
Tic Tock [ All Welcome ]



1 Year
02-22-2019, 06:33 PM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

The air here was cold. Taktuq hated the cold despite being born into it. His earliest memories were that of ice and hunger. And now that same frigidness in the air, Winter as the Outsiders called it, was back again. The young wolf walked down the old path with his nose practically dragging on the ground in the dung and mud. Outsiders, his mother told him. Not like us. Taktuq’s chest heaved suddenly, causing his wet nose to plunge into the muck of the well-used trail. He rubbed his face against his leg, pressing the grime into his thin fur.  Taktuq didn’t know if his loneliness or the wind was to blame for the shivers that racked his small frame.

You might as well be one of them. Your mind is of fog. She had sneered as he spasmed in the dirt before her. Her disdain seemed amplified by her lack of one eye and her cleft palate. Perhaps they will find more use of you than us. Taktuq’s eyes burned as his mother’s voice flooded his brain. The stinging traveled up to his ears as they pressed tightly against his head and then sprung forward on their own accord. He was not they, nor us. He did not belong. Taktuq had not yet found a way to cope with his exile and alienation. Akna was all he knew. He had never met an Outsider. He did not belong to either side.

Tears dribbled down his muzzle. Mama, I want to come home. He thought helplessly. A loud grumble filled the young wolf’s ears and Taktuq sighed softly. His belly clenched painfully, causing his ratty tail to gently tuck between his legs to rest against his sunken paunch. Raising his head and momentarily clearing his thoughts, Taktuq carefully gauged the forest he stumbled upon. Surrounding him were deeply rooted maple trees that seemed to thin in the distance. A clearing? Picking up his paws, Taktuq’s thin legs carried his scrawny body onwards. Soon enough he reached a meadow, the grass an ugly brown. Small patches of snow collected in the shadows of the trees along the perimeter.

The wolf lifted his head and inhaled deeply, squinting into the overcast clouds. He focused on identifying the scents that invaded his nostrils; mud, rain, moss, voles. Taktuq’s belly grumbled again at the thought of crunching on the small rodents. Perhaps he could try to catch one. Melted snow - or was it rain? - suddenly seeped from the leaves above and landed squarely between his shoulders. The cold bite caused his back to hump aggressively and Taktuq struggled to reach the trunk of a nearby tree to hold himself up while his body spasmed. The young wolf collapsed against the bark and twitched for several minutes. His mind relapsed with images of his family and fresh tears sprung to his eyes as his muscles calmed. The sickly wolf covered his face with his paws and softly sobbed to himself, grieving the loss of both his family and his god. Perhaps he wasn’t very hungry after all.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 12:22 AM
Drama happened to come spring it's presence upon the other wolves, but Orabelle was not one for petty squabbling that she was not involved with. It did not matter to her what pack wolves or loners who wished to see a fight ensue were doing, she just wished to travel and perhaps meet some friendly faces. Though she was half way past her life, she hadn't a care in the world. The world was full of things to explore, and she enjoyed life to the best of its ability, despite encountering quite a lot of different specimens upon her journeys who were either very rude and entitled to gentle and sweet.

However, as she moved further, her eyes focused on someone whom she had not encountered before. They seemed rather young, but looked very different then any other wolf she came across before. She was not going to judge someone for their appearance, that would be quite rude of her and she wasn't the sort to be rude. She walked cautiously and slowly over to the young one before her, tilting her cranium slightly in curiosity. Why was he weeping? Was he lost, alone, or something else? She made sure to keep a good distance from him in case he decided he wanted to attack her, but her voice, despite not speaking the tongue of most wolves here, was gentle as she spoke to this stranger. "Why crying? Everything ok?" She spoke, sitting upon her haunches and giving her full attention to them if they wished to speak.



1 Year
02-23-2019, 01:19 AM
Taktuq’s spine tensed and his fur bristled as he wept. The gravity of his situation weighed so heavy in his chest he felt as though the ground would swallow him whole any second. His heart howled for his family, for the All-Mother, for his mother. While Nini had stripped him of his faith and pack, he still longed to bury himself in the comfort of her belly and inhale the scent that had consoled him his entire life.

The wolf took a trembling deep breath, hoping by some miracle that he would smell his mother. Mice, dead berry bushes, mud, and the sickeningly sweet stench of rotten leaves. The unfamiliar scents did nothing but add to his distress.This did not smell like home. Taktuq’s paws began to tremble and he quickly tucked them underneath himself to stop their motions. His head dropped heavily to the ground, exhausted, defeated. Taktuq focused on the scent of his fur, the only thing that reminded him of home. However, the scent of himself was overridden by another. Wolf.

