
Remnants Of Time Lost



5 Years
02-25-2019, 12:25 AM
A couple days of traveling landed the duo upon the land filled with unknown structures. Orabelle knew that these once were held together by the two legs as she had heard stories of them, but the stench of decay and rot filled her nostrils completely. One could not tell if there would be prey taking refuge within the cracks of the buildings or hiding within the mist that swirled around the area. But, at least it had many places to rest and unwind, even if this place was rather mysterious and creepy. The fawn colored maiden turned her cranium to look at the young companion that followed her. She had taught him a little on hunting, but nothing serious. Only if they were ever to be separated again, at least he would know the basics.

Claws clicked upon the stone pavement, watching her step as any wrong one could possibly result in an injury and that was not something the dame wished to deal with at this time. She wanted to find a proper home for herself even if it was a simple hideout or a tree at least she could take shelter within it. Here? There was barely any source of food or water and that meant long treks to other territories to eat. She looked over to Taktuq, stopping every once and a while to check on him, "You alright?" She asked, tilting her head for any form of confirmation.



1 Year
02-25-2019, 01:01 AM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

Taktuq learned many things over the course of the last three days. One; Orabelle was not out to get him. The youngster could still hear his mother’s warnings about mingling with the forbidden; however, he was in his first steps of making his own decisions about whom to follow. Two; barking at your prey before giving chase almost always resulted in sore paws and an empty belly. Three; the longer the duo spent together the less violent his tremors were. The comfort Orabelle gave him was enough to calm his tics so that he could function properly. Four; Taktuq would never go out of his way to try to fish again. The young male’s nose wrinkled at the memory of diving headfirst into the water with Orabelle’s guidance only to come reeling back with a small and very angry turtle attached to his tongue. He had caught his first rabbit with Orabelle’s strange voice calling out encouragements as she followed his chase. Taktuq had never felt more proud of himself and deeply hoped the she-wolf was proud of him as well.

The boy had mustered up mountains of courage during their time together, but as they traveled through the strange land of strangely shaped rock and bitter smells, those mountains blew away with the wind. Taktuq walked with his nose in Orabelle’s fur, his eyes scanning rapidly. What was this place? What were these creations? A deep tremor ran down the male’s spine, causing him to cough loudly. This place made him nervous and he could feel his spasms creeping into his muscles. This was not a natural place.

Orabelle’s voice startled him and he flinched. ”Yes, I’m okay.” He said softly, resuming his position with his muzzle at her hip. One thing Orabelle must’ve learned during her time with Taktuq was that he hadn’t a clue about personal space. ”What is this place?” He asked, looking up at a towering structure as they passed. The mist that hung in the air complimented the moss and dew that clung to the building, giving it a far more intimidating appeal.



5 Years
02-25-2019, 01:44 AM
The name of the territory that they resided in she hadn't a clue as to what the name of it was. But, all she knew was that they were the only two wolves there, as far as she knew. Her eyes focused on the towers that made them feel like ants in comparison. She looked to the young wolf and shrugged, "Two-legged thing, built by them, abandon," she stated. She had gotten a little better with her English over time, at least that was something that she was proud of. And, she was sincerely proud with how fast the yearling following her was learning. It was only a couple days ago where he didn't even wish to be in the same area as her; now they were traveling as a duo.

The dusty female looked inside some of the buildings that weren't sealed off by chains and locks. Some of the floors were much colder than the pavement they walked on that scratched their paw pads on occasion but nothing too severe. Textures of other objects as of which the female hadn't seen before made her rather curious, but she stayed cautious as she pawed at it with her right paw. The fabric was sleak and had a black coloration to it, some of the things she saw had the same texture as she leapt upon it.

Some dust flew into her face making her sneeze, but it was comfortable and unique regardless. Despite Orabelle being middle aged and wanted to keep going, some of her limbs detested the idea of going further for now so she looked at Taktuq to join her and relax. "Won't hurt, comfy, come relax," she smiled, looking out the broken windows to see if she could see anyone or anything else of interest or to be cautious of.



