
I hear the willows cheering


07-06-2014, 07:45 PM

It was a journey, and the two had finally arrived. The willows had greeted the two in hushed whispers. Dusk checked to see his new friend, Winter behind him, and he was. Dusk lifted his head, tasting the air for his cousin. She was supposed to come! She promised she would find him here! He told her to travel West, and to stay on the trail. But his cousin was an adventurer, she would come, he knew she would. If anyone knew all the short-cuts and forests in Alacritia, it was Titania.

He gave a warm nod to Winter, letting the man take in the beautiful and calm scenery. The willows had protected and sheltered Dusk when he was in need of a home. That was when he first met Esti, the princess. Yes, the princess. She had to be somewhere here, waiting for the kind brute's return. Though perhaps she was out hunting, and maybe it was best if he let his and Winter's paws rest after their exhausting journey.
"Here we are, welcome to Whistling Willows." Dusk announced deeply, the early spring wind cheering happily. He let his new friend have a look around at his new home. Perhaps the four of them had to make a few extra dens, but it could work. A kingdom. A home.

"Oh," Dusk had forgotten to mention one last thing, though he quickly added."If you require a drink, the fresh pond is over there."

He lifted his head out to the sparkling clear waters of the pond. It was only a few tail-lengths away and the pond had the most refreshing and richest waters in the dry West. Yes, everything was going well. Now he would wait, sitting himself down by the pond, waiting for his cousin and the princess to come. Wise blue orbs gazed out across the soft emerald grass. This was their new home. A palace. This was their kingdom.



07-06-2014, 08:12 PM

A long exhausting journey. How this better be worth the time and effort! He grew weary of the situation. The longer time passed by, the more this seemed like chasing fairy-tales and Winter despised fairy-tales. He watched Dusk carefully, following him and watching his every move. Ah, this should be interesting.

The meadows had opened up to a land that was taken over with vast willow trees. They danced along to Earth's breath and it washed over the branches in waves. Waves. . . How he missed that obsidian ocean in which glowed beneath the moonlight. This forest was nice; however, he much preferred the gentle salty breeze and the clashing of waves.

It was dawn here. The sunlight beamed through the trees creating an ethereal glow throughout the forest. Heavens shined down upon them with its brilliance. It was colder here than the ocean, that he liked. Oh how he adored the cold. Winter much preferred to have a home in the northern lands in which allowed him to perform his magical disappearances with much more ease. His white pelt blended in well with the frozen ivory liquid in which masked all the land. Though, this would do for now.

Winter could not wait to meet this princess. Ah, he imagined her a joke. He did not smell the scent of a structured pack. But if she were a joke - perhaps she could be easily taken advantage of. Ah, such devious thoughts raced through his mind. Winter was not one to stay, he was one to satisfy his own needs and desires. Whatever game this may be, he would go along with it for a while to see how things may turn out. Who knows. . . this princess may surprise him.

Winter did not speak. Simply, he made himself to the nearby pond and rested his frame on it's border. Allowing the freezing water to caress his frame and occasionally lap onto his abdomen. How it reminded him of his oceanic adventure. That would definitely be his next location. It sung out to him as if it were a thousand angels. Embracing him with its delicate song, begging him to come back. Hypnotic.




3 Years
07-08-2014, 03:22 AM


Travel West, stay on the trail, travel West, stay on the trail...

Those words echoed in Titania's mind, as she ventured through the sunny meadows. The grass brushed her underbelly and the spring sunshine shone down on the adventuring ebony girl. Stopping to taste the air, she wondered if she was even going the right way.

Well...the sun rose over West will be over there...hey there are the willows!

The buzzing meadows slowly dipped into a lush forest of pure willows trees. The gentle and relaxing breeze swayed the calm trees overhead. Curious emerald orbs met the mystical palace of the willows. Her new home. Tired, she was, after the trek from the Eastern bay, though she wasn't going to rest now while she was only a few tail-lengths away. In a blur of sparkling black, the girl made her way down the hill, her head high, ignoring the pain in her worn out paws. She steadied her pace as she entered the willows, the trees bowing before her. The gentle whispers of the fallen spirits greeted her as she slowly swept past. Were the trees supposed to do that? Oh well, no wonder they were called the Whistling Willows. As she made her way through the beautiful flora, she was starting to think she had come before her cousin. Where was he? Did he leave? Had he not returned? No, he must be here! And the sight of the kind midnight brute lightened her face. Glimmering orbs met the male, as well as another white wolf, another addition to her new home? The babe dashed through the trees, greeting her cousin in a friendly tone.