Taktuq’s heart stopped. He could see it. It was walking towards him. The young wolf’s vision blurred as his adrenaline burned through his veins and clouded his sight. His body began to tremble. He had never seen an Outsider, never spoken to one. They looked so...normal. And it terrified him. Normal was impure, the creature nearing was not blessed by the All-Mother. Neither were you. His mother’s voice scolded him. He shook feverishly the closer the wolf got and when she spoke he backpedaled so violently that he felt a sharp twinge of pain through his legs as they twisted unnaturally in his effort to put distance between himself and the stranger.

He couldn’t hear. The deafening ringing in his head became unbearable and he squeezed his eyes in pain. “Pl-ple-please.” His voice was so soft he couldn’t tell if he actually spoke. “Please don’t.” Don’t what? Don’t touch him? Don’t hurt him? Would death be easier than exile? Taktuq’s ears flattened against his skull and then sprung forward. They repeated this action for several seconds before the young wolf forced his eyes open to look at female wolf. Taktuq curled into himself in a blatant act of submission. He wanted to cast his gaze to the ground but was both marveled and terrified of the beast standing several yards away. He couldn’t bring himself to look away. “Please don’t hurt me.” The male managed to say in a voice barely above a whisper.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 01:32 AM
The way the male acted was definitely off-putting to the older female. One would definitely say that this young one had been through a lot in his life, and being so young...Her heart actually hurt for the yearling, noticing the way he seemed to be scared of her and asking her to not hurt him. Sympathy rang within the female's emotions as she tried to show that she wouldn't hurt him. She lied down on her stomach, her icy eyes showing kindness and gentleness. Where was his mother? Surely still being a year old he should have one around? At least, that was what the dame thought. She stayed a little distance away from the stranger as to not make them think she was hostile, giving him some personal space would be the better option in this encounter. Her bushy tail curled around her haunches as her smile never left her, hoping that her gentle nature would encourage him to at least calm down even the slightest bit.

"Why scared? I friend, do not wish to hurt stranger. You need calm down, I get food if you're hungry?" She asked, tilting her crown once more as she waited for an answer from him. But, the femme could immediately tell that this was going to be a tough case due to how anxious he was being. Perhaps offering a name might help the situation a little? "I Orabelle, may i ask name?" She asked, her eyes still focusing on him. All she wanted was to help him, but if he thought otherwise she might be in a bad predicament, but, she would never turn down someone who might possibly need some consoling or a possible ally right now.



1 Year
02-23-2019, 01:57 AM
The gentleness in both the female’s eyes and stature disturbed Taktuq. Outsiders were meant to be mindless, vicious beasts that served no purpose other than to show that the All-Mother’s love did not reach all wolves. So why was this one so presenting herself to him so benign? Was this a trick? A trap? Taktuq wished he could beg for guidance, what was the right way? What was he supposed to do?

The wolf smiled at him, a smile so tender and gentle that he felt sick. She must be tricking him into letting his guard down. He would be punished for speaking to this wolf. Taktuq’s tail started thumping against the ground on its own accord. Who would punish him? Her voice called to him again, and while his brain pulsed painfully as his heart began to slow down, he managed to hear her words. ”Food?” He blurted the word out before he could stop himself. A loud rumble in his belly punctuated the word with a hungry note of finality. Taktuq shrunk back into himself shamefully.

”I Orabelle, may i ask name?"

This wolf spoke so strangely. The young male couldn’t help but be equally fascinated and horrified by her voice, and more intensely, her name. What did it mean? How did she earn her name? Taktuq swallowed hard and blinked away fresh tears. The poor adolescent’s body shivered fearfully, both mentally and physically overstimulated by the day’s events. She wanted his name. Orabelle wanted his name. Taktuq’s head began nodding uncontrollably and his skin flared with embarrassment and shame. “Taktuq!” He cried out, desperately trying to distract his brain in hopes his tremors would subside. His skull slowly stopped bobbing and he was able to focus on Orabelle once more. “I am Taktuq.”He reiterated quietly, his lips burning at the words.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 02:11 AM
Rumbling from the male's stomach happened to confirm her suspicions. He seemed rather lost in the world, as to why the dame considered that theory she hadn't a clue. But, she would help him any way he needed it. He stated that his name was Taktuq, it was certainly a different name, but she considered it to be rather nice. Every wolf's name was unique and said a lot about them. The smile stayed plastered upon the female's face as she gently and slowly stood up from her position. She hoped that she didn't come off as scary to him, that was the last thing she wished for as she looked around the area. Despite some of the lakes being frozen, perhaps there was something around here that she could offer the yearling that was within her presence.

