
Season of the Witch



4 Years
03-08-2019, 12:05 PM

Each day seemed to pass slower and slower until he could feel the hours crawling away as his stomach turned with anguish over the fate of his children. He wanted some assurance that they would be safe and had half a mind to simply leave Erövrare and camp out at Abaven’s borders, if not within the pack itself.

He lay in his den, facing away from the mouth with a thick fur covering the entrance. He brooded in black silence, willing himself to make the hours pass by faster but to no avail. Sulking in his den was just as fruitless as abandoning his pack to see his children, but he couldn’t find the will to face any of them. Half of them had after all plotted to betray him. He knew he should do something about that, but as long as Shaye held his children he feared any violent act would be grounds to have them kept.

With a final huff he crawled from his den, surprised to find darkness and moonlight as he entered the world once again. He supposed now was as good a time for a patrol as any, but moving at all seemed to drain him, he was too weary from grief and his still fresh wounds, but nevertheless he pushed himself into action.

He walked along the border through the less inhabited portion of the woods, his ears turning to the sounds of night creatures, and the occasional movement they made. It was not a good time for him to be alone, particularly not at night, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stand company if anyone offered it to him.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



3 Years
03-14-2019, 04:12 AM
The spider witch thought that everyone should know that it was alright to fail. So many individuals were afraid of failure they did not even try anymore. In her mind, Hannibal was not a failure and never will he be one. He did more for them then he would ever know and he will always remain the heir of the Klein Empire, the rightful ruled of the bloodline. Instead, those individuals, they join in with those who believe they are not capable of what they want to achieve. Nothing is impossible, if you can think it you can do it. Most people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure. Those who try to do something and fail exceed more than those who do nothing and succeed. Every failure in life should be a stepping stone to build on. The witch can honestly say that she was most proud of her brother and on the way he stood up for his pack. Now, it is all to him. He will need to see that you can fall down, but still get back up. He will need to learn humility and how to improve himself and grow stronger.

The path in front of her twisted, snaking around the ancient trees. The roots would criss-cross, gnarled and uneven- as beautiful as any picture book illustration. She will take in the colours with unshielded eyes and use her tail where the path rises in steep, uneven rocky steps. It was not long as a familiar scent crossed her nostrils, the unmistakable cologne of a man she did not knew well but she knew what he was. After the challenge she heard rumors both about the ruler of Erovrare and about the serpent that lured her brother. It would seem that she managed to find not one but two snakes within her new home; now, that did not came as a surprise at all, if anything she admired her tenacity and ways but their venom have mingled with the wrong clan.

Demon. she called to him in her low hisses. Her pace lessened as he saws him, a wreck, a shell of what he used to be and in a way, she understood though she had no idea what has been going on with him after the Challenge. I sense disturbance within you. she offered as she came to a halt. If the witch was filled with anger she did not let it show. Her exterior was calm and tranquil as the night before them. Come join me.  she motioned with her paw towards her left, padding the ground softly I traveled far and wide, far away lands were at my paws and I have come upon a remedy to sorrows. A cure to sadness. She did not want to believe the words she heard but what choice did she had? After all, blood runs thicker than water and she would rather believe her own blood than others over them. She took everything with a grain of salt, however. Needless to say that Jekyll was not part of the pack however he did witnessed situation that the witch has not. She knew of the snake woman that brought forth Hannibal heirs, his spawns, even though she did not personally lay eyes on them and she only briefly encountered the snake woman without much a word uttered between them. She was a force to be reckon with from what she saw on the Battlefield as she emerged victorious against her opponnent and that was something to further consider as neither of them were afraid to dirty their nails with blood.

The sadness flowed through her veins and deadened her mind whenever she remembered her brother taken away from them. It was a poison to her spirit, dulling her killing off her other emotions until it was the only one that remained and for couple of days now she could no longer hear the voices of the spirits, as if they too, were taken away. It was as if a black mist had settled upon her and refused to shift, and no matter how bright the day was she would feel no sun and hear no bird song. For the world was lost to her and she knew of nothing their ruler had done to bring forth her lost one. When Hannibal was taken away, I thought you will fight for his rescue. her hisses were soft, calm as she betrayed no other emotions through her tone of body language. She was still as a statue. I had not laid eyes upon you from then on. cerulean gaze fell upon him, whether he sat next to her or not. Her gaze burned with intensity, meant to dig a hole through his very bones.


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.



4 Years
03-14-2019, 01:25 PM

He looked back at her with a snarl growing on his features at her supposed cure for sadness. What he felt was not some melancholy on a rainy day, but a deep hurt left by both sides of his family and a man he had at first trusted. His dissatisfaction had grown with Hannibal as he rallied support for himself from the members the lightning king had gathered and filled his ranks with those who already supported his claim to power. All the while failing to complete the simple task he had given him at the rewarding of his rank.

“I had been injured protecting the territory he abandoned to fight that uppity red bastard. Defending his whelps and the children that were taken from me that same day.” He growled, his lips curling to show his fangs. “And even if I wasn’t, why would I risk my life to save a man who only followed me with the intention of betraying me?” He hissed. “Or were you somehow unaware of how my own pack called him king in secret?” He turned sharply to meet her gaze directly, bloodlust and hate in his eyes. The temptation to maim her had been strong and even stronger was the temptation to chase her from his lands entirely.

Speaking Thinking  You  

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



3 Years
04-09-2019, 03:40 AM
What was supposed to be a wonderful moment has turned sour as his disturbances grew within the Demon King before her very eyes. Sorrow words, hollowed soon started to be filled with anger and to that her own blood boiled. Every word stung only fueling the fire that burned inside of witch. Every violated phrase was like gasoline to it, her paws began to clench and unclench and her jaw rooted fore other words were told to her by her kin, by one who she trusted. When the final mento had been added to the coke inside of her she simply did nothing. She did not let anger consume her as it would have, she did not demand blood for insulting the heir to the Klein name fore as Tyrannis stood her hallucination appeared before him, this time of her fallen Father. She told her to hush, to hold her venemos tongue and so she did. How could she disobey the orders of a Fallen King. Was Jekyll mistaken in his acusations? No, it could not be for Hannibal himself seemed content in his Kingdom, in the ranks and in the place he choosed to call home. Was this the man she followed? Was this intoxicating scent comming off from such a sour being or did the Demon mind became consumed with the darkness of the abyss? She could not know but with a nod she decided to follow the hallucination as she departed, she decidd that tonight she shall leave the Demon King alone in his sorrow. There was no comfort here.

exitus unless stopped


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.