
Judge, Jury, Executioner



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-09-2019, 04:21 PM
The raid had been a success, but today Valentine was unwilling to dwell on the details of it. No, today he needed to have a talk with Rhyme and he could allow nothing else to occupy his thoughts. He'd given himself time to rest and recover before going to Abaven and hoped that Rhyme had done the same. Valentine wanted them both to be at their best today because it was important to him that they both walked away with the knowledge that they'd done all they could to reach some sort of equilibrium. For good or ill, after today they would each know where the other stood.

Valentine stopped at Abaven's border and stared into the Rapids for many long moments. His expression was somber and far more suited to a funeral than a conversation. In some sense, this was a funeral though, wasn't it? The thought saddened him further.

Realizing he was simply prolonging the inevitable, Valentine sighed. Best get it over with. He howled for Rhyme and then sat down to wait.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-10-2019, 02:40 PM

In response to
The first thing Rhyme had done upon his return was snuggle his girls. He had half expected not to have returned to them. The feeling of relief when the deed was done had become tainted with disgust. Rhyme didn’t feel like a glorious raider, and the blood on his paws would never be washed away. However, the threat was gone. He could sleep easily once more, though that hadn’t much been the case so far.

Rhyme had been quiet since his return, keeping to himself instead of letting his emotions out to those he cared about most. He bottled everything up, and though he was recovering he didn’t feel any better. He lay quietly by the rapids, his favorite place in Abaven but also the place where his son had his final resting place. It was a somber place now, and felt perfect for his current mood.

He might not have moved from the place all day if he hadn’t heard Valentine’s call at the border. His words from that night earlier in the winter came back to him. "We will discuss your failings later." His father’s voice repeated inside his head and he felt his heart drop. He realised he felt just like when he’d been a pup and his father had scolded him. Except now the stakes were so much higher. He couldn’t quite decipher his father’s mood from his voice, but dread seemed to take a tighter hold.

Reluctantly he lifted himself from his place, though he would have liked to drag his paws he knew leaving his father waiting would do no good for either of them. Moving faster than he had since before the raid Rhyme went to meet Valentine at the border. He felt a bit of relief to see there would be no audience, the two of them could sort out their differences in private.

"Father." He greeted with a quick nod as he seated himself, trying not to let his limbs shake. His shortcomings were laid out before them, and the consequences for his actions would be met out.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-14-2019, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2019, 10:11 PM by Valentine.)
Rhyme was no fool. He knew what was up - that much was clear. Honestly he looked like a man destined for the executioner. To his credit, though, he'd come knowing full well that he was in for something unpleasant.

"Rhyme," he greeted his son with uncharacteristic solemnity. Valentine's gaze darted away as he considered the task ahead. His jaw worked as a whirlwind of emotions fought for control of the situation. His attention was only diverted for a moment but it felt like an eternity as the old king teetered on the point of no return.

"No doubt you know why I'm here. I think it's time we talked about your recent...activities." Alright, that was a fair start. For both their sake he was just going to ease into it. Pun intended.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-23-2019, 02:47 PM

Valentine was much more somber than his usual boisterous self, the mood of the evening taking hold of both of the ferociously. Rhyme felt his chest clench as Valentine greeted him. The younger wolf waited patiently on his father’s words, his own gaze inadvertently avoiding Valentine’s features. He didn’t feel like enough time had passed before the old king got on with things. He was oddly gentle as he started the conversation. He announced the elephant in the room and Rhyme felt his ears fall slightly as he looked down at his paws, unsure how this meeting might go.

Valentine was usually much more blunt about issues, and Rhyme almost felt more on edge because of it. He wouldn’t have called them recent either, happening a full season beforehand. Though the after effects were much more recent and he still felt the stabbing loss of his son. "I don’t want to give you any excuses for my actions." He answered slowly. "Alcohol was involved in both instances, and within a day of each other." What he really wanted to do was gush to his father about how wonderful he thought his kids were. How much Noir reminded him of Valentine, or how much Poem looked like him. "Neither of them were in heat," he also mentioned absently. Not that it was an excuse, but he was trying to paint the picture for Valentine.

What else did he say? He didn’t want to excuse his actions and a vagueness had taken him. Did he admit how vulnerable he’d been when Shaye was so close to him? Or how Tana had easily confessed that she loved him, and it had seemed so right to take the next step? Rhyme sighed heavily. "What do you want to know? Or do?" Was he in for a stern talking to or was he facing being disowned?



