
You Know What Time It Is? It's Tomorrow!



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
02-25-2019, 10:50 PM

A grin spread across her face as she chased after the tiring animal. She'd had the excellent luck while exploring the north to come across a sick, young dall sheep. It seemed to have some sort of respiratory disease. It was the creatures coughing that had originally alerted her to its presence. She chased the creature along the rocky terrain as the cold air cut into her and the flurries swirled around their moving forms. The rocks were icy and slick and at one point she almost fell. Finally, she leapt down as the goat stumbled and in an instant she was on top of it. The kill came swift and Pyralis dove right in, anxious to fill her belly. In the distance she could hear the roar of the waterfall which she mean to take a look at later. Her tour of the north was aimless but enjoyable though the scarcity of food was becoming a real hindrance. As such Pyralis decided to cut her tour short and start heading back to Auster. She'd return later in the spring.

The roar of the waterfall became a distance background noise but everything else was silent. That made it difficult to tell if something was off. There were no sounds of birds this time of year and the waterfall would mask the subtler sounds of winter. Even so, she had to admit she had a small preference for the north over Auster. In some ways she felt it built a stronger wolf to have to struggle through these conditions. Of coruse she'd always have a soft spot for the canyon. She had yet to find anything in Boreas that compared. Maybe some day she would.

There was barely any wind but when she scented the air she detected no sign of danger. However, instinct told her that something was off. She just felt like she was being watched. Pyralis lifted her head from her meal, lapping at the blood around the edge of her mouth as she glanced around. There. She spied a rock that had not been there before and quickly realized it was a mountain lion. No way was she sharing! Pyralis' hackles laced up her back, her fur standing on end as she growled. As an added move she stepped protectively over her kill. She was much bigger than the cat and she hoped that was enough to scar it off. Pyralis wasn't averse to fighting but she wanted to enjoy the rest of her travels in relative comfort, not nursing wounds.

The cat stepped forward, its own fur standing on end, its tail fluffing up to a ridiculous size as it arced it's back. The cat approached in that sideways way that cats often did. She eyed the other predator and growled again before leaping a short distance forwards and slamming her feed down. "You don't want this fight, cat." Her tone was low and threatening. The mountain lion had to be desperate to risk this encounter but Pyralis was not going to share any bits. It would be impossible for her to eat the whole thing and as far as she was concerned the mountain lion could just wait until she was finished and then eat whatever was left.

Suddenly the cat darted forward and grabbed one of the sheep's legs. Pyralis lunged toward the mountain lion, biting the cat's head in an effort to cause pain but not really intending to get a grip. She knew of the cats claws. She didn't want to get locked into combat with the creature. The cat screeched and stumbled back as it swiped at her. The claws just missed her as Pyr shifted back. She slipped on the ice and lost her footing, causing her to slide right into the lion. The two met in a tangle of fangs and limbs and when Pyralis finally separated herself she felt a stab of pain on her right left just above the knee where she was met with the sight of deep lacerations. Dam cats and their claws!

Pyralis was furious, she twisted around to attack the cat. Realizing the shift in Pyrallis' temperament the mountain lion decided to cut its losses. It turned to flee just as Pyr grabbed it's right hind ankle, feeth tearing deep and damaging tendons. As predicted the cat twisted around and she let go just in time to avoid its claws. It hissed at her, shuffled backwards a ways and then limped off. Pyralis was tempted to go after it and kill it for its insolence but she was more interested in food than revenge. The scent of blood was sure to attract even more predators. She wanted to eat as much as she could before the next set of scavengers appeared. She turned in time to see a couple ravens landing near by and eyeing her kill. Ack!

"Talk" "You" Think

Words: 260
Ongoing Total: 525
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!