1 Year
02-25-2019, 10:48 AM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

Two-legged things? Taqtuk scrunched his face in confusion but did not question further. He tried to imagine a creature wobbling on its hind legs stacking rocks to create the towering formations around the two wolves. The young wolf was lost in his mind as Orabelle steered him towards one of the cavernous like constructions. Taktuq came to an abrupt stop when his companion wandered inside. His ears flicked back and he took several cautious steps backward. ”Orabelle.” He whined softly after her. Who lived here? Taktuq knew bears dwelled in caves, perhaps the beasts inhabited these odd buildings as well?

A creature stirred behind him, most likely a mouse or weasel. The small sound propelled Taktuq into the building, hurrying to Orabelle’s side. Bear or no bear, he was not safe on his own. The wolf’s tail started swishing violently behind him as he watched the female wolf clamber onto the strange smooth object.

“Won’t hurt, comfy, come relax.”

A look of doubt crossed Taktuq’s face, but he inched forward and sniffed the material. If Orabelle said it was safe then it must be. He carefully crept up next to his protector, watching his paws sink ever so slightly in the cushion. What was this strange thing? With uncertain wobbly steps, Taktuq circled a few times, his nose dragging along the fabric collecting dust. When he finally settled he was practically laying directly on top of the female wolf. He buried his nose into the fur of her neck and looked out the window she gazed through. ”Orabelle where do you come from?” Taqtuk’s face pulled itself into a snarl and he took a deep breath of the she-wolf’s scent to calm his brain. When his muzzle relaxed he spoke again. ”Are there more like you?” The two had yet to come across another wolf - not that Taktuq was in any hurry to run into another stranger. Perhaps there weren’t very many out there? Taktuq’s pack was small, but maybe they were a large congregation in comparison? Where was everyone?



5 Years
02-25-2019, 04:32 PM
She took in the stench of the leather and dust that surrounded them. This place was definitely barren and decrepit due to it's age. Everything around them was different and seemed to have it's own unknown story to all of it. This was beyond strange to the female wolf, but if the foreign object they rested upon wished to attack them, it would have done so already. At least, that was something she considered. They seemed to be the only predators here as far as the dame was concerned, but, that could all change within a blink of an eye if they were not cautious. Considering she had young cargo tailing behind her, she had to be very careful. Despite only knowing the young male for a couple days now, she had almost felt like he was an adopted son to her, and, she would make sure to look after any young ones that decided to follow her. Almost assuming that she was an adoptive mother, which the femme didn't mind the slightest.

Her ear flicked when she heard the familiar voice of her acquaintance, turning her crown sideways that way she was looking into his eyes. Where did she come from, and were there more like her? She smiled sweetly. He was so young and curious, it was something she always admired about young wolves and pups, unafraid to ask questions no matter how serious they may be. But, these questions she was not afraid to answer and were not harmful ones, only curiosity from the young male. She turned her form around slightly so the brute had more of her attention.

"Come from land far from here. Not a lot of wolves there, but, beautiful land. Main language come from home, second language I speak to you now," she informed, trying to say that the language she was stating now was not that familiar with her but she learned more with age, due to her old home's language had been stuck with her for a long time. "There more wolves further from where we be. You meet more soon, take time," she reassured, giving him a small nuzzle in hopes of reassurance for the younger wolf before she placed her cranium upon her legs to relax a little more. No danger cared to show it's presence to them, so she could care not to be cautious for some time.



1 Year
02-25-2019, 04:56 PM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

Taktuq listened with wonder pooled in his eyes. He always thought Orabelle spoke oddly but never guessed that the reason behind it was… what did she call it? Language. Another language. And Orabelle spoke two of them! The young male’s tail wagged softly at the notion of his companion being so knowledgable that she could communicate in more ways than one. ”Can you teach me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side curiously. “I think I could learn.” While Taktuq was no grand hunter, the she-wolf had taught him how to catch his own food.  Surely he could lean this language she spoke of as well. He would show her that he was smart. He would show her that he could see through the fog in his brain. Would she be proud of him? Taktuq’s tail beat just a little harder at the thought.

