
Welcome to our Family Time

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-08-2019, 02:19 PM

Rhyme was feeling over confident today. The babies were all out of the den and beginning their lives as pack wolves, and he had begrudgingly accepted that they would no longer be kept cooped up. He wanted all of his children to know their siblings, and he wasn’t sure that the girls had met their half siblings yet. Rhyme decided today he would gather them all together for a big play date. Of course his idea had potential to backfire on him completely, especially since he hadn’t asked Shaye or Tana to accompany him. He could handle all five of them… right?

He didn’t have to try very hard to get Poem and Motif out of the den that morning, in fact he was lucky to be there before they emerged themselves. He had a suspicion that Poem might inherit his disdain for having a home den. Of course with the winter she wasn’t allowed to sleep outside yet, but he could tell she wanted to. Gingerly he nudged Poem’s rear as she got distracted by a new scent, they weren’t stopping yet.

The new father led his two daughters towards the massive maple tree, hopefully the other three hadn’t wandered off yet. He stopped outside, only having a moment before Poem and Motif ran off on their own. ”Noir, Theory, Verse… come outside I want you to meet your sisters.” He called inside, confident it wouldn’t take much for the three of them to appear.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-08-2019, 02:30 PM

Poem was just about to wake her sister to go outside and play when her father’s muzzle was at her cheek. He nuzzled her affectionately before leading the two of them out of the den. She hopped up and out eagerly, feeling excitement in her belly as Rhyme promised them new faces and a bit of adventure. With a grin plastered on her face the young Destruction bound away into the snow.

Her father was quick to correct her coarse as she found plenty of distractions to investigate. She had to make some mental notes about returning to the places she sniffed. With all of the excitement she wasn’t even upset about having to leave the interesting places behind. Their walk was relatively short, unfortunately they were still in the rapids, but all could be forgiven when she caught the first scents of more pups.

Her striped tail wagged eagerly behind her as she ran up behind her father as he called down into the den beneath the tree. She bounced in her paws as Rhyme called into the den. ”Come out! Come out! Come out!” She added eagerly, unable to keep herself still.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
02-08-2019, 02:39 PM

Noir was not a morning pup. He liked to sleep the morning away and stay up late into the night. These preferences were no help in his eternal mission for attention however. He was counting down the days until Rhyme finally took him on a midnight patrol, he’d been denied thus far though. Something about danger and being too little. He hadn’t paid much attention he just knew he wanted to go with! One day he was going to be a great warrior, he’d be praised as undefeated. He just had to grow up first.

He was sleeping deeply when his father’s voice floated down into the den, along with the higher pitched voice of another pup. The girl’s words really brought him out of his slumber. It was not the voice of one of his sisters. Peeking open one blue and lavender eye Noir felt his curiosity become stronger than his want for sleep. The boy stretched his blue striped body and yawned heavily before poking his head out of the den.

The familiar form of his father stood waiting, but beside him were two young girls he’d never seen before. His first thought about them was that he had two more pups to compete for attention with. The second was a question about how likely they were to play with him. Verse wasn’t a big fan of playing with him, she thought he was mean. He just liked to play rough was all. The girls he hadn’t met yet looked like they might be able to take his abuse just slightly better than his littermates. Internally he wished he had a brother to really rough house with.

His brightly striped paws carried him out of the den completely and he peered at the two pups, their eyes a perfect reflection of his own. "Who’re you?" He asked with a tilt of his head. Rhyme had said they were his sisters but he wasn’t sure he believed him.




1 Year
Extra small
02-08-2019, 03:58 PM
Verse was most definitely a morning person, as well as a night owl, and well an any time kinda kid. Though she did like her sleep she was already up by the time her dad was outside calling them out. Mom had stepped out to go get them breakfast so they could be released into the world for the day, but verse expected her to be back at any time.

She was gnawing quietly on a leftover bone when their dad was at the entrance calling them out. Of course their attention hog of a brother was first to rush out of the den and meet their.... sisters? That was strange didn't daddy only love momma? She cast a glance to Theory and then was out herself. Her curiosity getting the better of her. And what she was greeted with was the sight of two girls with her daddy. She wasnt sure what to think. It was a little confusing.

Of course out of her own litter she was clearly becoming the more well behaved as she learned the rules and her initial curiosities were satiated. She moved cautiously towards the two other girls, her marbled nose was twitching as she took in their scents. Definitely strange to her. How had she not found them already in all her adventures. She was the smallest here and she had to figure she was just meeting more bullies like Noir. He was much to rough, their sizes were already so different. Welp this was just going to become fun wasn't it? She decided it best to settle with her daddy. She immediately changed directions and when she was between her dad's forepaws she curled up with her eyes on the other kids and Noir. Dad was definitely a much safer bet. At least when she chewed on him he didn't retaliate with even rougher bites and tackles.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-08-2019, 10:20 PM

Theory was most definitely a morning Wolf. Postivity and happiness pratically radiated from the seedling. She was a lovely medium between her two litter mates. Noir was a stubborn grouchy pants while Verse wanted nothing more then to be their parents favorite. Theory was much more focused on exploration and getting along with the entirety of her family. The dark pup was large but a few inches smaller then her very large brother Noir. Verse on the other hand was a pip-squeak much like their mother, thus Theory took it upon herself to protect the small girl. She was more then happy to rough house and was a much more even opponent then her little sister. But, it seemed her tiny world of litter mates and parents was about to change completely. Perhaps Noir wasn't the only sibling they would have to worry about!

Familiar baritone vocals fell into round and fluffy ears as the pup idly rested near her little sister. The call of their father brought warmth to her heart and a beaming smile slipped across her tiny inky lips. Soon after another call was made, this was much more high pitched and screamed youth. Could this be the sister Rhyme spoke of? First Noir moved to the mouth of the cave without much expression, second Verse hopped up and scurried forth with excitement, and last but not least Theory moved just outside the safety of the den. Baby blue eyes fell upon two pups near Rhyme and Theory silently cocked her head to the side. They both had their familial markings and coloration. But.. the scent was much different. It was difficult for Theory to put everything together but she wouldn't dwell on the facts of the situation. Her puppy brain was far to amped up on pure excitement to do so.

Noir spoke first, per usual, with a simple question all three had been wanting to ask. Theory couldn't fault him for being so forward. Verse seemed to cower at the base of Rhyme almost instantly. Perhaps it was for the best until they got to know who these newcomers were exactly. Though, not soon after the actions of her siblings the inky babe trotted towards the two girls with a beaming smile. She stopped about two tail lengths away with a wiggling stump of a tail. "Hi! My name is Theory!" Her brilliant eyes flicked between the two half-sisters with joy. Despite everything they were two new additions to their small world. Two new playmates!
