
Prayers for the damned



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-04-2019, 07:21 PM

The servant had chosen a meal like she had always been taught by those that had raised her to become a slave of the womb. It was not for her though, but for the mother of her masters children. She still wasn't certain what their relationship was or if the woman would be staying. She did know her place though. In her jaws was a fatty peice of deer and a large fish. They were both for nephthys and she would have to make another search of the fresh kill for Hannibal but for now she figured it would be forgive that she was making two trips and nephthys was her first priority.

She entered and gently wiped her paws on the piece of deer hide she had brought for a door mat for the master's den. She then quietly walked over and laid the meal out in front of nephthys. Her eyes looked to the pups then. They were cute but she knew they were doomed to be cruel creatures. The pile was cute but she knew she was overstaying her welcome. She really just wanted to see though. She hadnt been able to when they were born but with hannibal out on a border patrol and it just being nephthys she could finally actually get a look. She needed to get a move on though probably because hannibal would not forgive her for not having his dinner and for potential corruption of his spawn.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



7 Years
02-05-2019, 05:24 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 06:41 AM by Nephthys. Edit Reason: spelling mistakes )
The bronze Goddess did not adapt to change very well. She had been abandoned by her own blood -- cast aside like a broken toy -- and now she was uncertain what to do with herself. She lived in a castle of strangers who did not speak her language or understand her beliefs however her hope was light aflame by the arrival of her spawns, all three of them the embodiment of perfection. It mattered little what was between her and Hannibal fore they managed the impossible, they managed to bring forth two Queens and one King with strong blood running through their veins. If anything, their accord and pact was a blessing from the Gods fore these beloved creatures that were nursing from her milk were occupying more or less her heart. This was her paradisaical prison.

The three little honey bats where snoring soundly, after their bellies were filled, into their mother warm stomach; long, luxurious tail was convering half of their tiny bodice and acting like a blanket, in order to protect them from the stormy weather outside. After the labour and nurturing the cubs, sleep escaped her, and her eyes were raw and red, her expression hollow and her body somewhat gaunt from her constant prowling and refusal to rest and rare accepting of offered meals. She was lost in the new found paradise of her pups and without a doubt they will make her proud and bring glory to both their names. Klein and Ithuriel, strong lineages and they were the heirs to both thrones. Honor is written in their fate and one day they will be rulers among their own piece of land and that filled her heart with joy; however, for now, they were just three small devil chops that still required their parents constant attention and nurture. A supple sigh drifted from her lips, her muzzled lowered and expression downcast before a familiar sound creeped through the den; scent, inhaling deepling, chest rose and fell with each life giving breath. Eulogy. she purred softly, careful not to wake her younglings, before she could even gaze upon the woman. Fiery orange gaze fell upon the offered food, presented by her mans servant. She had met this girl before, long before, and she was surprised nonetheless to see her here, under a new servitude, under new duties when it was her mouth that said she was running from her Masters. Was Hannibal the master you were running from when we met? she gave voice to her thoughts, just a notch above a whisper; loud enough to make sure the woman heard her but soft enough to not wake her three devil chops from their slumber. Feed me. it was not a suggestion, it was an order. The days that followed her labour she did little but look after the cubs though the she and Hannibal were switching whenever the ivory king had to attend his duties or the autumn babe needed a breather.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-05-2019, 07:02 AM

she was greeted, though she wasn't sure if she should like the greeting or not. She looked away from the children sleeping beside their mother though, aware her stares and want to hold them may not be welcomed. Her eyes went to the fore paws of Nephthys. She knew the woman from before, though barely. The question was asked and she wasnt sure if answering was allowed. Hannibal had told her not to speak unless spoken to. She didnt know if it could hurt or not. But she had been asked a direct question.

A hint of a croak came from her, quiet but obviously her voice wasnt used anymore really. She kept her volume low so as not to disturb the young children. "No ma'am." she kept to answering just what she was asked. Her ears fell back. Was nephthys taking advantage of her now too? She'd already been raped by her father, and many others she could hardly name. Then after she had freedom hannibal raped her of that.