"Dusk! Dusk!" Titania halted by the male, nuzzling into his fur as a warm family greeting. "I've come, just like I promised."

Where was this other friend that Dusk spoke of? One that ruled these lands? But she could already imagine herself here, her home with her new family!

"Speech" Thoughts



[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-08-2014, 01:40 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2014, 01:52 PM by Esti.)

The Willows were whispering again; that meant visitors. Esti had been alone since Dusk had left. The girl had lengthened, and come to about her full height in his absence. When she heard the noise, she came carefully to the scene, noting that the company was, in fact, Dusk and his guest- guests. There were two? Esti let out a breath of disbelief that twisted and vanished in the cold morning air. The girl, now a full year, stepped towards the gathering, her deep blue eyes wide, "Dusk..." she breathed, eying the other two quickly. He had succeeded, somehow, and even surpassed his promise. Esti's tail drifted behind her, her eyes warming with the touch of a smile, "Welcome home."
Esti turned to the others; they were all about the same height, and smaller than her. Last she had seen Dusk, he still had an ear on her or so, but now she hovered above the rest. Esti did a quick survey; two black wolves, one white, two boys, one girl. Where did Dusk even find these others, Esti wondered briefly, but decided it didn't matter. If they agreed, they would be a part of her kingdom- her real, live kingdom. Esti took a position of dominance and cleared her throat, what did princesses say at a time like this?
"Princess Kigu. Of the Willows." she bowed her head a bit, "I'd guess y'all knew that, but it's proper or something. What do you go by? Both of you. Just your names, I don't need fancy words, really, either way they're just words." The princess flicked her ear, making eye contact with each of the members without much infliction either good or bad, "Once we do names, we can do more important stuff." "Speech"


07-12-2014, 07:17 PM

The white fellow stayed silent. Oh well, Dusk wasn't particularly chatty himself, until a familiar voice called out.

Dusk! Dusk! I've come just like I promised!

The brute could only smile at such a warm feeling.

Of course you would keep to your promise. You're Titania.

She was beside him now, the excited little ball of energy couldn't even wait! Ah, he was glad he had offered her a home, where would she be now? Still in some murky forest? She was better off here. With him.

The princess had come. For a moment he thought she wouldn't be here. But, he waited for her when she got sick, she waited for him when he left to get others. She had exchanged a polite greeting with him, Dusk only nodded as a sign of welcoming. After stating her name, she asked the two for their names. Dusk lifted his head to the snow-furred man and his cousin.

Come on. Tell her your names.

"Speech" Thoughts


07-12-2014, 08:13 PM

Ah, of course such a blissful moment could never last. Princess. He rolled his eyes at the name. He half expected little green leprechauns to leap out from their hideouts and begin dancing beneath rainbows. Winter raised his dainty frame from his nesting place near the pond and made his way toward the group of wolves. This princess appeared to be rather young. . . perhaps it was a little fantasy of hers to keep herself occupied.

Name's Winter. His introduction was short as usual. Nothing fancy, like she wanted; however, it was not to please her. He simply did not attempt to please anyone but himself. His life was lived for himself and himself alone. Nothing about this gal really impressed him - though, he would stay for now. He had no reason to continue his travels yet. Though, if those leprechauns appeared he would surely have to leave. A smile crossed his maw as thoughts of little green creatures danced through his mind.

Winter glanced over at the other unfamiliar canine. She was dark in color as Dusk was. The way she greeted Dusk with her arrival warm. Surely they were some kin, though, Winter did not bother to ask.

So, what now Princess?