"Nice meet you. You come with me? I get you meal," she reassured, walking a bit of a distance from him before turning her form to the side, waiting to see if the brute would follow. If he stayed dormant, she would bring him something back from her hunting expedition, but, who was to say that he would stay there once she returned? The rumbling that erupted from his stomach prior to her statement was enough to know hunger might drive him to follow, but, she would be patient and wait to see what the young one would do in a circumstance such as this. She had worked with pups and yearlings before, so this situation was no different than when she was back in her old home as a caretaker.



1 Year
02-23-2019, 02:34 AM
Orabelle stood and Taktuq could not contain the yelp that passed his lips at the motion. He pressed himself even harder to the ground, making himself as flat as possible. “Please don’t.” He cried out softly, expecting the large female to charge him. But much to his surprise she walked in the opposite direction. He trembled against the ground as he watched Orabelle survey the area. Was she looking for her pack? The others that were surely waiting for her cue to reign upon him and tear him to pieces. Outsiders are tricksters. They envy our divinity, they will attack. Never trust. Nini’s voice chastised.

But still...Taktuq watched both curiously and suspiciously as Orabelle took several steps further away. Come with her? What a silly notion! Taktuq was smart enough to not walk so blindly to his certain demise! He may be inexperienced, but he was not stupid! The male remained firmly rooted to spot and promptly slid his head along the ground to look away from her. He would not fall for her tricks. Taktuq would show her that he was not so easily fooled. However, his belly cried out to the mature wolf loud enough that another painfully hot wave of embarrassment sizzled through his fur.

Taktuq’s face pulled into an involuntary snarl but he quickly scraped it away with a few painful swipes from his claws. He raised his eyes to meet Orabelle’s, and then looked behind him into the forest. He could run. Taktuq was weak, but perhaps he could outrun her? His body tensed and he nervously inched backwards. Another painful cry came from his paunch. Taktuq took in a trembling breath and eyed Orabelle wearily.How long had it been since he had eaten? Days? Weeks? After another minute of hesitation, so very slowly, the young male dragged himself along the ground towards the large wolf. He kept his distance and flinched with every movement she made. He was ready to bolt at any second. Taktuq’s eyes gleamed fearfully and his tail curled tightly between his legs. Despite all instincts telling him otherwise, the male carefully crept after Orabelle.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 02:44 AM
The fawn maiden smiled, keeping a gentle and reassuring atmosphere around her. Despite the way that the young wolf acted around her, she thought that perhaps she would feel the same way he would if she ever encountered a stranger at his age. Though the years that she remembered when she was a youngster were behind her. She was more than old enough to have pups of her own as of now, but, she hadn't found a special someone to have a litter with, so she would continue her travels elsewhere. The way the young wolf moved, however, was definitely enough for her to know he considered her to be a threat or someone he was scared of, so she just made sure that wasn't the case anymore as a nearby lake happened to catch her attention.

Since no large prey or hares happened to present themselves to her, fish would be the next best thing. And, where she haled from, fish was always good for when game was scarce even if the water was frigid cold. She made sure to keep an eye on the young wolf, seeing how he still kept her distance she still smiled reassuringly. When a trout was within close proximity of her jaws, she quickly snapped at it as it wiggled within her jaws for a couple moments before soon going limp. She walked over to Taktuq and kept a good distance from him so she didn't scare him and pushed the prey over to him so that he could have his fill.

"Don't eat fast, might get stomach ache," she explained, smiling as she lied down upon the ground and kept guard, making sure nobody else would disturb them while the stranger ate, but she remained vigilant and kept calm, showing that there was nothing to be afraid of.



1 Year
02-23-2019, 03:06 AM
Taktuq was very quiet aside from the whimpers what would force their way out of his nose when his chest spasmed. With every reassuring glance Orabelle cast over her shoulder, he responded by wrenching back and trotting several yards away. He would stand alert, wincing each time her paw would touch the ground. His mother bellowed in his brain for him to run. That she was disgusted with his behavior. Taktuq wanted to listen but his hunger made him delirious. He had not learned to be a proper wolf. I’ll watch how she does it and I’ll leave. Taktuq firmly told himself. Surely he could use the experience of watching a more mature wolf hunt to aid him in the future.

