
Noemi vs Ashiel



03-02-2019, 08:48 PM

The gangly little yearling coydog clearly doesn't belong in such august company, and he just as clearly knows it. He's got a dirty brown coat with lighter brown brindling and surprisingly blue eyes - Nitro's own kid perhaps? - that dart back and forth between the participants. Finally his eyes rest on two of the less-intimidating options, Ashiel and Noemi - though in this particular field of contestants, "less intimidating" just meant they aren't quite as "pissing yourself scary" as some of the other guys look. "E-e-excuse me, ma'am? Sir? I-if you could just step this way w-w-w-we can get you started?" He leads them over to a circle of stones set into the ground in a ring, bobbing his head to each of them far to often in nervous bows and apologizing way too much. "I-I have go ask you n-n-n-not to step o-outside the s-s-s-stones?" he tells them extremely apologetically. "It's s-s-supposed to be an i-immediate dis-disqualification? S-s-s-sir, if you d-don't mind g-going f-first?" he adds, bowing several times to Ashiel in anxious succession.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-02-2019, 10:43 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

Activity bustled around him as Ashiel stared stoically ahead. He hadn't really know what to think when the scrappy little creatures came to Risen telling them of a great tournament. His first inclination was to suggest they remove the tail of the messenger and send them packing. It'd seemed like a scam of some sort but lo and behold they little wretches had actually managed to get all the packs of the continent for a tournament. For inferior beings he was definitely impressed. This was an excellent change to scope out the skills of the mortal warriors that inhabited Boreas. There were new pack scents and Ashiel had no doubt things had changed since the last Abraxas invasion.

Griff took to the air as a scrappy little coydog approached him and a spritely yearling. The coydog struggled to speak and when Ashiel realized he was to be paired to fight against the yearling woman he cocked his head at the coydog. Surely the little beast wasn't serious? He was going to be paired against a yearling. Ashiel knew there was no point to protesting so he simply nodded and followed the coydog to the ring. He listened patiently to the rules then nodded to the woman as he was instructed to being the fight. Formalities weren't much of a concern to him but he supposed he ought to at least introduce himself. "Ashiel Abraxas." He dipped his head in greeting before preparing to start. Griff circled above the pair, surveying the fight from above.

Ashiel shifted his skull and tail to align with his spine. His chin tucked as his fur and hackles raised. He widened his stance, rolled his shoulders forward and pinned his ears to the top of his head. Eyeing the woman for a minute his claws dug into the earth and he attacked straight on. He sought to rapidly close the distance between himself and the woman. Ashiel darted to his left, curving his upper body sharply in toward his right. He attempted to slam the bony part of his right shoulder into the muscles of Noemí's upper right shoulder, seeking to bruise her and cause the muscles to strain and spasm. Simultaneously, he thrust his chest forward, hoping to collide with her right side, just behind her right shoulder. Again he hoped to bruise the woman and also hoped that with his heavier build and force he could topple her onto her side.

Ashiel's jaws opened wide as his head dove down. He sought to bite into Noemí's back, looking to get a hold of her spine, just behind her shoulder blades, with his upper fangs on the left side and his lower fangs on the right side. He wanted to tear into the trapezius muscle, seeing to sever ligaments and cause significant damage. If he could surprise her perhaps he could slower her down. With her lighter build she could dance circles around him. He needed to do what he could to limit her mobility.

Ashiel vs Noemí for Spar
Round 1 of ?
Size: Extra Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: None
Defensive Accessory: None
Companion 1: Black-winged Kite (flying)
Companion 2: None
Mutation: None
Disability: None
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: None


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



3 Years
03-04-2019, 09:00 PM


Noemí had made her decision -- she wanted to do more. Be more. The start of that was beginning to reach out and start doing things. That was why, when this opportunity to participate in the winter tournament cropped up the yearling decided “Hey, why not?” It was a chance at starting something… maybe even proving to herself she had more to offer than just a pretty face. Win or lose Noe felt certain that she was going to change her for the better.

So here she was… a stranger in a sea of strangers. The female quietly waited until she and another were approached by a little coydog… a strange creature, not that Noemí was one to judge.  He was stuttering over his words, but Noe followed, listening patiently.

So this older male was to be her opponent. Noemí glanced over at him -- he had pretty green eyes. But Noe wasn’t here to flirt… not today anyway. She hummed thoughtfully, dipping her head back in greeting once he introduced himself as Ashiel.

“Noemí Adravendi.” The girl responded in kind.

The female began to ready herself as the male had. She flicked her ears back against her skull, wolf mimicked the male in widening her stance, keeping her joints loose as she splayed her digits. She rolled her shoulders forward and distributed her weight evenly across all her limbs. She raised her tal a well, hoping to use it like a rudder to help steer her throughout the fight. Finally he raised the fur along her body and parted her jaws ever so slightly, bracing herself for what was to come.

The other male moved quickly and Noemí responded instinctively to the movement. She twisted her body to her right, attempting to keep the two of them facing one another head on. Just as Ashiel was to collide with her Noe sprang to her left at an angle, seeking to get away from the male… but she wasn’t quite fast enough.

Asheil’s right shoulder point slammed into the very edge of the bony part of her upper shoulder with enough that it was surely going to leave a bruise of some sort to deal with later. But that was the least of her worries as his jaws sought to grab hold of her.

