
Moving On Up

Mercy I


5 Years

07-06-2014, 12:04 PM

The small pup had begun to wander more and more, despite what her father had told her. She was too bored being stuck in a cave, now that she had tasted freedom its all she longed for. So the awkward pup ambled out of the den, her already lanky legs wobbling as she stretched out her pale body. She had no intentions of wandering too far, but there were flowers and bugs, lots of things for her purple eyes to take in. The grass was still damp with morning dew, making her giggle when it got her paws all wet. It felt funny having her fur get plastered to her legs, sticking and clinging to her long legs. Letting out a joyful yip she danced through the wet grass of the range, kicking at the blades.

It was then that Mercy looked up, realizing that she was quite the ways away from the den. Looking behind her she couldn't see the familiar landscape, instead a span of strange lands surrounded her. She wasn't too concerned though, she knew what the land smelled like so she wouldn't go away from the pack. Scorpion had told the girl all about the importance of the borders as she plucked at her fur, the conversation boring her. She had listened though, and she nodded her head as if she was promising to remember. So on she tread, her ears swiveling every which way to listen to the sounds around her. So many things to see and do, she wasn't sure that she could get to all of them in one day.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



2 Years
07-06-2014, 12:19 PM

The scarred pup had been away for a few days, now deciding to actually fight the coyotes instead of sneak up on them and kill them with a bite to the spine. Both ears were badly ripped, and three claw marks stretched across her snout, pale in color, but still standing out against her dark fur. One paw could barely hold her up, and it trembled with her weight whenever she moved; but she was determined. Hestia paused when she smelt another pup, the smell of Othello and Scorpion covering her fur slightly. With a slight tilt of her head, the pup began to run as fast as she could, limping slightly. Finally, after a few moments, the pup stopped in front of the other pup. Her light blue eyes met purple ones, and a strange affection bubbled in her. She wanted to protect this pup, and any sibling it had, even if she had to die doing it. Lowering herself to the ground, Hestia smiled at the pup, and wagged her white tipped tail slightly.

"Aren't you far away from Scorpion and Othello, young pup?" Her words came out smooth, and the pup sat on her paws, looking down at Mercy. "My mother, Viridiana, is the one who started this pack. I'm Hestia. You might have not seen me, because I've been training. What's your name, little pup?"<