3 Years
07-13-2014, 12:52 AM


The willows chattered excitedly. The princess had emerged. Titania turned her head to see this lady. She slightly bowed, kind emerald pools gazing at the princess. She was a larger wolf, certainly taller than Titania and her cousin, though being large and muscular the princess was dressed in a fur of pure white, painted in black lines. Titania admired the princess's beauty, glancing down at her well worn dust-covered black fur. What a mess she was in front of the princess, she quickly ruffled her fur, sending a cloud of brown dust in the air. Hopefully no-one saw that. Well, except for Dusk, who's probably covered in it.

The princess had asked for their names. For the white brute's and hers. What would the princess think when she found out that she was Dusk's cousin? Too close of a bond? But she would say her name anyway. Who cared?
"I am Titania Oaks," She spoke clearly, standing proudly beside her family member, exchanging a glance with him. With a flick of her luxurious tail, she would finish. "Cousin of Dusk."

The other stranger had stated that his name was Winter, reminding her of the freshly fallen snow of that season. It quite suited him perfectly with his soft cloud-like fur. Ah, Winter, that name floated in her mind. Now there was probably a Summer, Autumn and Spring running around? Ha. What an imaginative mind she had.

"Speech" Thoughts



[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-14-2014, 07:30 PM

Everyone complied and gave their names, which was... oddly convenient. So the girl was Dusk's cousin? Good, then she would probably- hopefully- be loyal. The other brute seemed less than impressed... Maybe he was smart and keen on things like princesses. That could mean trouble, though. Esti would have to talk to him later. The male- Winter- asked what was next. Esti hadn't really thought about it, "Well, if ya wanna stay here, you're gonna want a place to sleep and stuff, yeah? The main den is over there-" Esti motioned with a nod of her head, "- but if we made that big enough for everyone, that would be too big and dangerous, so..."

Esti thought a moment, "... either we can hunt or make dens. Of course, if you stay here, you can really do just about whatever you want, just occasionally hunt for each other and swear your loyalty to one another. You don't gotta stick around- I don't even stick around always- just, y'know, this is your home, and we're like gonna watch out for each other and stuff, without the crap ranks and rules of other packs. Don't bring trouble here, and protect each other, that's about all, right?" Frik that was a lot of words. Mushy, mushy words. Esti shook herself, casting a look to each member after she finished, "Okay, so, either decide to hunt or build a den, or leave. We don't need people who don't wanna follow me." "Speech"


07-15-2014, 03:26 AM

The two had introduced themselves. Good. After a rather long speech by Esti, Dusk would next speak. He understood what the princess wanted, and he agreed with her. No silly ranks and tiers, everyone is equal. There were no rules or laws, if you couldn't protect and do your duty, then why were you here? And only two jobs, hunting and expanding the kingdom. Perfect. Just how he wanted it to be. He could already see a mighty fine life ahead of them.

"Esti is right. There will be two main duties, hunting and expanding. Everyone has the duty to protect no matter what. As there are two duties and four of us, two wolves will do each." It was brief and brisk, yes, but informative. And it wasn't as long as Esti's speech. "Chose the right duty, make sure your skills can be used."

And what duty was he going to pick? Fixing dens and making them pretty wasn't his thing, hunting called out to him. He knew he had the skills and there were few mouths to feed. This could work. He could feel it.
"I will take the duty of hunting." He finally announced, flicking his tail to the rest. What were their jobs? He knew they all had fine skills and abilities, whatever they chose, it would lead the kingdom to life.



07-16-2014, 03:41 AM

Winter simply listened to the words they spoke. The princess's words seemed to be all over the place. She definitely was not of royal bloodlines; however, this kingdom idea did not seem so bad. He could be a rogue as he was by nature and have the protection of a pack without dedication. It seemed so suitable for his lifestyle. He would play their game if it meant ensuring his survival. For now, anyway.

Winter thought about the options of hunting or making dens. Ah, Dusk seem to choose hunting. Winter would prefer to hunt, but making dens could mean alone time with one of the ladies. I will do whatever needs to be done. Doesn't matter.

His gazed passed each of the wolves here waiting for what the others decided. He would simply take what position was left or whatever position he was assigned. Both could lead to interesting adventures. Whether it was savoring the chase of prey and feeling it's last heartbeat tremor through his maw as he gripped the helpless creature by its throat, or spending time with one of the ladies - alone.