With Noe’s landing she ducked down some and attempted to dart towards the male’s rear left leg. She felt teeth tear into her flesh as she moved as Ashiel’s fangs closed upon her upper back on the right side of her body. It was behind the shoulder, away from his intended target, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

Blood welled up from the wound as Noe attempted her counter attack, hoping that her movement would help her rip free of the male’s teeth. She attempted to swing her right foreleg forward, trying to push through the stinging pain of her shoulder and bring her claws down in between the webbing of Ashiel’s rear right paw’s toes. She knew a paw stomp was pointless -- she wouldn’t be able to do enough damage by bruising, let alone breaking, so she sought to give him discomfort instead and maybe even limit mobility a little bit.

Noemí also parted her jaws and aimed for the lower part of Ashiel’s leg. She twisted her head towards her left, hoping to clamp her jaws with the upper one on the outside of the leg and the lower one on the inside of the leg in hopes of getting a good hold on it. She wasn’t hoping to severe anything by any means -- she didn’t want to maim the guy -- but hopefully it would bring him pain and lead into another attack for the smaller wolf.

Noemí vs Ashiel for Spar
Round 1 of 2
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Accessory: None
Defensive Accessory: None
Companion 1: None
Companion 2: None
Mutation: None
Disability: None
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: None


Art by sterling-raven



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-05-2019, 08:04 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

The thrill of battle rushed through him as his shoulder hit hers and his fangs found purchase upon the right side of her back behind her shoulder. His fangs drank deep of her blood. It had been too long since he'd had a good fight. Ashiel had taken to reflection and prayer, trying to make sense of his role as Oracle. However, deep down he would always be a warrior. This would always be what he craved. With his jaws latched onto the woman's back he could not see or guess what she was doing. Griff tried to give him a heads up but Ashiel had already decided that he wanted to maintain his grip longer if possible. He reset his defenses, tail flipping up between his legs.

He felt her right paw slam into his hind right paw and he winced at the discomfort and the pressure. It stung but she was far lighter than himself so he endured it. What nearly got him to let go though was her fangs suddenly ripping into the flesh of his right hind leg, just below his knee. He groaned in pain, squeezing his eyes shut. He had no right to dish it out if he could not take it but he knew this was a dangerous position to stay in. Ashiel opted to thrash his head back and forth, trying to worsen the damage to her back to see if he could get her to release him. In addition he attempted to throw his front legs up onto her back, hoping that his weight might push her down and secure the win. If he failed he'd have to give in. There was only so much damage he was willing to risk to his leg.

Ashiel vs Noemí for Spar
Round 2 of 2
Size: Extra Large
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Black-winged Kite (flying)
Fight Skill Level: Expert


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



3 Years
03-08-2019, 07:41 PM
Noemi could feel it. The thrill of battle rushing through her… sure the wounds she had endured thus far hurt… but she was stubborn. She didn’t want to give in. She had to keep pushing. Her teeth found purchase in the male’s leg, as did her claws, though she knew it wasn’t enough. Ashiel kept his hold on her as Noe felt her heart pounding in her chest, keeping what defenses she could throughout the ordeal.

The female let out a startled cry as the male above her began to thrash his head back and forth, tearing her flesh and bringing forth so much pain she almost faltered. It wasn’t until she felt his legs lift up over her back that Noe released him and chose to rip free. The wound on her back would definitely need tending to, becoming more of a severe one now, but she wasn’t through just yet. She slipped just far enough past Ashiel before she lifted her head up and to the right to attempt snapping her jaws down on his tail.

If she got a hold of him it’d just be a matter of dancing around behind him as she kept hold of it. Maybe she could even get him to accidentally go outside the stones as he tried to break free! It was all just a theory… but she had to try something. If brute force didn’t work then she had to try something more tactical. They didn’t say they had to necessarily win by submission after all!


Noemí vs Ashiel for Spar
Round 2 of 2
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Accessory: None
Defensive Accessory: None
Companion 1: None
Companion 2: None
Mutation: None
Disability: None
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: None

The Judge


03-10-2019, 09:23 AM

And the winner is...

NOEMI must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Ashiel: 327.87
Noemi: 240.3

- Judged with Love by Tea



3 Years
03-10-2019, 11:40 AM


Midway into her next attack Noemí faltered. It felt like the area Ashiel had bit and tore into was on fire. It hurt… and for an inexperienced fighter like herself she wasn’t used to such pain. It was making her head spin. She felt her vision swim before her eyes, possibly a mix of the actual wound combined with stress, and she came to a stop with a whimper. She shivered a bit, wondering why it hurt so much… was it because she merely wasn’t used to pain? She attempted to right her posture, to widen her stance, but the area on the right side of her body began screaming at her again. She shook her head, backing out of the stones and thus choosing to be disqualified.

“S-Sorry.” She was looking at her opponent, rather than the coydog that had been judging them. “I can’t keep going like this. I’m not really used to fighting yet… guess this hurts a bit more than I expected.” Noe shifted a little, favoring the injured area. “So... congrats on the win! Don’t falter now, yeah?” Sure he was more experienced than her, but the female hadn’t expected to lose this way. Noemí managed a cocky smile though, her playful nature shining through once more. “‘cause I’ll never let you live it down if you lose to someone like me. I’ll be watching you, Ashiel.” It was her way of saying she’d be watching his other fights, at least while she wasn’t in one herself.


Art by sterling-raven



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-10-2019, 12:18 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

Ashiel held fast to his grip and his efforts were rewarded. As the girl struggled against him she stepped out of bounds and was disqualified. He released his grip on her and licked the blood off his fangs. His breathing was rough but he felt exhilarated by the victory. It'd been far too long since he'd had a good battle. Griff landed near his feet, offering congratulations.

"There is no need to apologize. You are young yet and you show a lot of promise." He was surprised to see how much he meant it. The girl had spunk. "Good luck as well Noemí. If fate smiles on both of us we may meet in the ring again."



-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.