The order given was not something she'd had yet. How did one feed her? Should she become tempted to swallow it herself and chew it for the woman or should she just make it strips small enough to be bite sized. She decided to start with the latter for now and see if she was yelled at. She started with the fish, placing a paw on its tail as she ripped a strip of flesh from it. She then leaned carefully toward her and hopefully the proffered food would not be offensive to the woman.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



7 Years
02-06-2019, 02:13 AM
Their birth came days ago and they were still blind, they were still following the milky scent to their mother; Banshee was wriggling next to her siblings in the warmth of her mothers fur. She was always the fusy one, the one that made the most noise, reason why her father named her so. Recluse is the one that wakes next, trotting out on legs shorter than matchsticks, attempting to escape her mother confinement, yowling all the way. The autumn babe picks her up in her pretty maw, returning it to her "nest" of luxurious fur and then she eyes the slave woman again. When she almost opens her jaws to question her again her auditory system catches yet another newborn yowl. It was Mordecai, the smallest of the litter, the runt they were most worried about. Now two, no all three were awake and crawling, trotting into her elongated tail (four times longer than a normal lupine), moving over the bushy fur like it was an un-mown prairie. This time the autumn babe was faster, but each time she takes in a spawn in the warmth embrace of a blanket like tail another tumbles out. Then finally she gives up and instead she rose from their bed and decided to let them "patrol" it instead, deciding to remain to their right. It is a never ending job. she purred, the strain and joy both clear in her voice. The feline servant of the bronze Goddess, Alphonse, watchen from the shadows; narrowed eyes, feline slits, red and consuming, that was all that could be seen of the male that prowled within the darn, eyeing the other woman with suspicion. It was his duty to guard not only his Mistress but also her precious cubs, his duties have multiplied and one might even say he was in over his head however his luck was that the cubs were still too small to leave the comort of their den. Alphonse watched as his Mistress leaned her head graciously towards the offering, jaws spreading in order to catch the piece and chew it throughfully however her murderous inciros came close, deliberatly too close to Eulogy's own in order to test the woman reaction. Ran from a spider only to get caught in yet another spider web. she purred softly after the sweet piece of meat was swallowed. Her position was not as regal as she was used to due to the hard days behind her however she still hold her eerie, exotic beauty and her dominant stance, honest arrogance emitted from each pore as her shoulderblades were rolled backwards, chest pushed in order to appear bigger than she was. She was of blue blood, after all, she was taught from a small age that appearances, etiquette and diplomacy matters the most. I pity you. she continued, adjusting her weight with a roll of her hips, as luxurius tail was not wrapping around her frame. Speak freely, child.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 03:28 AM

the noises and commotion of the newborns was undeniably attention grabbing. She'd honestly not seen any so close up or even been allowed near any as of yet. They were tiny things. Hard to believe that one day they may grow to become behemoths like hannibal. The one with the long tail was most like nephthys though. The snap of the mistress to her master brought all attention back to her. She didn't fear her but a wariness was there. She had been ordered to tell hannibal if another that was of lesser rank than himself touched her. Something told her even nephthys would know better than to test the limits of his anger.

Her ears folded anyways, taking it as a wordless way for the woman to tell her eyes off. She dared not shrink back though she did show signs of submission subtly. Her equating of hannibal to a spider couldn't be any closer to the truth. He was just as threatening and his lies were like a web, catching those that fell for his sickly sweet promises. Her eyes had caught sight of the felid in the shadows but like her he was a slave to those stronger than himself.

Pity. That was nothing new to the slave. She'd been pitied by a few before but they dared not voice it. The babe of skin and bones shook her head wordlessly, she shouldn't be pitied, not by someone like nephthys. She knew envy as well. She envied the freedom Nephthys had. She could leave any time and no one could tell her what to do.

