear slayer family’s finest.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


02-07-2019, 12:10 PM

speech & thoughts

Just as he jumped back the cream colored female jumped right in, assaulting the other hind leg to do damage just like he did. Without being able to use either hind foot she would simply crash onto her rump and scoot around trying to fend them off, or crash onto her side. The female did a great job when it came to destroying mobility in the other hind limb and she then jumped back just as the bear moved to swing at her, missing the cream colored female just barely, Then without the ability to put weight on her hind legs she crashed onto her side and Huck quickly circled around to the left so that he was facing the Bear's spine.

The other male then made another bold move placing an attack directly on the bear's muzzle, in direct range of her still deadly front paws. And as she swatted he danced away, but not without ripping into the flesh of the bears muzzle. He already had a very deep looking laceration on his side, but that didn't seem to bother the other male. Huck refocused on what he was doing and quickly charged forward, before launching off his back legs. Jaws opened wide and his muzzle cocked to the right and down. Onto her he landed and his jaws grabbed a hold of her left front leg, just above the paw. Once his grip was secure on her limb he swung his rump sharply to the right and down so that his back legs were solid on the ground, his front legs were bracing themselves against her back as he attempted to take the limb backward., trying to eliminate the chance for her to be swinging with that paw. He kept his grip strong as he attempted to hold the limb from flailing around as best as he could.

Ooc: for reality and to picture where he is aiming I am using this anatomy diagram click

Art by Bleuzye