While he thought about this she mentioned meeting more wolves, a concept that he promptly shook his ears at. Taktuq did not want to meet anyone else; he just wanted to know where they were. Orabelle may know more than him, but he knew he was far more than content with it just being the two of them. He nodded firmly to himself. Just the two of them. Taktuq opened his maw to speak but his teacher looked to be resting now. That just wouldn't do. He dug his paws into her side and gave her a shove, not hard enough to push her off their bed but enough to get her attention. “Why do we have to meet anyone else?” He asked, reaching forward to nip a bug he saw crawling in her fur. “We can go to your home together. I think we should. We don’t need anyone else, right?” Taktuq laid his head on her back and gave her a sweet smile, ears perked forward to hear her response.



5 Years
02-25-2019, 05:09 PM
Orablle chuckled, in no way was she trying to disrespect the youngster, but, it definitely took her a bit of time to learn English, therefore she would not mind if it took him a while to master her home language, especially since the words and pronunciation of everything she said would be very complex and different than what the male was used to. But, she had no qualms about the idea as she turned her cranium after the dame felt her little companion nip at her fur. "I be happy to teach." She gave a small oof, when the young male pushed on her form to get her attention. He definitely hadn't lost his puppy side despite being a yearling, which the dame certainly didn't mind. He still needed some form of guidance and a caretaker anyways, but, certainly had a lot to learn when it came to personal space and manners. The actions she sometimes did with young pups would not be considered harsh, but, she would not do that to Taktuq, especially since she had no idea how long he had been alone without an adult in his presence. She was sure he would learn with time.

"Cannot go back home. Thousand miles away, I nomad. Besides, want to adventure, be alone from old home and pack," she stated to him. Besides, the lands she resided in and came across different wolves were her home. Though she had met quite a few undesirable wolves upon her journey, at least it was something new and she would be able to pass down her adventures and stories to her pups if she were to ever find a mate. But, as of right now, she had this yearling to look after, and that was enough for her. "We meet different wolf. They show up when not expecting, same as when we met," she informed, looking out the window slightly despite barely seeing it since her cranium was still upon her paws. "What words young one want to know with my language?" She asked, swiveling her ear in curiosity slightly, waiting for a response from him.



1 Year
02-25-2019, 05:24 PM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

Taktuq wriggled around with a toothy grin when Orabelle agreed to teach him her language. Perhaps the young male would find a place to belong back in her home. Somewhere to call his own. Images of the two of them traveling to wherever she came from left his mind as soon as they entered it when Orabelle promptly told him no. His face fell in disappointment and then confusion. She had left her pack on purpose? Taktuq wanted to go back to his. Why would anyone want to leave their family? With a deep sigh, the young wolf did not press the subject further. Instead, he cast his gaze into the surrounding room. Odd shapes on the walls with images of mountains and trees lay all around them. Things of metal reflected the dull like that was outside, there was a bitter scent in the air. He did not like the two-legged’s creations.

“We meet different wolf…”

Taktuq tuned her out. No we will not. He thought, boring holes in the back of Orabelle’s head with his unfocused stare. His ears twitched at her question and he lifted his head. “How do you say fog?” He was curious what his name would be in her native tongue. After a moment of thinking, he licked his nose. "And mama?" Maybe one day he would be allowed to return home. Maybe Nini would be proud of all he learned if he could prove he could see through the fog.



5 Years
02-25-2019, 05:44 PM
The dame knew that Taktuq might have tuned her out when it came to meeting new wolves, but the female didn't really mind. He was unsure about the idea, so the woman didn't think about pressing the subject any further to the young lad. He seemed too far into his own little world for a little while that she was unsure if he heard her question about what he wished to know when it came to her language, but, surprisingly he actually did ask her. Fog and Mama, huh? She smiled and looked to the window once more, thinking about her old home for a little while and wondering how her old pack was doing. If the rain had calmed down and if any of her family had brought children into the world as well, but she turned her cranium back towards the young wolf.