Then the next order came as she leaned down and stripped the next piece of flesh from the fish. Her eyes looked up to nephthys, wary and cautious. She was giving an order that was contradictory to Hannibal's. Should she trust it though? She weighed the options as she brought another peice up to nephthys. As soon as it was snapped away she bent her ears and chanced it. "Its not so bad, at least I have shelter." ahe gave a small smile trying her best to convince the other woman it wasnt bad. Only it fell again as she thought. She never knew when her next beating was coming or if she'd be allowed to eat that day. Best not to tell the woman though.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



7 Years
02-06-2019, 03:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2019, 03:59 AM by Nephthys.)
Regret washed over her like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. Each wave was icy cold and sent shivers down her spine. Her mind drifted as she took another bite of the offering, chewing slowly, nonchalantly; melancholy, that bitter sweet sentiment filled her anatomical heart. Her mind took her away to times long lived but never forgotten; she lived in fear, panic striked her every single day of that life, of her old life. She was a mere pup, a few seasons older than her own, when her mother had died and they were forced to eat her corpse in order to survive the hunger they felt within their every bone and fiber. They went on different paths and many times before she longed to go back and take a different path, but time does not go back, time it is unforgiving and it was impossible. There was no way back. There was no way to make it right. The remorse would eat at her everyday of her life. She envied the pebbles, hard and lifeless, unable to feel the torments of life. I pity you because I have been in your place. the babe began softly, highly above a whisper and yet at the sound of her voice a feline pad stepped from the shadows as a warning to his Mistress. This female was not to be trusted. It is alright Alphonse. she muttered towards the feline before her gaze returned upon the beat up slave. Foolish girl. his timbre was dark, edgy and filled with concern as he stepped outside of the shadows. His lean obdisian body moved with feral grace towards the three devil chops that his Mistress brought into this cruel world. Suspicious eyes fell upon Eulogy before he curled around the nest, making sure the spawns do not drift too far.

The bronze Goddess took another piece of the offering fish from between the slave own jaws, I have been a slave and an object to men pleasure from the time I was but a pup. she continued after the interruption of her loyal servant. But I had the strenght to release myself from the chains that bound me. if possible her frame seemed larger, taller, the tip of her tail straightened in dominance. Her position regained her regal allure upon her statement; she was the embodiment of sensuality, utter carnality, seduction and sin. The seven deadly sins were deadly only for the incapable, she welcomed it, she danced with the devil and sang his sinful song. What good it is a shelter if you are a prisoner under it? her cinnamon brow arched in question, fiery orange gaze that was swimming in a pool or violet watched her closely, registering her movements just as she was the first time they met. Hannibal will not release you. she changed her weight, grazing her elongated, braided tail along the side of her subs, taking another loving gaze upon them before it retorted back to the slave woman; facial expression changing the moment her optics landed on her, no longer was the same loving expression like for her devil chops, no. Ice cold and regretful eyes watched her. I will not release you. she stated, her hisses hold a tremendous strenght, like they were being released from the pits of her throat. Your fate is sealed.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 04:51 AM

surprise crossed her features at the other woman's admission of being enslaved. It was carefully wiped from her face though. Someone had once kept the master's mistress as a breeding bitch? Had she suffered the weight of men vile and vicious like Eulogy had? Had she felt ribs crack under the weight of stikes? Had she been starved so she would be driven to be obedient to those that would allow her tiny morsels? Why did she treat Eulogy so cruel then if she knew how hopeless and dark it was to be her?

Her ears folded. Why be cruel? The answer was probably just as simple as nephthys had a chip on her shoulder and she saw an opportunity to be able to do as was done to her. How sick nephthys had to be in the head. Her words were no surprise when she told Eulogy that no one would release her. "But what good does it do me to not look at the positives of my situation? At least my head can be dry in the rain, prisoner or not I have to look on to the positives, lest I fall into darkness and not find my way back." the darkness she spoke of being death. She had been scared of death for a long time, scared it could hurt worse than her life had. "I've been raised from the age of a few days old for this life. I've been trained to please the desires of men without complaint." yes her fate was definitely sealed. "even the man who sired me had his taste... I have nightmares of the pain nightly."