The young male followed from a rather far distance and warily watched his surroundings, looking for other wolves. It’s a trap. It’s a trap. It’s a trap. It’s a trap. Nini’s voice was almost mocking as she chanted in his mind. Taktuq did his best to ignore this as he watched Orabelle approach the body of water. What was she doing? He took a few curious steps toward her, trying his best to peer into the water. Orabelle’s jaws lunged into the water and Taktuq bolted. He ran almost into the tree line before he whipped around to see if she had given chase. But she hadn’t. Why?

Painstakingly slow, Taktuq crept back to her, leaning back and lowering his head as he neared. He was entranced by the silver body lying limp in the grass. Saliva immediately pooled between his fangs and dribbled from his maw. Orabelle’s foreign accent covered her words as she spoke, but Taktuq did not listen. He yanked the fish away by the tail and tore into its soft meat. Any other day Taktuq would’ve wrinkled his nose at the taste, but on this day it was the greatest thing that had ever touched his tongue. Ignoring her warning, the male wolf gobbled everything edible off the carcass in record time. Who knew when he would get a chance to eat again?

As experience would have it, Orabelle was correct. Almost immediately after finishing off the fish Taktuq’s belly groaned at the sudden intrusion. He ignored the feeling, thankful that there was something to fuel him for a few more days. Taktuq did not think to share with the mature female and an apology of his gluttony did not cross his mind. However, after taking several steps back away from both the fish and Orabelle, the ratty furred male said softly, “Thank you.” He licked a piece of flesh from his muzzle and sniffed the air worriedly. ”Why would you help me?” he blurted out.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 03:20 AM
Watching him bolt off was certainly a sight to see for the older woman, but she would watch as he came back and ate the meal in quite amazing speed. The poor thing, she felt horrible for him. Sympathy continued to stay inside her heart and mind. Did he even have a family at all that was looking for him was her main question, but, she would refrain from asking something personal when he was already frightened enough. His manners were at least in tact as he thanked her and she smiled and nodded her head. However, his question to her at least made the dame feel hopeful that he wouldn't run away from every wolf he met. He needed the help, that was certainly something that the dame could see from a mile away. He needed a proper bath and to get some more food in his system before he could even think of traveling once again. But, she enjoyed helping those in need, it made her think back to when she was taking care of others in her old home, so this was something she always felt comfortable and relaxed doing. And, it made her feel reassured that her words or actions would help someone in the long run.

"Because I knew you need it. It make me happy helping others, like you," she stated, her tail swaying freely to show that her words spoke truth within them. "And, could tell you need friend, or someone to talk to and help you," she tilted her head, hoping that her words at least showed that she wasn't as vicious as he may think. "If yearling have question, ask," She closed her eyes, her smile widening a little more, "I answer always."



1 Year
02-23-2019, 06:20 PM
Taktuq’s hindquarters suddenly buckled and forced the wolf to sit. His knees rattled as he turned an ear towards Orabelle’s strange voice.

”It make me happy helping others, like you.”

The words resonated far deeper with Taktuq than he would’ve imagined they did within her. Others like you. His voice echoed back to him softly. The young wolf’s throat tightened painfully as emotion welled up behind his eyes once more. ”Like me.” he parroted in a quakey voice. ”There are more?” While he was truthfully confused by her words, Taktuq’s heart swelled with the idea of belonging somewhere. He envisioned other wolves who’s faces also twitched, who’s paws would itch. Just like him. Taktuq did not realize this was not the meaning being her words, but it gave him hope nonetheless that he would not die without being remembered by someone.

While he became overwhelmed with the notion of others similar to him, Taktuq mindlessly took several steps toward Orabelle. ”I talk to Akna.”He said after a moment. His spine twisted and forced his posture into a hunch. ”At least… I used to.” No, he was not worthy to speak to his god. Nini was the All-Mother’s speaker. She was blatantly clear that Akna rejected him and surely would punish the wolf for even speaking her name. Taktuq was silent for some time, his muscles softening and allowing him to sit up. Though it was a rather pitiful sight as the position accentuated his bony ribcage and hollow shoulders. What a pathetic excuse for a wolf. ”What am I supposed to do?” He asked after an uncomfortably long silence. Tears threatened to spill from his round innocent eyes.

