
Crossing Over



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
02-05-2019, 01:49 AM

How long had it been since he had left Boreas? Time seemed like no more than an illusion to him, and he couldn't even remember how long he had been away from the other side of the world. Or at least, the world he had been born in. The only world he knew was Auster and Boreas, though Boreas was becoming nothing more than a faded memory along with everyone else that he'd left behind. Or rather, those that had left him behind. His mother and his siblings had been long gone before he had decided to abandon Celestial and he was glad for it. He had come this far all on his own and without anyone. He had been growing stronger in the Empire, and soon he would seek out Malleus to show him how far he'd come and try for a chance to rise in the ranks once more. While he had recently been promoted to Soldier, it simply wasn't enough. Azazel wanted more, and if he had to go and steal a pack from someone else to achieve it then so be it.

The sun was high as he sauntered across the bridge that connected the two lands, though he didn't have any real destination in mind. Perhaps he'd go spy on the pack he had been born into, or maybe see if his sorry excuse for a mother had returned. Yeah...that didn't sound like a bad idea now, did it? If she had returned, did she regret leaving them? He snorted. Yeah, probably not. Otherwise, she wouldn't have left to begin with. Whatever, he had been doing just fine on his own without them and he'd continue to do so.


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