"Fog, that would be Ceò," she told him, giving a small smile as she looked to him. She thought about it for a little more, and thought that perhaps that could be her name for him. He seemed more like a Ceo to her at least, but, she would not be rude about it, she only liked the way it sounded not that his name was bad, but, with the thought that his mother gave it to him due to ill intentions; she at least wanted to give him a name of pure intent because it sounded nice and seemed like him. "As for would be Màthair."



1 Year
02-25-2019, 06:31 PM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

“Cow.” Taktuq repeated confidently. Yes. Yes, indeed. "Hello, my name is Cow." He said boldly. He would learn this new language easily. Hah! Orabelle would be proud of him. This would be a breeze. At least the male thought so until the second word. His face wrinkled into one of confusion. “Ma...Moth...M-” Taqtuk let out an irritated huff. “Mathare?” Good enough. He mumbled the word over and over to himself softly, concentrating on not biting his tongue. His ribs squeezed suddenly and he let out an almost birdlike squeak. “Màthair. Right?” Taktuq suddenly lurched to his feet, his body wriggling with glee. “I said it, didn’t I?” He yipped.

The male leaped off the couch and danced on the cold floor, immensely proud of himself. “Màthair, Màthair!” Oh she would be so proud! He spun around and bounded up to Orabelle. He pressed his nose to hers, eyes beaming. “How do I say hello?” Taktuk pulled back and looked around the room. Eyes landing on a stick near the entrance, he moved with spring-like steps to scoop it up from the ground. “Wha abot thsik?” He asked around the wood, prancing back to his guardian.



5 Years
02-25-2019, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2019, 09:55 PM by Orabelle.)
The way he pronounced his name in gaelic made the woman chuckle. She never would have thought that his name would be 'Cow', especially since she was trying to make it seem like less of an insult and more-so unique. That certainly was not the pronunciation but she smiled nonetheless and went along with it for the time being. "Cow, huh? Well, not how I announced it, but it cute," she grinned trying to lighten the mood a little bit more. But, the way how he spoke Mother, it warmed the canine's heart. He definitely had potential and seemed to be a fast learner, that was a definite fact that the woman could see right away, and his willingness to learn was a plus as well. His 'Nini', certainly was heartless in the fae's eyes, for there was certainly nothing wrong with him. "Very good, very good," she retorted until he asked how other things were said in her language.

"Hello is 'halò'" she stated, her tail swaying slightly as she was rather happy teaching him her language. It definitely brought back a lot of memories when she taught children how to pronounce words from the language her pack spoke, so teaching Taktuq was no different. It was a special time for any wolf, and this time was no different no matter how old this boy was. The dame couldn't help but chuckle again when he tried to speak with a stick in his mouth. "No talk with mouthful, young one. Stick is gabh. And, hello my name is fog, how are you is: 'Halò is e m 'ainm ceò, ciamar a tha thu?"



1 Year
02-26-2019, 11:06 AM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

Taktuq practiced his speech with Orabelle’s help until he could more or less pronounce the sentence she suggested to him. He would practice more, he would learn so that he could impress his companion with his know-how. Satisfied with his progress thus far the young wolf sprawled out on the ground in front of Orabelle and gnawed on the stick he had found, soothing the ache in his gums. A loud clamoring caught his attention and Taktuq spit out a piece of bark quickly, rising to his feet. “Did you hear that?” He asked quietly, taking a step back towards the female.

The sound echoed down the hallway, the sound of grunts and metal, coming from the darkest depths of the building. A pounding drum formed in his temples as Taktuq focused on the noise, eyes widening. “What is that?” His heartbeat nearly drowned out the sound. His fur bristled as the noise got louder, more frantic. The feeling of fire seeping into his taut muscles pulled his face into a series of different expressions. He could not calm them and quickly pressed himself into Orabelle’s fur. “W-wha-wh-” Taktuq could not spit out his sentence through his violent tics, the fear rising in his throat intensifying them. They were not alone.



5 Years
02-26-2019, 09:00 PM
The female's lobes stood at full attention when she heard the ruckus coming from the hallway. She was sure that there was no danger, but, perhaps she was wrong? She leaped from the couch, her eyes scanning for any signs of the 'intruder' as she sniffed the area. There didn't seem to be any other wolves within the area, but, that didn't mean that there was any other form of danger lurking around the area. The poor yearling certainly had the wits scared out of him, but, she was his guardian for the time being, so that meant taking care of him and making sure that he was safe. But, that also meant later on down the line she would have to spar with him and teach him how to defend himself.