3 Years
07-16-2014, 05:33 AM

She liked the princess. She was spunky, all over the place, crazy, y'know all that. Titania was certainly like that, outgoing, loud and not afraid to stand up. She was already enjoying her new home, and it hadn't even started!

So...two duties. Hunting or making dens. Dusk had chosen hunting. Yes, a fine hunter he was. Dusk wasn't a fighter, Titania knew he found his true skills chasing after a deer, alone. The white man had not chosen anything, just what had to be done. Winter seemed like a simple wolf with simple and easy ways. Titania liked that as well. Carefree and boundless, yes, those words also described her. So if Dusk had chosen hunting, Winter, nothing in particular, than what would she choose?

In a split second she had made up her mind, and the babe was certain of it.

"I will go along with den-making, although I do have some skills in healing." She finally announced with a firm nod. Well, she did know some healing, as she was a wild forest girl. She knew her mushrooms, knowing which ones were poisonous as well as her berries. But what? Was she a gifted healer? Nah, anything but. Perhaps in her stay she could educate herself, go out every afternoon and just observe nature. Not a bad idea yet it could work. Though if anyone was to be in some trouble (but not too serious), they knew who to call.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2014, 12:40 PM

Duties, huh? Esti guessed that worked for now, though she really didn't care if they flip flopped day to day, "Alright, so Dusk will be the main Hunter and Titania will be the main Expander. Winter, you can just do whatever, labels don't really matter, just make sure no one gets too skinny, or goes without a place to sleep, mmkay? I'm sure Dusk will need help from time to time; Titania too. Titania, you can do the healing thing as much as you want, I'm not gonna stop you." Yeah, Erani had been the only healer Esti knew, but she had disappeared as soon as the hot-colored fae beat her tail in battle. It would probably be good if Titania learned to heal anyway, maybe another healer would join and the two could train together. As far as that stuff went, Esti was completely useless. Maybe Titania could even teach Esti a few things.

A smile spread on Esti's maw, if each of the wolves got to work together and do their own thing at the same time, then this Kingdom would have a great mixture of personalities and skills, good for any job. If Esti didn't force them to do things, that would be good, because she herself hated to be bossed around. Conflicts could be settled by fights and spars and talking- or whatever- with Esti's say being final.

"Alright, then, as for whoever else, I don't care what you do, who you fight with, whatever, just don't bring trouble here, got it? That's my main rule- I have three. The other two are common sense; Help you kingdom, and obey your leaders- whoever they are at the time." Esti hoped those were simple enough to understand for anyone who ever wanted to be in the kingdom of the willows, "For anything else, ask me." the girl stated with a sway of her tail. Dens would probably need to be made first, but Winter and Dusk could go hunting first while Titania and Esti fixed the beginnings of their kingdom near the main den, "Do we got a deal? Yea? If so, Winter, Dusk-" She looked from brute to brute, a seriousness in her eyes, "- you guys can go hunting. Titania and I will have some sort of dens made when you get back."


07-16-2014, 04:58 PM

Himself as the main hunter, Titania as the main expander and the rest whatever had to be done. Perfect. He could see it coming to life. This was going to work. The man was already imagining a daily life in the future for them all. Dawn, Dusk and Winter were leaving for some hunting while Esti got to work on fixing nests and dens. Titania had travelled not too far away for herb-collecting, coming back at the same time Dusk and Winter had returned from the hunt. Prey was plentiful, the four were enjoying a nice feast, leaving the leftovers in a well-preserved pile. Later in the afternoon, Dusk could see himself teaching his cousin correct techniques for hunting, then after enjoying themselves in a warm night under the stars. Maybe it wasn't going to be that perfect, but the fact that it was working was close enough. Sure, there may be some fights here and there, maybe some training spars? Too many ideas! He would go along with it all, see how smoothly it flowed before he raised any more ideas.

Winter, Dusk, you guys can go hunting. Titania and I will have some sort of dens made when you get back.

Dusk nodded as a sign that he understood. His blue gaze rested on Winter. He beckoned him with a flick of his tail.

"Come on. We've got hunting to do." He spoke deeply, making his way to the willow entrance. Before his black paws had lead him completely away from his new home, his head turned to face the remaining two wolves. He nodded as a quick goodbye before exiting the kingdom of the willows.

