
Once Upon A Time



3 Years
03-02-2019, 04:07 AM
heavily mature. please be warned

Why won't you die?! the witch snarled in the face of the moutain lion mama. The blood frenzy she was is made her lenses almost seem red from the moonlight but if one were to step closer they will notice it was only due to the crimson liquid that stained her face completely.

How did she got into this situation again?

Oh, that is right.

Upon the hill the black widow stood as still as the trees, not totally frozen, for just as their budded twigs move so does her ebon tendrils. Her eyes are closed. Tousled auburn ribbons whip about her face; blown by air as fresh as any after a rainstorm. After several deep breaths she took in the view, from where she stood the fields were laid out like one would lay a quilt. But instead of the magentas and cyans it was the earthen colours of early spring. There were ploughed fields of brown and the pastures that were still dull rather than having the bright hue of new growth. It was too early for this hill to have flowers, but she knew if she kneel on the wet blades there will already be the tightly folded petals in their green casings, swelling, ready to bloom. These long walks in nature were her treasure, by sanctuary from the dramatic tactics of her life.

She should have known that each treasure was guarded by a dragon or perhaps the witch should had laid a better eye on her surroundings.

If she did she certainly would not be in such situation.

It was not long before she came heat to head witha  mountain lion, to be prcise, the mountain lion prowled and lounged at her on her own accord and what what the witch to do but enthusiastically respond to the call of the battle? She might have been the Oracle but her muscles and mind were itching for a fight. Truth be told, her stomach was already growling on its own, how long was it since she last feed? Perhaps the spirits brought such gift to her but if she were to really stay and analyze, this was probably just a mother protecting her cubs. She thought she smelled some strange newborn scent. Damnit, she should have turned away!

A creepy, menancing laughter escape the woman jaws as she laid under the mountain lion body, it managed to pin her down. The laughter was one of a murderer, of a lunatic, of The Joker itself. Oh she was mad, mad alright.

The witch tried her best to kick the lion mama off of her but to her demise the mountain lion was more muscular than she had registered before. I will end you and wear your cubs heads around my neck like a fucking necklace! thunderous snarls were released from the back of her throat, somehow managing to avoid the mama lion attempts to grab her by the neck by moving her cranium left and right but also by pushing her chest with her front paws. Your breath smells like dicks! she snarled in the other predator face, spitting as saliva escaped her jaws that already started to have foam at the corners of her lips. This was a dangerous situation and she needed to get the creature off one way or another.

Get she gave one long push into her chest the fuck her murderous jaws lounged for her jugular Off! what a success it was, she did not manage to take a swing at her jugular fore the mammal removed herself from her however she managed to graze her shoulder as she went with her canines. She shall consider it a win.

But she might not get to celebrate it for the mountain lion was at it again, prowling and lounging to her, lashing it's tail back and forth and the woman had nothing to lose nor did she cared for the danger she was in. She was mad afte rall, why should she care? Let the caring to someone else.

Her head was tucked in order to protect her vitals, her ears flattened upon her skull, her muscle tensed and her limbs spread equally on each side to aid her ballance. For further ballance improvement, her tail went rigid and straight in order to help her movements.

She met the mama lion head on, both supporting each other on their back limbs as their bodies pressed together into the air, chest on chest, bruising and snarling at each other with all their might. The witch murderous canines took a strong grip upon the mama lion right side of the neck however it did not came without costs because it seems that her move gave the other predator the opportunity to take a good grip of her nape.

Damn you. she spatted before trashing her skull right and left, knowing it will tear at her own nape as well but hoping the predator grip will lessen as well or even lose its grip over her

And it seems that she was right! Her grip began to lessen and therefore she started to have more space to lash and trash her skull, her teeth puncturing more of the flesh until she heard a severe howl of pain coming from her opponent as she released the  attack all together and fell on the ground kicking and screaming. Apparently, he must've either severed a tendon on touched a major vein because the flood of crimson liquid that followed oafter wards was unholy.

She watched in awe as the other kicked and screamed in pain, it was...beautiful. Almost a tear fell from her eyes...for a moment. Ha! She lashed onto the creature only to sever her neck even more and cut it upon, she wanted to be covered in its blood and wear it as decoration! She will make good of her promise. Now that the mother laid dead on the ground she eyed the den she came from where she knew the cubs laid unprotected and defenseless.

She moved towards it, limping just a notch before she was engulfed in darkness.

WORDS: 1008


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.