Her eyes focused down the hallway, the sound of clanging metal reverberated in her ears as she went into the room next door, her eyes scanning the area when she happened to see a mouse nearby. The little critter looking up at her with shock and confusion, giving off a gentle squeak in greeting before scurrying away within a hole in the wall. The femme chuckled and walked back over to her little companion, giving him a small nuzzle upon the cheek in reassurance, "It only mouse, nothing to be scared of," she reassured before lying down on the tile flooring that was underneath the couch. It was definitely much cooler that was for sure. "You continue chewing on stick," she grinned, trying to make the young male feel better from his scare.



1 Year
02-26-2019, 11:12 PM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

When Orabelle moved away form Taktuq he immediately sank to the ground, legs coiled underneath him like a spring. He was ready to bolt and awaited his companion’s command to do so. Much to his surprise and relief, the she-wolf reappeared wearing nothing more than a knowing grin. A mouse? Taktuq released his muscles and flopped onto his side, releasing a breath the male didn’t realize he had been holding. He said nothing and pulled his chew toy back into his jaws to chew away his embarrassment.

It must’ve been sometime soon after that Taktuq dozed off, for when he opened his eyes the mist surrounding the building was a warm peach hue. Sunset. With a mighty stretch and a soft yawn, the yearling stood to his feet and flexed his toes. He tiptoed over to his companion and nudged her softly. “Orabelle, wake up.” He was not sure if she was actually asleep or not but he prodded her with his cold nose regardless. Taktuq was tired of being cooped up in this strange place and was eager to get moving.



5 Years
02-27-2019, 11:40 PM
Icy eyes reverted back to the young wolf who happened to prod her with his frigid nose. Despite the femme being warm and comfortable, the male was eager to continue on with their adventures. She did not mind in the slightest about continuing, but, the night would be rather dangerous if they proceeded to continue for some time. She turned her cranium and gave a gentle smile to him showing that she was awake. He surely had rambunctiousness and always seemed to be on the move, even if he were chewing on an object, he was always doing something. Least that was what Orabelle had noticed in her short time of being with the youngster. Her eyes shifted to the window, watching to see if there was any danger. When there wasn't she looked back to Taktuq and nodded her cranium.

"We continue, only for little while," she informed as she got up and shook her pelt of any unwanted things that would cause her trouble in the long run and proceeded to walk out the door, only stopping once or twice to make sure that the yearling was following her. She would have to hunt for them soon, "Can hold off on food for little while? I find food when we out of this area, that ok?" She asked, tilting her head slightly, hoping that the young cargo wasn't too hungry and didn't wish to eat right then and there. But, he was always lenient with her so she was sure he wouldn't have any qualms with it.



1 Year
02-28-2019, 12:29 PM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

The wolf nodded eagerly. He wanted to be gone from this place. It was not wolf, it did not feel safe. Orabelle vigorously shook her fur and Taktuq followed suit. While his fur was not thick, his scruff held debris from the ground that he heard skip along the cold floor with soft clicks reminiscent of the sound his teeth made during his facial spasms.  

"Can hold off on food for little while?”

While the young wolf was hungry, and all the travel he had done in the last week burned far more calories than he was consuming, he nodded. “I’m okay.” True, he had felt weakened by the burden of their short journey, but his excitement in learning sated that hunger. He would not be weak. He was not weak, he had told himself everytime he found himself out of breath and lagging behind his companion.

The afternoon fog was thick in the city which brought Taktuq to almost rest his chin on Orabelle’s flank as he followed her. He did not like it here, it reminded him far too much of himself. He could not see through the smaug and a spike of fear penetrated his gut. Would he always be able to see through the fog in his brain? Would it cloud over completely, subjecting the poor wolf to a short lifespan of immobilizing tremors?
Taktuq buried the worry deep in the back of his brain as the pair maneuvered their way through the remnants of human civilization.