
Things That Go Bump in the Night



9 Years
Extra large
02-24-2019, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2019, 09:39 PM by Frostbite.)

It was in the dead of the night that the secondary had found himself unable to sleep. He wasn't sure if he was unable to get comfortable or something else bothering him enough to cause it. He had decided that he better go patrol and make use of the time he had on his hands. Quietly he moved out of the den, careful not to disturb his children. Moving away from the den he moved at a steady pace heading to the border that was closest to his den.His movements were fairly quiet, aside from the very quiet crunching as he moved over the light fresh snow. The night was quiet and as he moved he didn't pick up the sound of anything moving around. That was until a noisy, long legged pup caught up to him. He stopped momentarily letting Eurus catch up looking down at his gangily son before shaking his head.

"Couldn't sleep either? Alright just this one night, but you have to remain quiet, understood?" he said.

He smiled as Eurus agreed and together the pair moved on, quiet through the night to the border. Once reaching the border they would turn left, Eurus in the pack lands by a few feet while Frost walked directly beside the borders. The only time they slowed or would stop would be when the scent markers would need a bit of a refresh, which each time Eurus would copy him and place a marker inside the pack, quietly learning from his father. They would continue on passing the valley and moving into the valley. It seemed like it was going to be an uneventful night, that the two males would return to the den without any surprise. Halfway through the valley a pungent oder struck his nose, making the hair on his neck and back instantly rise. Frost stopped dead in his tracks, deeply inhaling the fresh scent.

"Eurus run back to the den, don't stop and don't look back," he words were quiet, rushed and even was pushing his son back towards the den.

Once the boy began to move Frostbite stood tall and let out a deep howl summoning anyone who could fight. A mountain lion had crossed their borders and the young ones were in danger. Once finished he saw his son stopping and looking back.

"Go!" he commanded.

Then without warning he felt something smacking into his rib cage, hard and claws raking against his right cheek, the mountain lion attacking him out of no where. Taking him to the ground the impact sucking the air from his lungs momentarily before he forced himself to roll and kicking the cat off of him before he desperately pulled himself to his feet wheezing as he tried to catch his breath, blood oozing from the claw marks on his face.

"Talk" & 'Think'



3 Years
Extra large
02-24-2019, 09:21 PM

He was unable to sleep either, no matter how long he would lay still with his eyes closed. He could hear his father tossing and turning and when the large form of his father moved out of the den Eurus would pick his head up. For a couple of minutes he contemplated on fallowing, nice and warm here in the den, but to curious about a border patrol. Soon he was up and sneaking out of the den, once out he fallowed his father's fresh tracks within the snow, his doplick movements not quiet at all. It took him a while, but his father would finally come into view and would stop once he realized he was fallowing. He moved up beside his father, looking up to him with a big grin as he spoke, allowing him to tag along and giving him instructions.

"Got it!" he whispered.

He tried to mimic his father, trying to take more fluid movements to quiet his walk. It helped that Frost wasn't walking as fast now and Eurus did his best to remain quiet. They turned and walked along the invisible line that bordered the pack. When they would pause to refresh the border, Eurus would try to copy his father. He would find something to pee on, just so he knew how to do it. In fact it was the first times he had cocked his leg on anything. He was happy when he was finally able to balance himself enough that he would be able to cock his leg long enough.

Eurus was naive to what his father was really looking for on this patrol, but he hoped he could go on a day patrol and learn a lot more. He was surprisingly able to keep quiet, not feeling the need to talk at all as they moved. Eurus didn't know how far they had gone, but when his father came to a sudden stop, so did Eurus and he curiously looked at his father. Next thing he knew Frost was urging him back to the den, even pushing him back that way with his nose. Eurus slowly began to move that way, his ears flattening at the tone of his howl. His heart was beginning to race suddenly feeling like something was horribly wrong. He was a few yards away when he stopped to look back at his father. He flinched at his commanding voice, but soon his eyes widened as he saw the massive cat drive into his father.

"Dad!!!!!" he screamed.

Then out of fear he began running, as fast as he could towards the den, obeying his father's orders.

-Exit Eurus-




3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
03-11-2019, 03:25 AM

She had been sneaking back across the borders… she had been gone… goodness knew how many days, actually. She had lost track of them just happy to be with her friend. Osiris had brought her happiness she hadn’t felt in a long time…  She could forget the daily stress of life with him. Heck she had even completed her first actual hunt with him! She couldn’t help but feel proud about that fact. She felt stronger, like she was learning to be more than what she had been before.

The call of Frostbite had her heart pounding suddenly in her chest. Priscilla froze for but a moment, considering if she should answer that call. Despite being an inexperienced fighter, and one who had avoided their fighting training up until this point she could tell Frostbite needed help. She wasn’t sure who of the pack would show up at this hour either…

Priscilla made her decision. She was going to answer the call. Her paws carried her across the land swiftly, heavy paws hitting the ground hard. Her ears flicked back against her skull and when she saw the source of the danger her eyes widened.

That was a big cat.

But Priscilla didn’t think about it further.

She went into action.

Frostbite was getting back to his feet, already bloodied… Priscilla let out a sharp bark to catch the attention of the beast that faced him, as well as to let her alpha secondary know she was there.

Not the best move…

The mountain lion spun to face her, hissing and spitting. The large female growled, snapping her jaws at its face as the cat danced back just enough to dodge the attack… and retaliate to boot. A moment later a yelp escaped the young female as claws racked across her chest. She wasn’t used to pain, especially physical pain, and the sensation was enough to have her think twice if this were something she could avoid.

The female backed off with gritted teeth, not looking to Frostbite for now. She shuddered, fear coursing through her. She had never thought she might have to help chase something like this off Lirim lands… or worse, kill it… but there would be a time to reflect on that later.

“Come on you jerk! Come and get me!” Her intention was to keep the beast distracted. If she could at least do that then maybe the more experienced fighters of the pack could get rid of it.




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-06-2019, 12:47 AM

He had taken a walk beyond pack lands. And he was still a good football field away when he suddenly heard Frostbite's urgent call. He paused for a moment, head rising to stare in the direction of the pack lands for a moment, and then he picked up the faint sound of pained cries mixed with that of a mountain lion. His hackles stood on end as he bared his teeth, the large male wasting no time as he broke into a run. Legs carried him quickly across the terrain as he charged towards Lirim. And when he neared, he saw Frostbite and Priscilla facing off against a hostile cougar. From where he was, he could see the trickle of blood on Frostbite and heard Priscilla. Without warning, Zell charged straight towards the mountain lion's behind and slammed his entire body into it.

With a thunderous growl, his jaws gaped open as he aimed to dig his fangs into the base of the mountain lion's tail. The feline yowled with pain as it whirled around, causing him to lose his grip while its claws swung towards him. It managed to catch the tip of his ear and tear it, but he ignored the pain as he quickly recomposed himself. Again, his jaws flew wide open and he twisted his head towards the big cats shoulder where he dug his fangs in for an iron grip. With all his might, he shook his head as viciously as he could as he attempted to cause as much pain as possible and tear the musles.

As old as he was, he still had plenty of fight left in him. He wasn't afraid. He had nothing to lose if the mountain lion ended up besting him, but with all the rage and fury he held inside, he doubted this beast would be able to get the upper hand. He didn't care if the others helped him. Adrenaline pumped through him as he and the big cat fought. He was dimly aware of its claws against his skin, but he didn't care. He finally had an outlet for everything he'd been holding in, and he wasn't about to let it go without a fight.


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