She went about her duties then. Stripping the last bits of meat from the fish and feeding it to Nepthys. Her eyes wouldn't connect to the woman's or her caracal's gazes. She knew her fate was death, only prolonged by Hannibal because he wasnt done toying with her. She did so hope that someone would save her one day but the chance of that was nigh impossible.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



7 Years
02-06-2019, 05:06 AM
The babe had seen a bigger goldfish eating at a smaller one. It pecks at the scales until it's kind of naked and vulnerable to infections. That's how the regret could get to one individual in certain days, it was taking a little bit of their defences at a time. It came in waves upon her memory during the chocolate female speech, what she should have done or said differently, what she shouldn't have done at all. She can't undo it. From the outside, some might understand that she is picking at her, bullying her even more by offering and conducting such subject that could only brind demiss however, in all honesty, the babe was attempting to wake the naive female from her slumber. It is a dog eat dog world. she offered, raising to her full height, towering over the other woman with ease; dominance radiated from her form, regal, each graceful step was placed deliberatly one in front of the other, a calculated walk, one that she had to practice daily when she was but a cub. Her father insisted on it. You either eat or you are ate. she continued in her low hisses, the bitch prowled towards the other with each step, further closing their already close bodies and came to a hault before the chocolate dame, chin high and proud. You will not survive dreaming of charming princes. You are not a damsel in distress. she pointed just as she turned on her heel, heading towards the large caracal feline that was taking care of her devil spawns as she went to her business. Do you want to escape? the woman questioned the other, prying with her peripheral vision as her attention was concentrated on the three spawns, sleeping soundlessly on top of the servant belly. He knew where his loyalities laid as the male crimson optics were watching his Mistress each movement in silence, making sure no harm was to come to her, specially in front of a female he was not familiar with.

Foolish girl.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 01:52 PM

she was becoming uncomfortable and when the other woman moved closer her eyes diverted to the den's wall. Her head lowered and she started her slide down to the ground. She almost hoped that hannibal would come in through the door to find her being more cruel than necessary to Eulogy. She was obviously a good servant, so the need to scare her was not necessary. She expected to feel teeth at any moment.

She heard every word and as the snake of a woman moved away Eulogy started creeping on her belly towards the exit. Once she was in bolting range she stopped and laid there. The answer to the question that was asked was simple. Of course every day she wished she could be far away but she knew she could not do so. "I'm not so stupid as to think I could make it free of this place." she was not sure why this woman wanted to try to plant these seeds in her mind. She would be killed if she even tried to find freedom from this place. The only way freedom would happen for her would be if somehow her brother gained power or an alpha's will to fight for her. Though first he'd have to know she was here. It was every day she hoped to see his bird on the horizon and call out to her. It was unlikely to happen though.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