OOC: I prefer to make separate threads for hunts, although it could still work in this thread if we kept to the posting order. So if we had Dusk and Winter hunting at the same time Titania and Esti expanded, it could still work here. Just tell me what you think is best.


07-16-2014, 08:09 PM

Winter listened simply - casting his gaze from each of them as they spoke. The words that spilled from their maws twisted in his mind. . . The way they spoke of this kingdom seemed not a bad idea. The protection and security of a pack but without the dedication. It sounded perfect; however, sometimes if it sounds to good to be true it normally is. How would packs react to their gathering? Would they take it as a threat?

Winter would hunt as requested. Hunger roared inside of him as if it were a lion. He had not eaten for a few days and his dainty from could not survive long without nutrition. All these fairy tales have been rather distracting.

Lead the way, Hunter. Hunter - referring to Dusk who had been crowned lead hunter. Ah, he could not wait to lap the blood of his dying victim. To feel the struggling heartbeat tremor in his throat as he gripped his maw around its tender flesh - to savor the taste of raw flesh upon his tongue.

ooc; whichever you guys find easiest is fine with me.




3 Years
07-16-2014, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2014, 03:15 AM by Titania.)

Dusk had left with his new friend, giving a small and short nod as a goodbye. Titania soon smiled, facing the princess. If Dusk and Winter were to do their job of hunting, so Titania and Esti will do theirs, which was expanding their home of course. She wondered where they would make the dens, but why was she wondering? She would ask the taller girl.

"I believe we have some dens to re-make." She spoke warmly with a faint chuckle. She really wanted to add another wolf to her empty friend-list and she hoped she could become great friends with the princess. But who were her other friends? Well, there was that other girl she had met a while ago by the name of Venin. And there was also Dusk, a pretty cool friend-cousin.

What about that night under the Orchard?

She pushed those thoughts away. She focused on the life outside her peridot eyes. This is today, not yesterday.

OOC: I'll keep the hunt here if that's alright, still going in the same post order. Nope, I'm making another thread, sorry if that causes any confusion. Thread can be found somewhere in the Whistling Willows.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2014, 11:36 PM

The two brutes left and then it was just Esti and Titania. Esti watched as they went, one of black and one of white. Titania mentioned that they would have dens to do, "Right. Dens. We're gonna make two now, on either sie of the main den, sound cool?" Esti moved to the right of her den and began digging mindlessly, sure Titania was doing the same. After a moment, her paws were covered in an earthen film. Without looking up, Esti's mind wandered aloud, "So, why are you really here? Just 'cause your cousin says so?" Esti was honestly curious. Cousins? Wasn't that like... your brother's brother? No- wait... That was also your brother. Well, if they weren't you parents or siblings or kids or siblings' kids, then what did the relation even matter? Esti only even talked to one of her brothers, Laufey, and even then she didn't even want to follow him around that much; they'd just fight. Why was it, then, that Titania had followed Dusk here? Granted, Dusk had convinced Winter to come here. Maybe it was just a Dusk thing. Maybe he had the power of words as well. As Esti dug, she awaited Titania's answers, eager to see if her guesses would be right. "Speech"



3 Years
07-17-2014, 04:39 AM

"Sounds great!" Titania would reply in her usual spunky tone. She would have imagined the princess to act mature with rules, rules, rules, but this was a surprise. She took a liking to Esti's laid back personality. This home was already fantastic!

While the princess got to work on the right side of the main den, Titania would work on the left side, just how Esti wanted it. Usually a princess would complain about getting her beautiful ivory dress stained with dirt but nope, this princess just dug and dug. Titania also didn't mind the muck, as a wild forest-dweller she was usually covered in that stuff!

So why are you really here? Just cause your cousin says so?

She warmly smiled. Well, it was sorta like that. After she had recently found her cousin he convinced her to stay, just for while. She was a young girl, wandering aimlessly in the forests alone. She really needed a home and she wanted to stay with her family for as long as she could. Just until she grew up or found someone else to stay with.

Like Caeto?

What? Her falling in love with that handsome tanned and cream man? No way! They had only just met! Besides she didn't want to lose Dusk.

Just like you lost mama...

