
Birds' are jerks



4 Years
03-02-2019, 12:18 PM
Basilia found herself surrounded by trees, this was not an uncommon occurrence but it also wasn’t one she preferred. Trees meant hiding places, places where her enemies could lurk and she not know it. Basilia hated being caught unawares by anything which is why she tried her best to keep her guard up 24/7. In her mind the wolf who got caught surprise was always in for an unsurprising outcome. Failure.

This time her skills in awareness benefited her once again, she had encountered a female Gyr falcon. They had spotted her from the tree tops and gone straight for the scruff on her neck. Basilia hadn’t been looking up as much as she should have, but she did hear the sound of wings flying through the air.

Catching a glimpse of the animal as they flew towards her she readied herself for the chaos about to ensue. She was gonna walk away from this with a few more feathers and a little less space in her stomach.

As the bird grasped a loose fold of skin around her neck they started flapping their wings and Basilia let out a snuff of air. This bird thought it could lift her, what on earth was it thinking, Surely it could see her size and conclude that this tactic wouldn’t work. The only size of animal it would work on would be only a little bit larger than a pup. Basilia started to drop to the ground and roll over. The bird couldn’t very well hold her while its’ claws and feet were underneath her large mass.
The bird let go and decided to take a new tactic. While Basilia stood up it swooped at her and scratched the top of her head, between the ears. Basilia turned to look at the thing, it seemed to be stationary for the moment and she thought she could sense a feeling of smugness behind the birds’ eyes. It thought it was so tough didn’t it. Sure maybe the wolf didn’t have wings and wasn’t as agile, but she would show that bird what for.

Her eyes narrowed and the skin around her snout would scrunch up showing her teeth. Ears flattened at the flying creature she let out a growl as she opened her jaws and leaped into the air aiming to grab the birds’ foot. Basilia was going to bring this creature down to her level so she could fight it properly.

Missing the first time she wound up on the other side of the bird. As she readied her legs for another jump she saw the bird make yet another swoop. This time Basilia had reflexes enough to jump forward and out of the way. For if she hadn’t moved the birds’ claws would have made contact with the skin just above her tail. This was a tricky one indeed.

Turning around once more she noticed that the bird had flown higher. Looking past the bird she could see the reason as to why they were being so suddenly aggressive. After all she had been minding her own business, normally the wolfess didn’t fight anything that wasn’t a wolf unless it was for eating purposes only. Her current matter was for defense and eating.

What she saw was in amongst the branches of a tree, a nest. If Basilia had thought to throw her hearing over to where the nest was she would have heard the sounds of small chirps and whistles. So this was why, they were a mother protecting their young from a potential threat. The wolf could respect that, however the bird didn’t yet know of Basilias’ lack of intention to harm the small fledglings. Basilia still had a score to settle with this bird that had picked a fight with her, she would try not to kill it, but she made no guarantees to herself.

Maintaining her defenses which were protecting her facial structures she prepared for a jump. Jaws wide open she brought them down to a controlled point. Her mouth was closed enough to make sure that the bird wouldn’t escape from her grip but not putting so much pressure on the legs that it would break. The bird was trying its’ hardest to escape, flapping its’ wings but to no avail. Basilia brought her mouth closer to the ground bringing the bird with. Flinging her right paw upwards and outwards she made contact with what could be assumed to be the birds’ chest. Her force along with the help of gravity brought the bird down to land and underneath her paw.

The bird looked properly fearful, as it should be. The wolf had the power to place more of her weight onto that paw and crush the birds’ chest in an instant, but she chose to restrain herself. Instead leaving the bird with a parting threat. “You are mine now. I will spare you for the sake of your young, but remember this. If you ever attack me again, I will not hesitate to rip your throat out and slaughter your young.” Her words rippled with growls throughout she placed her other paw on the birds’ splayed out wing to hold it still while she brought her teeth to the feathers of the wing and pulled one out with her teeth. This would the birds’ reminder, she had bested them that day and could do it again.

She released the bird and it flew away, back up to its’ nest. Basilia walked away, feather held in her mouth. She was going to keep this feather and she didn’t care how hard it was to do that.

Words: 941
Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.