7 Years
02-06-2019, 03:25 PM
She was a visionary with a dream. She could care less what others thought ofher as long as they obeyed. She acknowledge that she has odd methods, but they work. She knows what life should be like and she understands that many things and creatures are inferior to her. Is that what you are then? A survivor? Is that what you think of yourself? of the woman had hands she would have rubbed them together in that classic way villains do, she wasn't about to pretend to be anything other than what she was. The Goddess enjoyed it, to her prying inside someone mind and spitting in it, taking more power was only a game. She placed her moves and sat back for her opponent to make the move she knew they would. Really, where was the challenge in that? But it was more fun than not playing at all. You are not. You are a cockroach. the bitch hissed softly, honied tones dippin in poison. Some people are born good and always fight off the bad. Some people are born bad and become good through great effort. Others are born in light and fall to darkness. And others are born in darkness and cannot see the light. The autumn babe wonderd for a moment where she fell on that scale but her thoughts wondered further to her younglings and how would be they become. Would they be predators? Heathens? Cruel sociopaths? Whatever they were going to be they had to be strong in order to bring honor to their parents. When I was but a child I realised the life ahead of me was one of anger, pain and hatred. Of darkness. Did I want that? melodious tones wrapped in malice intent escaped her jowls as she made her way towards her three devil shops, wrapping her reptilian form towards her shadowed servant in order to embrace all four of them with her bodice and tail. Yes, I did. she shifted her weight, covering her spawns with her tail once again, acting as a blanket, I grew up surrounded by fire and ash and poison and death. she mused, slightly above a whisper, It was the only thing I knew, so of course I wanted it. I was never taught what love was. What kindness was. In fact, in my entire puphood I saw just one type of smile besides my mothers - a smile full of malice and cruel intent. her fiery gaze fell upon the chocolate woman attempt to flee however it seems she had more to say, more to show. Show it all, it was all but a game for her, a charade, something to pass the time. It was all I knew. she locked her gaze with the other, orange on azure, fire and water. If you are not strong enough to stand on your own then you will perish. No one will come and save you.

Foolish girl.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 03:47 PM

everything spouted by the woman was full of ill intent. She had no delusions of power or of escape. Yes she was a survivor. But at least she did not know pain on a daily basis thanks to her willingness to do as she was told. She forgot a category though. Those born in darkness but see the light but cannot reach it. That's where she was. She knew freedom was a thing but had known it only briefly before she was brought right back into the darkness.

Unlike her Eulogy knew love and faith. Her mother had been gifted the opportunity to raise her. She was silent now though as she watched the den's entrance. Nephthys had no clue about her. She was strong. Strong enough to know she would never make it if she ran, that if she was patient Rhyme would eventually find her. Then she said that no one would come to save her. She had once been told by her mother. That her mate was leader of a great pack and her family owned a large one somewhere in the lands and they would fight for those that were wronged. She had faith that one day they would be there for her and take her from this nightmare. Silence was all she was going to give this witch for now though. She spoke lies and tried to twist her heart into darkness but it just couldn't be done. Not without something more major than words.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



7 Years
02-06-2019, 04:12 PM
A smouldering stare held onto the girl that had frozen in front of the Goddess. She could feel her thoughts all gnarl together as the temptation to hurt her poisoned her bloodstream. An immaculate hunger twisting her insides as she itched to lurch forward, to pounce at the girl with the luminous cerulean eyes. She had flouted her, the rules had been fragmented and now her chaste soul was going to pay. One way or another. You will be nothing but a servant to this House. venom wrapped in foreign allure were the words that escaped her full, ebon lips. Se didn't desire her death... but it was inevitable. Death and time waits for nobody. My Lady. came the dark and edgy tones of the caracal as he slithered away from the nest place and in return decided to clean around the den as the other inferior female presence stained it with her filth. You should be more like Alphonse. her melodious tones might reach the chocolate dame ears however her gaze and attention was completely dedicated to her spawns. You are dismissed now, Eulogy. she offered a single flick of her luxurious tail in her direction and laid her regal crown down, orange optics closing to rest.

exitus by sleeping

Foolish girl.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 04:54 PM

nephthys knew nothing of her, yet there she was judging her. She knew nothing of her past, of her family. She didn't know about her other than that she was a slave. A slave to Hannibal's whims, not hers. Not the family's, not unless she was told so by hannibal. She was hannibal's.

Her ears pinned. Hannibal seemed to like her as she was so there would be no change for a woman who was not her master. "I will remind you so he does not have to, I am not your slave, I serve Hannibal's whims until he says otherwise." and with that she stood. The dismissal was not needed. She was done here and would need to go find Hannibal to ensure he needed nothing else of her. What was said here was tucked away as well. The Male would likely be furious if he had heard what had come in the form of verbal abuse of his slave, along with the woman trying to plant ideas of escape in her head.



[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]