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-24-2019, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2019, 09:17 PM by Valentine.)
The old king listened as his son tried to explain the circumstances around what had happened. His expression was devoid of judgement as he listened - mostly because he had already reached his decision, but partially because another disapproving look from him would only make this situation worse.

Valentine sighed again as Rhyme asked him what he was going to do. He searched his son's gaze earnestly, then began, "It should go without stating that I love you, but...but because of this I feel I should say it. I have loved you since the very first time I laid eyes on you. When you were just this...fuzzy little bean at your mother's belly."

His voice grew impassioned. "I loved you all those years I thought you were gone. And I will always love you, Rhyme," Valentine shook his head, then continued, "But I don't trust you, son. Not with my legacy. With my name."

The old king collected himself and became outwardly stoic. Though painful, this was necessary. "I've decided two things and I'm committed to seeing them through. Know that I will fight to defend the Imperialis name if I must, but I don't wish it."

He cleared his throat. "This is my first decision: none of your children will go by Imperialis." This he would not bend on. Valentine didn't know if any of Rhyme's children had taken the Imperialis name but he wanted to ensure that if any had, they be stripped of it. He was prepared to fight for the right to clear his name of inferior specimens. It didn't matter to him if one or one hundred low quality pups had been sired by his son; he'd fight one hundred fights if he had to. None from this pruned branch would be able to lay claim to his name. He would see to it that any renegades were hunted down and forcefully separated from the surname if necessary. His descendants would be made aware of the mandate too.

"My second...I'm willing to give you a choice. You may choose to either give up the Imperialis name and keep the ability to father children or you can keep the Imperialis name and lose the ability to father children." If Rhyme chose the latter he would be losing his manhood right here, right now. Valentine would take no chances. He'd brought with him a mixture of herbs that he'd been assured would render any man oblivious and he was prepared to fetch the bundle and give them to Rhyme if he wished it. "These are your only options, son."

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-01-2019, 03:40 PM

He could hardly believe what he was hearing, the fact obvious in the way his jaw fell slack when Valentine uttered the words "..I don't trust you.." Rhyme couldn't pull his gaze away and he watched as the old giant's features lost any of the warmth he had just boasted a breath before. While Valentine said he would defend his name Rhyme felt his heart stop as his children were barred from taking the name he'd been born with. His eyes widened in surprise, Valentine hadn't even set eyes on them and they were rejected. Even before his second act Rhyme felt his stopped heart break. Like a punch to the gut. Rhyme's thoughts went blank as Valentine continued.

He felt almost numb as the second was delivered and a choice offered. Rhyme felt his ears grow hot as the sound of his now fast beating heart pounded along with a sharp ringing. He froze. Though he'd decided he didn't want to produce anymore offspring the thought of being denied the choice disturbed him deeply. Already with these decisions presented to him Rhyme felt lost at best. For his whole life he'd yearned for Valentine's pride and approval. That part of him died in those few moments.

Incredulous, Rhyme scoffed as he tried to accept the judgement handed down by his own father. After partaking in the massacre that was their slave raid he knew Valentine was capable of much worse punishments. He'd taken his gaze from the old King's form and the blue and lavender colors looked out over the horizon towards the falls. Rhyme was silent for a long time, though the choice was obvious he didn't know what to say.

"Take your name." He whispered quietly, still unable to bring his gaze back to his sire's face. His voice was dark as his pain turned to anger. He tried to breathe. "And go." Rhyme felt rejected and crushed, the last thing he wanted was to prolong his exposure to the raw pain Valentine brought with him. He didn't want to say something he might regret.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-05-2019, 10:49 AM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2019, 10:49 AM by Valentine.)
Grimly Valentine noted that his words had their desired effect. Knowing the patriarch of the family didn't trust him with the thing he held most dear and was also embarrassed by his actions would surely be enough to repel Rhyme and his brood away from the Imperialis name. He didn't think it necessary to repeat himself; Rhyme no doubt understood that Valentine was serious and that he would do whatever was necessary to protect the Imperialis name from Rhyme.

He stood without a word and turned to leave. There was nothing more to say; he'd done what he'd come there to do and that was that. If this was the end so be it. While he wouldn't stop loving his son over this, Valentine thought he could let him go if he had to. Perhaps with time this would become a more painful wound, but for now Valentine was mollified by the belief that in doing this he was protecting the rest of his family from a weakness that could very well lead to the destruction of their reputation.

-exit Valentine-

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.