She let her mind wander sometimes, though this time she shoved those thoughts away and focused on digging, as well as answering Esti's question.

"Well I guess Dusk convinced me to come as I had no home. He's my dad's brother's son so I guess he is my cousin on my dad's side." She answered cheerfully, letting her claws sink into the brown earth. She couldn't wait for the dens to be complete, as well as some more girl-chat time with Esti.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2014, 04:53 PM
OOC: Post order is Esti to Titania until the other two return.

Esti listened to Titania's answer. So her cousin was her dad's brother's son. Were cousins only boys? No, didn't Titania say that she was Dusk's cousin too? That would make her a cousin because Dusk's dad's brother's daughter. So maybe it was a brother thing, like if someone's dad had a brother, then the brother's pups would be cousins, right? Then what if someone's mother's sister had pups? Ugh, families.

Esti decided to shake off the thoughts. She had one family member as far as she was concerned, and that was Laufey. He was her brother, no cousins needed. By the time Esti had eased her thoughts, a long silence had passed between the two femmies. Esti's head was well within the den opening, though making a den for someone her size would take quite a while. She doubted conversation with Titania would be easy now that their heads were underground- she assumed Titania wouldn't be far behind- so Esti focused on digging, and she dug.

She dug for what seemed like forever until she could fit her massive shoulders in the den. It was narrow for her, but she hoped one of the others could fit fine. Esti figured whoever slept there would probably flesh it out also. Since the den was deep enough, Esti focused on making it wider. Once that was done, maybe Esti and Titania could cool off in the lake until the other came back with food. They'd better come back with food, two wolves couldn't catch a bunch of food, but they better bring something."Speech"



3 Years
07-18-2014, 12:34 AM

There was a silence, though Titania didn't mind it. She had her mind set on digging, emeralds would blaze powerfully as she managed to fit her head and shoulders through easily. She wondered how the princess was going, as she was larger than any other wolf. Dusk was also taller than Titania by an ear or so, so perhaps she was the smallest. She never felt small, except when she was alone. But now she wasn't alone, she had kind to-be-friends and a not-so-much-of-a-friend-but-still-family-friend.

She advanced deeper in her digging, her pelt caked in dust. Wait, if there were going to be three dens and there were four of them, where would one of them sleep? Oh well, maybe she could make this den a bit larger for her and Dusk to sleep in, she wouldn't mind sharing a den with her cousin. Packs did that, didn't they? You know, mothers with pups?

Stupid, Dusk isn't your dad!

Okay, so maybe Dusk wasn't her dad, or her brother, but still family, right? I mean, they were closer than grandfather's brother's mate's sister's cousin's great-grandchild, right?

After a while of serious digging, Titania was starting to debate if she had found a cave. Nope, that was the den. Digging out the remaining chunks of mud, the girl would call out to the princess, if she could hear through the dirt wall.

"How are you goin' with yours? Mine's not far from finished!"

Great, all they would have to do is to line the den with some moss, or willow leaves, and then the dens would be clean. She'd have to regularly change those linings, but maybe that can be another one of her duties. Peridots gazed down at her paws, not longer a luxurious onyx black. Oh well.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2014, 01:36 AM
Boys can come back any time after Titania's next post.

Titania asked how Eti's den was going. Esti pulled back from her den with a smile, the top of her head and paws covered in dirt, "Good. Done." The girl glanced over her shoulder at the lake. The water there was always so clean and pure, "When ya finish- I'll be'n the lake." Esti mentioned as she turned and dashed to the lake, jumping in immediately. The cool water surrounded her, draining the heat she had built up with digging. Part of the girl was still a pup, but Esti was sure almost everyone would like swimming.

Esti's head splashed up above the surface and Esti tread the water smoothly, "C'mon Titania! I order you to get your butt in here!" she joked, the water around her making her feel more cheerful and less fake. Esti liked Titania, she hoped the girl would stay. Esti hadn't ever had a friend that was a girl, not that it mattered, Esti simply enjoyed the girl's company. Titania seemed sweet, Esti doubted she would cause trouble, and she was willing to work. Esti could see this working out well for both of them, but she would enjoy it a lot more if the girl would hurry up and get in the water. "Speech"