
Seeing Double


07-06-2014, 06:31 PM

A dark appaloosa spotted wolf pup had been so pelted up with energy being stuck in the den back in Covari. His mother let him out of the den a bit earlier than she should have, but he was so eager to get out and enjoy the wonders of the world. He couldn't wait to meet new friends and go explore. And though he knew he shouldn't leave pack lands yet, he knew to stay close.

His paws would trot to his destination, he had no idea where that was exactly but he would only go one direction from the borders so he knew how to get home.

He would soon see a forest of colored trees dead ahead and pick up his pace to enter it as quickly as possible. His paws would slow and eventually stop when he reached one of the trees that lined the orchid. He would turn behind him, assuming what direction he came from before looking down in front of him and drawing a line with his tiny claws to know which way to go when he was finished here. When this was done, he would look up at the colors that reached the tree tops, wondering what was up there.

His paws would stop in front of a tree with round, orange-red balls hanging from them. He would jump up and plant his two front paw pads onto the bark and try to reach his nose up the tree. He was far too small and couldn't even make it halfway up the tree which may have been ridiculous to those looking from a far. He would tilt his chin and tap his paw gently on the trunk, as if he could knock the object from it. He was curious as to what was up in the tree, and he was desperate to get to it.

Walk "Talk" Think
Image By A Lovely Kat



4 Years
07-06-2014, 09:18 PM

The elegant young woman would keep her adventurous spirt alive, she knew where her mother was. She knew where Soliloquy was. Still she found a hidden thrill when no one knew where she was. She never strayed for long, just tiny day adventures. She would curl next to a warm body every night, after her time in isolation she didn't wish to sleep alone anymore. Though her mother's side was comfortable and safe, she still felt herself seeking Soliloquy's form. She didn't know what she was doing now, just enjoying the spring day mostly she supposed.
The appaloosa marked girl would find herself surrounded by fruit trees, gold rimmed eyes would survey her surroundings, but she'd find her ears so much more useful. The sound of flesh upon would would catch her attention, and the tiny frustrated grunts of a young wolf. Curious she would approach, her jaws dropping as she took in the sight of the boy.
His form was dark, but upon his back similar markings to her own. He was more populous with spots and his legs were covered in them too. She even thought she could smell the subtle hints of her father upon him. It certainly could not be so.. he and her mother were married. Her father could never be with anyone else.. right? "Hello there," she would start, her body coming from around a particularly gnarled trunk. "What are you doing so far from your mother?" He was a very young wolf, and couldn't have come out of the den very long ago.


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07-06-2014, 11:04 PM

The pup would swing his head around to the sound of a young woman's voice. But he was definitely not expecting to see what was behind him. A girl, older than him, but her markings were so familiar it was unreal. Oh yeah, they were his. But she was real light, unlike his dark figure. He would lightly take one of his paws off the tree, and then both would hit the ground one after the other. His body would slowly move to face the girl, his head would tilt and his green optics would squint.

He had never seen anyone with his spots, and even though hers didn't reach her legs, it was enough for his interest to fall from the trees and plant onto her. His brother, Koray didn't even have his markings. And though it was obvious that she was a bit startled by his appearance too, he would still announce, "You look just like me?"

And even tough he was a very young pup, he wouldn't be rude and leave her question unanswered. "Oh, my mom probably doesn't know I'm here." His eyes still took her in harshly, "I don't wann'er to know either." The male didn't really want to think of how worried she might be when she finds out he left the pack lands, but he planned on being back before she noticed.

Walk "Talk" Think
Image By A Lovely Kat



4 Years
07-07-2014, 09:18 PM

At the sound of her lyrics the dark boy would turn, his body coming to face her own form. He was very young, but so cute. She could hardly stand how adorable he was, curious staring up at her with those big green eyes. The first words out of his mouth, "You look just like me?" and they really did. She would also tilt her russet features as her gold rimmed eyes took him in, quickly he would answer her questions, "Oh, my mom probably doesn't know I'm here. I don't wann'er to know either." In retrospect she probably didn't want her to know either. She knew though that his mom was most certainly not her mom.
What an oddity she'd come across, were there other appaloosa wolves in Alacritis now? Her mind couldn't even begin to grasp the idea of her father with another woman. He had more honor than that. "I don't think I'd want her to know either." He was a lot like she had been as a child, explorative, inquisitive, and a strong thirst for adventure. She'd gotten all of that, and it was never as glorious as reuniting with her mother. "Where did you come from?" She was being more curious than the pup was.


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07-07-2014, 10:06 PM

His posture would relax, his eyes still searching her colors but not so intently. He didn't focus on one spot inparticular, he was confused as to why this wolf was a different color than him, and her face had a white marking that he had never seen either.

"Good." He would say not really understanding her worry by his own markings. He would give her a smile, finally connecting with her eyes and keeping his focus on them.

She would ask where he came from, His head then spinning gently in the direction he remembered coming from. He would then come back to her brown optics before speaking. His head would tilt to her, and his eyes would squint, "Kalver...Com..." He would struggle to recall his packs name, "Covari!" He would shout. "I'm from Co-var-i." His chin raised to the air showing pride for remembering how to speak his homeland, almost like he was rubbing it in.

Walk "Talk" Think
Image By A Lovely Kat



4 Years
07-14-2014, 09:38 PM

Gold rimmed eyes would watch as the boy would relax, his gaze still curious but not as intense. There was still a mystery that would hang about, but she could not prove or deny any of her hypothesis then, so she would instead focus on the young man's presence.
He would twist his head as he tried to pronounce the name of the pack, but as he said it the girl would know exactly where he'd come from. He seemed so proud as the word slipped out that she couldn't help but smile with him. "I know Covari. I have a friend who lives there." Her voice was gentle as her tail wiggled happily, maybe if things worked out with Soliloquy she could see him again. "Do you know Soliloquy?" her head would tilt as she asked another question, seemingly forgetting about his parental connections.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


07-14-2014, 10:01 PM

The girl had known of Covari, but her friend was unfamiliar to his ears. He had never met Soliloquy, not even heard of his name. "Oh, no. I don't think so." His tail would wag with hers, glad that she was happy to be in conversation with him. "I stay with my mom and Koray. We don't really leave the den." But he had always managed to sneak out without Maia knowing.

He wondered of her friend, Soliloquy. "Does Soliloquy look like us?" His head would tilt to the question. He was curious now that he had found an almost an identical to himself. Maybe there were more. Was Maia hiding something from him? His rump would touch the ground, his tail curling around his legs as he tapped his paw on the ground for balance. He looked up curiously as he wondered what she would say.

Walk "Talk" Think
Image By A Lovely Kat