
Convince me not to be done with you

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-17-2019, 05:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 05:40 PM by Shaye I.)

Shaye dragged the young pup across the border, and set her back down on Abaven territory. She put her between her two front paws, and growled down at the pup, showing her teeth. “Do you understand what kind of stunt you pulled today?” she asked the child. “You put not just yourself, but this pack at risk, it was reckless, and foolish. Do you want your siblings getting hurt for your recklessness, do you want your father dying for you?” perhaps a lot more serious then she should be yelling at a child, but god damns, she was on her last damn nerve. Between Rhyme, Ace, Tana and Verse, she felt like she was the last damn sane person in this world.

Her heart clenched painfully in her chest, and her breathing felt a little erratic. She wondered if Rhyme would ever forgive her, if she kicked Tana out of the pack and kept the kids, well he was away at the battlefield, but dammit. Between that woman trying to kill her kids in a snowstorm, to an Epileptic, Asthmatic, Eight week old child turning up at the battlefield as through the snow and distance meant nothing to her. Shaye did not believe that she found her way on her own, she could never have kept up with an adult. She must have been carried. A part of her already thought that Tana was to blame. This was attempt two at killing her children, and Shaye had had enough.

She howled for Tana, she would give the woman one chance to plead a case for herself, and if she did not believe after that, that Tana was fully sane, she would no longer be welcome in Abaven. If she had to challenge the blind, tiny woman for the kids, she would do so.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



4 Years
Extra small
02-17-2019, 06:34 PM
Where the hell had Verse run off to now? She was constantly following Rhyme around and now she had disappeared along with Rhyme and Shaye. Acere and his child too. She'd heard the howl but it had nothing to do with them. God damn it where were they all at? Theory and Noir she had corralled into the den and told them if they moved then they'd have no dinner. Cruel as it sounded she was not having all three run off. Hopefully shaye had done the same with her two.

She was clearly mad as she walked along following Rhyme's most recent scent path. When she found them she was going to seriously give Rhyme a what for about letting their child be out like this he didn't have any excuses. He knew she liked to follow him and it was enough of a headache. How was she supposed to do her own damn job if that child was constantly disappearing after her dad. She understood that the girl was infatuated with her father but seriously didnt he have the sense to make sure that she was sent home after an hour or so. Shaye's howl stopped her in her tracks. Good someone with some sense must have found her, though then again something told her this wasnt going to be pleasant. Her companions were left to keep an eye on her two other children so it was just her.

When she arrived she made straight for her child. "Verse! Do you have any idea how long you've been out here? Where were you?! Do you even understand that our rules are there for a reason?! Do you know how worried you made me?" worried didnt even begin to explain it. She stood there with her fur fluffed in her agitation. Where the hell was Rhyme? She turned her face towards where she believed shaye's form to be. She took a deep breath and let it out. "I'll apologize for Rhyme's stupidity and that you had to even deal with this, Shaye. Where did you find her? Obviously Rhyme can't keep it in mind that she is basically his shadow." if she had eyes she'd be rolling them. Verse was epileptic but the blame did fall on the parents for whatever trouble she caused. She didnt even know where to start with punishing verse though. Was it too harsh to den bound her for the next week? Well she would definitely be getting more than just one punishment today. She'd inconveniencing Shaye and had been over the border. "Your going to take whatever punishment miss shaye seems fit for you, and for leaving the territory your den bound for the week with no dinner tonight either. You will also be apologizing to miss shaye for making her go out of her way to find you." she looked verse's way. And waited Shaye's own punishment before she would be sending Verse to the den.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-17-2019, 07:45 PM

Tana appeared in answer to her call, and immediately hashed it out at the child, listening to her only made Shaye’s anger grow,a  scold, shimmering thing. “What your telling me is that Rhyme was in charge of the girl and took off to investigate a challenge without depositing her to you? Or that, in your care you let her run off after him because he should know better, Rhyme, who is an Alpha. Those pups are not his primary responsibility, they are yours she growled, shaking her yet. “No, don’t answer that, i’m not getting into the middle of your partner spat, or even the tedious discipline of your child who thinks they can run off as they please. Through I recommend you don’t starve herDid that really have to be said?