Orabelle had such a powerful maternal aura about her that Taktuq was troubled by how infectious her calmness was. It comforted him in a way he could not understand. It was that feeling that he desperately craved. He was not mentally ready to be on his own. The wolf had not been properly prepared to be cast out alone. What was a lone wolf supposed to do with his time? Taktuq’s tongue suddenly lashed about in his mouth, causing saliva to drip from his chin. When the tremor subsided he took in a sharp breath and held it, trying to blink back tears. ”Orabelle, I want to go home.” His voice was soft as he tried to hide the tremble in his vocal chords. He felt so lost. Where was he to turn? What course was he to take?



5 Years
02-23-2019, 06:44 PM
She had to assume that the words she spoke were not correctly phrased, but if it helped reassure the wolf standing before her, at least it made things seem a little better between them. He was still a little too young to be on his own, at least that was what the dame thought. The name Akna happened to appear within their conversation, causing the dame to be a little confused. Was that his mother? A god? The name certainly didn't ring any bells within her memory, but she heeded the brute's words and listened accordingly. He wanted to go home, but where exactly was his home? Surely it had to be around here, but she was concerned that if she were to bring up where exactly he resided, the chances of him being calm and collected wouldn't be so well at the moment. Her maw twisted bac into it's normal smile as she approached him a little more, placing a comforting paw on top of his own. Even if it scared him, she was raised with the fact that placing a paw upon someone else's was a way of comfort and assurance, even if the other did not consider it as such.

"You be fine, alone but have companion. If yearling want to go home, why can you not?" She asked, arching an eyebrow. "Mean no disrespect, just curious. Still too young to be alone, young one." She made sure that she was calm as well, her eyes staying locked upon Taktuq's that way he had her full attention. If this young one didn't have a family, perhaps she could guide him and take the young male under her wing? Even though she was alone herself, the company was always welcome to her and they could look after each other. But, she wouldn't go thinking about the possibility just yet, she had to make sure he was actually alone and trusted her some more. They were still strangers to one another, so perhaps speaking with one another some more might help the situation a little more.



1 Year
02-23-2019, 07:14 PM
Taktuq let out a shuddering sigh, his ears drooping. Orabelle advanced toward him, and while he did not run, he leaned back away from her, muscles tense. As if time came to a stand still, the mature female placed a gentle paw on top of his floppy foot. His first contact with an Outsider. He did not burst into flames, he was not struck by lightning, wolves did not attack from the trees. Her touch did not hurt. His heart raced and his attention was more so on their connection rather than their words. He managed to hear her question which brought his eyes up to meet hers.

He wasn’t allowed to speak of his pack. Taktuq and Orabelle were not allowed to speak to one another. And yet here they were together in the cold and muck. A chilly breeze ruffled the wolf’s thin fur and he swallowed hard. ”My mama…” Her face appeared in his mind. Teeth always flashing from a lack of an upper lip, one crazed eye. She had been harsh his entire life, but he missed her so terribly. Her animosity and venom never seemed to affect Taktuq for he loved his mother desperately. ”Mama told me I couldn’t stay.” Taktuq said softly, absentmindedly leaning forward to take in a deep breath of Orabelle’s scent. ”Said, my mind,” he began as the paw underneath Orabelle’s started to tremble. ”Said my mind was fog. The shakes…” Taktuq tried to concentrate on controlling his wiggling toes.

It occurred to him that Orabelle had not commented on his tics. In fact, she seemed to pay no mind to them. Confused by this, Taktuq stared thoughtfully at the female wolf. ”I can’t make them stop.” he continued. ”Taktuq is fog.” he tried to explain. The wolf did not know in this moment or any that took place before that his name was a living insult. “Mama said I am broken. The All-Mother didn’t choose me. Mama said she didn’t choose me. I’m not allowed to...go home.” Every word felt like a violation, a betrayal. Because of his only known way of life, Taktuq did not think to explain further. Surely all wolves knew of Akna? The thought that Orabelle may not know what he was speaking of wasn’t in the realm of Taktuq’s thoughts. ”I don’t know what I did wrong.” These words were true. Taktuq had done nothing wrong and his outcasting was the result of sick minded wolves committing sick sins. It was not and would never be his fault, but this is something Taktuq would never understand.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2019, 07:42 PM by Orabelle.)
Thinking that a mother could abandon their child for something they couldn't help made the dame sick to her stomach. That was abuse and was sickening for her to hear. Though she was sure that Taktuq would not take it personally due to his beliefs, but, Orabelle did. This child was alone for who knew how long in the cold and muck, her heart lurched at the thought of this as her eyes saddened. She knew what it was like to be alone, but, to not be tossed out due to something she couldn't help. She left to start her own journey and to have a life of her own, but, perhaps she could help this young one in some way? The least she could do is teach him how to hunt and fish since she herself was lacking when it comes to fighting, but if it meant that she could help him when it came to fighting and they could protect themselves, it would be worth it in the long run if he were to join her.

"Sorry this happen to you. Know you special, and it rude for someone to call you such things. I no mean to be rude, but a mother should not say words like that. You still young and grow, can't be alone just yet. I help you, if you allow me." She spoke, her voice genuine and considerate as she removed her paw from his so he had some room to breathe a little more. She hated when wolves would talk down or throw another away when they have a deformity or something they couldn't help. Whatever they had, it made them special, the dame wasn't one to turn away someone in need, especially due to what they couldn't help having within their life. "I never hurt you. I treat with respect, not shame."



1 Year
02-23-2019, 08:22 PM
The male couldn’t not help but bristle at Orabelle’s mention of his mother. The fur along his spine stood on end defensively. No, Nini was not a kind wolf. She was a horrible mother but a mother nonetheless and he would continue to defend her and her actions regardless of how deeply they hurt him. ”I was not worthy.” Taktuq said gently, twitching his nose.

When Orabelle pulled away from him the young wolf pulled back even further. Taktuq’s eyelids drooped, the adrenaline had finally left his system and left him exhausted. Today’s events were overwhelming and all he wanted to do was curl into nonexistence. He did not react to the female’s offer to look after him. His heart lurched, but the fear of losing what little he’s gained thus far was enough to keep his gaze on the muddy grime between his toes.

”I don’t…” Taktuq lifted tear stained eyes to look at Orabelle. ”I want…” He didn’t know what to say. He wanted the companionship. He didn’t want to be alone. The inability to say what he badly wanted to caused his belly to start convulsing and he began to buck his back. Taktuq lurched away from Orabelle, ashamed of his episode. He couldn’t look at her. He shuddered and jerked about, whimpering as he did so, dragging himself several feet away. Taktuq kept his back to her, squeezing his eyes shut. The more nervous and flustered he got, the worse his spasms in wracked his frail body. After a moment the male slowly turned back to Orabelle, keeping low to the ground. Submissive. Wanting. He pressed his head into the ground and slowly looked up at her. ”Please. I don’t want to be alone.” He whispered.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 09:46 PM
Orabelle felt a knot within her throat when she watched his form lurch and shake uncontrollably. The poor thing, going through so much in just a short amount of time. He may have felt like defending his mother, but the older canine knew that if a mother truly loved a pup, she wouldn't leave him to starve to death. She would be there for her young for better or for worse, and she would be sure to give kindness back to the young wolf for he desperately needed that right now. The way he looked up at her made her sympathize with the young one as she walked over to him and placed a gentle paw upon his back, her expression soft.

"Don't be scared, you not alone. I help any way you need it," she explained, her eyes gentle and reassuring to the young wolf as she looked to the sky for a bit of time. It seemed like the sky was starting to show signs of snow, which wasn't going to end very well considering the young wolf wouldn't have a lot of fat and fur to keep him warm if this continued, but, she prayed that it wouldn't be as bad than if they were in the North. "Come, I find shelter," she stated, releasing her paw from him as she walked away but waited to see if he would follow.



1 Year
02-23-2019, 11:03 PM
Taktuq’s turnaround was startling. He was suddenly finding himself comforted by Orabelle’s presence when just a small while ago the fear of her nearly pushed him to unconsciousness. When the female approached him he held very still. He did not shy away from her touch this time. While he was still wary, he tried to accept the idea that whatever may happen will happen.

Orabelle turned her gaze to the sky and Taktuq followed suit, taking in the appearance of the dense thick clouds. She punctuated his thoughts by urging him to follow, and he did with little hesitation. The cold crept under his fur and made his joints ache. Taktuq’s ears twirled atop his head as he trailed at Orabelle’s hip, eyeing his surroundings as they moved. He did not trust this strange wolf but the fear of being alone drove him closer to her side until his fur just barely brushed against hers.

He would follow the she-wolf for as long as she would allow his presence. He would learn to be a proper wolf, for the world of Outsiders now belonged to him as well. Perhaps one day Orabelle would take him to the place with other wolves like him. As the male withdrew into his own mind a snowflake fluttered down through the air and landed on Taktuq’s muzzle. He licked it away with a grimace. It would snow tonight.