She drew herself up, the pup still held between her paws, the small mother wolf before her. “This child did not get from Abaven to the battleground on their own free will. An Eight week old child, does not get that far, they do not have the facilities to track as an adult does, nor the knowledge of the rogue territories. Someone took this pup from Abaven, and deposited it in the middle of a tense situation where Abaven and Erovrare are on the brink of conflict. Do you understand how much danger this child was in? And not just the child, it would have affected Rhyme, his judgement, and our entire situation. They would have used this child against us. she would have become a slave she growled, Tana of all people should understand what a terrible fate that was. “DID YOU TAKE THIS CHILD TO THE BATTLEGROUND. YOU’VE THREATENED THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN ONCE BEFORE, HAVE YOU DONE SO AGAIN?” Did she not understand how serious this was? come in her, scolding Rhyme, the child, everyone but herself. She needed to hold herself responsible for the care of her child.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



1 Year
Extra small
02-26-2019, 02:59 PM

She wasn't sure what miss shaye was so upset about. But she listened as each word came from both women. It was all so confusing. She understood her mom perfectly clear, she was in trouble for going with daddy. Miss shaye was asking questions of her and her ears fell. "I... just wanna be like daddy...."" he was brave and strong. Plus he never had seizures. He wasn't scared of anything. She felt disheartened and like it was wrong now.

She was listening as things escalated between shaye and her mom. She'd been with daddy when he ran off, but he didn't know that she didn't think. She'd followed after him and was trying to be a good girl, being quiet and staying out of sight, but then he'd took off. Every growl, every word Shaye threw it was alot for her to take in. Miss shaye seemed to hate her mom. She wanted to run. To escape. She was scared not just of the anger but from what she was seeing. Her mom was lowering to the ground. Where was daddy? Why wasn't he protecting mom?

Her breathing started to turn to pants and she squeezed her eyes shut. She knew the feeling. It was happening again. Deep breaths that's what mom told her. It didn't work though. The seizure came regardless. Her body flopped, limbs flailing jaws opening and closing on their own. She was drooling and she knew she had peed herself again. Her body wasn't her own. It was terrifying. She wanted to stop but muscles clenched and unclenched on their own. She was flailing and seizing between shaye's paws. In her head she was screaming out for help but no sounds came out. Her eyes were wide with the fear. And by the time she stopped seizing she was panting and disoriented. She jumped to her feet and like a drugged pup wobbled forward only to fall. Tears came forth. It was embarrassing. She smelled and now was unable to fully function until her body settled down again. She laid there wanting to just disappear from sight.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



4 Years
Extra small
02-26-2019, 03:23 PM
She was waiting but had no clue how much shaye truly wasnt thinking. She wasnt calm as she answered her. In fact she began by scolding her. Okay so she let verse run off when she said she wanted to find Rhyme, that wasnt a big deal she had thought anyway. She had no idea that a war was at their doorstep either though. She went on as well. Tana found her rump on the ground. The snarling from shaye had her flinching away. Shaye who had promised to protect her was now snarling like she was ready to rip her open. Instincts had her wanting to snatch verse and run. But they also told her to submit and make shaye happy again.

She started leaning away as each word came out tearing at the fragile woman's mind. Her ears pressed back. And finally shaye grew even harsher and she was dropping to her side leaned away from shaye. Words weren't given, masters never wanted to hear your voice when they were mad. She was submitting. Everything had her wanting to call for Rhyme. She didnt make a sound but she could hear clicking of jaws and the faint movement of her child. The scent told her the rest of the story. She knew better than to move but her head was in the direction of verse. She wanted to help her daughter but shaye's snarls kept her in place. A slight movement forward that's what it would take. Who was quicker though? Shaye or her? She doubted shaye would let her go. She calculated in her head. Then quickly she surged forward and snapped verse up by her scruff. She then was attempting to bolt. Three legs were carrying her as fast as possible, with verse clenched safely in her jaws. She wasnt going towards her own den though. No. Solor and Vail would be better equipped to protect them and aid Verse. She ran even if shaye was on her heels. She'd come to trust Vail and Rhyme but shaye had now taken her trust of her away. Even if she dodmt lay a tooth on her she'd been threatening enough to scare tana into hiding. It would probably be hard to track down the flighty woman now.

-exit tana with verse?-


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-26-2019, 03:47 PM
The young pup began to fall even as shaye was speaking, and the apha was quick to cushion her fall with a carefully placed paw. She was in the process of rolling her and ensuring her airways where clear, when Tana lunged for her. At first, she thought Tana was going for her throat. With Verse in her lap, her scruff and the alphas throat weren't far apart. She already thought the smaller wolf was on the edge of insanity, and Shaye had just been accusing her of exactly that.

As Tana lunged, Shaye reared up, swipping a paw forward in an attempt to block her attack. Incidently, she also moved her body forward and over the seizing child in a reflective posture to protect her, making it more difficult for Tana to reach the child if she still tried to grab her. Her paws splayed out beneath her, balancing herself over the child. Her claws dug into the earth, and her weight moved eighty percent into her forpaws in an offensive stance. Her ears tucked back behind her skull, her eyes narrowed to slits to protect her eyes. She rolled her shoulders forward and tucked her chin to protect her neck.

She didnt lunge, but she made it very clear that she was on the offensive, and a moments away from violence if Tana did anything to antagonise the situation further.

Shaye vs Tana for dominance
Round 0


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.